
Document Number
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Date of the Document
Document File

24 July 2023

Annex 1. Law and Administration Ordinance, 5708-1948................................. 1
Annex 2. Law of Return, 5710-1950 .................................................................. 9
Annex 3. Proclamation regarding Government and Justice arrangements
(West Bank Area) (No 2), 5727-1967 ............................................... 17
Annex 4. Law and Administrative Ordinance (Amendment No. 11) Law,
5727-1967; Municipalities Ordinance (Amendment No. 6) Law,
5727-1967 ......................................................................................... 23
Annex 5. Government and Law Procedures Ordinance (No. 11),
5727-1967 ......................................................................................... 27
Annex 6. Municipality Ordinance, Announcement of the Expansion of
the Jerusalem Municipality boundaries, 5727-1967 ......................... 35
Annex 7. Basic-Law: Jerusalem the Capital of Israel, 5740-1980 ................... 41
Annex 8. Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law, 5763-2003 ........................... 47
Annex 9. Basic-Law: Israel – The Nation State of the Jewish People,
5778-2018 ......................................................................................... 51
Annex 10. The Courts for Administrative Affairs Law (Amendment No. 117),
5778-2018 ......................................................................................... 57
Annex 11. The Council for Higher Education Law (Amendment No. 20),
5778-2018 ......................................................................................... 67
Annex 12. Coalition Agreement to establish a National Government,
28 December 2022 ............................................................................ 73
Annex 13. Bezalel Smotrich (@BEZALELSM), Tweet, 18 June 2023 ................ 111

Annex 1.
Source: Laws of the State of Israel. Authorised Translations
from the Hebrew, vol. I, pp. 7-12

Annex 2.
LAW OF RETURN, 5710-1950
Source: ILO, Database of national labour, social security and related
human rights legislation, online,

Law of Return 5710-1950
5 Jul 1950
Law of Return 5710-1950
Right of aliyah** 1. Every Jew has the right to come to this country
as an oleh**.
Oleh's visa 2. (a) Aliyah shall be by oleh's visa.
(b) An oleh's visa shall be granted to every
Jew who has expressed his desire to settle in
Israel, unless the Minister of Immigration is
satisfied that the applicant
(1) is engaged in an activity directed against the
Jewish people; or
(2) is likely to endanger public health or the
security of the State.
3. (a) A Jew who has come to Israel and
subsequent to his arrival has expressed his
desire to settle in Israel may, while still in Israel,
receive an oleh's certificate.
(b) The restrictions specified in section 2(b)
shall apply also to the grant of an oleh's
certificate, but a person shall not be regarded
as endangering public health on account of
an illness contracted after his arrival in Israel.
Residents and
persons born in
this country
4. Every Jew who has immigrated into this
country before the coming into force of this Law,
and every Jew who was born in this country,
whether before or after the coming into force of
this Law, shall be deemed to be a person who
has come to this country as an oleh under this
Implementation 5. The Minister of Immigration is charged with the
and regulations implementation of this Law and may make
regulations as to any matter relating to such
implementation and also as to the grant of oleh's
visas and oleh's certificates to minors up to the
age of 18 years.
Prime Minister
Minister of Immigration
Acting President of the State
Chairman of the Knesset
* Passed by the Knesset on the 20th Tammuz, 5710 (5th July, 1950) and
published in Sefer Ha-Chukkim No. 51 of the 21st Tammuz, 5710 (5th
July. 1950), p. 159; the Bill and an Explanatory Note were published in
Hatza'ot Chok No. 48 of the 12th Tammuz, 5710 (27th June, 1950), p.
** Translator's Note: Aliyah means immigration of Jews, and oleh (plural:
olim) means a Jew immigrating, into Israel.
Law of Return (Amendment 5714-1954)*
Amendment of
section 2(b)
1. In section 2 (b) of the Law of Return, 5710-
1950** -
(1) the full stop at the end of paragraph (2)
shall be replaced by a semi-colon, and the
word "or" shall be inserted thereafter ;
(2) the following paragraph shall be inserted
after paragraph (2):
"(3) is a person with a criminal past, likely to
endanger public welfare.".
Amendment of
sections 2
2. In sections 2 and 5 of the Law, the words "the
Minister of Immigration" shall be replaced by the
and 5 words "the Minister of the Interior".
Prime Minister
Minister of Health
Acting Minister of the Interior
President of the State
* Passed by the Knesset on the 24th Av, 5714 (23rd August, 1954) and
published in Sefer Ha-Chukkim No. 163 of the 3rd Elul, 5714 (1st
September, 1954) p. 174; the Bill and an Explanatory Note were
published in Hatza'ot Chok No. 192 of 5714, p. 88.
** Sefer Ha-Chukkim No. 51 of 5710, p. 159, LSI vol. IV, 114.
Law of Return (Amendment No. 2) 5730-1970*
Addition of
sections 4A
and 4B
1. In the Law of Return, 5710-1950**, the
following sections shall be inserted after section
"Rights of members of family
4A. (a) The rights of a Jew under this Law
and the rights of an oleh under the
Nationality Law, 5712-1952***, as well as the
rights of an oleh under any other enactment,
are also vested in a child and a grandchild of
a Jew, the spouse of a Jew, the spouse of a
child of a Jew and the spouse of a grandchild
of a Jew, except for a person who has been
a Jew and has voluntarily changed his
(b) It shall be immaterial whether or not a
Jew by whose right a right under subsection
(a) is claimed is still alive and whether or not
he has immigrated to Israel.
(c) The restrictions and conditions prescribed
in respect of a Jew or an oleh by or under
this Law or by the enactments referred to in
subsection (a) shall also apply to a person
who claims a right under subsection (a).
4B. For the purposes of this Law, "Jew"
means a person who was born of a Jewish
mother or has become converted to Judaism
and who is not a member of another religion."
Amendment of
section 5
2. In section 5 of the Law of Return, 5710-1950,
the following shall be added at the end:
"Regulations for the purposes of sections 4A and
4B require the approval of the Constitution,
Legislation and Juridical Committee of the
Amendment of
the Population
Registry Law,
3. In the Population Registry Law, 5725-1965****,
the following section shall be inserted after
section 3:
"Power of registration and definition
3A. (a) A person shall not be registered as a
Jew by ethnic affiliation or religion if a
notification under this Law or another entry in
the Registry or a public document indicates
that he is not a Jew, so long as the said
notification, entry or document has not been
controverted to the satisfaction of the Chief
Registration Officer or so long as declaratory
judgment of a competent court or tribunal has
not otherwise determined.
(b) For the purposes of this Law and of any
registration or document thereunder, "Jew"
has the same meaning as in section 4B of
the Law of Return, 5710-1950.
(c) This section shall not derogate from a
registration effected before its coming into
Prime Minister
Acting Minister of the Interior
President of the State
* Passed by the Knesset on 2nd Adar Bet, 5730 (10th March, 1970) and
published in Sefer Ha-Chukkim No. 586 of the 11th Adar Bet, 5730 (19th
March, 1970), p. 34; the Bill and an Explanatory Note were published in
Hatza'ot Chok No. 866 of 5730, p. 36.
** Sefer Ha-Chukkim of 5710 p. 159 - LSI vol. IV, p. 114; Sefer Ha-
Chukkim No. 5714, p. 174 - LSI vol. VIII, p. 144.
*** Sefer Ha-Chukkim of 5712, p. 146 ; LSI vol. VI, p. 50.
**** Sefer Ha-Chukkim of 5725, p. 270 ; LSI vol. XIX, p. 288.

Annex 3.
(WEST BANK AREA) (NO 2), 5727-1967
(Hebrew version with English translation)

Validity of
Existing Law
Taking authority
Judea and Samaria
Proclamation regarding Government and Justice arrangements (West Bank Area) (No. 2),
5727-1967 *
For the sake of enabling proper governance, security and public order, I hereby declare
as follows:
1. “The Area”-This refers to the West Bank area.
2. The law that existed in the area on 28th Iyar 5727 (7th June, 1967) will remain in effect,
to the extent that it does not contradict this Declaration or any Declaration or Ordinance, that
will be given by me, and in changes that result from the establishment of the rule of the Israeli
Defense Forces in the region.
3. (a) Any authority of government, legislation, appointment and administration
regarding the region or its inhabitants shall from now on be solely in my hands and shall be
exercised only by me or by anyone appointed by me or acting on my behalf.
(b) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, it is hereby determined that
any obligation of consultation, acceptance of authority or the like, that has been determined
by any law as a prerequisite for legislation or appointment, or as a condition for granting
validity to legislation or appointment, is voided by this.
4. Portable property and real estate, including funds, bank accounts, weapons,
ammunition, vehicles, other means of transport, and any other military and civilian
equipment, that belonged or was registered in the name of the Hashemite Jordanian State or
Government or a unit of its units or an extension of its branches or part of any of these, located
in the region, will be transferred to my exclusive possession and will be subject to my
5. Taxes, levies, fees and payments of any kind, paid to central government institutions,
that were not paid by 27th Iyar 5727 (6th June, 1967) - will be paid to me.
6. A Proclamation, Directive or Notice on its behalf will be published in any way that I
will deem fit.
7. Anyone who violates or tries to disrupt public order and security or any Directive of the
Directives in this Proclamation or Order, Directive or Notice, that will be given by me or on
its behalf will be punished to the full extent of the Law.
8. This Declaration commences on 28th Iyar 5767 (7th June 1967).
9. This Proclamation will be called "Proclamation regarding Government and Justice
arrangements (West Bank Area) (No. 2), 5727-1967."
28th Iyar 5727 (7th June 1967) Chaim Herzog, General
IDF Forces Commander
In the West Bank Area
* Published Proclamations File No. 1 dated 11.8.1967 page 3.

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2 Go 􀊺􀀃 􀊥􀊩􀊥􀊫􀊮􀊱􀀃􀊺􀊬􀊩􀊨􀊰 3􀀃􀊳􀊩􀊲􀊱
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􀀃􀂝􀂧􀂤􀀃􀂜􀂫􀀃􀀏􀂞􀂭􀂰􀂞􀂳􀂚􀀃􀂜􀂞􀂧􀂫􀂢􀀃􀀋1967􀀃􀀃􀂢􀂩􀂞􀂢􀂚􀀃􀀃7􀀌􀀃􀂟􀀅􀂤􀂲􀂳􀀃􀂱􀂢􀂢􀂙􀂚􀀃􀂠􀀅􀂤􀀃􀂦􀂞􀂢􀂚􀀃􀂱􀂞􀂟􀂙􀂚􀀃􀂦􀂢􀂢􀂰􀀃􀂝􀂢􀂝􀂲􀀃􀂡􀂭􀂲􀂧􀂝 􀀃.2
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􀀃.􀂢􀂩􀂢􀂫􀂚􀀃􀂝􀂙􀂱􀂢􀂳􀂲􀀃􀂣􀂱􀂜􀀃􀂥􀂤􀂚􀀃􀂞􀂧􀂪􀂱􀂞􀂭􀂢􀀃􀂢􀂧􀂫􀂡􀂧􀀃􀂝􀂫􀂜􀂞􀂝􀀃􀂞􀂙􀀃􀂞􀂯􀀃􀀏􀂱􀂲􀂩􀂧 􀀃.6
􀀃􀂞􀂙􀀃􀂝􀂟􀀃􀂱􀂲􀂩􀂧􀀃􀂳􀂞􀂙􀂱􀂞􀂝􀂧􀀃􀂝􀂙􀂱􀂞􀂝􀀃􀂥􀂤􀀃􀂞􀂙􀀃􀂨􀂞􀂠􀂡􀂚􀂝􀂞􀀃􀂢􀂱􀂞􀂚􀂢􀂯􀂝􀀃􀂱􀂜􀂪􀂝􀀃􀂳􀂙􀀃􀂱􀂭􀂝􀂥􀀃􀂝􀂪􀂩􀂧􀂝􀀃􀂞􀂙􀀃􀂱􀂭􀂧􀂝􀀃􀂥􀂤 􀀃.7
􀀃.(1967􀀃􀂢􀂩􀂞􀂢􀂚􀀃7􀀌􀀃􀂟􀀅􀂤􀂲􀂳􀀃􀂱􀂢􀂢􀂙􀂚􀀃􀂠􀀅􀂤􀀃􀂦􀂞􀂢􀂧􀀃􀂝􀂟􀀃􀂱􀂲􀂩􀂧􀀃􀂥􀂲􀀃􀂞􀂳􀂥􀂢􀂠􀂳 􀀃.8
􀀃􀀏􀀋2􀀃􀀃􀀊􀂪􀂧􀀌 􀀃􀀋􀂳􀂢􀂚􀂱􀂫􀂧􀂝 􀀃􀂝􀂜􀂛􀂝 􀀃􀂱􀂞􀂟􀂙􀀌 􀀃􀂡􀂭􀂲􀂧􀂝􀂞 􀀃􀂨􀂞􀂡􀂥􀂲􀂝 􀀃􀂢􀂱􀂜􀂪 􀀃􀂱􀂚􀂜􀂚 􀀃􀂱􀂲􀂩􀂧􀀅 􀀃􀂙􀂱􀂰􀂢􀂢 􀀃􀂝􀂟 􀀃􀂱􀂲􀂩􀂧 􀀃.9
􀀃􀂬􀂞􀂥􀂙􀀃􀀏􀂛􀂞􀂯􀂱􀂝􀀃􀂦􀂢􀂢􀂠 􀀃(1967􀀃􀂢􀂩􀂞􀂢􀂚􀀃7􀀌􀀃􀂟􀀅􀂤􀂲􀂳􀀃􀂱􀂢􀂢􀂙􀂚􀀃􀂠􀀅􀂤
􀀃􀂥􀀃 􀀅􀂝􀂯􀀃􀂳􀂞􀂠􀂞􀂤􀀃􀂜􀂰􀂭􀂧 􀀃
􀀃􀂳􀀃 􀂢􀂚􀂱􀂫􀂧􀂝􀀃􀂝􀂜􀂛􀂝􀀃􀂱􀂞􀂟􀂙􀂚 􀀃
􀀃􀊯􀊠􀊫􀀃􀊹􀊷􀊤 -􀀃􀊥􀊡􀊰􀀃􀊸􀊺􀊠􀊡􀀃􀊣􀊥􀊲􀊥􀀃􀊤􀊷􀊩􀊷􀊧􀀃􀀏􀊤􀊷􀊩􀊱􀊴􀀃􀊩􀊫􀊮􀊱􀊮􀊡􀀃􀊭􀊩􀊩􀊥􀊰􀊩􀊹􀊥 􀊤􀊫􀊩􀊸􀊲􀀃􀊬􀊲􀀃􀊭􀊩􀊩􀊥􀊰􀊮􀊬􀀃􀊤􀊲􀊣􀊥􀊤
􀂬􀀃 􀂰􀂞􀂳􀀃􀂳􀂥􀂢􀂠􀂳
􀂦􀀃 􀂲􀂝
Annex 4.
Source: Services and Government Information website,
23 1
25 2
Annex 5.
(Hebrew version with English translation)

