Anglo Iranian Oil Co. (United Kingdom v. Iran) - The opening of oral proceedings has been fixed for Monday, June 9th, 1952

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Comnunicué No. 52/11
(non-of ficiel)

Les renseigne~xlents suivants éin?,nanLdu Greffe de la Cour
internstion?,le de Justiceont &té corn!n~~niqués à ln Fresse:

L'ouvertur ee la procédureorale pour lfexa~~en de
l exception prélil~iinaire en 1'affzire de 1ii;nglo-Irknian Oil
Company entre l'Iran et le Royzume-Un i &te fixée au lundi
9 juin1952 à 11 heures, nu P2lz.i~ de la Paix à La mye.

La Haye, Ic 21 mai 1952

Communiqué No. 52/11
(unof icicl )


~hc'following Lnformntion from the Registry of the
International Court of Justice has bean ccmrriunicatedto the Press:

The operiing of oral proceedings in the preliminary
objection in the !LngLo-Ira.ninn Oil Company Case between Iran and
the United ~i&dom h2s been fjxedfor T~londny,June qth, 1952, at
11 2.m'. nt thc Peace P~lncc at the iizgue,

The Hague, Play Slst, 1952

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Anglo Iranian Oil Co. (United Kingdom v. Iran) - The opening of oral proceedings has been fixed for Monday, June 9th, 1952
