Nottebohm (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala) - Sittings of February 24th, 1955

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Les renseignements suivznt s émanant du Greffe de la Cour
internationale de Justice ont 6t6 ;nis à la disposition de la
presse :

La Cour internationale de Justice a tenu aujourd'hui deux
audiencesen 1 affaire Nottebchm (~iecht enstein c. ~ua,temaba).

Me'Henri Ralin, conseil du Gol~vernemerit du Guatemala, a
achevé son 'expos6, teminant ainsi le precier &change de plaidairies
entre les parties. -

A lrissue de l'audience, le President de la Cour,
l*. KackwoY.thl après avoir consulté 17agent du Gouvernement de
Liechtenstein, a fixé la prochaine audience 5 mercredi 2 mars,à

10 h. 30. La parole sera donnée5 cet agent, pour sa plaidoirie
en réponse.

La Haye,le 2i+ février 1455.

CommuniquénQ 55/15

The followinginformation fron the Registry of the
International Court of Justice has been comntcated do the Press :

To-day the Internationd Courtof Justice hald two
çitt ings in the Nottcbohm case (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala

Maitre . Henri liolin, CounseL for the Go~~~inent of Cuatei~zla,
cornpleted his s tat ement, thus terr,xLmting the Zhst e:;ckange of
pleadings betwsen the Parties .

At the eiîd of the sitting, 1 ~eckv~orth, Presickmt of the
Court, sfter coneulting the Bgent of the Government of Liechtenstein,
appoinked Plebesday, Fkrch 2nd, at10.30a.m. as the &te of the
ne& public hearing. The said Agent ~ll then be called on to mke
his statement in reply.

The :-:que, February î@h, 1955.

ICJ document subtitle

- Sittings of February 24th, 1955

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Nottebohm (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala) - Sittings of February 24th, 1955
