Nottebohm (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala) - The Government of Guatemala appoints its Agent and its Counsel

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,Communiqun éo.53/43

(non-officiel) ,

Les renseignsments suivants émanant du Gref r'ede la Cour inter-
nationale de Justice ont été mis 5 12-disposition de la presse:

Le Ministre des Affaires étrangères du Guatemala a informé
par cable le Greffe de la Cour internationale de Justice que son
Gouvernement avait nommé, comme agznt devant la Cour en 1'affaire
Nottebohm, M. Victor Salomon Pinto Juzrez, Ministre du Guatemala
à Berne, M. Juarez sera assiste de CI. Carlos Hall Lloreda, comme

conse il.

Communiqué na, 53f1ç3
(unof ficial)

The following information from the Zegkstry of the International
Court of Justice has been communicated to the press:

The Idfinisterfor Foreign Af fairs of Guatemala bas informed
theRegistry of the Internationa lourtof Justice by cable that his
Goverment has appointed W. Victor S~lononPinto Juarez, Minister of
Guatemln 2t Berne, as its Agmt bcfore the Court in the Nottebohm
case. M. Junrez >~illbe xsisted by M. Gsrlos Hall Lloseda, as

The Hngua, Decsmbcr2%h, 1953.

ICJ document subtitle

- The Government of Guatemala appoints its Agent and its Counsel

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Nottebohm (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala) - The Government of Guatemala appoints its Agent and its Counsel