Government and Law Procedures Ordinance (#1), 5727-1967 *
By virtue of the authority based in Clause 11B of the Government and Law Procedures
Ordinance, 578-1948, and by virtue of its other authorities based on any other law, the
Government orders as stipulated:
1. The area of the Land of Israel described in the Addendum is hereby determined as the area
in which the State’s Law, Jurisdiction, and Administration apply.
2. This Ordinance will be called "Government and Law Procedures Ordinance (#1), 5727-
From waypoint 1678613520 northwards along the length of Wadi Issa until waypoint
1673613678 and from there in a straight line north east to meet the path at waypoint 1675413700,
and from there eastwards along the way until waypoint 1678813706 and from there in a straight
line to waypoint 777.3 which is at waypoint 1685413710, and from there in a straight line to meet
Wadi Al-Aqba at waypoint 1690013694 and from there southeast for the length of Wadi Al-
Aqba’s northern channel until it meets up with Wadi A-Sharqi at waypoint 1699813604
northwards along the length of Wadi A-Sharqi until waypoint 1705013712 and from there in a
straight line northards until waypoint 703.2 which is at waypoint 1705813848 and from there in a
straight line to waypoint 793.5 which is at waypoint 1703613938 and from there in a straight line
north to meet the path at waypoint 1704213974, and from there in a straight line to Mercaz
Hakipa, which is at waypoint 1702014062, and from there in a straight line to meet the path at
waypoint 1701214114 and from there in a straight line north west to meet the path at waypoint
1697014136, and from there northwards along the path to the cross roads, which is at waypoint
1695414232, and from there in a straight line until waypoint 1697214294, and from there
eastwards going around Hill 826 from the north along the path to the cross roads, which is at
waypoint 1703814336 and from there in a straight line eastwards to meet the road at waypoint
1710014332 and from there in a straight line southeast until waypoint 835 which is at waypoint
1712214288, and from there in a straight line until waypoint 1715214164, and southwards from
there parallel to the road from its eastern side at a distance of 20 meters until waypoint
1718813882, and from there eastwards until waypoint 1721813878, and from there in a straight
line to Hirbat Shaab A-Tsira which is at waypoint 1730013916, and from there eastwards to the
cross roads which is at waypoint 1736413914 and from there southeast for the length of the
channel until it meets up with Wadi Abu-Latia at waypoint 1744413852, and from there in a
straight line south until the crossroads at waypoint 1744213838, from there southeast along the
way until waypoint 1739413768, and south from there to meet the path at waypoint 1738813752
and from there southeast along the way until it meets up with Wadi Em-Darj at waypoint
1752413696, from there southwest along the Wadi until waypoint 1743013554, from there in a
straight line to the crossroads at waypoint 1744213526 from there in a straight line southwards to
meet Wadi Salim at waypoint 1743813456, and from there southeast along Wadi Salim until
waypoint 1746613424, from there in a straight line south until waypoint 1747013336, from there
southwest along the ravine until waypoint 1750013300, from there in a straight line southwest to
meet the path at waypoint 1746413252, from there west along the path to the cross roads, which is
at waypoint 1744613248, from there in a straight line south until the crossroads at waypoint
1744413194, from there in a straight line to meet the path at waypoint 1741013086, and from there
westwards to the cross roads at waypoint 1739413086, from there southwards along the road to the
cross roads at waypoint 1740213050, from there in a straight line south until waypoint 700.5
which is at waypoint 1740613002, from there in a straight line southwest to meet the path at
waypoint 1747012936, from there southwards along the way until waypoint 1750412844, from
there in a straight line south until the crossroads at waypoint 1748212830, from there in a straight
line to waypoint 1747812826, from there in a straight line southwest to meet Nachal Kidron at
waypoint 1745612776, from there in a straight line southwest to meet the Wadi at waypoint
1739212736, from there southwards along Wadi A-Luz until waypoint 1739212666, from there in
a straight line to meet Wadi Al-Chets at waypoint 1737612590, from there in a straight line
southwest to meet Wadi Al-Fachat at waypoint 1732012528, from there in a straight line south
until waypoint 616 which is at waypoint 1731212442, from there in a straight line to waypoint
* Printed 2064 􀀊􀊱􀊮 􀊦􀀅􀊫􀊹􀊺 􀊺􀀅􀊷 dated 28.6.1967 page 2690.
604 which is at waypoint 1727612412, from there in a straight line northwest to meet the path at
waypoint 1720012448, from there northwest along the ravine until waypoint 1717412500, from
there in a straight line to waypoint 1713612516, from there in a straight line southwest until
waypoint 1708412478, from there in a straight line northwest until waypoint 782.9 which is at
waypoint 1695012566, from there in a straight line to the crossroads at waypoint 1679812544,
from there in a straight line to the crossroads at waypoint 1671212534, from there in a straight
line northwest until waypoint 1657212664, from there in a straight line to waypoint 1646812678,
from there in a straight line to waypoint 1643812712.
20th Sivan 5727 (28th June 1967) Yael Uzai
Government Secretary
1967-􀂟􀀅􀂤􀂲􀂳 􀀏􀀋1 􀀊􀂪􀂧􀀌 􀂡􀂭􀂲􀂧􀂝􀂞 􀂨􀂞􀂡􀂥􀂲􀂝 􀂢􀂱􀂜􀂪 􀂞􀂯
􀂨􀂤􀂜􀂞􀂫􀂧􀂞 􀂙􀂥􀂧 􀂠􀂪􀂞􀂩
􀊩􀊬􀊠􀊸􀊹􀊩􀊤 􀊩􀊨􀊴􀊹􀊮􀊤 􀊸􀊢􀊠􀊮􀊤 􀊮􀀅􀊲􀊡 􀊸􀊥􀊠􀊬 􀊤􀊠􀊶􀊥􀊤 􀊥􀊡􀊰
1967-􀂟􀀅􀂤􀂲􀂳 􀀏􀀋1 􀀊􀂪􀂧􀀌 􀂡􀂭􀂲􀂧􀂝􀂞 􀂨􀂞􀂡􀂥􀂲􀂝 􀂢􀂱􀂜􀂪 􀂞􀂯
􀂡􀂭􀂲􀂧􀂝􀂞 􀂨􀂞􀂡􀂥􀂲􀂝 􀂢􀂱􀂜􀂪 – 􀂝􀂰􀂞􀂠 􀂢􀂩􀂢􀂜
􀂦􀂢􀂩􀂢􀂩􀂫 􀂨􀂤􀂞􀂳
2 Go 􀊺􀊴􀊱􀊥􀊺
1967-􀂟􀀅􀂤􀂲􀂳 􀀏􀀋1 􀀊􀂪􀂧􀀌 􀂡􀂭􀂲􀂧􀂝􀂞 􀂨􀂞􀂡􀂥􀂲􀂝 􀂢􀂱􀂜􀂪 􀂞􀂯
􀂨􀂤􀂜􀂞􀂫􀂧􀂞 􀂙􀂥􀂧 􀂠􀂪􀂞􀂩
􀊩􀊬􀊠􀊸􀊹􀊩􀊤 􀊩􀊨􀊴􀊹􀊮􀊤 􀊸􀊢􀊠􀊮􀊤 􀊮􀀅􀊲􀊡 􀊸􀊥􀊠􀊬 􀊤􀊠􀊶􀊥􀊤 􀊥􀊡􀊰
*1967-􀂟􀀅􀂤􀂲􀂳 􀀏􀀋1 􀀊􀂪􀂧􀀌 􀂡􀂭􀂲􀂧􀂝􀂞 􀂨􀂞􀂡􀂥􀂲􀂝 􀂢􀂱􀂜􀂪 􀂞􀂯
􀂬􀂰􀂞􀂳􀂚􀂞 􀀏1948-􀂠􀀅􀂲􀂳 􀀏􀂡􀂭􀂲􀂧􀂝􀂞 􀂨􀂞􀂡􀂥􀂲􀂝 􀂢􀂱􀂜􀂪 􀂳􀂜􀂞􀂰􀂭􀂥 􀂚11 􀂬􀂢􀂫􀂪 􀂢􀂭􀂥 􀂝􀂳􀂞􀂤􀂧􀂪 􀂬􀂰􀂞􀂳􀂚
􀀝􀂱􀂞􀂧􀂙􀂥 􀂝􀂥􀂲􀂧􀂧􀂝 􀂝􀂞􀂞􀂯􀂧 􀀏􀂱􀂠􀂙 􀂨􀂢􀂜 􀂥􀂤 􀂢􀂭􀂥 􀂝􀂢􀂳􀂞􀂢􀂞􀂤􀂧􀂪 􀂱􀂙􀂲
􀂡􀂞􀂭􀂢􀂲􀂝 􀀏􀂡􀂭􀂲􀂧􀂝 􀂦􀂢􀂥􀂠 􀂞􀂚􀂲 􀂠􀂡􀂲􀂤 􀂝􀂟􀂚 􀂫􀂚􀂰􀂩 􀂳􀂭􀂪􀂞􀂳􀂚 􀂱􀂙􀂞􀂳􀂧􀂝 􀂥􀂙􀂱􀂲􀂢-􀂮􀂱􀂙 􀂥􀂲 􀂠􀂡􀂲􀂝 .1
􀀑􀂝􀂩􀂢􀂜􀂧􀂝 􀂥􀂲 􀂥􀂝􀂩􀂢􀂧􀂝􀂞
􀀑􀀅1967-􀂟􀀅􀂤􀂲􀂳 􀀏􀀋1 􀀊􀂪􀂧􀀌 􀂡􀂭􀂲􀂧􀂝􀂞 􀂨􀂞􀂡􀂥􀂲􀂝 􀂢􀂱􀂜􀂪 􀂞􀂯􀀅 􀂙􀂱􀂰􀂢􀂢 􀂝􀂟 􀂞􀂯􀂥 .2
􀂳􀂢􀂩􀂞􀂭􀂯 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧􀂞 1673613678 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩 􀂜􀂫 􀂙􀂪􀂢􀂫 􀂢􀂜􀂙􀂞 􀂣􀂱􀂞􀂙􀂥 􀂝􀂩􀂞􀂭􀂯 1678613520 .􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂧
􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂣􀂱􀂜􀂝 􀂣􀂱􀂞􀂙􀂥 􀂝􀂠􀂱􀂟􀂧 􀂦􀂲􀂧􀂞 1675413700 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂣􀂱􀂜􀂝 􀂦􀂫 􀂲􀂛􀂭􀂧􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂳􀂢􀂠􀂱􀂟􀂧
􀂜􀂫 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧􀂞 1685413710 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂳􀂙􀂯􀂧􀂩􀂝 777.3 􀀑􀂛􀀑􀂩-􀂥 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧􀂞 1678813706
􀂥􀂲 􀂢􀂩􀂞􀂭􀂯􀂝 􀂮􀂞􀂱􀂫􀂝 􀂣􀂱􀂞􀂙􀂥 􀂳􀂢􀂠􀂱􀂟􀂧 􀂳􀂢􀂧􀂞􀂱􀂜 􀂦􀂲􀂧􀂞 1690013694 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂝􀂚􀂰􀂫-􀂥􀂙 􀂢􀂜􀂙􀂞 􀂦􀂫 􀂲􀂛􀂭􀂧􀂥
􀂢􀂰􀂱􀂲-􀂙 􀂢􀂜􀂙􀂞 􀂣􀂱􀂞􀂙􀂥 􀂝􀂩􀂞􀂭􀂯 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1699813604 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂢􀂰􀂱􀂲-􀂙 􀂢􀂜􀂙􀂞 􀂦􀂫 􀂲􀂛􀂭􀂧􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂝􀂚􀂰􀂫-􀂥􀂙 􀂢􀂜􀂙􀂞
􀂦􀂲􀂧􀂞 1705813848 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂳􀂙􀂯􀂧􀂩􀂝 703.2 􀀑􀂛􀀑􀂩-􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂝􀂩􀂞􀂭􀂯 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧􀂞 1705013712 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩􀂥 􀂜􀂫
-􀂚 􀂣􀂱􀂜􀂝 􀂦􀂫 􀂲􀂛􀂭􀂧􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂝􀂩􀂞􀂭􀂯 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1703613938 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂳􀂙􀂯􀂧􀂩􀂝 793.5 􀀑􀂛􀀑􀂩-􀂥 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚
􀂜􀂫 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1702014062 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂳􀂙􀂯􀂧􀂩􀂝 􀂝􀂭􀂢􀂤􀂝 􀂟􀂤􀂱􀂧􀂥 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1704213974 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩
􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂣􀂱􀂜􀂝 􀂦􀂫 􀂲􀂛􀂭􀂧􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂳􀂢􀂚􀂱􀂫􀂧 􀂳􀂢􀂩􀂞􀂭􀂯 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧􀂞 1701214114 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂣􀂱􀂜􀂝 􀂦􀂫 􀂲􀂛􀂭􀂧􀂥
􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1695414232 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂳􀂙􀂯􀂧􀂩􀂝 􀂳􀂞􀂚􀂥􀂡􀂯􀂝􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂣􀂱􀂜􀂝 􀂣􀂱􀂞􀂙􀂥 􀂝􀂩􀂞􀂭􀂯 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1697014136
􀂜􀂫 􀂣􀂱􀂜􀂝 􀂣􀂱􀂞􀂙􀂥 􀂝􀂩􀂞􀂭􀂯􀂧 826 􀂝􀂫􀂚􀂛 􀂳􀂭􀂢􀂰􀂫 􀂣􀂞􀂳 􀂝􀂠􀂱􀂟􀂧 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1697214294 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂱􀂲􀂢
􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂲􀂢􀂚􀂤􀂝 􀂦􀂫 􀂲􀂛􀂭􀂧􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂝􀂠􀂱􀂟􀂧 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧􀂞 1703814336 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂳􀂙􀂯􀂧􀂩􀂝 􀂳􀂞􀂚􀂥􀂡􀂯􀂝􀂥
􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧􀂞 1712214288 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂳􀂙􀂯􀂧􀂩􀂝 835 􀀑􀂛􀀑􀂩-􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂳􀂢􀂠􀂱􀂟􀂧 􀂳􀂢􀂧􀂞􀂱􀂜 􀂦􀂲􀂧􀂞 1710014332
􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀀊􀂧 20 􀂥􀂲 􀂰􀂠􀂱􀂧􀂚 􀂞􀂥 􀂠􀂱􀂟􀂧 􀂜􀂯􀂧􀂞 􀂲􀂢􀂚􀂤􀂥 􀂥􀂢􀂚􀂰􀂧􀂚 􀂝􀂧􀂞􀂱􀂜 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1715214164 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂥 􀂜􀂫
-􀂚 􀂳􀂙􀂯􀂧􀂩􀂝 􀂝􀂱􀂢􀂯-􀂙 􀂚􀂫􀂲 􀂳􀂚􀂱􀂢􀂠􀂥 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1721813878 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩 􀂜􀂫 􀂝􀂠􀂱􀂟􀂧 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1718813882
􀂳􀂢􀂠􀂱􀂟􀂧 􀂳􀂢􀂧􀂞􀂱􀂜 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1736413914 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂳􀂞􀂢􀂙􀂛􀂝 􀂳􀂞􀂚􀂥􀂡􀂯􀂝􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂝􀂠􀂱􀂟􀂧 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1730013916 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩
􀂜􀂫 􀂝􀂧􀂞􀂱􀂜 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1744413852 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂝􀂢􀂡􀂥-􀂞􀂚􀂙 􀂢􀂜􀂙􀂞 􀂦􀂫 􀂲􀂛􀂭􀂧􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂮􀂞􀂱􀂫􀂝 􀂣􀂱􀂞􀂙􀂥
1739413768 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩 􀂜􀂫 􀂣􀂱􀂜􀂝 􀂣􀂱􀂞􀂙􀂥 􀂳􀂢􀂚􀂱􀂫􀂧 􀂳􀂢􀂧􀂞􀂱􀂜 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1744213838 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂦􀂢􀂤􀂱􀂜􀂝 􀂳􀂞􀂚􀂥􀂡􀂯􀂝􀂥
􀂜􀂫 􀂣􀂱􀂜􀂝 􀂣􀂱􀂞􀂙􀂥 􀂳􀂢􀂠􀂱􀂟􀂧 􀂳􀂢􀂧􀂞􀂱􀂜 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1738813752 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂣􀂱􀂜􀂝 􀂦􀂫 􀂲􀂛􀂭􀂧􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂝􀂧􀂞􀂱􀂜 􀂦􀂲􀂧
􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂢􀂜􀂙􀂞􀂝 􀂣􀂱􀂞􀂙􀂥 􀂳􀂢􀂚􀂱􀂫􀂧 􀂳􀂢􀂧􀂞􀂱􀂜 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1752413696 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀀊􀂛􀂱􀂜-􀂦􀂙 􀂢􀂜􀂙􀂞 􀂦􀂫 􀂲􀂛􀂭􀂧􀂥
􀂜􀂫 􀂝􀂧􀂞􀂱􀂜 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1744213526 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂦􀂢􀂤􀂱􀂜􀂝 􀂲􀂛􀂭􀂧􀂥 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1743013554
􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂦􀂢􀂥􀂪 􀂢􀂜􀂙􀂞 􀂣􀂱􀂞􀂙􀂥 􀂳􀂢􀂠􀂱􀂟􀂧 􀂳􀂢􀂧􀂞􀂱􀂜 􀂦􀂲􀂧􀂞 1743813456 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂦􀂢􀂥􀂪 􀂢􀂜􀂙􀂞 􀂦􀂫 􀂲􀂛􀂭􀂧􀂥
􀂜􀂫 􀂙􀂢􀂛􀂝 􀂣􀂱􀂞􀂙􀂥 􀂳􀂢􀂠􀂱􀂟􀂧 􀂳􀂢􀂧􀂞􀂱􀂜 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1747013336 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂝􀂧􀂞􀂱􀂜 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1746613424
1746413252 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂣􀂱􀂜􀂝 􀂦􀂫 􀂲􀂛􀂭􀂧􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂳􀂢􀂚􀂱􀂫􀂧 􀂳􀂢􀂧􀂞􀂱􀂜 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1750013300 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂥
􀂜􀂫 􀂝􀂧􀂞􀂱􀂜 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1744613248 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂦􀂢􀂤􀂱􀂜􀂝 􀂳􀂞􀂚􀂥􀂡􀂯􀂝􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂣􀂱􀂜􀂝 􀂣􀂱􀂞􀂙􀂥 􀂝􀂚􀂱􀂫􀂧 􀂦􀂲􀂧
1741013086 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂣􀂱􀂜􀂝 􀂦􀂫 􀂲􀂛􀂭􀂧􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1744413194 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂦􀂢􀂤􀂱􀂜􀂝 􀂳􀂞􀂚􀂥􀂡􀂯􀂝􀂥
-􀂚 􀂳􀂞􀂚􀂥􀂡􀂯􀂝􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂲􀂢􀂚􀂤􀂝 􀂣􀂱􀂞􀂙􀂥 􀂝􀂧􀂞􀂱􀂜 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1739413086 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂳􀂞􀂚􀂥􀂡􀂯􀂝􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂝􀂚􀂱􀂫􀂧 􀂦􀂲􀂧
􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1740613002 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂳􀂙􀂯􀂧􀂩􀂝 700.5 􀀑􀂛􀀑􀂩-􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂝􀂧􀂞􀂱􀂜 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1740213050 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩
-􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂣􀂱􀂜􀂝 􀂣􀂱􀂞􀂙􀂥 􀂝􀂧􀂞􀂱􀂜 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1747012936 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂣􀂱􀂜􀂝 􀂦􀂫 􀂲􀂛􀂭􀂧􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂳􀂢􀂠􀂱􀂟􀂧 􀂳􀂢􀂧􀂞􀂱􀂜 􀂱􀂲􀂢
􀂦􀂲􀂧 1748212830 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂦􀂢􀂤􀂱􀂜􀂝 􀂲􀂛􀂭􀂧􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂳􀂢􀂚􀂱􀂫􀂧 􀂳􀂢􀂧􀂞􀂱􀂜 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1750412844 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩
􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂨􀂞􀂱􀂜􀂰 􀂥􀂠􀂩 􀂦􀂫 􀂲􀂛􀂭􀂧􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂳􀂢􀂚􀂱􀂫􀂧 􀂳􀂢􀂧􀂞􀂱􀂜 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1747812826 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂥 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚
􀂦􀂲􀂧 1739212736 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂢􀂜􀂙􀂞􀂝 􀂦􀂫 􀂲􀂛􀂭􀂧􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂳􀂢􀂚􀂱􀂫􀂧 􀂳􀂢􀂧􀂞􀂱􀂜 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1745612776
-􀂚 􀂮􀂠-􀂥􀂙 􀂢􀂜􀂙􀂞 􀂦􀂫 􀂲􀂛􀂭􀂧􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1739212666 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂟􀂞􀂥-􀂙 􀂢􀂜􀂙􀂞 􀂣􀂱􀂞􀂙􀂥 􀂝􀂧􀂞􀂱􀂜
􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂳􀂠􀂭-􀂥􀂙 􀂢􀂜􀂙􀂞 􀂦􀂫 􀂲􀂛􀂭􀂧􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂳􀂢􀂚􀂱􀂫􀂧 􀂳􀂢􀂧􀂞􀂱􀂜 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1737612590 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩
-􀂥 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1731212442 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂳􀂙􀂯􀂧􀂩􀂝 616 􀀑􀂛􀀑􀂩-􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂝􀂧􀂞􀂱􀂜 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1732012528
􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂣􀂱􀂜􀂝 􀂦􀂫 􀂲􀂛􀂭􀂧􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂳􀂢􀂚􀂱􀂫􀂧 􀂳􀂢􀂩􀂞􀂭􀂯 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1727612412 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂳􀂙􀂯􀂧􀂩􀂝 604 􀀑􀂛􀀑􀂩
􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂥 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1717412500 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂙􀂢􀂛􀂝 􀂣􀂱􀂞􀂙􀂥 􀂳􀂢􀂚􀂱􀂫􀂧 􀂳􀂢􀂩􀂞􀂭􀂯 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1720012448
􀂳􀂢􀂩􀂞􀂭􀂯 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1708412478 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂳􀂢􀂚􀂱􀂫􀂧 􀂳􀂢􀂧􀂞􀂱􀂜 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1713612516
􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂦􀂢􀂤􀂱􀂜􀂝 􀂲􀂛􀂭􀂧􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1695012566 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂳􀂙􀂯􀂧􀂩􀂝 782.9 􀀑􀂛􀀑􀂩-􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂳􀂢􀂚􀂱􀂫􀂧
􀂳􀂢􀂩􀂞􀂭􀂯 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1671212534 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂚 􀂦􀂢􀂤􀂱􀂜􀂝 􀂲􀂛􀂭􀂧􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1679812544
􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂥 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1646812678 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂥 􀂱􀂲􀂢 􀂞􀂰􀂚 􀂦􀂲􀂧 1657212664 􀀑􀂯􀀑􀂩-􀂥 􀂜􀂫 􀂳􀂢􀂚􀂱􀂫􀂧
.2690 􀀊􀂧􀂫 28.6.1967 􀂦􀂞􀂢􀂧 2064 􀀊􀂪􀂧 􀂟􀀅􀂤􀂲􀂳 􀂳􀀅􀂰 􀂦􀂪􀂱􀂞􀂭 *
1967-􀂟􀀅􀂤􀂲􀂳 􀀏􀀋1 􀀊􀂪􀂧􀀌 􀂡􀂭􀂲􀂧􀂝􀂞 􀂨􀂞􀂡􀂥􀂲􀂝 􀂢􀂱􀂜􀂪 􀂞􀂯
􀂨􀂤􀂜􀂞􀂫􀂧􀂞 􀂙􀂥􀂧 􀂠􀂪􀂞􀂩
􀊩􀊬􀊠􀊸􀊹􀊩􀊤 􀊩􀊨􀊴􀊹􀊮􀊤 􀊸􀊢􀊠􀊮􀊤 􀊮􀀅􀊲􀊡 􀊸􀊥􀊠􀊬 􀊤􀊠􀊶􀊥􀊤 􀊥􀊡􀊰
􀂢􀂙􀂟􀂞􀂫 􀂥􀂫􀂢 􀀋1967 􀂢􀂩􀂞􀂢􀂚 28􀀌 􀂟􀀅􀂤􀂲􀂳 􀂨􀂞􀂢􀂪􀂚 􀀊􀂤
􀂝􀂥􀂲􀂧􀂧􀂝 􀂳􀂱􀂢􀂤􀂟􀂧
􀂩􀂚􀂥 􀂳􀂱􀂞 - 􀂟􀂛􀂪 􀂲􀂴􀂚􀂛 􀂝􀂟􀂬􀂟 􀂞􀂱􀂣􀂱􀂡 􀀏􀂞􀂱􀂣􀂫􀂮 􀂣􀂥􀂨􀂫􀂨􀂛 􀂧􀂣􀂣􀂟􀂪􀂣􀂳􀂟 􀂞􀂥􀂣􀂲􀂬 􀂦􀂬 􀂧􀂣􀂣􀂟􀂪􀂨􀂦 􀂞􀂬􀂝􀂟􀂞

