Anglo Iranian Oil Co. (United Kingdom v. Iran) - Delegations of the Parties for the oral hearings

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Codqu6 No. 32&
I.C.J. Unoffi cial

The foilowing information from the Registry of the
International Court of Justice has been communicated to the Press:

In the Anglo- rania an Oil Company case between the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Empire of
Iran, the case for the Government 'of Iran, whose Agent before the
Court is M. Hossein Navab, Iranian Piinister at The Hague, krill be Dr. Mossadeq, Prime Minister of Iran, assisted by
N. Nasrollah Entezam, Ambassador, former Minister:

The Government of Iran has further appointed:

as advocate: M. Henri Rolin

as Counsel: N. Allah Yar Saleh, former linister;
Dr, S. Ali Shayegan, former t4inister, filember of 1
Parliament ;
Dr, Iozafar Ekghai, idiember of Parliament ;
M. Kazem Hassibi, Engineer, Iqember of Parliament;
Dr. ivloharnadHossein kliabadi, ~rof'essor of the
Faculty of Law at Teheran.

The delegation of the Government of the United IEngdom for
the oral hearings in the sbovc-mentioned case will be as follows:

Agent : Sir Eric Beckett, K.C.N.G.., Q.C., ,
Legal Adviser to thc Foreign Office;

Couilsel : Sir Lionel Heald, Q.C., 1:.P., Attorney-General,
Profcssor C.H.idi. \k,ldock, C.M.G., O.B.E., Q.C.,
~hic.hele Professor of International Law in the
- ~nivcrçit~ of Oxford;
Ik. H.A.P. Fisher, Idember of the English Bar;
Mr. D.H.N. Johnson, Assistant Legal Adviser to

the Foreign Office;

Expert Adviser:
Kr. A.K. Rothnie, Eastern Departmcnt, Foreign Office.

The Hague, June 6th) 1.952.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Anglo Iranian Oil Co. (United Kingdom v. Iran) - Delegations of the Parties for the oral hearings
