Monetary Gold Removed from Rome in 1943 (Italy v. France, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States) - The Court will pronounce its Judgment on Tuesday, June 15th, 1954

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
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Document File

Les renseigneinents suivants, 6manank du Greffe de la Cour
internationale de Justice, ont ét6 mis à la disposttion de la
presse :

La Cour internationale de Justice tiendra le mardi 15 juin
195.4 ,12 heures,au Palais de l2 Paix A Ln Haye, me audience
publiquepour prononcerson errat en linffeire de l'Ur monét~~ire
pris à Rome en 19.43 (question Cette affaire a été
introduite par l'Italie contre la France, le Reyaurne-Uni et les
Etats-Unis d'hlérique.

La Hzye,le 10 juin 1954.

The following information from the Registry of the Tnker-
national Court of Justj-ca has been comnicntcd ix the press:

The International Court of Justice will hold n public
hearing at the Pcacz P~lacc, The Hamc, an Tuaçday,June lTth,
1954, at 12 noon, to pronomce its Judpznt in the cmz concorn-
Ing ihe E'ionlvtarGo16 rcmovcd f rom Rome in 19.43 (Pr~1him.r~
Ûuestlon) . This case w;;s'ûr~ught by Ttaly 8.gaLnstFrmcc, the
Unutcd Kingdom ;7ndth< United Stntaz of A''merica.

The H,zguc, June lOth, 1954,

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Monetary Gold Removed from Rome in 1943 (Italy v. France, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States) - The Court will pronounce its Judgment on Tuesday, June 15th, 1954
