Certain Norwegian Loans (France v. Norway) - Sittings of May 22th, 1957

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Les renseirnoment suivants émanant du Greffe de la Cour
htemistionale de Justice ont ét6 mis à la disposition de lapresse:

Lors des deux audiences tenues par la Cour internationale de
Justice aujourdthui2 ,2 mai, en l'affaire relative B certains
emprunts norvégiens (~rmce c. Norvège) , MMrnmensen, Avocat $ la
Cour suprgme de Norvgge, et Bourquin, Professeur 9.1tUniuersit Be
GenPive et $ 1 Institut universitair ees Hautes Etudes internationales,
ont poursuivi l~eqos8 de la these du Gouvernement nomr8gien.

La prochaine audience stouvrirs le jeudi23 mai, 9,10 h.30.
M. Arntzen, Avocat h la Cour supsrne de NorvBge, reprendra la parole
pour teminer ltexpose de la thesa norvtsgienne,

La Haye, Le 22 mai 1957.

Cornmunisud 57h0

The foLlowing information from the Registry of the Ii-iternztional
Court of Justice has been comrininicated to the Press: .

During the two sittlngs held by the ïnternakional Court of Justice
to-day, May SZnd, in the case of Certain Norwegian Loans ranc e,
Nomag) , W. Evensen, I',dvocatab the '~upreme Court, of Nomay, and
M, Bourquin, Professor at the University of Geneva and at the Graduate

University of IntematLonal Studies, continued the statement of the
arment of the Norwegian Governiment.

The next sitting wilL open at 10.30 a.m.on Thursday, &y 23rà,
when M. Hmtzen, Mvocate at the Supreme Court of Noxway, wilP address
the Court in order to conclude the statement of the Narwegian arpent.

The Hague, IIay 22nd, 1957.

ICJ document subtitle

- Sittings of May 22th, 1957

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Certain Norwegian Loans (France v. Norway) - Sittings of May 22th, 1957
