Interhandel (Switzerland v. United States of America) - Representatives of the Parties at the hearings which will begin on October 12th, 1957

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I.C. J. Communiqué No. 57/36

The follovring informatioi? froin the Registry of the Int2rnational

Court of Justice is co;s.unicated to the Press:

At the hearings .?hich will begiri on Saturday, Octo'oer 12th, 1957,

during which the Court 1r.9.11deal .::rith the request for indica.tion of

interin neasures of protection in the Interhandel Case (Switzerlznd

v. United States of herica), the Presidency for the Case will be

exercised by the Vice-President of the Court, M. Badawi, since the

piesident of the Court, 1. Hachorth, is a national of one of the

Parties to the Case.

Since the Siciss Government 'does not have a Judge of its

nationality on th5 Bvnch, it has designated 2s its Judge --d hoc

M. Paul Carry, Professor in the Law Faculty, of the University of

C-eneva. M. Carry will be installed at tlie beginning of the


The Parties hm informed the Registry that they lirillbe

represented before the Court as follows:

For the 3wTssGov---ment:

- M. ?au1 Guggenheim, Professor of International Law in the
Law F,%culty of the Univeisity of Geneva
and of the Graduate Institute of
International Studies,

assisted by:

- ivIHenri Thévenaz, Professor of International Law at the
University of Neuchâtel, and

- N. Michael Gelzer, Doctor of Law, of the Federal Political
I 9e,partment,

For th5 Governrnent of the Unitrd States -f h~erica:

- The Honora,ble Loftus Becker, Legal hiviser of the Department

of State,

as Agent, and

The Honorable Dallas S. Townsend, Assistant Attorney General,

as Co-Agent.

The Fague, 10th October, 1957.

ICJ document subtitle

- Representatives of the Parties at the hearings which will begin on October 12th, 1957

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Interhandel (Switzerland v. United States of America) - Representatives of the Parties at the hearings which will begin on October 12th, 1957
