Volume VIII - Annexes 503-589

Document Number
Parent Document Number
Date of the Document
Document File

(Ukraine v. Russian Federation)
Submitted by the Russian Federation
Volume VIII
(Annexes 503 - 589)
9 August 2021

The Annexes contained in this Volume are either true copies of the original documents referred to in
the Counter-Memorial, or translations (marked accordingly) from their original language into
English, an official language of the Court, pursuant to Article 51 of the Rules of Court.
Pursuant to Article 51(3) of the Rules of Court, some translations are confined to parts of the annexes,
as indicated at the beginning of the respective annexes. In further compliance with this Rule, the
Russian Federation has provided two certified copies of the full documents in their original language
with its submission. The Russian Federation stands ready to provide more extensive partial
translations or a complete translation of submitted documents should the Court so require.

Annex 503 Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, List of public associations and
religious organisations in respect of which the court has taken a legally effective
decision to liquidate them or ban their activities on the grounds provided for by
Federal Law of 25 July 2002 No. 114-FZ “On counteracting extremist activities”,
as at 7 April 2021
Annex 504 Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on Kiramet Limited
Liability Company, retrieved on 18 May 2021
Annex 505 Roskomnadzor official website, Information on mass media registration, retrieved
on 19 May 2021
Annex 506 Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea, Information on the number and
content of events held pursuant to Order No. 227-r “On approval of the Event Plan
for the implementation in the Republic of Crimea of the set of measures for the
restoration of historical justice, political, social and spiritual revival of the
Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and German peoples, who were
illegally deported and politically repressed on ethnic and other grounds, for 2015-
2016 years”
Annex 507 State Committee on Inter-ethnic Relations of the Republic of Crimea, Information
on the events held in the Republic of Crimea in implementation of Order of the
Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea of 22 April 2014 No. 332-r “On
events dedicated to the Day of Remembrance for the victims of the deportation
from Crimea”
Annex 508 State Committee on Inter-ethnic Relations of the Republic of Crimea, Information
on the events held in implementation of Order of the Council of Ministers of the
Republic of Crimea of 29 August 2017 No. 968-r “On the Event Plan for the
implementation in the Republic of Crimea of the Set of Measures for the restoration
of historical justice, political, social and religious revival of the Armenian,
Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and German Peoples, who were illegally
deported and politically repressed on ethnic and other grounds, for 2017-2019”
Annex 509 Federal Target Program, budgetary allocations on measures aimed at national,
cultural and spiritual revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Italian, Greek, Crimean
Tatar and German peoples and on social infrastructure development of the
territories of the Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol, June 2021
Annex 510 Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, Federal register of non-commercial
organisations, List of national and cultural autonomies of Crimean Tatars, as at
3 June 2021
Annex 511 Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, Excerpts from the Federal list of
extremist materials in accordance with Federal Law of 25 July 2002 No. 114-FZ
“On countering extremist activities” (List as at 8 June 2021)
Annex 512 Letter No. 14/3-48vykh-15 of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine to the Prosecutor
General of the Russian Federation, 20 November 2015
Annex 513 Note Verbale No. 5787-n/dgpch of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian
Federation to the Embassy of Ukraine in Moscow, 27 May 2016
Annex 514 Intentionally omitted
Annex 515 Note Verbale No. 13091-n/dgpch of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian
Federation to the Embassy of Ukraine in Moscow, 28 November 2016
Annex 516 Intentionally omitted
Annex 517 Note Verbale No. 14453-n/dgpch of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian
Federation to the Embassy of Ukraine in Moscow, 29 December 2016
Annex 518 Note Verbale No. 14500-n/dgpch of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian
Federation to the Embassy of Ukraine in Moscow, 30 December 2016
Annex 519 Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian
Federation for the Republic of Crimea, Request for legal assistance No. 201-04-
2017/23765 addressed to the competent authorities of Ukraine, 15 December 2017
Annex 520 Letter No. 14/1/1-24294-18 of the Department of International Legal Cooperation
of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine to the Directorate for International
Cooperation of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation,
3 March 2018
Annex 521 Letter No. 14/1/1-24474-18 of the Department of International Legal Cooperation
of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine to the Main Directorate of
International Legal Cooperation of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian
Federation, 23 April 2018
Annex 522 Acting Prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea, Warning issued to Mr Refat
Chubarov, Chairman of the Mejlis, on the impermissibility of violating the law,
23 April 2014
Annex 523 Prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea, Warning issued to Mr Refat Chubarov,
Chairman of the Mejlis, on the impermissibility of carrying out extremist activities,
3 May 2014
Annex 524 Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea, Warning No. 27-271-14 to Mr
Lenur Islyamov, 16 May 2014
Annex 525 Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea, Warning No. 27-272-14 to Ms Lilya
Budzhurova, 16 May 2014
Annex 526 Prosecutor’s Office of Simferopol, Warning No. 01-1366v-2016 to Ms Lilya
Budzhurova, 27 May 2014
Annex 527 Prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea, Warning (repeated) issued to Mr Refat
Chubarov, Chairman of the Mejlis, on the impermissibility of carrying out extremist
activities, 5 July 2014
Annex 528 Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation, Letter to the Investigative
