Nottebohm (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala) - Sittings of February 15th, 1955

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
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Les renseignements suivants émanant du Greffe de la Cous In,er-
nationale de Justice, ont été mis ;:la disposition de la presse:

La Cour Internationale de Justice a tenu aujourdihui'deux
audiencesen l'affaire Nottebohm(~iechtenstein c..~uatemala).

Le conseil du Gouvernemen te Liechtenstein, ?4. Sauser-Hall,
a poursuivi la plaidoirie quT il avait comnencée hier. 11 la
* continuera à la prochaine audiencede la Cour, qui s1ouvrira dernajn
16 février, à 10 h. 30.

La Haye, le 15 février 1955

The follotjing information fmmthe International Cowt of
Justice ha3 been comunicated to the Press:

The international Courtof Justice held two sittvlgs to-day in
the Nottebohm case (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala).

M, Sauser-Hall, Counsel for the Governent of Liechtenstein,
continued the adàress wliichhe Segan yest erdw. He wjll continue
his address at the next; public sittihg of the Court to be held
to-morrow ,ebruarj Ibth, at 10.30 a.m.

The Iiague, Febmiary 15th, 1955+

ICJ document subtitle

- Sittings of February 15th, 1955

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Nottebohm (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala) - Sittings of February 15th, 1955
