Minquiers and Ecrehos (France/United Kingdom) - The Court will pronounce its Judgment on Tuesday, November 17th, 1953

Document Number
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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File

Les rz-nscigne!r~>iziztssuivc.nts,Cii~nsiit du Çref fc dz la Cour
int~rn?~tion~.le d.cJustice, ont eJ~& nis à la disposition de l2 9resse:

Là Cour intcrn~~tion?.le :'.Justi cc tienka le ix.rCi 1'7 noverzbre
1953, à 16 heurcs 30, au P~~lc7.iCIEln PL~ à La Hny6, urie audiencc
publiquk pour ;lrononcer son ,:rrêe tn llaffuire des Minquiers et Iles
Ecr&haus (Prcincc ,/ Ro::c..uiii~-hi,


The following inforï>z.tion frcn the Registry of the IEtcrnatioml
Court of Justice h2~ Seun comiunic~~ted to the ;:ress:

Thc Internntion~l Court of Justice ?ri11 hoLci.2 -:ublic I-iexing at

the Peace Palncc, The! H2gUc, on Tuoshy, I'iovcinberl'ith, 1953, at
4.30 -:.m. to I:ronomce its Judglnent in the iGnquiers and Ecrchos Cnsc
(France ,f Unit cd ICingd:oroi)

ind Hague, Ihvenbcr lSth, 1953.

ICJ document subtitle

- The Court will pronounce its Judgment on Tuesday, November 17th, 1953

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Minquiers and Ecrehos (France/United Kingdom) - The Court will pronounce its Judgment on Tuesday, November 17th, 1953
