Interpretation of Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania - The Secretary-General of the United Nations and two Governments will present an oral statement

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CommwiiquéNo. 50/25.
(bof ficial)

The following information from the Zegiçtry of the International

Court of Justice has been communicate do the Press:

The public hearings in the second phase of the adviço~j case

concerning certain procedural questionsrvlating to the interpretation
of Peace Treatias brithEulgaria, Xungary ad Etornania will commenceon

Tuesday, June 27, at il a.m.

The Sccretary-Genzral of the UnitedNations as ~~211as the follow-

ing Goverments have announced that an oral statement will be presented

The. Secret ary-General Dr, IvanKerno, Assistant
Secretary-Generab in charge of
the Legal Deplrtment;

Unltcd States of hcrica, The Hon. Benjamin V,Cohen;

United Kingdom of Great P4r. G.G.Fitzmmric~, C.E.G.,
Britdn and Northern Ireland Second Legal Adviser of the
Foreign Office.

The full Court will bo pros-nt at tho hozrings, with the exception

of Judges Pabela and Zoricic,

The Hague, June 23rd, 1950-

ICJ document subtitle

- The Secretary-General of the United Nations and two Governments will present an oral statement

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Interpretation of Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania - The Secretary-General of the United Nations and two Governments will present an oral statement