Annex 6.
(Hebrew version with English translation)

Boundary expansion
Jerusalem Municipality
The Municipalities Ordinance
Announcement of the expansion of Jerusalem Municipality boundaries
By virtue of my authority according to Clause 8A of the Municipalities Ordinance1, I
announce the following:
1. The Jerusalem Municipality boundary2 will be expanded by the inclusion of the area
detailed in the Addendum.
2. This Announcement will be called, “Announcement of the (Expansion of the
Municipality boundaries) 5727-1967”.
From waypoint 1678613520 northwards along the length of Wadi Issa until waypoint
1673613678 and from there in a straight line north east to meet the path at waypoint
1675413700, and from there eastwards along the way until waypoint 1678813706 and from
there in a straight line to waypoint 777.3 which is at waypoint 1685413710, and from there
in a straight line to meet Wadi Al-Aqba at waypoint 1690013694, and from there southeast
along the Wadi Al-Akba’s northern gorge to meet Wadi A-Shirki at waypoint 1699813604
northwards along the length of Wadi A-Sharqi until waypoint 1705013712 and from there in
a straight line northwards until waypoint 703.2 which is at waypoint 1705813848 and from
there in a straight line to waypoint 793.5, which is at waypoint 1703613938, from there in a
straight line north to meet the path at waypoint 1704213974, and from there in a straight line
to Mercaz Hakipa, which is at waypoint 1702014062, from there in a straight line to meet the
path at waypoint 1701214114 and from there in a straight line north west to meet the path at
waypoint 1697014136, and from there northwards along the path to the cross roads, which is
at waypoint 1695414232 from there in a straight line to waypoint 1697214294, from there
eastwards going around Hill 826 from the north along the path to the cross roads, which is at
waypoint 1703814336 and from there in a straight line eastwards to meet the road at
waypoint 17100143132, and from there southeast until waypoint 835, which is at waypoint
1712214288 and from there in a straight line until waypoint 1715214164, southwards from
there parallel to the road and from its eastern side at a distance of 20 meters until waypoint
1718813882, from there Eastwards until point 1721813878, from there in a straight line to
Hirbat Shaab A-Tsira which is at waypoint 1730013916, from there eastwards to where the
ravines meet at waypoint 1736413914, from there southeast for the length of the gorge until
it meets up with Wadi Abu-Latia at waypoint 1744413852, from there in a straight line south
until the crossroads at waypoint 1744213838, from there southwest along the way until
waypoint 1739413768, and south from there to meet the path at waypoint 1738813752, from
there southeast along the way until it meets up with Wadi Em-Darj at waypoint 1752413696,
from there southwest along the Wadi until waypoint 1743013554, from there in a straight
line to the crossroads at waypoint 1744213526 from there in a straight line southwards to
meet Wadi Salim at waypoint 1743813456, and from there southeast along Wadi Salim until
waypoint 1746613424, from there in a straight line south until waypoint 1747013336, from
there southeast along the ravine until waypoint 1750013300, from there in a straight line
southwest to meet the path at waypoint 1746413252, from there west along
the path to the cross roads at waypoint 1744613248, from there in a straight line
south until the crossroads at waypoint 1744413194, from there in a straight line to meet the
path at waypoint 1741013086, and from there westwards to the cross roads at waypoint
1739413086, from there southwards along the road to the cross roads at waypoint
1 The Laws of the State of Israel, New version 8, 5724, page 197, Law Ledger 499 Page 74.
2 Ordinance Collection 1448, 5723, page 1479.
1740213050, from there in a straight line south until waypoint 700.5 which is at waypoint
1740613002, from there in a straight line southeast to meet the path at waypoint 1747012936,
from there southwards along the way until waypoint 1750412844, from there in a straight
line southwest until the crossroads at waypoint 1748212830, from there in a straight line to
waypoint 1747812826, from there in a straight line southwest to meet Nachal Kidron at
waypoint 1745612776, from there in a straight line southwest to meet the Wadi at waypoint
1739212736, from there southwards along Wadi A-Luz until waypoint 1739212666, from
there in a straight line to meet Wadi Al-Chets at waypoint 1737612590, from there in a
straight line southwest to meet Wadi Al-Fachat at waypoint 1732012528, from there in a
straight line south until waypoint 616 which is at waypoint 1731212442 from there in a
straight line to waypoint 604 which is at waypoint 1727612412, from there in a straight line
northwest to meet the path at waypoint 1720012448, from there northwest along the ravine
until waypoint 1717412500, from there in a straight line to waypoint 1713612516, from
there in a straight line southwest until waypoint 1708412478, from there in a straight line
northwest until waypoint 782.9 which is at waypoint 1695012566. from there in a straight
line to the crossroads at waypoint 1679812544, from there in a straight line to the crossroads
at waypoint 1671212534, from there in a straight line northwest until waypoint 1657212664,
from there in a straight line to waypoint 1646812678, from there in a straight line to waypoint
20th Sivan 5727 (28th June 1967) Chaim Moshe Shapiro
(CM 8071) Minister of the Interior
פקודת העיריות
אכרזה על ה ר ח בת תחום עירית ירושלים
בתוקף סמכותי לפי סעיף 8א לפקודת העיריות •י, אני מכריז לאמור:
הרחבת תחום 1. תחום עירית ירושלים 2 י ורחב על ידי הכללת השטח המפורט בתוספת.
עירית ירושלים
השם 2, לאכרזה זו ייקרא ״אכרזת ירושלים (הרחבת תחום העיריה), תשכ״ז— 1967 ״.
מ־נ.צ. 1678613520 צפונה לאורך ואדי עיסא עד נ.צ. 1673613678 ומשם בקו ישר
"צפונית מזרחית עד למפגש עם הדרך ב־נ.צ. 1675413700 ומשם מזרחה לאורך הדרך עד
ל־נ.צ. 1678813706 ומשם בקו ישר ל־נ.ג. 777.3 הנמצאת ב־נ.צ. 1685413710 ומשם בקו
ישר עד למפגש עם ואדי אל־עקבה ב־נ.צ. 1690013694 ומשם דרומית מזרחית לאורך
הערוץ הצפוני של ואדי אל־עקבה עד למפגש עם ואדי א־שדקי ב־נ.צ. 1699813604 משם
צפונה לאורך ואדי א־שרקי עד ל־נ.צ. 1705013712 ומשם בקו ישר צפונה עד ל־נ.ג. 703.2
הנמצאת ב־נ.צ. 1705813848 ומשם בקו ישר ל־נ.ג. 793.5 הנמצאת ב־נ.צ. 1703613938
משם בקו ישר צפונה עד למפגש עם הדרך ב־נ.צ. 1704213974 משם בקו ישר למרכז
הכיפה הנמצאת ב־נ.צ. 1702014062 משם בקו ישד עד למפגש עם הדרך ב־נ.צ. 1701214114
ומשם בקו ישר צפונית מערבית עד למפגש עם הדרך ב־נ.צ. 1697014136 משם צפונה
לאורך הדרך עד להצטלבות הנמצאת ב־נ.צ. 1695414232 משם בקו ישר עד ל־נ.צ.
1697214294 משם מזרחה תוך עקיפת גבעה 826 מצפונה לאורך הדרך עד להצטלבות
הנמצאת ב־נ.צ. 1703814336 ומשם בקו ישר מזרחה עד למפגש עם הכביש ב־נ.צ.
1710014332 ומשם דרומית מזרחית עד ל־נ.ג. 835 הנמצאת ב־נ.צ. 1712214288 ומשם
בקו ישר עד ל־נ.צ. 1715214164 משם דרומה במקביל לכביש ומצד מזרח לו במרחק של
20 מ׳ עד ל־נ.צ. 1718813882 משם מזרחה עד נ.צ. 1721813878 משם בקו ישר לחירבת שעב
א־צירה הנמצאת ב־נ.צ. 1730013916 משם מזרחה עד להצטלבות הגאיות ב־נ.צ. 1736413914
משם דרומית מזרחית לאורך הערוץ עד למפגש עד ואדי אבו־לטיה ב־נ.צ. 1744413852
משם בקו ישר דרומה עד להצטלבות הדרכים ב־נ.צ. 1744213838 משם דרומית מערבית
לאורך הדרך עד נ.צ. 1739413768 משם דרומה עד למפגש עם הדרך ב־נ.צ. 1738813752
משם דרומית מזרחית לאורך הדרך עד למפגש עם ואדי אם-דרג׳ ב־נ.צ. 1752413696 משם
דרומית מערבית לאורך הואדי עד ל־נ.צ. 1743013554 משם בקו ישר למפגש הדרכים
ב-נ.צ. 1744213526 משם בקו ישר דרומה עד למפגש עם ואדי סלים ב-נ.צ. 1743813456
ומשם דרומית מזרחית לאורך ואדי סלים עד ל-נ.צ. 1746613424 משם בקו ישר דרומה עד
ל-נ.צ. 1747013336 משם דרומית מזרחית לאורך הגיא עד ל-נ.צ. 1750013300 משם בקו
ישר דרומית מערבית עד למפגש עם הדרך ב-נ.צ. 1746413252 משם מערבה לאורך הדרך
עד להצטלבות הדרכים ב-נ.צ. 1744613248 משם בקו ישר דרומה עד להצטלבות הדרכים
ב-נ.צ. 1744413194 משם בקו ישר עד למפגש עם הדרך ב-נ.צ. 1741013086 משם מערבה
עד להצטלבות ב-נ.צ. 1739413086 משם דרומה לאורך הכביש עד להצטלבות ב-ג.צ.
. 1 דיני מדינת ישראל, נוםח חדש &, תשכ״ד, עמ׳ 197 ; ס׳׳ח 499 , תשב״ז, עמ׳ 74
. 2 ין׳׳ת 1448 , תשכ״ג, עמי 1479
2694 קובץ התקנות 2065 , כ׳ ג ס י ו ז תשכ״ז, 28.6.1967
1740213050 משם בקו ישר דרומה עד ל-נ.ג. 700.5 הנמצאת ב-נ.צ. 1740613002 משם בקו
ישר דרומית מזרחית עד למפגש עם הדרך ב-נ.צ. 1747012936 משם דרומה לאורך הדרך
עד ל-נ.צ. 1750412844 משם בקו ישר דרומית מערבית עד למפגש הדרכים ב-נ.צ.
1748212830 משם בקו ישר ל-נ.צ. 1747812826 משם בקו ישר דרומית,מערבית עד למפגש
עם נחל קדרון ב-נ.צ. 1745612776 משם בקו ישר דרומית מערבית עד למפגש עם הואדי
ב-נ.צ. 1739212736 משם דרומה לאורך ואדי א-לוז עד ל-נ.צ. 1739212666 משם בקו ישר
עד למפגש עם ואדי אל-חץ ב-נ.צ. 1737612590 משם בקו ישר דרומית מערבית עד למפגש
עם ואדי אל-פחת ב-נ.צ. 1732012528 משם בקו ישר דרומה עד ל-נ.ג. 616 הנמצאת ב-נ.צ.
1731212442 משם בקו ישר ל-נ.ג. 604 הנמצאת ב-נ.צ. 1727612412 משם בקו ישר צפונית
מערבית עד למפגש עם הדרך ב-נ.צ. 1720012448 משם צפונית מערבית לאורך הגיא עד
ל-נ.צ. 1717412500 משם בקו ישר ל־נ.צ. 1713612516 משם בקו ישר דרומית מערבית עד
ל-נ.צ. 1708412478 משם בקו ישר צפונית מערבית עד ל-נ.ג. 782.9 הנמצאת ב־נ.צ.
1695012566 משם בקו ישר עד למפגש הדרכים ב-נ.צ. 1679812544 משם בקו ישר עד
למפגש הדרכים ב-נ.צ. 1671212534 משם בקו ישר צפונית מערבית עד ל-נ.צ. 1657212664
. משם בקו ישר ל-נ.צ. 1646812678 משם בקו ישר ל-נ.צ. 1643812712
כ׳ בסיון תשכ״ז( 28 ביוני 1967 ) ח י י ם מ ש ה ש פ י ר א •
>חמ! 807 )׳ שר הפנים
2695 קובץ התמנות 2065 , נ׳ בםיו! תשכ״ז, 28.6.1967
Annex 7.
Source: Knesset website,