Directorate of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation No. Ms-2/6-
6602gr, 18 July 2014
Annex 529 Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Crimea, Letter to General Director
of the ATR television channel, Ms Islyamova, No. 33/2012, 24 September 2014
Annex 530 Application to Roskomnadzor for registration of Avdet as a mass media outlet,
26 November 2014
Annex 531 Committee for the Protection of the Rights of the Crimean Tatar People,
Notification No. 001/11 on holding events on 10 December 2014,
28 November 2014
Annex 532 Administration of the City of Simferopol, Response No. 24/01-66/12 to the
notification of the Committee on the Protection of Rights of the Crimean Tatar
People of 5 December 2014, 8 December 2014
Annex 533 Roskomnadzor, Response No. 936-05/91 to application for registration of Avdet as
a mass media outlet of 26 November 2014, 25 December 2014
Annex 534 Application to Roskomnadzor for registration of Avdet as a mass media outlet,
14 January 2015
Annex 535 Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea, Letter No. Isorg-27-396-2015 to
Roskomnadzor, 28 January 2015
Annex 536 Regional Public Organization for the Promotion and Prosperity of the Republic of
Crimea “Crimea-New Life”, Notification No. 11/02 on holding a rally to celebrate
Defender of the Fatherland Day and the first anniversary of the establishment of the
People’s Militia on 23 February 2015, 5 February 2015
Annex 537 Administration of the City of Simferopol, Response No. 1100/24/01-66 to the
notification of the Regional Public Organization for the Promotion and Prosperity
of the Republic of Crimea “Crimea-New Life” of 5 February 2015 No. 11/02,
9 February 2015
Annex 538 Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation, Letter No. Isorg-27/3-1804-
15/33170 to Roskomnadzor, 18 February 2015
Annex 539 Internal Policy Department of Sevastopol, Response to the notification of
Mr Mamutdinov with a proposal to hold the event in the Khan’s Palace in
Bakhchisaray, 19 February 2015
Annex 540 Notification of Mr Kuzmin and Ms Popova on holding a rally dedicated to the
celebration of Taras Shevchenko’s 201st anniversary on 9 March 2015,
26 February 2015
Annex 541 Administration of the City of Simferopol, Response to the notification of
Mr Kuzmin and Ms Popova on approval of the rally scheduled for 9 March 2015,
27 February 2015
Annex 542 Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Presidential
Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights, Letter No. AU-9-
545 to Mr Zharov, Head of Roskomnadzor, 25 March 2015
Annex 543 Application to Roskomnadzor for registration of Radio Meydan as a mass media
outlet, 2 April 2015
Annex 544 Roskomnadzor, Response No. 04-37090 to application for registration of
“15 minutes” No. 83 of 24 March 2015, 24 April 2015
Annex 545 Roskomnadzor, Response No. 04-39171 to application for registration of Radio
Meydan No. 93 of 2 April 2015, 30 April 2015
Annex 546 Interregional Public Movement of the Crimean Tatar people “Qirim”, Notification
No. 03 to the Administration of the City of Simferopol on holding a rally on
18 May 2015 in Simferopol, 5 May 2015
Annex 547 N.E. Dzhelyalov, Notification to the Administration of the City of Simferopol on
holding a rally on 18 May 2015 in Simferopol, 5 May 2015
Annex 548 Administration of the City of Simferopol, Response No. 5646/24/01-66 to the
notification of Interregional Public Movement of the Crimean Tatar people “Qirim”
on approval of the rally, 7 May 2015
Annex 549 Administration of the City of Simferopol, Response No. D-217/6597 to the
notification of Mr Dzhelyalov, 7 May 2015
Annex 550 Interregional Public Movement of the Crimean Tatar people “Qirim”, Notification
No. 10 on holding cultural events to celebrate Crimean Tatar Flag Day on 26-28
June 2015, 25 May 2015
Annex 551 Administration of the City of Simferopol, Response No. 6651/24/01-48 to the
notification of Interregional Public Movement of the Crimean Tatar people “Qirim”
No. 10 of 25 May 2015, 27 May 2015
Annex 552 Application of Mr Medzhitov and Ms Kefileva on holding cultural events to
celebrate Crimean Tatar Flag Day on 26 June 2015, 27 May 2015
Annex 553 Administration of the City of Simferopol, Response No. M-487/8040 to the
application of Mr Medzhitov and Ms Kefileva of 27 May 2015, 29 May 2015
Annex 554 Administration of the City of Simferopol, Response No. 6651/24/01-48 to the
notification of Interregional Public Movement of the Crimean Tatar people “Qirim”
No. 10 of 25 May 2015, 3 June 2015
Annex 555 Roskomnadzor, Letter No. 1404-05/91 to Ms Islyamova, General Director of
Atlant-SV, 23 June 2015
Annex 556 Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea, Letter No. Isorg 15/3-7209-2015 to
Mr Fedotov, Adviser to the President of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the
Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights, 28 August 2015
Annex 557 Liberal Democratic Party of the Russian Federation, Notification No. 165-PSH on
holding a rally to celebrate Unity Day on 4 November 2015, 21 October 2015
Annex 558 Administration of the City of Simferopol, Response No. 16189/24/01-48 to the
notification of the Liberal Democratic Party of the Russian Federation No. 165-
PSH of 21 October 2015, 23 October 2015
Annex 559 Kiramet LLC, Notification to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
concerning the implementation of the types of activities specified in Part 1 of
Article 12 of the Federal Law “On the licensing of certain types of activity” the
implementation of which is allowed in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and
Sevastopol with effect from 1 June 2015 without obtaining a license,
30 November 2015
Annex 560 Administration of the City of Simferopol, Letter No. U-160/20140 to Mr Ilmi
Umerov, 3 December 2015
Annex 561 Liberal Democratic Party of the Russian Federation, Notification No. 3 on holding
a rally dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day on 23 February 2016,
11 February 2016
Annex 562 Administration of the City of Simferopol, Response No. 2571/24/01-28 to the
notification of the Liberal Democratic Party of the Russian Federation No. 3 of
11 February 2016, 12 February 2016
Annex 563 Notification of Ms Ametova to the Voinka Village Administration on holding a
rally in the park of the Voinka village on 18 May 2016 from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.,
4 May 2016
