Ambatielos (Greece v. United Kingdom) - Representatives of the two Governments for the oral proceedings

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
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Commwiiqu &o, 53/1
(unoficial )

The following informatio fromthe Registry of the International Court
of Justice has been comunicated tathe press:

The opening of oral proceedings in the Ambatielos case, submitted to
the Internationa Court of Justice by the HelLenLc Goverment against the
United Kingdom, ha^ been fhed for March Z3rd at lQ,3Oa.m,at the Peace
Palace, The Hague.

I The representativeos f the twogovernmenti sn Courtwill be:

For the Hellenic Government:

Agent: His Fxcellency M. Nicolas e, Lély, hvoy Extraordinary and
MlizisterPlenipotentiary for the Hellenic Governent at
The Hague;

Counsel: The Right Honawable Sir Frank Soskice, &.Ce, M.P., ex
Attorney --General for the United Kingdom,

Mr. C. John Colombes, Q.C., LL.D,,

Professor HenriRolin of the University of BrusseZs, former
President of the Belgian Senate.

Agent: MT,W. V. J.Evans, Assistant Legal Adviser, Forelgn office;

Cownzel: Mr. G, G. Fitzmaurice, C.M.G., Second Legal Adviser to the
Foreign Office,

Mr. J. E. S. Fawcett,D.S.C., Member of theEnglish Bar,

MF. D. H. N. Johnson, AssistantLegalAdviser, Foreign


The Hague, Mach 17th, 1953.

ICJ document subtitle

- Representatives of the two Governments for the oral proceedings

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Ambatielos (Greece v. United Kingdom) - Representatives of the two Governments for the oral proceedings
