Nottebohm (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala) - The Court will sit on Tuesday, November 10th, 1953

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File

Les rcrisclgn~~icnts sufvafits g_r.~?~nniitu Grcffc dc la Cour
internationnle d~ Justice 011-Létéris ln tlissositicfi tc 12 ;)rcssc.

Li:n:mcli 10 noveriibrc 1953 i 10 hcures 30, la Cour intcrilrtiona.1~
dc Justice tiencira unc aud5ence zu E2lnis de 13- Pakk à IL. Hsyc cn
1lnifeirc IJottcobohn (Liechtenstein contre Gu~.terïl~~a.

Lizudicncc sera consacrée uniquencnt à 12 quzstion de cor.~pétence
0 Cour, qui 2 été contcstéc ;)Zr lc Gouvcrncr:l~nt c:u Gu~temla.

Tho fouortj_nz informtion f roi.: th3egistryof thc Intern2tioml
Court of Jus tice has been ~om~~unicntcd to the press.

On TUZS?~~, TJovember lOth,1953, at 10.30 a.n., thc Internatiai~~l
Court of Justice prill sit ?.t the Psp-c~ P?lsc; in The Knwe for a
hearing in the il:ottebohixczLsa (Liecliteiz~t~in 1. Gu?tciraLn).

The psesenthcarin~. wil1 Sc concernecl solcly r\ii.t:? thù questionof
thk jurisdictioli of the Cowt lalich hz,s bccn contcsteci by the

Tho Ha~wc, Ibvembcr 4th, 1953.

ICJ document subtitle

- The Court will sit on Tuesday, November 10th, 1953

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Nottebohm (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala) - The Court will sit on Tuesday, November 10th, 1953