Annex 564 Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation, Letter No. Ms-2/6-3374gr to
Penal Correction and Special Records Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary
Service of Russia, 6 May 2016
Annex 565 Voinka Village Administration, Response to the notification of Ms Ametova with
the proposal to hold a joint event of laying flowers at the memorial plaque in the
Voinsky rural settlement on 18 May 2016 at 3:00 p.m., 10 May 2016
Annex 566 Letter of Ms Ametova to the Voinka Village Administration consenting to hold a
rally on 18 May 2016 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., 12 May 2016
Annex 567 Voinka Village Administration, Response to the letter of Ms Ametova,
13 May 2016
Annex 568 Main Migration Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian
Federation, Letter No. 20/5610gr to International Law and Cooperation Department
of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, 30 May 2016
Annex 569 Warning from the Prosecutor’s Office of Simferopol No. 01-1366В - 2016 of
27 May 2016 to Lilya Rustemovna Budzhurova published on the Facebook page of
Lilya Budzhurova
Annex 570 Russian Commune “Sobol”, Notification on holding a public event to celebrate
Russia Day on 12 June 2016, 1 June 2016
Annex 571 Administration of the City of Simferopol, Response No. 11501/24/01-28 to the
notification of the Russian Community “Sobol” of 1 June 2016, 3 June 2016
Annex 572 Letter of Mr Ruslan Balbek, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the
Republic of Crimea, to the heads of municipal administrations, No. 1133/01-04,
13 May 2016
Annex 573 United Russia Political Party, Notification No. 010-1-12/95 on holding a public
event to celebrate National Flag Day of the Russian Federation on 22 August 2016,
15 August 2016
Annex 574 Administration of the City of Feodosia, Response No. 2-14/9242/1 to the
notification of the United Russia Political Party of 15 August 2016 No. 010-1-
12/95, 17 August 2016
Annex 575 Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Letter to KIRAMET LLC No. 6528-
12-04, 30 September 2016
Annex 576 Liberal Democratic Party of the Russian Federation, Notification on holding a
public event to celebrate Unity Day on 4 November 2016, 20 October 2016
Annex 577 Administration of the City of Simferopol, Response No. 23123/24/01-28 to the
notification of the Liberal Democratic Party of the Russian Federation of
20 October 2016, 21 October 2016
Annex 578 Letter from V.L. Martynyuk, General Director of the State Budgetary Institution of
the Republic of Crimea “Bakhchisaray Historical, Cultural and Archaeological
Museum-Reserve”, to the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Crimea No. 74,
27 January 2017
Annex 579 Letter from V.L. Martynyuk, General Director of the State Budgetary Institution of
the Republic of Crimea “Bakhchisaray Historical, Cultural and Archaeological
Museum-Reserve”, to the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Crimea No. 168,
17 February 2017
Annex 580 Administration of the City of Simferopol, Response No. K-212/2910 to the
notification of Mr Kuzmin and Ms Popova with the request to submit a notification
containing the information required by the federal legislation on public events,
2 March 2017
Annex 581 Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea, Warning to Mr Orlov on the
impermissibility of violating the legislation during the public event to be held on
15 April 2017, 14 April 2017
Annex 582 Administration of the City of Bakhchisaray, Note No. 021-22/1786 confirming the
absence of notifications on holding public events dedicated to commemoration of
Sürgün in Bakhchisaray on 18 May 2017, 18 May 2017
Annex 583 Letter from the First Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Cultural Heritage
Preservation of the Republic of Crimea to General Director of State Budgetary
Institution “Bakhchisaray Historical, Cultural and Archaeological Museum-
Reserve” No. 9453/01-05, 8 December 2017
Annex 584 Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea, Letter No. 27-239-2017/Np10860-
2017 to the Military Prosecutor’s Office of the Black Sea Fleet, 20 December 2017
Annex 585 Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea, Letter No. 27-239-2017/On6074-
2017 to E.M. Kurbedinov, 20 December 2017
Annex 586 Letter from the First Deputy Minister of Culture of the Republic of Crimea to V.L.
Martynyuk, General Director of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of
Crimea “Bakhchisaray Historical, Cultural and Archaeological Museum-Reserve”,
26 January 2018
Annex 587 Letter from V.L. Martynyuk, General Director of the State Budgetary Institution of
the Republic of Crimea “Bakhchisaray Historical, Cultural and Archaeological
Museum-Reserve”, to the First Deputy Minister of Culture of the Republic of
Crimea No. 73, 30 January 2018
Annex 588 Regional Public Organisation “Association of Crimean Tatars of the Sevastopol
Region ‘AK-YAR’”, Notification No. 42 on holding a rally dedicated to the
anniversary of the death of Noman Çelebicihan on 24 February 2018,
12 February 2018
Annex 589 Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Notification No. 03 on holding a
public event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the creation of the Soviet Army
and Navy on 23 February 2018, 12 February 2018

Annex 503
Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, List of public
associations and religious organisations in respect of which the court
has taken a legally effective decision to liquidate them or ban their
activities on the grounds provided for by Federal Law of 25 July 2002
No. 114-FZ “On counteracting extremist activities”, as at 7 April 2021

List of public associations and religious organisations in respect of which the court has taken a legally
effective decision to liquidate them or ban their activities on the grounds provided for by Federal Law
of 25.07.2002 No. 114-FZ “On counteracting extremist activities”
1. Interregional public organisation “National Bolshevik Party” (decision of the Moscow City Court of
19.04.2007 on the prohibition of activities).
2. Religious group Krasnodar Orthodox Slavic community “VEK RA” (Vedic Culture of Russian Aryans) of
the Scythian Vesi Rassenia (decision of the Krasnodar Territorial Court of 05.10.2006 on the prohibition of
3. Public unregistered association group “Rada of the land of the Kuban Spiritual and Ancestral Empire
Rus’” (decision of the Pervomaisky District Court of Krasnodar of 13.04.2006 on liquidation).
