Interpretation of Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania - List of Governments who have submitted written statements and who have announced that oral statements would be presented on their

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Cornmun uié No, 50 8,

TG following ,hformation from the Registry of the
Internationa Court of Justice has becn commuiicate do the

The Court wlll hold publichearhgs, beginning on
Tuesday, February 28th,1950, at 11 a.m.?in the Advlsory
Case concerning certain procedural quest~ons relating to the
interpretatio on Peace Treaties &th Bulgaria ,ungary and

The foPlow3ng Government have availed themaelves
of the r2gh.é to suhniitwirittenstatements on the question:
United Statesof America, theUnitedKingdom, Bulgaria,
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Ukrainian Soviet Soeialist
Republic, Byelo-Russia noviet Socialist Republic, Romnia,
CzechoslovakiA a,atralia ,ungasy.

The Secretary-Genero afXthe United Nations as well
as the following Goverment s have announced that an oral

statement wiU be presented an their behalf at the public
hearhg, and that they wifl be represented by:

The Secretary-General - Dr. Ivan Kerno,
Assistant Secratary-Genera il
Charge of the Legal Department.

United States of herica - The Hon. Benjamin V. Cohen,

The United Kingdom - Mr, G.E, Fitzlhurice, C.M.G,,
Second Legal Adviser of the

liith the exception of Judge Fabela who is absent
due to illness, the full Court will be present at the hearings,

The Hague, 23rd Febmry, 1950.

ICJ document subtitle

- List of Governments who have submitted written statements and who have announced that oral statements would be presented on their behalf

Document Long Title

Interpretation of Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania - List of Governments who have submitted written statements and who have announced that oral statements would be presented on their behalf
