International Status of South West Africa - The Court will give its Advisory Opinion on 11 July 1950

Document Number
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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File

Communiqu Néo. 50/29.
(~nof f cial)

The following information from the Registryof the International

Court of Justice has been communicate to the Press :

The Internationa lourt of Justice will hold a public sitting
on July llth, 1950, at 10.30 a,m., for the reading of its Advisory

Opinion in the case concerning the International Status of South-

West kfrica,

The Hague, July bth, 1950.

ICJ document subtitle

- The Court will give its Advisory Opinion on 11 July 1950

Document file FR
Document Long Title

International Status of South West Africa - The Court will give its Advisory Opinion on 11 July 1950