(Originally adopted in 5740-1980)
Jerusalem - the capital
of Israel
1. The complete and united Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.
The seat of the
President, the Knesset,
the Government and
the Supreme Court
2. Jerusalem is the seat of the President of the State, the Knesset,
the Government, and the Supreme Court.
Protection of the Holy
3. The Holy Places shall be protected against desecration, and any
other violation, and against anything that is liable to violate the
freedom of access of members of the various religions to the
places sacred to them, or to offend their feelings towards those
The development of
4. (a) The Government shall pursue the development and
prosperity of Jerusalem, and the welfare of its
inhabitants, by allocating special resources, including a
special annual grant to the Municipality of Jerusalem
(Capital City Grant), with the approval of the Knesset
Finance Committee.
(b) Jerusalem shall be granted special priorities in the
activities of the State authorities for the development of
Jerusalem in market and economic issues, and in other
(c) The Government shall set up a special body or bodies to
This unofficial English translation of the basic law includes all the amendments adopted
through May 1, 2022.
For the full and updated legislative history of the official law (in Hebrew), please see the
relevant page in the National Legislation Database.
Special thanks to Dr. Sheila Hattis Rolef for the translation.
implement this article.
The confines of the
territory of Jerusalem
(Amendment No. 1)
5. Inter alia, the limits of Jerusalem include, for the purpose of
this Basic Law, the whole area described in the addendum to
the declaration of the expansion of the limits of the Jerusalem
municipality of 20 Sivan 5727 (June 28, 1967), that was issued
under the Municipalities Ordinance.
Prohibition to delegate
powers (Amendment
No. 1 & 2)
6. No powers concerning the limits of the Jerusalem Municipality
area, including the area described in the addendum on the
expansion of the area of the municipality of Jerusalem on 20
Sivan 5767 (June 28, 1967) that was issued under the
Municipalities Ordinance, and all as was in force on the day of
the beginning of Basic-Law: Jerusalem the Capital of Israel
(Amendment No. 2), shall be transferred to a foreign political
or governing power, or to another similar foreign authority,
whether permanently or for a given period.
Rigidity (Amendments
No. 1 & 2)
7. The provisions of article 6 are not to be changed, save by a
Basic law adopted by a majority of eighty Members of the
Knesset. The provisions of this article are not to be changed
save by means of a basic law adopted by a majority of the
Knesset Members.
(Adopted on December 7, 2000)
Intention 1. This Basic Law is designed to lay down in Basic-Law:
Jerusalem the Capital of Israel, a limitation on a change of the
confines of the territory of Jerusalem, and the application of the
law, jurisdiction and administration of the State of Israel in this
territory, and is also designed to prohibit the transfer of any sort
of governmental or municipal authority, relating to the territory
of Jerusalem, to any body, which does not act by force of a law
of the State of Israel.
2. The amendment was integrated into articles 5-7 of the main
Retention of laws. 3. Nothing in the provisions of this Basic-Law will detract from
the provisions of the Law for the Implementation of the Interim
Agreement Regarding the West Bank and the Gaza Strip
(limitation of activity) 5755-1994, or any previous legal

Annex 8.
Source: ICRC, IHL Databases, online,

The Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law (temporary provision) 5763 - 2003
(Unofficial Translation)
Definitions 1. In this law -
"area" - any one of the following: Judea and Samaria, and the Gaza Strip;
"Citizenship Law" - The Citizenship Law, 5712 - 1952;
"Entry into Israel Law" - Entry into Israel Law, 5712 - 1952;
"Area Commander" - the commander of the Israel Defense Forces in the area;
"inhabitant of an area" - including anyone residing in the area, even though he
is not registered in the population register of the area, and excluding the
inhabitant of an Israeli settlement in the area.
Limitation of
citizenship and
stay in Israel
2. During the period in which this law shall remain in force, despite what is said in
any legal provision, including article 7 of the Citizenship Law, the Minister of the
Interior shall not grant the inhabitant of an area citizenship on the basis of the
Citizenship law, and shall not give him a license to reside in Israel on the basis of
the Entry into Israel Law, and the Area Commander shall not grant a said
inhabitant, a permit to stay in Israel, on the basis with the security legislation in
the area.
Reservations 3. Despite the instructions of article 2 -
(1) The Minister of the Interior, or the Area Commander, as the case may be, is
entitled to grant an inhabitant of an area a license to reside in Israel, or a
permit to stay in Israel, for a fixed period, for the purpose of work, or in
order to receive medical treatment, and also for some other temporary
purpose - for a cumulative period of no more than six months, as well as a
license to reside in Israel, or a permit to stay in Israel in order to prevent the
separation of a child, aged up to 12, from its parent who is staying in Israel
(2) The Minister of the Interior is entitled to grant citizenship, or provide a
license to reside in Israel, to an inhabitant of an area, if he is convinced that
he identifies with the State of Israel and its goals, and that he or a member
of his family performed a significant act to promote the security, economy
or some other important matter of the State, or that the granting of
citizenship or provision of the license to reside in Israel, are of special
interest to the State; In this paragraph, "member of family" - spouse, parent,
4. Despite the instructions of this law -
(1) The Minister of the Interior or the Area Commander, as the case may be, is
entitled to prolong the validity of a license to reside in Israel, or of a permit
to stay in Israel, that were in the possession of the inhabitant of an area, on
the eve of this law going into force;
(2) The Area Commander is entitled to grant a permit for a temporary stay in
Israel to an inhabitant of an area, who applied for citizenship, in accordance
with the Citizenship Law, or made a request for a license to reside in Israel,
in accordance with the Entry into Israel Law, before Sunday, Sivan 1, 5862
(May 12, 2002), and in whose case a decision was not yet taken on the day
that this law went into force, as long as the said inhabitant shall not be
granted, on the basis of the instructions of this paragraph, citizenship in
accordance with the Citizenship Law, and shall not be given a license to stay
temporarily, or to stay permanently, in accordance with the Entry into Israel
Validity 5. This law shall remain in force until the end of a year from the day on which it is
published, but the Government is entitled, with the approval of the Knesset, to
prolong its validity by order, from time to time, for a period that shall not
exceed one year on each occasion.
Annex 9.
Source: Knesset website,

(Originally adopted in 5778-2018
Basic principles 1. (a) The Land of Israel is the historical homeland of the
Jewish People, in which the State of Israel was
(b) The State of Israel is the nation state of the Jewish
People in which it realizes its natural, cultural, religious
and historical right to self-determination.
(c) The realization of the right to national selfdetermination
in the State of Israel is exclusive to the
Jewish People.
The symbols of the
2. (a) The name of the State is "Israel"
(b) The State flag is white, with two light-blue stripes close
to the edges, and a light-blue Star of David in the
(c) The State emblem is a seven-branched menorah with
olive leaves on both sides, and the word "Israel"
beneath it.
(d) The national anthem is "Hatikvah".
(e) Details regarding the State symbols shall be prescribed
This unofficial English translation of the basic law includes all the amendments adopted
through May 1, 2022.
For the full and updated legislative history of the official law (in Hebrew), please see the
relevant page in the National Legislation Database.
Special thanks to Dr. Sheila Hattis Rolef for the translation.
by law.
The capital of the State 3. The complete and united Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.
Language 4. (a) Hebrew is the language of the State.
(b) Arabic has a special status in the State. Regulation of
the use of Arabic in state institutions or in contacts with
them shall be prescribed by law.
(c) Nothing in this article shall compromise the status
given to the Arabic language in practice, before this
basic-law came into force.
Ingathering of the
5. The State shall be open to Jewish immigration, and the
ingathering of the exiles.
The connection to the
Jewish People
6. (a) The State shall strive to secure the welfare of members
of the Jewish People and of its citizens, who are in
straits and in captivity, due to their Jewishness or due to
their citizenship.
(b) The State shall act in the Diaspora, to strengthen the
affinity between the State and members of the Jewish
(c) The State shall act to preserve the cultural, historical,
and religious heritage of the Jewish People among Jews
of the Diaspora.
Jewish settlement 7. The State views the development of Jewish settlement as a
national value, and shall act to encourage and promote its
establishment and consolidation.
Official calendar 8. The Hebrew calendar is the official calendar of the State, and
side by side with it, the Gregorian calendar shall be used as an
official calendar. The use of the Hebrew calendar and the
Gregorian calendar shall be prescribed by law.
Independence Day and
memorial days
9. (a) Independence Day is the official national holiday of the
(b) Memorial Day for the Fallen in Israel's Wars, and the
Remembrance Day for the Holocaust and Martyrdom,
are official memorial days of the State.
Days of rest and
statutory holidays
10. The Sabbath and the Jewish holidays are the established days
of rest in the State. Those who are not Jewish have the right to
keep days of rest on their days of rest and holidays. Details
regarding this matter shall be presdcribed by law.
Rigidity 11. This basic-law may not be changed save by means of a basiclaw,
adopted by a majority of the Knesset Members.

