Monetary Gold Removed from Rome in 1943 (Italy v. France, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States) - Hearings of May 10th, 1954

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The following infornation fyom the Xegistry of the International
Court has been communicated to the Press:

To-day, Iviay10th, 195&, the International Court of Justice held two
public sittings ta commenceits exmination of the preliminary question
raised by the Italian Goverment in the case concernbg Monetary Gold
looted from 19.43. This case was instituted bg the Italian
C-overnment against the United States of America, France and the United
IIingdom of Great Britainand Korthern Ireland.

The sitting was opened under the Presidency of Sir Arnold McNair,
' Presiden-i, who announcedthat one of the Nembers of the Csrurt, M. Alvarez,
was prevented by ill-health from taking part, at thatmoment, in the
proceedings of the Court.

He then caUed on f!i.Feodor Tvmovitch Kojemîkov, who was elected
as a Member of the Court in November, 1953, to make thesolm declaration
*, prescribed by tJheEules of Court. liSnen Ci. jewiikov had made this
solemn declaration, the President placedit on record and declaredhim duLy
installeclas a Judge of the Coufi.

The President then delivered arz obituaryoration in rnemory of the late
SirBenegal IGarsing Rau, vrho rvaselected as a Member of the Court In
Februsmj, 1952, and died on November 3Oth, 1953. The texL of this obituary
oratiori,on terinination of ~rr'nichtheCourt and tk public stood up as a
solemn tribute to the deçeasedi Judge, is reproduced ~ the minutes of the
sit ting.

The Presldent t'nen trarisferredthe Presidency to T4.Guerrero, Vice-
Presldent of the Court, who assmed the fmctiens of President in the

h'lonetaryGold case, owing to the fact tha-t the President Is a national of
one'ofthe Parties in the case.

The Vice-President, Acting President, referred to the casewhich the
Court 'was about to exâriïlne,and observed t-iatthe discussiow nould be
confined to the praliminery question raisedby the Italian Goverment. He
* noted thatas the Court didnot include on the Bench a Judge of its om
nationality, tkis Governent had desipated M. Gaetano Morelli, Professor
of International Law in tlae University of Fiorne,s a Judge ad hoc,

M, Morelli was brought into the Hall of Justice, and took his seat,
after rnakingthe solemn declaration prescribed by the Rules of Court.

The Vice-President noted that the representatives of the Parties were
present in the Court,namely:

For the .,. For the'Governent of tne Italian Reaublic :
Agent : H.E, M, Vasto Caruso, Italian Ambassadm at The Hague.
Courisel: PI. Tamaso Perassi, Professor of Iriterndional Law at the Faculty of Rome,

For the Governent of the French Renublic :
Agent : M. André Gros,Legal Adviser to the Minlst~y for Foreign Affairs.
~o<ise&: M. Philippe Monod, Minist er Plenipotentiary.

For the Governent of the United Kinge:
Agent : ,551G-erald Fitamurice, K.C,M.G, ,egal kdviser ta the Foreign Office.
,..uriç'el: Pir. J.E. C. Fawcett,D.S,C., Member of the English Bar,

The Agent of the United States Governent had stated that he would n~t take
part in the oral proceedings though he wouLd remain at the Courtlsdisposal.

The VLce-President called an the Agent of the 1talia.n Goverment, who made
a short stat~ment, after which he gave place to the Italim Governmen tz Counsel.,

The latter delivered an address, which he concluded at $he public sitting

iq the afternoon of the same day. '*

!;ken closing the afternoon sittlsig, the VicePresident annowicedthat the
ne& public sitthg wcluld be held on Tuesday, T4ay Uth, 1954, ai 4 p.rn., when the
Agents and Counsel of the French. Government and of the United Kingdom Government,
defendants, would be heard.

The Hague, May 10Lh, 195.4.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Monetary Gold Removed from Rome in 1943 (Italy v. France, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States) - Hearings of May 10th, 1954
