Fisheries (United Kingdom v. Norway) - Public hearings of 12 October 1951(Bilingual version)

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Les rsnscigncmcnts suivants Brnanant du Greffe de la Cour
iriterriatiùnale de Justice ont été.conmuniqués à la.Prcxsc:

Au.jourdfhui, vendredi 12 octotire 1451,la Cour internationale de
Jueticr: a tenu deux audicnccs pour entcndre la mite des plaidoiries
on It aff aircd~s p$ch¢ries (Royaume-Un io ~rande-Bretapc ct dt Irlande
cZü?Tord c. Morvègo).

M. Sourquin, Goriacil du Gouvernement de la R'arvége, a poursuivi

ct terminé son expos8.

11 a été suivi a 1.a barrc par M. bntzen, Agent de la i~lorvège.
M, Arntzen reprendra la parole L 1' audience qui slcuvrira demain
samedi 13 octobre à 10 h. 30,

The following infor~ilationfrom the Ragistry OP tlie International
Court of Justicc has baan comriuntcated to th2 Press:

Th¢ Jntcrnetiona Clourt of Justice to-day (Fridzy, October 12th,
1951, held tv,~o sittii~gs,durine tne coiirso of vd7icl-tI-ioral procced-
j.ngü in the Finheriun Case (United Kingdom of Great Gritain 2nd
hlorway) werc continucd.
Morthcrn Ireland v,

M. Boury~iln, Cou-uscl for thc Governmcnt of E\jorway, continued and
tcrrninnted 11;sargurn~nt ,

He was follorzredby M. hrntzeri, Agent of the Norwegisn Goverment ,
M. Arntzenl will continue to-rnarrow, Saturday, Octobzr Uth, at 10.30 a,m.

The Hague, October 12th, 1951.

ICJ document subtitle

- Public hearings of 12 October 1951<i><small>(Bilingual version)</i></small>

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Fisheries (United Kingdom v. Norway) - Public hearings of 12 October 1951<i><small>(Bilingual version)</i></small>