Annex 10.
(Hebrew version with English translation)

Addition of
section 5A
Authority of the Court of
Administrative Affairs in
Jerusalem to adjudicate
regarding the Area
The Courts for Administrative Affairs Law (Amendment No.117),
1. In the Administrative Court Law, 5760-20002(hereafter - the Main Law), after section 5
will come:
5A. (a) The Court of Administrative Affairs in Jerusalem will
adjudicate, in addition to its authority under section 5, in these cases
(1) A petition against a decision of an Authority or an
appointed body
In the Fourth Addendum, workers in Judea and Samaria
(hereafter: the Area), regarding the Appointee in the Fourth
Addendum, and to the exclusion of a petition where the main
redress sought therein concerns security legislation, including its
cancellation, a Declaration of its cancellation or the provision of
a Directive for its installation (hereafter – an Administrative
Petition regarding the Area).
(2) An Appeal by the body appointed in the Fifth Addendum
(hereafter - An Administrative Appeal regarding the Area).
(b) (1) An Administrative Petition regarding the Area will be
heard according to the Directives of this Law as though it were
an Administrative Appeal under section 5(1).
(2) An administrative Appeal regarding the Area will be heard
in accordance with the provisions of this Law as if it were an
Administrative Appeal under section 5(2).
(c) In this section –
"Military Commander" - as inferred in the Order regarding security
provisions (integrated version) (Judea and Samaria) (No.1651),
"Security legislation" - any of the following:
(1) A Proclamation, Order, Decree, Declaration, Notice,
Announcement, or other document, given by IDF Forces
Command in the Area, a military commander, or other authority
acting on their behalf or with their approval;
(2) The Law valid in the Area, as valid from time to time.
(3) A Directive given by virtue of legislation as stated in
paragraph (1) or the Law as stated in paragraph (2), and it is
1 Received in the Knesset on 5th Av 5778 (17th July 2018); the proposed Bill and explanatory notes were published
in Proposed Government Bills 1222, dated 15th Iyar 5778 (30th April 2018), page 906.
2 Law Book 5718, page 190, 5775, page 489.
3 Proclamation Ledger # 234, page 5902.
Fourth and Fifth
legally relevant.”
2. After the Third Amendment to the Main Law will come:
"A Fourth Addendum
Section 5A(a)(1)
Administrative Appeal regarding the Area
1. Freedom of Information - a Decision of an Authority regarding an information
request addressed to it.
2. Planning and construction - a Decision by an Authority under the Cities, Villages
and Buildings Planning Law, (Judea and Samaria) No.79), 19664, (in this regard - the
City Planning Law), according to an Order regarding the Cities, Villages and Buildings
Planning Law,(Judea and Samaria) No.418), 5731-19715, or according to an Order
granting permits for work in areas reserved for military purposes (Judea and Samaria)
(No.997), 5742-19826, and with the exception of –
(1) A Decision concerning offenses and punishments, including a Decision
under section 37B of the City Planning Law.
(2) A Decision concerning an area planning program, or a descriptive planning
program as defined in Chapter III of the City Planning Law.
(3) A Decision of the IDF Forces Commander in the Area, apart from a Decision
under section 38 of the City Planning Law.
(4) A Decision by the Civil Administration Head pursuant to Regulation 3 of the
Approval Regulations, Construction and Exemption Regulations for
Temporary Roads to Construction Sites of Regional importance (Temporary
Provision) (Judea and Samaria),5771-20117;
(5) A Decision of the Supreme Planning Council under section 7(4) of the Town
Planning Order; in this regard, “The Supreme Planning Council” – the
Council as defined in section 2 of the City Planning Law.
3. Entrance and exit –
(a) A Decision by the Civil Administration Head under section 1D of the Order
regarding closed areas (West Bank Area) (No. 34), 5727-19678, regarding a
particular person;
(b) A Decision of a military commander under section 3 of a general entry permit
(No.5) (Israeli residents and foreign residents) (Judea and Samaria), 5730-
4 Published in the Jordanian official newspaper, No. 1952, dated 25.9.1966, page 1921.
5 2 Proclamation Ledger # 27, page 1000.
6 2 Proclamation Ledger # 56, page 28.
7 2 Proclamation Ledger # 238, page 6474.
8 2 Proclamation Ledger # 2, page 70.
Launch and
(c) An isolated Decision by an Authority regarding the entry or stay of a
foreigner in the Area, according to the procedures of the Government
Activities Coordinator in the Territories or according to the Civil
Administration’s procedures, except for a Decision as stipulated regarding a
request by the Palestinian Authority for approval of a foreign visitor’s permit
that it had granted; In this regard, “The Palestinian Authority" - the Council
as defined in the Emergency Regulations (Judea and Samaria - Judgment of
offenses and legal assistance), 5728-196710, as extended and amended by
(d) An isolated Decision by an Authority regarding entry to an Israeli settlement
for employment in the Area, given according to the Declaration regarding the
closure of an area (Israeli settlements) (Judea and Samaria), 5762-200211, and
according to the Order regarding the employment of workers in certain places
(Judea and Samaria) (No. 967), 5742-198212;
(e) An isolated Decision by an Authority regarding an entry permit into a
territory that is a Seam Zone; in this particular sub-section, a "Seam Zone" -
an area declared as a Seam Zone by the security legislation as defined in
section 5A;
(f) An isolated Decision by an Authority regarding the exit of an inhabitant of
the Area in accordance with the Civil Administration's procedures.
Fifth Addendum
(Section 5A(a)(2))
An Administrative Appeal regarding the Area
1. An Appeal against the Decision of the Appeals Committee under sections 296 or
297 of the Order Regarding Security Instructions (Integrated Version) (Judea and
Samaria) (No.1651), 5770-2009."
3. This Law commences three months from its publication date, and will apply to
proceedings submitted on the day of its commencement and onwards.
Benjamin Netanyahu Ayelet Shaked
Prime Minister Justice Minister
Reuven Rivlin Yuli Yoel Edelstein
State President Knesset Chairman
9 Proclamation Ledger # 25, page 959.
10 Directives Ledger, page 2741, Law Book 5728, page 20, 5777, page 994.
11 Proclamation Ledger # 199, page 3154.
12 Proclamation Ledger # 53, page 130.

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􀀛􀃽􀄂􀃾􀄆􀀃􀄆􀄕􀄔􀄆􀄏􀄁􀀃􀄔􀄂􀄄􀄉􀀃􀄗􀄆􀄖􀄆􀄉􀄖􀄁􀀃􀄗􀄑􀄎􀄂􀄗􀄁􀀃􀄆􀄕􀄄􀃽 􀀏􀀓
􀀃􀀏􀄁􀄆􀄑􀄉􀄈􀀃􀄗􀄆􀄍􀄑􀄂􀄋􀄁􀀃􀄏􀄀􀄆􀄋􀀃􀄗􀄉􀃾􀄔􀄉􀀃􀄁􀄖􀄔􀃾􀃾􀀃􀄗􀄂􀄖􀄕􀀃􀄉􀄖􀀃􀄁􀄅􀄉􀄄􀄁􀀃􀂨􀀃􀄏􀄀􀄆􀄋􀄁􀀃􀄖􀄑􀄂􀄄 􀀃􀀏􀀒
􀀃􀄁􀄉􀄖􀄋􀄋􀄁􀀃􀄔􀄂􀄄􀀃􀄗􀄂􀄏􀄓􀄁􀃾􀀃􀄂􀄋􀄎􀄕􀄂􀄑􀀃􀄕􀃾􀄎􀄁􀀃􀄆􀄕􀃾􀄀􀄂􀀃􀄔􀄂􀄄􀄁􀀃􀄗􀄏􀄓􀄁􀀃􀀜􀀊􀀓􀀑􀀒􀀙􀀃􀄆􀄉􀄂􀄆􀃾􀀃􀀒􀀘􀀋􀀃􀄄􀀅􀄏􀄖􀄗􀄁􀀃􀃾􀃽􀃾􀀃􀀉􀄁􀀃􀄊􀄂􀄆􀃾􀀃􀄗􀄎􀄍􀄈􀃾􀀃􀄉􀃾􀄔􀄗􀄁 􀀃􀀌
􀀃􀀏􀀕􀀙􀀚􀀃􀀉􀄋􀄏􀀃􀀎􀄄􀀅􀄏􀄖􀄗􀄁􀀃􀀜􀀒􀀚􀀑􀀃􀀉􀄋􀄏􀀃􀀎􀄎􀀅􀄖􀄗􀄁􀀃􀄄􀀅􀄎 􀀃􀀒
􀀏􀀖􀀚􀀑􀀓􀀃􀀉􀄋􀄏􀀃􀀎􀀓􀀔􀀕􀀃􀀉􀄎􀄋􀀃􀄊􀄆􀄕􀄖􀄍􀄋􀄁􀀃􀄒􀃾􀄂􀄔 􀀃􀀓
􀀚􀀒􀀔 􀀓􀀗􀀏􀀘􀀏􀀓􀀑􀀒􀀙􀀃􀀎􀄄􀀅􀄏􀄖􀄗􀄁􀀃􀃾􀃽􀃾􀀃􀄀􀀅􀄆􀀃􀀎􀀓􀀘􀀕􀀖􀀃􀄊􀄆􀄔􀄂􀄄􀄁􀀃􀄕􀄑􀄎
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􀀊􀄌􀄂􀄕􀄋􀄂􀄖􀄁􀄂􀀃􀄁􀄀􀄂􀄁􀄆􀀋􀀃􀄊􀄆􀄆􀃽􀃾􀄓􀀃􀄊􀄆􀄈􀄕􀄓􀄉􀀃􀄊􀄆􀄎􀄂􀄑􀄗􀀃􀄊􀄆􀄄􀄅􀄖􀃾􀀃􀄗􀄂􀄀􀄂􀃾􀄏􀄉􀀃􀄊􀄆􀄕􀄗􀄆􀄁􀀃􀄌􀄗􀄋􀀃􀄕􀃾􀄀􀃾 􀀃
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􀀏􀀒􀀑􀀑􀀑􀀃􀀉􀄋􀄏􀀃􀀎􀀓􀀘􀀃􀀉􀄎􀄋􀀃􀄊􀄆􀄕􀄖􀄍􀄋􀄁􀀃􀄒􀃾􀄂􀄔 􀀃􀀕
􀀏􀀓􀀙􀀃􀀉􀄋􀄏􀀃􀀎􀀖􀀗􀀃􀀉􀄎􀄋􀀃􀄊􀄆􀄕􀄖􀄍􀄋􀄁􀀃􀄒􀃾􀄂􀄔 􀀃􀀖
􀀏􀀗􀀕􀀘􀀕􀀃􀀉􀄋􀄏􀀃􀀎􀀓􀀔􀀙􀀃􀀉􀄎􀄋􀀃􀄊􀄆􀄕􀄖􀄍􀄋􀄁􀀃􀄒􀃾􀄂􀄔 􀀃􀀗
􀀏􀀘􀀑􀀃􀀉􀄋􀄏􀀃􀀎􀀓􀀃􀀉􀄎􀄋􀀃􀄊􀄆􀄕􀄖􀄍􀄋􀄁􀀃􀄒􀃾􀄂􀄔 􀀃􀀘
􀀏􀀚􀀖􀀚􀀃􀀉􀄋􀄏􀀃􀀎􀀓􀀖􀀃􀀉􀄎􀄋􀀃􀄊􀄆􀄕􀄖􀄍􀄋􀄁􀀃􀄒􀃾􀄂􀄔 􀀃􀀙
􀀏􀀚􀀚􀀕􀀃􀀉􀄋􀄏􀀃􀀎􀄃􀀅􀄏􀄖􀄗􀄁􀀃􀀎􀀓􀀑􀀃􀀉􀄋􀄏􀀃􀀎􀄄􀀅􀄈􀄖􀄗􀄁􀀃􀄄􀀅􀄎􀀃􀀜􀀓􀀘􀀕􀀒􀀃􀀉􀄋􀄏􀀃􀀎􀄃􀀅􀄈􀄖􀄗􀄁􀀃􀄗􀀅􀄔 􀀃􀀚
􀀏􀀔􀀒􀀖􀀕􀀃􀀉􀄋􀄏􀀃􀀎􀀒􀀚􀀚􀀃􀀉􀄎􀄋􀀃􀄊􀄆􀄕􀄖􀄍􀄋􀄁􀀃􀄒􀃾􀄂􀄔 􀀃􀀒􀀑
􀀏􀀒􀀔􀀑􀀃􀀉􀄋􀄏􀀃􀀎􀀖􀀔􀀃􀀉􀄎􀄋􀀃􀄊􀄆􀄕􀄖􀄍􀄋􀄁􀀃􀄒􀃾􀄂􀄔 􀀃􀀒􀀒
􀀃􀀜􀄕􀄑􀄗􀀃􀃾􀄄􀄕􀄋􀀃􀃽􀄂􀄁􀄖􀀃􀄄􀄅􀄖􀄉􀀃􀄁􀄎􀄆􀄍􀄈􀀃􀄕􀄗􀄆􀄁􀀃􀄁􀄍􀄆􀄆􀄍􀄏􀄖􀀃􀄗􀄂􀄖􀄕􀀃􀄉􀄖􀀃􀄗􀄆􀄍􀄅􀄕􀄑􀀃􀄁􀄅􀄉􀄄􀄁 􀀃􀀊􀄁􀀋
􀀃􀄆􀄉􀄁􀄂􀄍􀀃􀄆􀄑􀄉􀀃􀄕􀄂􀄃􀃽􀄁􀄋􀀃􀄕􀄂􀄃􀃽􀀃􀃾􀄖􀄂􀄗􀀃􀄗􀃽􀄆􀄓􀄆􀀃􀄁􀄍􀄆􀄆􀄍􀄏􀄖􀀃􀄗􀄂􀄖􀄕􀀃􀄉􀄖􀀃􀄗􀄆􀄍􀄅􀄕􀄑􀀃􀄁􀄅􀄉􀄄􀄁 􀀃􀀊􀄂􀀋
􀀃􀄗􀄂􀃽􀄕􀄂􀄁􀀃􀄕􀃾􀄀􀃾􀀃􀄂􀄓􀄉􀀃􀀓􀀚􀀘􀀃􀄂􀃽􀀃􀀓􀀚􀀗􀀃􀄊􀄆􀄑􀄆􀄏􀄎􀀃􀄆􀄑􀄉􀀃􀄊􀄆􀄕􀄂􀄏􀄕􀄏􀀃􀄗􀄀􀄏􀄂􀀃􀄗􀄅􀄉􀄄􀄁􀀃􀄉􀄏􀀃􀄕􀄂􀄏􀄕􀄏 􀀏􀀃􀀒 􀀃
􀀃􀄂􀄖􀃿􀄂􀄁􀄖􀀃􀄊􀄆􀄈􀄆􀄉􀄁􀀃􀄉􀄏􀀃􀄉􀄂􀄄􀄆􀀃􀃽􀄂􀄁􀄂􀀃􀀎􀄂􀄋􀄂􀄎􀄕􀄑􀀃􀄊􀄂􀄆􀄋􀀃􀄊􀄆􀄖􀄀􀄂􀄄􀀃􀄁􀄖􀄂􀄉􀄖􀀃􀄁􀄃􀀃􀄔􀄂􀄄􀀃􀄉􀄖􀀃􀄂􀄗􀄉􀄆􀄄􀄗 􀀃􀀏􀀔 􀀃􀄁􀄉􀄂􀄄􀄗􀄂􀀃􀄁􀄉􀄆􀄄􀄗
􀀃􀄂􀄁􀄆􀄍􀄗􀄍 􀀃 􀄌 􀄆􀄋􀄆􀄍􀃾
􀄀 􀄔 􀄖 􀀃 􀄗 􀄉 􀄆 􀄆 􀃽
􀄌 􀄆 􀄉 􀃾􀄆 􀄕 􀀃 􀄌 􀃾􀄂 􀃽 􀄕
􀀃􀄌 􀄆 􀄆􀄅􀄖􀄉􀄀􀃽􀀃 􀄉􀃽􀄂 􀄆 􀀃 􀄆􀄉􀄂 􀄆
􀄆􀄗􀄉􀄖􀄋􀄋􀄁􀀃􀄎􀄆􀄑􀄀􀄋􀃾􀀃􀄎􀄑􀄀􀄂􀄁􀄂􀀃􀀎􀄊􀄆􀄅􀄑􀄖􀄋􀄁􀀃􀄀􀄕􀄖􀄋􀀃􀀎􀄗􀄂􀄋􀄂􀄖􀄕􀀃􀀉􀄄􀄋􀃾􀀃􀄕􀄀􀄂􀄎􀀃 􀀃􀀃 􀀃 ISSN 0334-3030􀀃 􀀃 􀄊􀄆􀄖􀄀􀄄􀀃􀄊􀄆􀄉􀄔􀄖􀀃􀀔􀀏􀀓􀀕􀀃􀄕􀄆􀄄􀄋􀄁
Annex 11.
(Hebrew version with English translation)

