Fisheries (United Kingdom v. Norway) - Public hearings of 29 September 1951

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
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Th2 frillotrin,.;Lnforinnt io:?f rom thc Regist-g of Ulc Iritsm,?tional
Court of Justica hzs 5u'.:iTc~r,rnunic~t~d to th^ ?rzss:

Tha InGarnrtirn:,l Co mrtof Justicx to-&.y (S?.turd?<y, Saptzrribcr
S9th, 1551) hdlc! twri sittiri:;sin ori!,:rto hv,?r t'no !\ttomoy-Cr~i~~rc",I~
Sir Frmk Sonkicc, K.C,, contintiz his stzt2nmt on bzhnlî of thc
UfiitorJ.KUlgrlr?r: C-crr:rr?r;ehittki5 Fishcrj.cs Cr,se (IJn5.oc? ICingdor.v ,

On l4ondng, Gctob~r lst, ,?.t10.30 ?,,na, the Court wilL sFln hczr
the British dclcgl.tlori, ,-. ~diich tiqc Sfr Eric Rcckctt and Tb. R, O.

1,Jilbcrf orcc:will ct1ntinv.r tliostz,tmcnt sf th e Unit ~d Kingdon cnsa ,

, Thc I!nj;uc, SopLmbcr 29th, 1951,


ICJ document subtitle

- Public hearings of 29 September 1951

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Fisheries (United Kingdom v. Norway) - Public hearings of 29 September 1951
