Certain Norwegian Loans (France v. Norway) - Sitting of May 23rd, 1957

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
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I.C. J,

'The following iïifornzation from -the iiegistry of the Intormtioml
Court of Justice has been communicate do -the Fress:

Thiring the sitting held by the 1ntematiomlCour-t of Justice
to-c!zy, i4ay Z3rd, in the Case of Certain Borwegian bans (~rsnce v,
Morway) PP. iirntzen Agerit and 2~cEcake of the i\ron~gian Govermerit has
concluded the çtatzment of the ergument 'of the Iiiorweglan Government .
Be has presented t'e f ollowiing subrnissions :

1, The subject of the dispute as defincd in the Application is
with the &main of nrunicipal lcvrand not of internaLiona law, whereaa
the compulsoq jurisdTction 01 the Court in relation to theParties
involvedis restricied, by tlzeir DecZ-iraSlons of November 16th, 1946 and
krch Ist, 1949, to dispuLes concerningi!~termtioml law;

2. As to that part of the clab which relates ta the bond
certificates issucdby the i i g

2nd ifo~kers~ l.iousing Bankof liJomzy, these hnroBanks have a 1cga3.
personnlity seprate from that of the Momegian State; the action cannot
thereforz bc brought against that State ns n bormwer; whereas moreùver
the jurisdaction of the Courtis llmited to disputes between States;

3. The holders of bond certificates for ifhose protection the
French Governmentconsiders itselfentitled to institutc international
pro caeduigs 1xvcnot Tirst eauhausteci the local re~nsdies.

ll>I IT PL;ji:ASTiz GOIJzT,

Bejecting al1 submissions to the contrary,

La adjudgc and declare t'mt the daim put foward bg the ;ippLication
of the Frencli Gavement of Jrrly 6th, 1955, is not admissible.

On '~he I,Iér%t:

WilZELiS the ck.%n of i;he French Govem~enk is without ffoundation,


REjecting al1 submissions to the con-Lrary,

To dimess tlie claim of the French Go~si-nrnent.~~

The nexL sitting ?dl1 open at 4 $,rn, on Fri&y, Jay 24th when
Mr. André kros, Agent of the Govcrnmnt of the French nepublic ~U
pressnt his oral aramientin rei?ly.

The Hague, Piay 23rd, 1957.

ICJ document subtitle

- Sitting of May 23rd, 1957

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Certain Norwegian Loans (France v. Norway) - Sitting of May 23rd, 1957