4. Local religious organisation Asgardian Slavonic Community of the Spiritual Administration of the
Asgardian Vesi of Belovodye of the Old Russian Yngliistic Church of Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings
(decision of the Omsk Regional Court of 30.04.2004 on liquidation).
5. Local religious organisation Slavic Community of the Temple of Veda Perun of the Spiritual
Administration of the Asgardian Vesey Belovodye of the Old Russian Yngliistic Church of Orthodox Old
Believers-Ynglings (decision of the Omsk Regional Court of 30.04.2004 on liquidation).
6. Religious organisation Men’s Theological Seminary – Spiritual Institution of Professional Religious
Education of the Old Russian Yngliistic Church of Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings (decision of the Omsk
Regional Court of 30.04.2004 on liquidation).
7. Nurdzhular International Religious Association (decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation
of 10.04.2008 on the prohibition of activities).
8. Public Association Akhtuba People’s Movement “Towards God’s Power” (decision of the Akhtuba City
Court of the Astrakhan region of 17.07.2008 and ruling of the Judicial Chamber for Civil Cases of the
Astrakhan Regional Court of 17.09.2008).
9. International Religious Association “Tablighi Jamaa” (decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation of 07.05.2009).
10. Local religious organisation Jehovah’s Witnesses “Taganrog” (decision of the Rostov Regional Court of
11.09.2009 and decision of the Judicial Chamber for Civil Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation of 08.12.2009).
11. Ryazan City Public Patriotic Organisation “Russian National Unity” (ex parte decision of the
Zheleznodorozhny District Court of Ryazan of 12.02.2008 and ruling of the Zheleznodorozhny District
Court of Ryazan of 24.12.2009).
Annex 503
12. International Public Association “National Socialist Society” (“NSO”, “NA”) (decision of the Supreme
Court of the Russian Federation of 01.02.2010).
13. The group “Jamaat muvahidov” (decision of the Leninsky District Court of Astrakhan of 19.10.2007).
14. “United Vilayat of Kabarda, Balkaria and Karachay” (decision of the Supreme Court of the Kabardino-
Balkarian Republic of 09.07.2010).
15. Primorsky Regional Human Rights Public Organisation “Union of Slavs” (decision of the Primorsky
Territorial Court of 28.07.2010).
16. International Religious Association “At-Takfir Wal-Hijra” (decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation of 15.09.2010).
17. Local organisation of the city of Krasnodar – “Pit Bull” (decision of the Oktyabrsky District Court of
Krasnodar of 24.08.2010).
18. Regional Public Association “National Socialist Workers’ Party of Russia” (“NSRPR”) (decision of the
Judicial Chamber for Civil Cases of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Court of 22.09.2010).
19. Interregional Public Movement “Slavonic Union” (decision of the Moscow City Court of 27.04.2010).
20. Interregional Public Association “Format-18” (decision of the Moscow City Court of 20.12.2010).
21. Religious group “The Noble Order of the Devil” (decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of
Mordovia of 27.12.2010).
22. Interregional Public Movement “Army of the People’s Will” (decision of the Moscow City Court of
23. Local public organisation “National Socialist Initiative of the city of Cherepovets” (decision of the
Cherepovets City Court of the Vologda region of 16.05.2011).
24. Interregional Public Association “Spiritual and Tribal Empire Rus’” (decision of the Moscow Regional
Court of 05.04.2011 and decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 12.07.2011).
25. Tatarstan regional branch of the All-Russian patriotic movement “Russian National Unity” (decision of
the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan of 21.05.2003).
26. Religious group of Sokolov O. V., Russkikh V. V. and Petin A. G., manifesting, cultivating and
spreading ideas of the doctrine of the “Old Russian Ynglistic Church of Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings”
(decision of the Maikop District Court of the Republic of Adygea of 12.12.2008).
27. Interregional Association “Russian Nationwide Union” (decision of the Vladimir Regional Court of
30.05.2011 and decision of the Judicial Chamber for Civil Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation of 06.09.2011).
