Constitution of the Maritime Safety Committee of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization - The Assembly of Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization submits to the Court

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Communique no 59/14

Les renseignement suivads émanant du Greffe de la Cour
internationale de Justicesont mis & la disposition de la presse:

La Cour intefiationale de Justice a ét6 saisie le 25 mrs
1959 diune requête pour a-~is consultatif émanant de IrAssernbl&e
de 1' Organisation inLergouvernementale consultative de la mvigztion
ma,ritjme, La question posée 2 la Cour est 1s suivante:

iiLe "Coinitde la sécurite de IrOrganisation inter-
gouvernementalc eonsultative de la navigation m,3ritime, &lu le
15 janvier 1959, a-t-il été Stzbli conform6ment A la Convention
portant creat ion de 1 fOrganisation?"

La.Haye, le 26 mars 1959.

1.C.J. &minuniauB No. )59/14
(U,,f fic ia3

The followlng infamtion from the ilegistqr of the International
Court of Justice is cormi~~nicated ta the Press:-

The As sembly of the Inter-Goverrmentzl Ibbwitime Consultative
Organization on ihrch 25ti1,1959, subiiitted ho the Intamational Court
of Justice a requcst for an ~dvisoqy opinion. The qu2stion referred
to the Court is the followhg:

"1s the Lkritime C;afe+,Conmittee of the Iriter-Cfovemzntal
Marithe Consultative Gr,;anizat ion,whish rnl~electzd on 15 January,
1959, constituted in accordance with the Cotzvention for 'che
Est ablishEen+, of the Organisation? "

lhe Hague, Ppbrch 26tb, 1954,

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Constitution of the Maritime Safety Committee of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization - The Assembly of Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization submits to the Court a request for an advisory opinion
