Conditions of Admission of a State to Membership in the United Nations (Article 4 of Charter) - Oral statements will be presented on behalf of Argentina and of France at the public hearing

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CommuniquN éo. 10/5,.

The following information from the Registry of the. International

Court of Justice has been communicate to the Press :

On 'Thursday, 16thFebruary, 1950,beginning at 31 a,m,, the

Court will hold a public hearing in the advisory casa concerning

ths cornpetence of the General Assembly for the Admission of New

Members to the UnitedNations. The following Gavernments have

mnounced that an oral statemen ti11 'aepresznted on their behalf:

Argentina; France.

Writtea statzments in the same case hava been filed by the

Secretary-Genera of the United Nations and by the following Govern-

mmts : Union of SovietSocialist Republics; Ukrainian Soviet

Socivldist Republic; .ByelOrussia SovLet..Sociallst Republic; Egypt;

Czechoslavakia; .United Gtaths 04 Aiiierica;-. Republiof Argentina;


In'the ors1 proceeciîngs beforethe Court, the FrenchGovernent

has annomced that it will be represented by M, Georges Scelle, Kon.

Professorof the Faeultlas of Law, Member of the International Law

Commission of the United Nations,

The Hague, 13th February, 19 50.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Conditions of Admission of a State to Membership in the United Nations (Article 4 of Charter) - Oral statements will be presented on behalf of Argentina and of France at the public hearing