28. Interregional Public Organisation “Movement against Illegal Immigration” (decision of the Moscow City
Court of 18.04.2011 and decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 09.08.2011);
Annex 503
29. International Association “Blood and Honor” (“Blood and Honor/Combat18”, “B&H”, “BandH”)
(decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 29.05.2012);
30. The organisation was excluded in connection with its liquidation and prohibition of activities on the
grounds provided for in Article 14 of Federal Law No. 125-FZ of 26.09.1997 “On Freedom of Conscience
and Religious Associations”;
31. Public Association (movement) “Omsk organisation of the public political movement ‘Russian National
Unity’” (decision of the Omsk Regional Court of 10.10.2002);
32. Interregional Public Association “Northern Brotherhood” (decision of the Moscow City Court of
33. Kirov Regional Public Organisation “Dynamo Kirov Football Club Fan Club” (decision of the Kirov
Regional Court of 03.07.2013);
34. The religious group “Fayzrakhmanists”, headed by Fayzrakhman Minnakhmetovich Sattarov and Gumar
Gimerkhanovich Ganiev, located in a household at the address: 41 Torfyanaya St., Kazan (ex parte decision
of the Sovetsky District Court of Kazan of the Republic of Tatarstan of 21.02.2013);
35. Local religious organisation “Muslim Religious Organisation of Borovsky settlement, Tyumen District,
Tyumen region”, registered on 15 September 2000 by the Directorate of the Ministry of Justice of the
Russian Federation for the Tyumen region with the primary state registration number 1027200003808
(decision of the Tyumen Regional Court of 06.05.2014) (date of publication of information: 18.08.2014);
36. Community of the Indigenous Russian people of the Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region
(decision of the Shchelkovsky City Court of the Moscow region of 25.02.2014) (date of publication of
information: 20.08.2014);
37. Ukrainian organisation “Right Sector” (decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of
17.11.2014) (date of publication of information: 26.01.2015);
38. Ukrainian organisation “Ukrainian National Assembly – Ukrainian People’s Self-Defense” (UNAUNSO)
(decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 17.11.2014) (date of publication of
information: 26.01.2015);
39. Ukrainian organisation “Ukrainian Insurgent Army” (UPA) (decision of the Supreme Court of the
Russian Federation of 17.11.2014) (date of publication of information: 26.01.2015);
40. Ukrainian organisation “Trizub named after Stepan Bandera” (decision of the Supreme Court of the
Russian Federation of 17.11.2014) (date of publication of information: 26.01.2015);
41. Ukrainian organisation “Brotherhood” (decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of
17.11.2014) (date of publication of information: 26.01.2015);
42. Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Samara (decision of the Samara Regional Court
of 29.05.2014 and decision of the Judicial Chamber for Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court of the
Russian Federation of 12.11.2014) (date of publication of information: 20.03.2015);
Annex 503
43. Military-patriotic Club “White Cross” (decision of the Murmansk Regional Court of 29.06.2015) (date of
publication of information: 16.09.2015);
44. Organisation - Interregional national-radical association “Misanthropic division” (name in Russian
“Мизантропик дивижн”), also known as “Misanthropic Division”, “MD”, also known as “Md” (decision of
the Krasnoyarsk Territorial Court of 17.07.2015) (date of publication of information: 16.09.2015);
45. Religious association of followers of Yngliism in the Stavropol Territory (decision of the Stavropol
Territorial Court of 21.08.2015) (date of publication of information: 06.10.2015);
46. Interregional public association - organisation “People’s Social Initiative” (other names: “People’s
Socialist Initiative”, “National Social Initiative”, “National Socialist Initiative"”) (decision of the St.
Petersburg City Court of 16.09.2015) (date of publication of information: 20.11.2015);
47. Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Abinsk (decision of the Krasnodar Territorial
Court of 04.03.2015 and decision of the Judicial Chamber for Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court of
the Russian Federation of 05.08.2015) (date of publication of information: 11.12.2015);
48. Public movement “TulaSkins” (decision of the Sovetsky District Court of Tula of 06.07.2015) (date of
publication of information: 19.08.2016);
49. Interregional Public Association “Ethnopolitical Association ‘Russians’” (decision of the Moscow City
Court of 28.10.2015 and appellate decision of the Judicial Chamber for Administrative Cases of the Supreme
Court of the Russian Federation of 11.05.2016) (date of publication of information: 26.08.2016);
50. Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Stary Oskol (decision of the Belgorod Regional
Court of 10.02.2016 and appellate decision of the Judicial Chamber for Administrative Cases of the Supreme
Court of the Russian Federation of 16.06.2016) (date of publication of information: 13.09.2016);
51. Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of the city of Belgorod (decision of the Belgorod
Regional Court of 11.02.2016 and appellate decision of the Judicial Chamber for Administrative Cases of the
Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 09.06.2016) (date of publication of information: 13.09.2016);
52. Regional Public Association “Russian National Association ‘Ataka’” (decision of the Moscow City
Court of 11.08.2016) (date of publication of information: 24.10.2016);
53. Religious group “Mirmamed Mosque” Prayer House (decision of the Samara Regional Court of
22.07.2016) (date of publication of information: 27.10.2016);
54. Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of the city of Elista (decision of the Supreme Court
of the Republic of Kalmykia of 25.02.2016 and appellate decision of the Judicial Chamber for
Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 07.07.2016) (date of publication of
information: 30.11.2016);
55. Community of the Indigenous Russian people of Astrakhan, Astrakhan region (decision of the Sovetsky
District Court of Astrakhan of 21.07.2016) (date of publication of information: 30.11.2016);
Annex 503
56. Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Oryol” (decision of the Oryol Regional Court of
14.06.2016 and appellate decision of the Judicial Chamber for Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court of
the Russian Federation of 18.10.2016) (date of publication of information: 23.12.2016);
57. All-Russian political party “VOLYA”, its regional branches and other structural subdivisions (decision of
the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 09.08.2016 and appellate decision of the Appeal Chamber of
the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 24.11.2016)
in accordance with the Charter, the All-Russian political Party “VOLYA” has its own symbols – the emblem
and the flag:
The Party’s logo is made on a sapphire background in white: a stylized image of the sun in the form of a
circle with rays radiating from it along the entire circumference; under the image of the sun is a stylized
image of the territory of the Russian Federation, made in the form of a contour of the borders of the territory
of the Russian Federation; under the image of the territory of the Russian Federation is the inscription WILL
OF THE PEOPLE-RIGHT, FREEDOM! The word WILL is placed above the words PEOPLE-RIGHT
FREEDOM! (sub-clause 1.3.1 of clause 1.3 of the charter of the All-Russian Political Party “VOLYA”);
The party flag is a sapphire-colored cloth with the following image applied on a sapphire background in
white: a stylized image of the sun in the form of a circle with rays radiating from it along the entire
circumference; under the image of the sun is a stylized image of the territory of the Russian Federation, made
in the form of a contour of the borders of the territory of the Russian Federation; under the image of the
territory of the Russian Federation is the inscription WILL OF THE PEOPLE – RIGHT, FREEDOM! The
word WILL is placed above the words PEOPLE-RIGHT FREEDOM! (subclause 1.3.2 of clause 1.3 of the
charter of the All-Russian political Party “VOLYA”) (date of publication of information: 23.12.2016);
58. Public Association “Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People” (decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic
of Crimea of 26.04.2016 and appellate decision of the Judicial Chamber for Administrative Cases of the
Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 29.09.2016) (date of publication of information: 25.01.2017);
59. Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Birobidzhan (decision of the Jewish Autonomous
Region Court of 03.10.2016 and appellate decision of the Judicial Chamber for Administrative Cases of the
Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 09.02.2017) (date of publication of information: 06.04.2017);
