Nottebohm (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala) - Sittings of March 7th, 1955

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CommuniquéNo, 55/12
(non-of f iciel)

Les renseignements suivants Smanant du Greffe de la Cour
internationale de Justice on'i StS mis à 'la disposition de la presse:

Aujourd'hui, lurldi 7 1955 la Cour internationale de
Justice a tenu deux audiences dans 1 laffaire Nottebohm (Liechtenstein
c. Guatemala). Au djbut de 11audience du matin, M. V.S. Pinto Juarez,
agent du Guatemala, a donné lecture des conclusions finales de son

Me Henri Rolin et Ke NoLine ont commencéla plaidoirie en
rbplique au norn du Chuvernerfient du Guatemala. Me Rolin continuera
cet exposi à la prochaine audience de la Cour, mardi 8 à 10 h.30.

La Haye, le 7 mars 1955.

CommuniouéNo. 55/19
I.C.J. ~wicial)

The following information from the Registry of the International
Court of Justice has bevn communicated to tha Press:

To-day, Ikrch 7tl1,1955, the International Court of Justice held
two sittings in the Nottebohm case (Liechtenstein v. ~uatemala) .
At the beginnhg of the morning sitting, Me V. S. Pinto Juarez, Agent
w of Guatemala, stated the Final Conclu.sions of his Government.

Ne Henri Rolin ,and Professor Molina began the presenta.- ion of
the oral Rsjoindzr on be!?r:?lf of the Goverment of Guatemala. Me
Rolin will continuc this presentation at the next sitting of the
Court, Tuesdqy, krch Gth, at 10.30 a..m.

The Hague, March 7th, 1955.

ICJ document subtitle

- Sittings of March 7th, 1955

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Nottebohm (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala) - Sittings of March 7th, 1955
