Fisheries (United Kingdom v. Norway) - Public hearings of 18 October 1951(Bilingual version)

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File

~,.-L.J. C---r-n,-.5-.--o-,";/.hb.
(gin officie~

Les renscigncri 311iv$.r1l 6-ant du Greffe CIC1;: Cour
i_rltern;-,tioïial Jc .Ju;;tict ont St: cû~w~~niqu.5s3 Ir:Frcssc :

Ln Cam inkLrrrintio!.td d.<:Ji~sticc :: ~;YLU zujau-rdTh~i jeudi
18 octobr~ clt.i~:<;:;ldiericlperlclcr!'11.~~~~1i;ll.~1:: ?rofcc;scur
rz,.,ldockCons <:ildu i;o~rr-;drncri?nt du ilo~~xi~fi~:-ïJ~,,poursuivi Iri.
rcd?1-9uc or;!lo d<i co Couvoriii:ï ~n::11tl,îi;:irosni:lo-nor 'rgicnni?
des pecherles.

:'\1 :!udinrii::: qui 3 ouvrirn $.::rrnri1ï3 octrihr o, Sir hic: Beckatt ,
Agznt du 'P,o,i.:u;.t;-gui, r,:;;lr.mdr~i, 1p;-.roi3 pciur coiltitzuvr 1.:irépliq~c.

The Iri_+,crr+p,i~ri;fi:,:ûurt of Juçtice to-&:y (Thur sdny, .OC toàar 78th,
19-51 ]eld t;.,io hs:!rjrLgsTn the course of 't.,l-~iFrofessor '.'al?.ock, of
2 ouns el for t ha UfiL.te$..!.~zn~domGov~mms.nt c ontrinucd th;it Govero,~ent s
or::l r 2ply j.n.?!a glo-Nona@i~~i-i Fishorie s ..

.?2 the hccring to bc heldto-in~rro>i, Qctoh*r sth, Sir i;ric

Seckott, Il;cri.L;L tFj.23riJcc I;$am ckorrorrin!ent,will..:?,gain spcak,
whsil. ?.il] c-i~t,j~nuo11 5!.tseply.

Thc Hzgue, Oc%ober 18th, 1951.

ICJ document subtitle

- Public hearings of 18 October 1951<i><small>(Bilingual version)</i></small>

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Fisheries (United Kingdom v. Norway) - Public hearings of 18 October 1951<i><small>(Bilingual version)</i></small>