60. Autonomous Non-profit Organisation of Patriotic education of Youth “Rubezh Severa” (decision of the
Syktyvkar City Court of the Komi Republic of 23.11.2016 and decision of the Syktyvkar City Court of the
Komi Republic of 03.04.2017) (date of publication of information: 26.05.2017);
61. Organisation of football fans “TOYS” (other names “T. O. Y. S”, “The Opposition Young Supporters”)
(decision of the Sovetsky District Court of Samara of 11.04.2017) (date of publication of information:
62. The religious organisation “Administrative Center of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia” and its affiliated
local religious organisations:
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Glazov
(PSRN 1061800008511);
Annex 503
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Kurdzhinovo”
(PSRN 1020900004289);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Gorno-Altaisk” (PSRN 1030400000091);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Serov”
(PSRN 1036605622437);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Nefteyugansk (PSRN 1038605503496);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Cherkessk
(PSRN 1020900003156);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Pechora”
(PSRN 1021100006400);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Ukhta”
(PSRN 1021100002010);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Syktyvkar”
(PSRN 1021100000228);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Belogorsk
(PSRN 1022800017558);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Sayansk”
(PSRN 1033800006118);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Vladimir (PSRN 1033303607457);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Tsentralnaya, Nizhny Novgorod” (PSRN
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region (PSRN
Religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Tula
(PSRN 1037100000057);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Shadrinsk
(PSRN 1034593003873);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Nogliki, Sakhalin region (PSRN 1026500004079);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Okha
(PSRN 1026500003606);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Skovorodino” (PSRN 1042800001155);
Annex 503
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Berezovsky”
(PSRN 1024200006555);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Korsakov”
(PSRN 1026500003683);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Gurievsk
(PSRN 1034200006026);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Stanitsa Khanskaya
(PSRN 1020100002196);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Smolensk
(PSRN 1026700009995);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Dorogobuzh
(PSRN 1026700006740);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Tynda
(PSRN 1022800017020);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Ust-Kut
(PSRN 1053800031790);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Maisky
(PSRN 1020700001740);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Tsentralnaya, Penza” (PSRN 1025800010686);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Arbekovo, Penza” (PSRN 1035800008562);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Zimovniki
and Zimovnikovsky district (PSRN 1036100002476);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Tsimlyansk
(PSRN 1026100030274);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Vorkuta
(PSRN 1021100005970);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses Osinniki
(PSRN 1034200006015);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Prokopyevsk”
(PSRN 1034200006686);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Novokuznetsk”
(PSRN 1034200010261);
Annex 503
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the village Yarega
(PSRN 1021100005365);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Izhevsk
(PSRN 1031802480236);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Sharya, Kostroma region (PSRN 1024400007521);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Mikun”
(PSRN 1021100006443);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Stanitsa Dinskaya
(PSRN 1022300004649);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kholmsk
(PSRN 1026500003166);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (PSRN 1026500003694);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Blagoveshchensk (PSRN 1022800003170);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Dimitrovgrad (PSRN 1037301680184);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Belorechensk (PSRN 1032335010916);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kaluga
(PSRN 1024000006832);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Ulan-Ude
(PSRN 1020300000555);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kaltan
(PSRN 1034200006301);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Vyborg
(PSRN 1034700001038);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kirishi
(PSRN 1034700003117);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Sosnovy Bor
(PSRN 1034700005372);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Slantsy
(PSRN 1034700003766);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Nalchik
(PSRN 1020700001717);
Annex 503
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses
in Nizhneudinsk (PSRN 1033800004260);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Zeya
(PSRN 1022800003291);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of the resort city of Anapa (PSRN 1032335027163);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Nikolsk”
(PSRN 1035800005702);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Apsheronsk (PSRN 1032335025337);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Tsentralnaya, Sochi” (PSRN 1032335027515);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Prokhladny
(PSRN 1020700001618);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Inta
(PSRN 1031100001569);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses
in the village Krasnooktyabrsky, Maikop district (PSRN 1020100003263);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Noyabrsk
(PSRN 1028900001987);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Yoshkar-Ola”
(PSRN 1021200002218);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kostroma
(PSRN 1024400008588);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Neftekamsk
(PSRN 1030200003327);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Gelendzhik”
(PSRN 1032335028252);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Teykovo
(PSRN 1033700023939);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kogalym
(PSRN 1038605503188);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Vichuga
(PSRN 1033700022377);
Annex 503
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Myski”
(PSRN 1034200008370);
Local religious organisation “Jehovah’s Witnesses of Beslan”
(PSRN 1021500002358);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Tsentralnaya, Kemerovo” (PSRN 1034200000922);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kurgan (PSRN 1024500001899);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Minusinsk (PSRN 1032400001919);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Adygeisk (PSRN 1020100003373);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Severodvinsk (PSRN 1022900004599);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Borisoglebsk, Voronezh Region (PSRN
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Monchegorsk (PSRN 1025100003752);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kandalaksha (PSRN 1025100003576);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kurganinsk (PSRN 1032335003964);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses art Novotitarovskaya (PSRN 1032335011257);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Tsentralnaya, Belovo” (PSRN 1034200000614);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Armavir (PSRN 1032335017505);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Stanitsa Giaginskaya (PSRN 1020100003648);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Maykop (PSRN 1020100003197);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kotlas (PSRN 1032902531562);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kamensk-Shakhtinsky (PSRN 1026100026193);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Ivanovo (PSRN 1033700024038);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of the Azov district (PSRN 1026100031066);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Kostomuksha” (PSRN 1031002194937);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Stanitsa Nezlobnaya, Georgievsky district (PSRN
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the village of Ivanovskoye, Kochubeyevsky district,
Stavropol Territory (PSRN 1022600002006);
Annex 503
