Ambatielos (Greece v. United Kingdom) - Sitting of May 16th, 1952

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File

--Anuni mi No, 52/9,

The fsillowing information from the Regi-stry of the Inter-
national Court of Justice !las been comunicated to the Press :

Thc Court to-day lbth, 1952) hzld a sLtting, in the

coursa of w:hich Sjr Hartley Shatqcross, Q.C., présentedthe
arguments of the Hellenic Governmen tn the Prelhinary Objection
in the :imbcti~loç ccse betwecn Greece 2nd the United Kingdom.

The Court will sit zgain at 10.30 a.n. on blay 17th, &en
SirZric Beckett, Q.C., vrill raply on behn?! of the Ufiited Kingdom
Government .

The Hagua, May lbth, 1952.

.--*-uni94 No. 52/9,

Lesr~ns~ipcmcnts suiv;lnts Brnmant du Greffe de ln Cour
internztionale de Justice ont Eté communi~~u6a à la Presse:

' La.Cour n tenu acjourdihui, 16 miii1952, une audience au
cours dc laquelle Sir Eartley Shnwcross a présentg ln thèse du
Gouvernemsn htclléniqua rolntivement à 1 exception préliminaire

soulzvéc dLws llnff:!i.r::.1mI3,zticloentrz la Grècect lc Royaume-

La Cour tisndrn oudicnce demain 17 mai & 10 h, 30, Sjy. Eric
Beckett, Q.C., raponctrn au non du Cfluvernement du 2oyaume-Uni.

La Haye, le 16 mi 1952.

ICJ document subtitle

- Sitting of May 16th, 1952

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Ambatielos (Greece v. United Kingdom) - Sitting of May 16th, 1952
