Asylum (Colombia/Peru) - The Court will hold a series of public hearings beginning 26 September 1950

Document Number
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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File

Com:~uniquéNa. 50/34,

The following i.Ylformationfrom the Registryof the International

Court of Justice has becn communicate do the Press :

The International Court of Justice will hold a series05 Riblic

hear oral statcmants by Caunsel and Aduocatca of t,ho Govcrmzr?ts of

Golombia and Pcru Ln the Isyl-um Casc.

ICJ document subtitle

- The Court will hold a series of public hearings beginning 26 September 1950

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Asylum (Colombia/Peru) - The Court will hold a series of public hearings beginning 26 September 1950