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Nevinnomyssk (PSRN 1022600003887);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Tsentralnaya, Voronezh” (PSRN 1033692004565);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Nizhnyaya Tura (PSRN 1036605605850);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Pervouralsk (PSRN 1036605602164);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Vologda” (PSRN 1033501071735);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Snezhnogorsk” (PSRN 1025100002564);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Verkhnyaya Pyshma (PSRN 1036605604331);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses (Kursk) (PSRN 1034690004425);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Yekaterinburg (PSRN 1036605606400);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Polyarny” (PSRN 1025100003433);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Nartkale (PSRN 1020700001233);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Vladikavkaz (PSRN 1021500002963);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Tsentralnaya, Murmansk” (PSRN 1035100155420);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Novoaleksandrovsk (PSRN 1022600007275);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of the Kochubeyevsky district (PSRN 1022600003580);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Georgievsk (PSRN 1032602090564);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Tulsky (PSRN 1020100003483);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Sovetsk, Kaliningrad region (PSRN
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Mozdok (PSRN 1021500002941);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Sortavala (PSRN 1031002195465);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Bryansk” (PSRN 1033200008313);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Apatity” (PSRN 1025100003807);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Seversk (PSRN 1037000002600);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kirovsk (PSRN 1025100002663);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Kaliningrad” (PSRN 1033918505917);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Vilyuchinsk” (PSRN 1024100001023);
Annex 503
Local religious Organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Cherepovets, Vologda region (PSRN
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Severomorsk (PSRN 1025100003708);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Usinsk” (PSRN 1021100006377);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia “Tsentralnaya, Stavropol” (PSRN
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kineshma (PSRN 1033700020793);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Leninsk-Kuznetsk (PSRN 1034200007093);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Novopavlovsk (PSRN 1022600001060);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kislovodsk (PSRN 1022600002347);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Zheleznovodsk (PSRN 1022600002336);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kohma (PSRN 1033700021937);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Svetlograd (PSRN 1032602090685);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Derbent” (PSRN 1020500003556);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Ipatovo” (PSRN 1022600004899);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Alagir (PSRN 1021500000642);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky” (PSRN 1024100001837);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Vladivostok (PSRN 1032500004437);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Chelyabinsk” (PSRN 1037400003948);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kiselevsk (PSRN 1034200010602);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Anzhero-Sudzhensk (PSRN 1034200009414);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Pskov (PSRN 1026000006075);
Local Christian religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Primorskoe” (PSRN 1159204018775);
Local Christian religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Sevastopol (PSRN 1159204018764);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Blagodarny (PSRN 1022600006901);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the village of Bezpasnoe, Trunovo district (PSRN
Annex 503
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Millerovo (PSRN 1026100030770);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Velikiye Luki” (PSRN 1026000004557);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Tashtagol (PSRN 1034200009458);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Gusinoozersk (PSRN 1020300000160);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Petrozavodsk” (PSRN 1031002190460);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Biryusinsk (PSRN 1033800001047);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Tsentralnaya, Mineralnye Vody” (PSRN
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Astrakhan (PSRN 1023000866228);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses Sovetskaya Gavan (PSRN 1032700000233);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Komsomolsk-on-Amur (PSRN 1022700004645);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Zelenokumsk (PSRN 1032602090696);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Yelizovo (PSRN 1024100002079);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Pyatigorsk (PSRN 1022600002325)
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Solnechnodolsk (PSRN 1022600000895);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Yessentuki (PSRN 1022600006098);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Surgut (PSRN 1038605503023);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Budyonnovsk (PSRN 1022600005680);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Liskinsky district of the Voronezh Region (PSRN
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Almetyevsk of the Administrative Center of
Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia (PSRN 1031659006235);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Simferopol (PSRN 1159102088243);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the settlement Razdolnoye (PSRN 1159102088166);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the settlement Chernomorskoe (PSRN
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the settlement Mirny (PSRN 1159102088188);
Annex 503
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the settlement Nizhnegorsky (PSRN
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the settlement Pervomaiskoe (PSRN
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Krasnoperekopsk (PSRN 1159102088199);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Yasny (PSRN 1035600008091);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Nikolaevsk-on-Amur (PSRN 1032700000585);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Lesozavodsk (PSRN 1032500006802);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of the city of Nizhnekamsk and the Nizhnekamsk
district of the “Administrative Center of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia” (PSRN 1031659007489);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Naberezhnye Chelny of the “Administrative Center
of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia”
(PSRN 1031659013484);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Pereyaslavka (PSRN 1032700000563);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Spassk-Dalny (PSRN 1032500009706);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Zainsk “Administrative Center of Jehovah’s
Witnesses in Russia” (PSRN 1021600014589);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Khabarovsk
(PSRN 1032700000123);
Local religious Organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Chernyakhovsk, Kaliningrad region (PSRN
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Ulyanovsk
(PSRN 1027300008120);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Igra
(PSRN 1031802484647);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Votkinsk
(PSRN 1031802484658);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Tutayev
(PSRN 1027600006356);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Sarapul
(PSRN 1031802484636);
Annex 503
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Rybinsk
(PSRN 1037602802071);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Zheleznogorsk (PSRN 1064600009660);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kirov
(PSRN 1034300006333);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Yalta
(PSRN 1159102088298);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Saki
(PSRN 1159102088177);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kerch
(PSRN 1159102088210);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Shchelkino
(PSRN 1159102088111);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Sivash”
(PSRN 1159102088144);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Dzhankoy
(PSRN 1159102087649);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Ussuriysk
(PSRN 1032500008760);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Stary Krym (PSRN 1159102087715);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the settlement Gvardeyskoe (PSRN 1159102087550);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Voskhod village
