Ambatielos (Greece v. United Kingdom) - The Court will pronounce its Judgment on Tuesday, July 1st

Document Number
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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File

Communiqué na 52/13
non-of ficiel

nationalerde Justiee,ontsétévmissàélandispositionfde la presse:inter-

La Gour international de Justice tiendra Le mardi 14r juillet,
à lo'heures, au Palais de la Pai* 2 La Haye,une audience publique
pour prononcer son arreten l%ff aire Ambatielos (exceptionprélLLii-
naire) (Grhcec .Royaume-Uni),

La Haye, le 26 juin1952.

Communique no 52/U

The follawing informatiof eegistryof the International
Court of Justice has been comunlcated to the press:

The International Court of Justice willhold a public hearing at

the Peace Palace, The Hague, an TuesdayJulylst, at 10 a.m., to
pronounce its judgment in the Ambatielos case Spreliminaro ybjeetion)
(Greece v. United Kingdom).

The Hague, June 26th, 1952.

ICJ document subtitle

- The Court will pronounce its Judgment on Tuesday, July 1st

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Ambatielos (Greece v. United Kingdom) - The Court will pronounce its Judgment on Tuesday, July 1st
