Voting Procedure on Questions relating to Reports and Petitions concerning the Territory of South West Africa - Start of public hearings fixed for 10 May 1955

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
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Les yenscignelnents suivants éyia~ant du Greffe de la Cour intema-
tionale de Justlce ont &té iris à la dispositjon de la presse:

La Çow a fké au lnardi LO lnai1955, A 10 heures 30, lrouverture
de la prockdure orale en Lraffaire conceraant la procédure de vote
appxcable aux rapports et pétitions relatifs au territoire du
Sud-Ouest africain,

Cette affaire avait 6té introd~~ite devant la Cour pour avis
consultatif en vertu drune r6solution de IrAssenlblée générale des
Nations Unies ch 23 novpabre 1954. Aux termesde liarticle 66,
paragraphe 2, du Statut, les cTenibres desMations Unies ont été jugés
susceptibles de fo~wnir des infornation sur la question,
Les Qats-
Unis diAn8rique, 1.aPo1,ogne et 1iInde se sont prévalus de eett e
faculté pour presenter des exposés, Israel, la Chine et la Yougoslavie
ont presenté des dgclarations, Le Secrétaire génkral des Nations
Ur-des a %galonent faittenir à la Cour les documents quiil a estimé
de nature à servirà élucider la question ainsi qufunenote intro-

IR Greffier de la Cour a avisé de ce qul precede les Gauvernanents
des 14enibres desKations Unies.

La Haye, le 30 nars 1955.

The following informatio nas been comicated to the Press
by the Registry of the International Court of Justice:

The Court has fixedTuesday, May lOth, 1955, at 10.30 a.m,,for
le the opening of the oralproceedhgs In the case regarding Voting
Procedure on Questionsrelating to Reports md Petitions concerning the
territory of SoutLWest Afrlça,

Thascase was brought heforethe Courtfor an AdvisoryOpinion by a
Resolutio nf the General Assemblyof the United Nationsof November 23rd,
1954, In accordancd trith Article 66 of the Satute of the Courct, the
Members of the United Nations have been considered as likely to be able
to fwnish information on the question. The UnitedStates of America,
Foland, and India have availed themselves of this rightand have pre-

sente d statementS. Israel, China and Yugoslavia have stated thelr
views kn lettersaddressedto the Court. The Secretary-Genera of the
United Nations has dso transmitted to the Court documents which, in
his opinion, are likely to be of assistance in throhg light an the
question, together ~dbh an Lntroductory Note.

The Regiçtrar of the Court has communicate the above information
to the Governients of Pembersof the United Nations.

The Hague, March 30th, 1955.

ICJ document subtitle

- Start of public hearings fixed for 10 May 1955

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Voting Procedure on Questions relating to Reports and Petitions concerning the Territory of South West Africa - Start of public hearings fixed for 10 May 1955
