Right of Passage over Indian Territory (Portugal v. India) - Sitting of October 5th, 1957

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The follomg information from the Registry of the International Court
of Justice has beea communicated to the Press,

To-day, the Intern~tiond Court of Justice nelc! a sitting in the
case of the Right of Passage over India Ter~itory (~ortugal l. ~ndia),
during d hi ch the Attorney-General of the Government of India, Shri M.C.
Setslvad, began the oral Repiy on behalf of his Goverment,

At the next sitting - at 10.30 on Monday, October 7th - the
representatives of t!lc Government of India wi.11 continue their Reply .

The Hague, October 5t'ri, 1957.

C.I.J. COL~JVC,UC 110 57f2
non officiel

Les renseigriei:ei?t s siiiv3nt:i, &i-tcnenk d-uCTreTTeàe !.a Cour interila-
.. -
tionale de Jus-Lice, ont B.tQ xis 2" La 6.i.çposition de la iJresr-e :

52 Cour interna tlonz3-e ce Justice a tenu aujo~rd lhui une audience
en liaffaire dv.droii de ?:=sase sur 4üerrikairr indien (?ortugal c. Inde),
.- cours de laquelle 1-i;,tcorneg Ge~erc.1 6.u Gouve :ne;ie-it de 11lnde, Shri
a i.1.C. 3etalvad., a coLmenc5 la rgplije orale au fior dicGouvernenent de
1 1Inde.

Au cours de 1-3 srochaine sSence -5 sio~rvrira le lundi 7 octcbre,
à 10 heures -30, la pürole sera 2,nouveau ci.om6e au re2rSsentants du Gou-
verneï~en-t 6.e 11inde pour Ir! mite dz 1eii.i- r&-1-ique.

.. --
!:? Koye, le 5 octobre 1957.

ICJ document subtitle

- Sitting of October 5th, 1957

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Right of Passage over Indian Territory (Portugal v. India) - Sitting of October 5th, 1957
