Interpretation of Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania - Two Governments have filed written statements

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Comnnmiqué Mo, 50/23.

The following information from the Registry of the International

Court of Justice 'hasbeen communicated to the Press :

By an Order datedMay 5th,1950,the President of the Inter-

national Courtof Justice appointed June5th, 1950, as the time-1st

for the deposit of witten statement sy Govermnts in the second

phasa of the advisory-cas eoncerning the interpretatioo nf the Peace

Treatizs with Bulgaria ,ungary and Romhia (@estions III and IV of

the Resolutio nf the General Assemblyof the United Nations of

Octabar SSnd, 1949).

The Governments of the United Kingdom of GreatB~itain and

Northern Irelandand of the United Statesof Americahave availed

themselves of this right and have deposited thzir statemants withfn

The Hagua, June 6th,1950.

ICJ document subtitle

- Two Governements have filed written statements

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Interpretation of Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania - Two Governments have filed written statements