Replacement of
Section 28A
" The application of
powers, rights and duties
in the region
The Council for Higher Education Law (Amendment No. 20),
1. In the Law of the Council for Higher Education, 5718-19581 (hereinafter: the Main
Law), instead of Section 28A shall be provided:
28A. The Council shall be authorized to exercise its powers under this Law
over Israelis in the region, and the rights and obligations under this
Law will apply to them; in this regard, "Area" and "Israeli" - as
defined in the Emergency Regulations (Judea and Samaria - Judgment
in Offenses and Legal Aid), 5727-19672, as dated and amended by
Law from time to time."
2. This law commences one year from the date of its publication (hereinafter: The
Commencement Day).
3. (a) An institution that the Commanding Officer approved as an institution of higher
education on the eve of the Commencement Day, will be regarded as an institution of
higher education recognized under section 9 of the Main Law, and that its recognition
was approved by the government, according to section 10 of the Main Law, at the time
of the Commanding Officer’s approval.
(b) The provisions of section 28A of the Main Law, as formulated in this Law, do not
adversely affect the recognition of a degree recognized in accordance with the
provisions of the section as formulated on the eve of Commencement Day.
(c) An institution as stated in subsection (a) that the Council has recognized its title
in accordance with the provisions of section 28A of the Main Law as formulated on the
eve of Commencement Day, will be regarded as an institution authorized to grant the
same degree under section 23 of the Main Law.
(d) An institution as stated in subsection (a) that received, on the eve of
Commencement day, approval to hold studies toward a degree or certification to grant
a degree by the Council for Higher Education established by the Commanding Officer,
and the Council did not recognize that title under the provisions of section 28A of the
Main Law as formulated on the eve of the Commencement day, may continue to hold
studies for the same degree according to the Approval or continue to grant a degree
according to the Approval, as applicable, until the Council’s decision under section 23
of the Main Law.
(e) In this section –
"The Council" – as implied in the Main Law;
"The Commanding Officer" – as defined in the Emergency Regulations (Judea and
Samaria - Judgment of offenses and legal assistance), 5727-1967, as its validity
be extended and its terminology amended by law from time to time.
Benjamin Netanyahu Naftali Bennett
* Received in the Knesset on 27th Shevat 5778 (12th February 2018); Proposed Bills and explanatory notes were
published in Proposed Knesset Bills -756, dated 13th Shevat 5778 (29th January 2018), page 88.
1 Law Book 5718, page 191; 5776, page 1208.
2 Directives Ledger 2727, page 2741, Law Book 5728, page 20; 5772, page 476.
Prime Minister Minister of Education
Reuven Rivlin Yuli Yoel Edelstein
State President Knesset Chairman
􀀓􀀑􀀒􀀙􀀃􀄕􀃽􀄂􀄕􀃾􀄑􀃾􀀃􀀒􀀖 􀀃2691 􀀃􀄄􀀅􀄏􀄖􀄗􀄁􀀃􀄅􀃾􀄖􀃾􀀃􀀉􀄉
􀀒􀀗􀀕􀀃􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅 􀀓􀀑􀀒􀀙􀂨􀄄􀀅􀄏􀄖􀄗􀄁􀀃􀀎􀀊􀀓􀀑􀀑􀀃􀀉􀄎􀄋􀀃􀄌􀄂􀄔􀄆􀄗􀀋􀀃􀄆􀄋􀄂􀃽􀄉􀄁􀀃􀄄􀄂􀄅􀄆􀃾􀄁􀀃􀄔􀄂􀄄
􀀒􀀗􀀙􀀃􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅􀀃􀂅 􀀓􀀑􀀒􀀙􀂨􀄄􀀅􀄏􀄖􀄗􀄁􀀃􀀎􀀊􀀓􀀑􀀃􀀉􀄎􀄋􀀃􀄌􀄂􀄔􀄆􀄗􀀋􀀃􀄁􀄁􀄂􀃾􀃿􀀃􀄁􀄉􀄈􀄖􀄁􀄉􀀃􀄁􀄓􀄏􀄂􀄋􀄁􀀃􀄔􀄂􀄄
􀄊􀄂􀄔􀄋􀃾􀀃􀀎􀀊􀄆􀄕􀄔􀄆􀄏􀄁􀀃􀄔􀄂􀄄􀄁􀀃􀂨􀀃􀄌􀄉􀄁􀄉􀀋 􀀃􀀒􀀃􀀒􀀃 􀀚􀀖􀀙􀂨􀀃 􀄄􀀅􀄆􀄖􀄗􀄁􀀃􀀎􀄁􀄁􀄂􀃾􀃿􀀃􀄁􀄉􀄈􀄖􀄁􀄉􀀃􀄁􀄓􀄏􀄂􀄋􀄁􀀃􀄔􀄂􀄄􀃾 􀀏􀀒 􀃽􀀓􀀙􀀃􀄐􀄆􀄏􀄎􀀃􀄗􀄑􀄉􀄄􀄁
􀀃􀄁􀄃􀀃􀄔􀄂􀄄􀀃􀄆􀄑􀄉􀀃􀄁􀄆􀄗􀄂􀄆􀄂􀄈􀄋􀄎􀀃􀄗􀃽􀀃􀄉􀄆􀄏􀄑􀄁􀄉􀀃􀄗􀄈􀄋􀄎􀄂􀄋􀀃􀄁􀄆􀄁􀄗􀀃􀄁􀄓􀄏􀄂􀄋􀄁 􀀏􀃽􀀓􀀙
􀀃􀄁􀄕􀄃􀄏􀄂 􀀃􀄗􀄂􀄕􀄆􀃾􀄏􀃾 􀀃􀄅􀄂􀄑􀄆􀄖 􀀃􀂨 􀀃􀄌􀄂􀄕􀄋􀄂􀄖􀄁􀄂 􀀃􀄁􀄀􀄂􀄁􀄆􀀋 􀀃􀄊􀄂􀄕􀄆􀄄 􀀃􀄗􀄏􀄖
􀀏􀀊􀄁􀄉􀄆􀄄􀄗􀄁􀀃􀄊􀄂􀄆􀀃􀂨􀀃􀄌􀄉􀄁􀄉􀀋􀀃􀄂􀄋􀄂􀄎􀄕􀄑􀀃􀄊􀄂􀄆􀄋􀀃􀄁􀄍􀄖􀀃􀄁􀄃􀀃􀄔􀄂􀄄􀀃􀄉􀄖􀀃􀄂􀄗􀄉􀄆􀄄􀄗 􀀏􀀓 􀄁􀄉􀄆􀄄􀄗
􀀃􀀎􀄁􀄉􀄆􀄄􀄗􀄁􀀃􀄊􀄂􀄆􀀃􀃾􀄕􀄏􀀃􀄁􀄁􀄂􀃾􀃿􀀃􀄁􀄉􀄈􀄖􀄁􀄉􀀃􀄀􀄎􀄂􀄋􀄈􀀃􀄂􀃾􀀃􀄁􀄕􀄈􀄁􀄁􀀃􀄗􀃽􀀃􀄕􀄖􀄆􀃽􀀃􀄀􀄔􀄑􀄋􀄁􀄖􀀃􀄀􀄎􀄂􀄋 􀀃􀀊􀃽􀀋 􀀏􀀔 􀄕􀃾􀄏􀄋􀀃􀄗􀄂􀃽􀄕􀄂􀄁
􀀃􀄕􀃽􀄂􀄗􀃾􀀃􀄁􀄕􀄈􀄁􀃾􀀃􀄏􀄂􀃿􀄑􀄉􀀃􀄆􀄀􀄈􀀃􀀎􀄁􀄃􀀃􀄔􀄂􀄄􀃾􀀃􀄂􀄄􀄎􀄂􀄍􀄈􀀃􀀎􀄆􀄕􀄔􀄆􀄏􀄁􀀃􀄔􀄂􀄄􀄉􀀃􀃽􀀓􀀙􀀃􀄐􀄆􀄏􀄎􀀃􀄗􀄂􀃽􀄕􀄂􀄁􀃾􀀃􀄌􀄆􀃽 􀀃􀀊􀃾􀀋
􀀃􀃽􀀓􀀙􀀃􀄐􀄆􀄏􀄎􀀃􀄗􀄂􀃽􀄕􀄂􀄁􀀃􀄆􀄑􀄉􀀃􀄂􀄉􀄖􀀃􀄕􀃽􀄂􀄗􀃾􀀃􀄁􀄕􀄆􀄈􀄁􀀃􀄁􀄓􀄏􀄂􀄋􀄁􀄖􀀃􀀊􀃽􀀋􀀃􀄌􀄅􀄔􀀃􀄐􀄆􀄏􀄎􀃾􀀃􀄕􀄂􀄋􀃽􀄈􀀃􀄀􀄎􀄂􀄋 􀀃􀀊􀃿􀀋
􀀃􀄊􀄆􀄀􀄂􀄋􀄆􀄉􀀃􀄊􀄆􀄆􀄔􀄉􀀃􀄕􀄂􀄖􀄆􀃽􀀃􀀎􀄁􀄉􀄆􀄄􀄗􀄁􀀃􀄊􀄂􀄆􀀃􀃾􀄕􀄏􀀃􀀎􀄉􀃾􀄆􀄔􀄖􀀃􀀊􀃽􀀋􀀃􀄌􀄅􀄔􀀃􀄐􀄆􀄏􀄎􀃾􀀃􀄕􀄂􀄋􀃽􀄈􀀃􀄀􀄎􀄂􀄋 􀀃􀀊􀄀􀀋
􀂨􀀃􀄁􀄃􀀃􀄐􀄆􀄏􀄎􀃾 􀀃􀀊􀄁􀀋
􀀃􀄂􀄁􀄆􀄍􀄗􀄍 􀀃 􀄌 􀄆􀄋􀄆􀄍􀃾
􀄅 􀄍 􀃾 􀀃 􀄆 􀄉􀄗 􀄑 􀄍
􀄌 􀄆 􀄉 􀃾􀄆 􀄕 􀀃 􀄌 􀃾􀄂 􀃽 􀄕
􀀃􀄌 􀄆 􀄆􀄅􀄖􀄉􀄀􀃽􀀃 􀄉􀃽􀄂 􀄆 􀀃 􀄆􀄉􀄂 􀄆
􀀃􀄔􀄂􀄄􀀃􀄗􀄂􀄏􀄓􀄁􀃾􀀃􀄂􀄋􀄎􀄕􀄂􀄑􀀃􀄕􀃾􀄎􀄁􀀃􀄆􀄕􀃾􀄀􀄂􀀃􀄔􀄂􀄄􀄁􀀃􀄗􀄏􀄓􀄁􀀃􀀜􀀊􀀓􀀑􀀒􀀙􀀃􀄕􀃽􀄂􀄕􀃾􀄑􀃾􀀃􀀒􀀓􀀋􀀃􀄄􀀅􀄏􀄖􀄗􀄁􀀃􀄅􀃾􀄖􀃾􀀃􀄃􀀅􀄈􀀃􀄊􀄂􀄆􀃾􀀃􀄗􀄎􀄍􀄈􀃾􀀃􀄉􀃾􀄔􀄗􀄁 􀀃􀀌
􀀏􀀒􀀓􀀑􀀙􀀃􀀉􀄋􀄏􀀃􀀎􀄂􀀅􀄏􀄖􀄗􀄁􀀃􀀜􀀒􀀚􀀒􀀃􀀉􀄋􀄏􀀃􀀎􀄄􀀅􀄆􀄖􀄗􀄁􀀃􀄄􀀅􀄎 􀀃􀀒
􀀏􀀕􀀘􀀗􀀃􀀉􀄋􀄏􀀃􀀎􀃾􀀅􀄏􀄖􀄗􀄁􀀃􀀜􀀓􀀑􀀃􀀉􀄋􀄏􀀃􀀎􀄄􀀅􀄈􀄖􀄗􀄁􀀃􀄄􀀅􀄎􀀃􀀜􀀓􀀘􀀕􀀒􀀃􀀉􀄋􀄏􀀃􀀎􀄃􀀅􀄈􀄖􀄗􀄁􀀃􀄗􀀅􀄔 􀀃􀀓
Annex 12.
28 DECEMBER 2022
Source: Knesset website,
(Hebrew original with English translation of relevant extracts)

