Haya de la Torre (Colombia/Peru) - Order fixing the time-limits for the filing of the written pleadings

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File

The followinq informt ion,emmat ing from the Regist ry of

the Internetioi?c?.Court of Justice, has been unofficially commwiicated

to the Press :

The President has yesterday made an Order fixing, in agreement

with the representatiares of the pnrties, the dates for the filing of the

pleadings irithe Haya de la Torre Case (~olombia/~em) brought by the

Government of the Republic of Colombia against the Governent of the.

The Government of the Bepublic of Colombia is to file its

Yemorial by February 7th, 1951, and the Gavernment of the Ilepublic of

Pem is to file its Caunter-Jv!emarlalby Tfnrch Wh, 1951.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Haya de la Torre (Colombia/Peru) - Order fixing the time-limits for the filing of the written pleadings
