Asylum (Colombia/Peru) - Public hearings of 6 October 1950

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The followinginformation frorn the Registry of the International
Court of Justice has been cdmicated to the Press:

At the public sittings whichthe International Court of Justice
held on 6th October (morning and afternoon) in the Calombian-
Peruvian Asylum Case, the representative sf Colombia delivered
their Goverment's Reply orally, They argued that the Peruvian
Governmen t as obliged, under international law and, in particular,
in virtue of differsnt rnultilateral treaties to which both the
States in dispute are parties, to deliver a sale-conduci for

M, Victor Haya de la Torre, a Peruvian natianal, who as granted
asylum in the Colombian Ernbassy at Lima. They also opposedthe
counter-clai mubmitted by Peru, and asked the Court to declare
that it was out of order,

At the next public sitting, which will take placeon ~onday,
: October 9th, at 10.30 a ,m.,in the Peace Palace, the representativ se
of Peru willdeliver their Goverment' s Bejoinder, orally.

The Hague, October 6th, 1950.

ICJ document subtitle

- Public hearings of 6 October 1950

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Asylum (Colombia/Peru) - Public hearings of 6 October 1950
