Judgments of the Administrative Tribunal of the ILO upon Complaints Made against Unesco - Representatives of the States which have declared their intention to take part in the oral proceedings

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Communiqué 54/10
....... ...,. (unoff icial)
, .. -

The followhg information fromthe Registry of the International
Court of Justfce has been communicated to the Press:

The States which have declaredtheir intention of taking part In
the oral proceedings in the case of the UniteO MationsAdministrative
Tribunal(in whieh public hearhgs befor~the International Court of
Justice~ùill begin on Jwie 10that 10.30 a.m.) have designated for

thispurpose the following representatives:

Franc e represented by Professor PaulReuter,
Assista& LegalAdviser to
the bistry of Foreign

M, Jean Spiropoulas,

Legal AdvLserto the
Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

Professor A.J,P. Tammes,
of Amsterdam University.

United Kingdom It Sir Reginald Manningham-
Bull&, Q.C., M.P.,

United States of America II The Honorable

Heman Phleger;
Legal Adviserto the ~iate

The Secretary-Eenera of the United Nations will be repr esented
by Mr;. Constantin Stavropoulos, Principal Dircctorin charge of the
a Legal Depa-rbrnent;

The Hzgue, Jw,e $th, 1954.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Judgments of the Administrative Tribunal of the ILO upon Complaints Made against Unesco - Representatives of the States which have declared their intention to take part in the oral proceedings
