Aerial Incident of 27 July 1955 (Israel v. Bulgaria) - Hearings of March 25th, 1959

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File

Cornuiqui no 59/13
on officiel )

Les renseignements suivants &~.t~nantdu C-reffe de la Gour
internationzle de Justice sont mis A la disposition de la sresse:

L3.COUT 2 tenu aujourd"nii.i mercredi 25 mars deuxau-
diences consacrkes aux exceptions pr&lirzij_nairesen l'affaire
r~letive à lrinciderit aérien du 27 juillet 1555 (~sraël c.

il.Rosenne, Conseiller juridique du ?!Snist&re des
Affaires dtrzngères d 1Israël, Agent du Gouvernement dl Israël,
a poursuivi lfoxposé de La thèse de son Gouvernement. Il
reprendra la parole à Ilaudience que La Cril~rtiendra, jeudi
26 mars i 10 h. 30.

La Haye, le 2.5 rmrs 1959.

Co.wcuniLju&Na. 57/13
(unoff icfalj

The following information frorri tLle Fiegistrof the
Interna%ional Court of Justice is comtiiwlicated to the Press.

To-day, Wechesday, lthrch 25th, the Court held two
hearings devoisd to the Prelhinary Objections in the case

concemine the Aerial Incident of July 27th, 1955 (~srael -.
Baga ria 1,

K. 2osaniie, k~al A-lvisor t3 the S'fini-stry TorForeign
Affairs of Israe7, Agent for the Croirei~ent of Içrael, continued
the presentdilon of his Govern~znti sase, He wi13 resuie his
stcit~ilent at the hesi-ing to bc held ~tonermv~, Thursdq-, I'hrch ~6th~
at 10.50 a.?.

The Hague, Warch 25th, 1959.

ICJ document subtitle

- Hearings of March 25th, 1959

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Aerial Incident of 27 July 1955 (Israel v. Bulgaria) - Hearings of March 25th, 1959