With the help of G-d
A coalition agreement to establish a national government
That was drawn up and signed on 4th Tevet 5783
December 28, 2022
Between: The Likud Faction in the 25th Knesset
(Hereafter: the Likud")
And between: The Religious Party in the 25th Knesset
(Hereafter: "The Religious Zionism")
Since The State President has instructed MK Benjamin Netanyahu to form the 37th
government, and MK Netanyahu agreed to accept on himself to establish the
government, all in accordance with the provisions of section 7 of the Basic Law: The
And since Knesset member Benjamin Netanyahu wishes to form a government with substance that
inspires the confidence of the Knesset (hereafter: "The Government");
And since The Likud faction has thirty-two (32) Knesset members and is interested in forming a
And since The designated coalition factions number sixty-four (64) Knesset members;
And since The Parties signed an addendum intended to regulate the division of offices in the 37th
government and 25th Knesset;
And since The Parties wish to form the 37th Government and to regulate in this Agreement the
Coalition faction agreements to establish the 37th Government, the base guidelines, the
coalition activity in the Knesset, how it will work and the distribution of its functions;
Therefore, it has been agreed, conditioned, and declared by the Parties, as follows:
Settlement: Judea and Samaria, the Negev and Galilee
118. The People of Israel have a natural right to the Land of Israel. In light of the belief in the said right,
the Prime Minister will lead to the formulation and promotion of policy in which sovereignty will
be applied in Judea and Samaria, while choosing the timing and weighing all the national and
international interests of the State of Israel.
119. Undeveloped Settlement - In accordance with the state's previous announcements to the Supreme
Court regarding its intention to regulate the settlement, the government will make a decision within
60 days of its establishment regarding the regulation of the undeveloped settlement established
prior to the decision of the ministerial team headed by the Prime Minister of 28.02.2011. As part
of the arrangement, the government will ensure humanitarian connection to water and electricity
infrastructure, essential public buildings and other critical infrastructure, the government will
allocate the resources needed to do so. During the first six months of the government’s term,
another decision will be made on the regulation of unregulated neighborhoods in the older
communities that were established before the decision of the said ministerial team. In these
government decisions, it will determine how the said settlements will be treated in the interim
period until the settlement is completed. Should this be required, both for the undeveloped
settlements and for the neighborhoods in the old settlements, the legislation will be advanced for
the regulation of the said settlements and for the interim period.
120. The Government through the Settlement Administration will work to streamline the services
provided in Judea and Samaria in accordance with Resolution 106 of 1981, in coordination with
and agreement with the Prime Minister.
121. The Government Resolution 150 of 02.08.1996 will be amended, and so will Resolution 175/B of
the Ministerial Committee on National Security of 17.03.1999 will be amended in a manner agreed
between the Prime Minister and the Minister at the Ministry of Defense.
122. The Settlement Division – The status and function of the Settlement Division will be established
in legislation, to the extent possible, based on the proposed law that was promoted during the 34th
Government's term and in coordination between the Minister of Justice and the Chairman of
Religious Zionism, in accordance with the need for appropriate budgeting to implement the law.
In addition, the government will allocate to the Settlement Division a sum of 750 million NIS a
year that will be anchored in the budget base.
123. Within 60 days, the Government will approve a five-year plan for the development and
empowerment of settlement in Judea and Samaria, which will be realized by the Ministry of
National Tasks and the Settlement Administration. For the good of implementing the plan, the
Finance Ministry will allocate between the years of 2027-2023 the amount as determined by the
Minister of Finance and will be approved in the State Budget. In addition, to complete the outline
of the Chief Executor Officers' team regarding Judea and Samaria grants (West Bank), the relevant
regional councils will be budgeted with the amount agreed between the said regional councils and
the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Interior, in order to create alternative sources of
124. Considering the Supreme Court hearing on Torah scholars of the Pentateuch, legislation will be
advanced to amend the Disengagement Law in northern Samaria. The Government will inform the
High Court of Justice of its intention to amend the law, and its intention to arrange the continuation
of Torah study instead through the Commander in Chief, in coordination between the Minister of
Defense and the Minister in the Ministry of Defense.
125. The relevant government ministries will immediately advance the implementation of the "Evyatar
Outline" set by the 36th government.
126. The Government will strive for the establishment, security and existence of the Hebron Jewish
127. Enemy Properties in Judea and Samaria - The Government will instruct the military commander
to sign an order to change the security legislation according to which the Supervisor will return
land, purchased by them before 1948 and held by the Supervisor as "enemy property”, to their
Basic guidelines
The Government will follow the following basic guidelines:
• The Jewish people have an exclusive and uncontested right to all parts of the Land of Israel. The
Government will advance and develop settlement in all parts of the Land of Israel in the Galilee,
the Negev, the Golan, Judea and Samaria.
With the help of G-d
Appendix to a Coalition Agreement for the Establishment of a National Government
That was drawn up and signed on the 7th of Kislev 5783
On the month of December 2022
Between: The Likud Faction in the 25th Knesset
(Hereafter: The Likud")
And between: The Religious Party in the 25th Knesset
(Hereafter: "The Religious Zionism Faction")
Since the State President instructed MK Benjamin Netanyahu to form the 37th government
and MK Netanyahu has agreed to accept the establishment of the Government, all in
accordance with the provisions of section 7 of the Basic Law: The Government”);
And since MK Benjamin Netanyahu wishes to form a government with substance that will inspire
the confidence of the Knesset (hereafter: "The Government");
And since The Likud Faction has thirty-two (32) Knesset members and is interested in forming a
And since The Religious Zionist Faction consists of seven Knesset members and wishes to join
the Coalition;
And since The Parties have reached an initial agreement on how to divide government ministries
and Knesset positions that the Religious Zionist Faction are entitled to, and they will
come to a separate agreement on the other issues.
Therefore, it has been agreed, conditioned, and declared by the Parties, as follows:
21. The Minister in the Ministry of Defense stipulated in section 6.4 (hereafter: "The Minister") will
take full responsibility for the areas of operation of the COGAT and the Civil Administration. The
Minister's activity will be coordinated and subject to the Prime Minister’s approval.
21.1. To this end, and before the Government is sworn in, the Basic Law will be amended: The
Government, in a case in which a Ministry has an appointed Minister, will be able to appoint
an additional Minister who will be responsible for certain areas under the Ministry’s
appointed Minister (similar to the 23rd Knesset).
21.2. The powers of the Minister of Defense regarding the appointment of the Coordinator of
Government Activities (COGAT) and the appointment of the Civil Administration Head
will be transferred to the Minister. The appointments will be made in coordination and
agreement with the Prime Minister.
21.3. COGAT and the Civil Administration will receive legal advice regarding all the activities
carried out by them from the Attorney General's Department for the Defense Establishment.
The Prime Minister will instruct the Minister of Defense to direct the relevant parties on
the matter. To this end, the Judea and Samaria Division in the Attorney General Division
for the Defense System will be assigned 7 standards of Government Advisors with no less
than 4 + 15 standards of grade 3A + one level 5A standard, that will be allocated for the
benefit of the Settlement Administration and the Minister's areas of operation.
21.4. The State's responses submitted to the High Court by the State Attorney's Office regarding
issues under the responsibility of the Minister will be approved by the Minister in
coordination with the Defense Minister and in coordination and agreement with the Prime
21.5. The Assistant Minister of Defense for Settlement will continue to serve in his position with
the Minister of Defense and will only act in the areas of responsibility of the Minister of
21.6. In the 20th Knesset during Deputy Defense Minister Rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan’s tenure, a
project was initiated to install Generals’ Orders to adapt the security legislation in Judea
and Samaria. The project will be the responsibility of the Minister. To continue with the
project, 3 standards of Level 4A attorney Generals will be allocated to the Judea and
Samaria Division of the Attorney General Department for the Department System, who
will be used for the benefit of the Settlement Administration to carry out the project as
stated. It should be emphasized that all legislation in the framework of the project will be
carried out through Generals’ Orders.
21.7. To remove any doubt, it will be clarified that all the powers to grant the Minister of
Defense’s approvals on the aforementioned issues in this Appendix will be the Minister’s
responsibility. This authority will be exercised in coordination and agreement with the
Prime Minister (for example, the powers stated in Government Resolution 150).
21.8. In order to manage and implement all the activities under the responsibility of the Minister,
the Ministry of Defense will establish a Secretariat as an independent trust unit within 30
days of the establishment of the Government, to manage all aspects of the property, assets,
asset management, personnel, accounting, purchasing and more. The Secretariat will be the
responsibility of the Minister. The Administration will amend 12 standards, including a
parallel Chief Executive Officer Standard, who will be appointed in a position of trust.
These standards do not include the above operating standards.
21.9. The office of the current Deputy Minister of Defense will be allocated for the use of the
Minister and his staff.
21.10. To the extent necessary, the Government shall act immediately after its establishment, and
not later than 30 days after the swearing in of the Government, to promote legislative
amendments, Orders, regulations, Government decisions, Security legislation and suchlike
required for the purpose of the implementation of the aforesaid.


Annex 13.
BEZALEL SMOTRICH (@bezalelsm), TWEET, 18 JUNE 2023
Source: Twitter,
(Hebrew original with machine translation into English)


Document Long Title

Volume II: Annexes
