Nottebohm (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala) - The Court's Judgment will be read on April 6th, 1955

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Les renseignements suivants, émanant du Greffe de la Cour

jntemationa.le de Justice, ont ékBmis à la àisposltion de la
presse :

La Courintemztionale de Justicetiendra le mercredl
6 avril 1955, à 14 heures, zu Palces de la Paix à La Haye, une
a.udience publique pour la lecture de son arrêt en l'affeire
Mottebohm (dedème phase) entre le Liechtenstein et le Gua.ternala.

Communiqué No 55/24

The followbg Lnfomtion fFwn the Registry of' the International
Court of Justice has been communicate o the Press:

The Intemationa-1 Court of Justice wlli hold a public sittjng
at the Peace Palace, The Hague, on Wednesday, April6th,1955, at
4 p.m,, for the re~ding of its Sudgrnent in the Riottebohm Case
(second phase) between Liechtenstei nnd Guatemala.

The Hague,April 2nd, 1955

ICJ document subtitle

- The Court's Judgment will be read on April 6th, 1955

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Nottebohm (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala) - The Court's Judgment will be read on April 6th, 1955
