Voting Procedure on Questions relating to Reports and Petitions concerning the Territory of South West Africa - The Court will hold no public hearings in this case

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C.I.J. Communiqué no. 55/27
(non-o ficiel 1

Les renseignement suivants, émanant du Greffe de la Cour
international de Justice, ont &té mis à la disposition de la presse:

En l'affaire de la procédure de vote applicableaux rapports
et pétitions relatifs au territoire du Sud-Ouestafricab, soumiseà
la Cour uitesnationaid ee Justice pour avis consultattf (réféeence :
corn-unique ho 23 du 30 mars 1955, qui. avaitannoncé que le 10 mai avaLt
étéfixé pour 1r ouverture des audience si,laCour Internationale de
* Justicene tiendra pas di audience, aucun Etat ni ayant demandé & etre
entendu. Le moment venu, l'avis de la Cour sera prononcé en audience

La Haye, le 9 mai 1955.


I.C. J.

The foUow5ng iYlfomation from the Registryof the International
Court of Justice has been comicated to the Press:

procedw-e on questionsfrelathgvisto reportsrandrpetitionsthconcerning the

territoryof South-lmr7eAfrica (re ferenc: CommuniquéNo. 23 of
March 30th, 1955; In which Iqay 10th was announced as the date for the
opening of the oral proceeàings), the Interna-tionzl Court of Justice
will not hold public hearingssirice no State has requested to be heard.
In due coursethe Opinion of the Court will be delivered at a public

The Hague,May $th, 1955.


ICJ document subtitle

- The Court will hold no public hearings in this case

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Voting Procedure on Questions relating to Reports and Petitions concerning the Territory of South West Africa - The Court will hold no public hearings in this case
