Right to Strike under ILO Convention No. 87

Press releases

14 November 2023

The International Labour Organization (ILO) requests an advisory opinion from the Court on the interpretation of ILO Convention No. 87 with respect to the right to strike

Available in:
27 November 2023

Right to Strike under ILO Convention No. 87 (Request for Advisory Opinion) - The Court makes an Order organizing the proceedings; it fixes the time-limits for the presentation of written statements and for written comments on those statements

Available in:
10 April 2024

Right to Strike under ILO Convention No. 87 (Request for Advisory Opinion) - The Court authorizes the United States of America to participate in the proceedings

Available in:
6 May 2024

Right to Strike under ILO Convention No. 87 (Request for Advisory Opinion) - The Court authorizes the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States to participate in the proceedings

Available in:
3 June 2024

Right to Strike under ILO Convention No. 87 (Request for Advisory Opinion) - The President of the Court authorizes Brazil to participate in the proceedings

Available in:
18 June 2024

Right to Strike under ILO Convention No. 87 -(Request for Advisory Opinion) - Filing of written statements

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