
Written proceedings

Written Statement of the Government of India

Written Statement of the Governmentof India STATEMENT

The existence of nuclear weapons poses a threat to

the very survival of mankind. While the end of the Cold War
has ushered in some positive developments, the shadow of a

nuclear holocaust continues to loom over us. It is,
therefore, imperative that nuclear weapons be eliminated. A

first step in this direction would be to outlaw the use of
such weapons.

UNGA Resolution 1653(XVI) of 24 November 1961, 33/71B

Letter dated 9 June 1994 from the First Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova

Letter dated9 June 1994 frOm the First DeputyMinister for
ForeignAffairS of the Republicof Moldova MlnlitcruAtrwrllor Externe

2hs Covrrnomsnt of th* Popublic of YcLdwi thorougNy
rtudied thr Order of th. ki~ernetlonrl Oourt of Justice

of 93 Sbptember 1993 oow ew the WfIO'b requert to ths
International Court of Jurtios to giVe pn edviror~ opinion

Written Statement of the Government of the Russian Federation

Written Statement of the Covernmentof the RussianFederation Considerations of the Russian Federation in conneetionwith the request of the World
Health Organization to the InternationCourt ofJustice concerning auclear weapons

The request of the World Heaith Organization to the International Coun of
Justice concerning an advisory opinion on the question whether the use of nuclear
weapons by a State in war or other armed conflict would be a breach of its obligation

Letter dated 20 June 1995 from the Ambassador of India, together with Written Statement of the Government of India

Letterdateci20June 1995fian theAmixsdor -ofbiciitogetherwith
WrittenStatemen otftheGovermneno tfIndia MOST URGENT

NO: HAG/POL/443/2/95 June 20, 1995

As you are aware, the UN General ASSembly Resolution
No...49./.75.requested the International Court of Justice for
an advisory opinion on the legality of the threat or use of
nuclear weapons .

2. 1 am enclosing with this letter a 7-pages submission
by India relating to this subject.

Letter dated 16 June 1995 from the Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs of Ireland, together with Written Statement of the Government of Ireland

Letterdated16June 1995hm the.Sec&ay of theBeprtmat .of
ForeignAffairsofIrelant,gethawith WrittaStatemen tf
tbeGovenuneno tfIreland II. S. Edual-~jc VdiL<1lt:ici-C>s~?.[lc~.
In:eznttt3~.7 1 c'nii?.Lr,t .lilziici,
Eeace ?üLe'ce 25:.7 KL~.
?ne Hasua,

Your Exce:len:.:y,

Letter dated 19 June 1995 from the Ambassador of the Russian Federation, together with Written Statement of the Government of the Russian Federation

Letterdated19J1995hm theAmbas&r ofthRussi anleration,
togetwithWntteStatem ofnheGovm ofthe
RussiFederatm Tothe Registrar
of thehtemational Court of Justice


The Nage

TheHague. 19June 1995


