Aerial Incident of 27 July 1955 (Israel v. Bulgaria) - Hearing of March 16th, 1959

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The followinginformation from the Registry of the International.

Court of Justice haç been coinmunica.ted to the Press.

To-day, Pïarch 16th, 1959, at 4 p.m. the Internationa lourt

of Justice began its hearings on the prelininary objections saised

by the Bulgarian Gevernment in the case concerning the Aerial
Incident of July 27th, 1955 (Israel v. ~ul~aria).

After opening the hearing, the fiesident of the Court called
upon M. David Goiteln, member of the Suprerne Court of Israel, and

M. Jaroslav Zarrek, rnernberof the United fiabions Commissionon

Internationa,l Law, ehosen by the Gevernmen stof Israel and Buïgaria
respectively to si% as Judgeç ad i10~ in the case, to make the solemn

declaration providedfor in Article 20 of the Statute of the Court.

Having made the rele~rant declarations, ehey were declared ddy
installed .

The Preçidenttllen called upon M. Nissh Mevorah, the Agent
for theBulgarian Govzrnment, who explajned bow the siatement of

the Bulgzrian case would be divided befmeen the membersof the

Del.egation. He asked that M. Pierre Cat,Prof essor in the French
Faculty of Larpr,sl~oulà be allo~red to speak first.

The Yrrosident; called on M, Pierre Cot wlm, before beginillsig

his argument, once %ore expressrrd to tlzeGoverment and people of

Israel the regrets of the Goverment and ~eaple of Bvlgariâ together
with their condolenoes on the dreadful air catastrophe of July

27th, 1955.

M. PPerr: Cot tha began thestatement of the Bulgarian case

and hnlZ continue it at the hearing which will open on Tuesday,

The Hague, lhrçh X6th, 1959.

ICJ document subtitle

- Hearing of March 16th, 1959

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Aerial Incident of 27 July 1955 (Israel v. Bulgaria) - Hearing of March 16th, 1959
