Certain Norwegian Loans (France v. Norway) - Sittings of May 20th, 1957

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
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Les renseignements suivants émanant du Greffe de la Cour
internationde de Justice ont 4th mis & la disposition de la presse:

La Cour internationale de Justice a tenu aujourd'hui deux
audiences en l'affaire relztive à certains emprunts norvdgiens
(F'rance c. ~orvège) .

Lors de l'audience du matin, M. Arntzen, Avocat à la Cour
suprême de Norvège, agent eC avocat du Gouvernement norvdgien, a
poursuivi l~expos6 de la thèse de son Gouvernement, Lors de .
If audienoe de lf~près-midi, la pkmle a Bt6 donnde 8. M.M89n?aaeBoma
Professeur à lfUniversit6 de Genbve, et à lthstitut universitaire '
des Hautes Etudes internationales, pour continuer cet exposd,

M. Bourquin reprendra la parole lors de la prochaine'audience

de la Cour qui slouvrira le mardi 21 mai, à 10 h. 30.

La.Haye, le 20 mai1957.

The following information from the Registry of the Internation&
Court of Justice has been communicated to the Press:

The International Court of Justioe t&ay held two sittings in
the case of Certain Norwegian .oa.s (~rmce v. Norway) .

At the morning sitting, M. Arntzen, Advocate 2t the Suprerie
Court of Nomay, Agent and Advocate of the Nomregian Goveriunent,
continued the statement of the argument of his Government. At the
afternoon sitting , M. Maurice Bourquin, Professor at the University
of Geneva and at the Graduat e Inst itute of. liiternational. Studies ,
was called upon to continue that statement ,

M. Bourquin will resume his address to the Court at the ne*
sitting of the Court which will open at 10.30 asn. on Tuesday,
' May 21st.

The Hague, May ath, 1957.

ICJ document subtitle

- Sittings of May 20th, 1957

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Certain Norwegian Loans (France v. Norway) - Sittings of May 20th, 1957
