Fisheries (United Kingdom v. Norway) - Public hearing of 13 October 1951(Bilingual version)

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Les renscign.mmts su!.v:nts &m:fi~~?.dut G:rc.Ffs di13 Cour
intern,?.tic?n21rdz Justic; ont Sté coïr:1unic,u5s àIr, Frcsso:

A ltnudionc'v tanue par 1r. Cour irit~rnntîonalc ds Justice
nujourdrhui 13 octobrz 1951, K. Arntzvn, 'cent du Gouvcrnenient de
ln ?lorvf;gz an I'aff,?ire mgIo-norvégienne des n&haries, n
poursuivi llexpris$ da ln thksa,norv5gionne. lu cours de cet

exposé,le cnpttaine de v?,issenu Couchsron-l:r'.,motde 12 ECInrina
norvogienne, n dom12 quelques eqlic~~tions tschniques.

7;.Arntzen continu-crn son c,upas4 à 1'audi;:ncz que la Cour
tiandrn luildi 15 octobrs1951 à 10 hcurss 30,

LT. Hnye, la 13 octobre 1951.

The follovjhg inforr!iation from the Rcgistry of tho Intcrnntion~~l
Court of Justice h2s 5e::n comrr~unicntcc! tothe Press:

Lt the publicsttting which wns hzLd ta-dag, Octabar 13th,1951,
bg the 1ntcrn:~tionnl Court of Justico, Ili.-'~rn.tzcn, 2gentof the
Ar~rwcgi:~~~Govcrnmi3iit in Lhr ,inglo-Iiorw~gi~n Fisher ies Cnse, contjsrued
his stntmant of ths Portrcgi~~n c?,sL:. In thc course of this stntement,
Cnpt. motthe Komrcginn I\l~~vsve some tcchnicnl

M. I,mtzen >ri11 contirhue hi.s st:.tomcn.t; ?tthv public sitiing

whiclz the Court rrill hold nt 10.30 7,-.mon Octobcr 15th, 1951.

ICJ document subtitle

- Public hearing of 13 October 1951<i><small>(Bilingual version)</i></small>

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Fisheries (United Kingdom v. Norway) - Public hearing of 13 October 1951<i><small>(Bilingual version)</i></small>
