Haya de la Torre (Colombia/Peru) - Public hearing of 17 May 1951

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Ca~rmniquB No, 51/18,

The folloruing information Sroiit hz Eogistrjr of the Int ernztional
Court of Justice hes been comnmicated to the Press:

The Interriational Court af Justiceheld a public sikting today,
May 17th, 1951, in the Aaya da la Torre case, between Colornbia and Peru.

Professor Gidel, of the Faculty of Law of the University oi
Paris, who acts as Counsel for the Goverfiment of Peru, explaincd th¢
conception of the Peruvian Goverment of the effect to be gixn to

the Judpents by the Court in th3 Asylum Case.

Shen I'iadameFlora 5iaz Ftzrrado, Agent of the Fiepublic of Cuba,
ChargéedlAilaires of the saidRcpublic nt The Hapc, expoundcd the
interpretation put upan the I-Iazr~naConvsntion on Asylwn of 1928 by
her hvernrnent in the case Seforc thc C~uri. The Agent 02 the
Goverment of Colorrbia stated that he did not desire to makc a reply
to th$ statements of the ather pzrties.

These sittings concluded th2 oral procccdlnge in tha presant

Tne Hague, 17th ky, 1951,

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Haya de la Torre (Colombia/Peru) - Public hearing of 17 May 1951
