Reservations to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide - Public hearings of 13 April 1951

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The fallmrin~ hf ormation from the Registry of the Intern,?.tional

Court of Justice hns bcen communic~.ted to the Press :

Tho International Courtof Justice hcld twcr public sltttngs to-day,

April 13th, 1351, in thc case concûrning tho Reservationts a the

Convention on Gonocide.

The Attorney Gmarnl of the United Ilingdom, Siy HZrtlcy Shc?wcross,

statcd the views of th2 British Goverilment on thc cpestion.

To-marrow ,r, G. G, Fit~m~uricc, Second Lcgnl Adviser to the

Forzign 0fflc0~will terminate the Unitcd Elbnpdorn~tnt~¢~:nt :md

ProfessorRousser.~ willthen mko a stntcrnent on bohdf' of the Frcnch

Tha Hnpyc, Q2ri.l l3th,1951.

ICJ document subtitle

- Public hearings of 13 April 1951

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Reservations to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide - Public hearings of 13 April 1951
