Haya de la Torre (Colombia/Peru) - Public hearing of 16 May 1951

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Communiqué n" 5u17
(unoff icial)

The f ollovLng information from the Registry of the Inter-
naticnal Court, of Jixstice has been comunicated to the Press:

The hternztional Court of Justice held a publicsittiqg
today, Hay 16th 1951,in the Haya de la Torre case,

- Having stated th& the reojest to int~rvene made by the
Government of Cuba was admissiblet ,he President, M. Basdevant,

opened the oral procedureof the case.

The Agent for Colombia ,. de la Vega, IG.nister of Colornbia
at The Hague, presenetd hisGovernment s argument S. Cont inuing
hi$ statement of the lacts he subnitted th& the two judgments given
by the Court in 1950 do not oblige Colornbia ta deliver to the
Peruvian authoritieM s. Hzya de la Torre, who has taken refuge in
the Colembia Embassy at Lima.

During the course of the next hearing the reprvsentatives
of Peru WU in their turn present their Gavementis arguments.

The Hagua, May 16th, 1951,

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Haya de la Torre (Colombia/Peru) - Public hearing of 16 May 1951
