Interhandel - The Court will read its Judgment on the Preliminary Objections on Saturday, March 21st, 1959

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filon officiel)

Les renseigpenents suivants émanant du Greffe de la Cour

internationale de Justice ont &6 mis k la ~sposition de la

presse :

La Cour internationale de Justice tiendra samedi 21 mars

1959, à IGdi, au Palais de la Paix à La Haye, une audience

publique pour le prononc6 de son arrêt sur les exceptions
pr613niinaires en 11 affaire de 11 Interhandel (suisse c. Etats-

Unis d 1Amérique ),

La Haye, le 16 mars 1959.

cocuauiize MO. 59/5
--=f ficial)

The foUowing information from the Registry of the

a International court of Justice has been comrrmnicated to the


The International Court of Justice will hold a public

sitting at the Peace Palace, %rieHague, on Saturday Iqarch
I ..
21st, 1959, at noon, for the reading of its Judgment on the

Preliminary Objections in the Interhandel Case (Switzerland.

-v. United States of America).

l The Hague, illarch 16th, 1959.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Interhandel - The Court will read its Judgment on the Preliminary Objections on Saturday, March 21st, 1959
