Right of Passage over Indian Territory (Portugal v. India) - Sittings of October 3rd, 1957

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C.I.J. Cor~munisu6n 57130
non off ici-el

Les 'ronseignecients çuivants, $nanarit 5.uGreffe dc la Cour inter-
nationale de Justice, ont étS ïlis2 la disposition de la ?Tesse :

La Coïx internation~le Ge Justice a tenu ~ujou-rdlhYi deux audien-
cc5 en Ir2fi:ire du dlroit de sassage sur territoire indien {lortugal c.

i.13ourquin, professeur 3. la Faculté c;e\i)roj.t de LiUniversit5 de
Geneve e'~A 11Institut Univerçitai~ ee Sautes 3tades internationales, -
a a chev6 la prescntatio n.e la thSse d~1?ortugal, et TI.Inoc6ncio Galvao
Telles, dircctexr de la TncultC de Droit de liünivcrsit ke Lisbonne,
~:?emhrede la Chaï*<~reFiaute (Ca1%era C~~porativa), o donné lcctu-re des

conclusions dant il a Sgaler2~nT, déposé uil exc~~~plaire.

Les eudiences reprendront 15 ssuedi 5 octobre k 16 hmres 30, Les
repre sentants de 1 1::ildprononceront alors leur rGplique, puis les re-
préseritant s du.I'oriugal prononccron'~ leur duplique. 1

La Kay, le 3 octobre 1457.

The followling information from the Registryof' the Internationül

Court of Justice hzç ken co~~unicated to the Press:

To-day the International Court of JusticehsLd two sittings in
the case of the Right of Passage over Tndim Territo~y (~ortu~al v,

M. Bowqub, professor in 'theFacultyof Law of the University of
Geneva and at th Gmddute Inçtitute of Internationa Studies, corn-
pleted tKe presentation oi'the Portupesc case, and M. Inocêncie
Galvâo ': ..*.les, directorof the Faculty of Law at the Untversity of
Lisbon, l id6mber of the Upper House (c$,"naaraCorporativa), read the

Suhissions end filed a copy of them.

The sittinl;;~will be reçwned üt 10,30 a.r-i. on Saturda~, Octobr
5th. The representatives of India knL1 then deliver their Reply,
after which the repr'esentati-iies of Portugal will mdke their Rejobnder.

The Hague, October 3rd, 1957.

ICJ document subtitle

- Sittings of October 3rd, 1957

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Right of Passage over Indian Territory (Portugal v. India) - Sittings of October 3rd, 1957
