Interhandel (Switzerland v. United States of America) - Sittings of October 12th, 1957

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The following infam:tion f'ron the Flegistry of tlie Internztiond
Caurt of Justice hzs been cor~wnic~ted to the Press:

iod2y, October 12th, 1957, the International Court of Justice

hcld two sittingv dcirotcd ,to the recpest for intcrLn. neasures of
protection subrïrit,t~d bjr th&Srriss C;uveri~icntin the case of Interhandel
(~r~fitzerlandv. United Skztes of ,Zierica). The Presidencyof the
Court wzs cxercised by its Vice-President, M. Badawi, as the President
of the Court, Mr. Hackworth, is a national of one of the Pzriies to the
case (~nited Vt,?+,cs of herica).

.'f tr openini; the prûçcedings and recalling that the Iqplication

instituting proccedin5s hcd been filed tvith the Registryon Octobor 2nd,
1957, and the request for the indicztion of intcrfn messuros on October
3rd, the President sriidthat on Octobcr 10th thci United States of ;Im?rica,
referring to Article 62 of the Rules of Court, h~d suhmitted n Prelininary
Objection to. thc proceedings insiituted by the Application and reserved
to itsalf the right to raiçc other 0bject;ionç a% a lzkr date.

Tho President ncxt procceded to instrnl M, Pm1 Carry, Professor
in the Faculty of L2w of' the University of Geneva, who was appoinsed by
the Svfiss hvernrfient as Judge ad hoc, and noted the presence of

repsesentativcs of the two Parties. He announced ihat the Court,
acting in apglication of jirticle 51 of the hies, had decided to hczr
rirst ,the Bzent of the Siviss .Coverw,ent, F~ofeçsor Paul Guggenheim,
Professor of In~ern?.tional Law in the LEW Faculty in the Unikersity of
Genevn and of the Graduatc Institut zf International Study.

Professor Gug~enheiin expounded the casc for the Srciss Gavermont
m for5he vJholc of the norning'z si-t;tj_ngmd for 2 part cf the afternoonts
sitting, aftzr hi ch the Honorable Loftus Becker, Legal Adviserof the
Department of State, and the EIorior&lc Dnllas S. To~msond, Assistant

I'Lttorney-General, respectively klze Agent and Co-Agent of the United
States, put the case for ihcir Goverrment.

The figent of the Swiss Governnent then asked to reply to the
Observztioris thcy had imde. Ilc wil1 be invited to speak at the ncxt
sitting of thc Court, which vrill bo at 10,30 ~,!n. on >bnday,October lkth.

The Hague, Octobr 12th, 1957.

ICJ document subtitle

- Sittings of October 12th, 1957

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Interhandel (Switzerland v. United States of America) - Sittings of October 12th, 1957