(PSRN 1159102088254);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Bryanskoe village
(PSRN 1159102088287);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses
in Kovrov, Vladimir region (PSRN 1033303606478);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Feodosia
(PSRN 1159102088133);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses
in the settlement Krasnogvardeyskoye (PSRN 1159102088265);
Annex 503
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Kazan “Administrative center of Jehovah’s Witnesses
in Russia” (PSRN 1031659010976);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Rostov
(PSRN 1037602800509);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Mezhdurechensk” (PSRN 1034200005509);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kizlyar
(PSRN 1020500004304);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Chita”
(PSRN 1037575003245);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Luchegorsk
(PSRN 1032500006065);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kirovo-Chepetsk (PSRN 1034300008236);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Nakhodka
(PSRN 1032500006220);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Zarechny
(PSRN 1065800028139);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Nazarovo
(PSRN 1022400011083);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Raduzhny (PSRN 1038605502870);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of the city of Neman, Kaliningrad region (PSRN
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Zima
(PSRN 1033800003225);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Tulun
(PSRN 1033800004810);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Belaya Kalitva (PSRN 1026100020430);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Slyudyanka
(PSRN 1033800004116);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the village of Oktyabrsky (PSRN 1033800001245);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Shelekhov
(PSRN 1033800001278);
Annex 503
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the village of Chunsky (PSRN 1023800007440);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Omsk”
(PSRN 1035500001008);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Yaroslavl
(PSRN 1027600010426);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Zalari village
(PSRN 1033800003214);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Nizhnevartovsk (PSRN 1028600005940);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Lesosibirsk (PSRN 1022400013910);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Krasnoyarsk”
(PSRN 1032400001677);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Achinsk
(PSRN 1022400011314);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Rubtsovsk”
(PSRN 1022200528690);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Bataysk
(PSRN 1026100010606);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Novocherkassk (PSRN 1026100031209);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Orsk
(PSRN 1035600009378);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Yugorsk
(PSRN 1038605502814);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Iskitim
and Iskitim district (PSRN 1075400001313);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Gukovo”
(PSRN 1026100027876);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Aleisk”
(PSRN 1022240532456);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Asino
(PSRN 1037000000663);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Severnaya, Tomsk” (PSRN 10370000002643);
Annex 503
Local Christian religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses
in Lipetsk (PSRN 1024800004789);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Sorsk
(PSRN 1021900004620);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Norilsk”
(PSRN 1022400010104);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Yuzhnaya, Abakan” (PSRN 1031900000252);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Bolshoy Kamen (PSRN 1062500014752);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Kansk”
(PSRN 1032400001369);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Novokubansk
and Novokubansky district (PSRN 1032335035490);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the village of Beltirskoye (PSRN 1051900007378);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Abaza
(PSRN 1021900004598);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kalach, Voronezh Region (PSRN 1023600014514);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Chernogorsk
(PSRN 1021900002882);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Adler”
(PSRN 1032335014216);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Arsenyev
(PSRN 1032500007022);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of the Shirinsky district (PSRN 1031900000285);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Sayanogorsk
(PSRN 1031900001396);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Volzhsky, Volgograd region (PSRN
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kamyshin, Volgograd region (PSRN
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Leninsk, Volgograd region (PSRN 1023400016265);
Annex 503
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Armyansk
(PSRN 1159102088221);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of the Krasnoarmeysky district of Volgograd (PSRN
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Krasnoarmeysk, Saratov region (PSRN
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Shebekino, Belgorod region (PSRN
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Balakovo, Saratov region (PSRN 1026401424070);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Salavat”
(PSRN 1030200009080);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Kumertau”
(PSRN 1030200004010);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Sosnovoborsk”
(PSRN 1022400009466);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kyzyl
(PSRN 1021700001058);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of St. Petersburg (PSRN 1037858025204);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Dalnegorsk
(PSRN 1022500615510);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Gubkin
(PSRN 1023100003541);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Kuragino”
(PSRN 1032400003130);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kotovo, Volgograd region (PSRN 1023400005001);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Slavgorod”
(PSRN 1022200529010);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Mikhaylovka, Volgograd region (PSRN
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Shakhty
(PSRN 1026100026512);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Volsk, Saratov region (PSRN 1026401676817);
Annex 503
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Tsentralnaya, Orenburg” (PSRN 1025600006772);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Buzuluk
(PSRN 1035600006970);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Volgograd, Krasnooktyabrsky district (PSRN
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Balashov, Saratov region (PSRN 1026401596605);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of the Traktorozavodsky district of Volgograd (PSRN
Local religious Organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kotelnikovo, Volgograd region (PSRN
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Monolit, Volgograd” (PSRN 1023400015715);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Surovikino
(PSRN 1033401263169);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Elshanskaya, Volgograd” (PSRN 1023400013856);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Belebey
(PSRN 1030200000379);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Donetsk
(PSRN 1026100018603);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Uchaly
(PSRN 1030200009840);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Barnaul”
(PSRN 1022200529801);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Tsentralnaya, Irkutsk” (PSRN 1033800003126);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Angarsk”
(PSRN 1033800005810);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Severnaya,
Usolye-Sibirskoe” (PSRN 1033800001070);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Zheleznogorsk”
(PSRN 1022400008839);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Bratsk”
(PSRN 1033800004270);
Annex 503
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of the Valuysky district of the Belgorod region (PSRN
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Boguchany village, Krasnoyarsk Territory (PSRN
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Svetly Yar settlement of the Volgograd region
(PSRN 1023400012460);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Ufa”
(PSRN 1030200002800);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Biysk”
(PSRN 1032202360233);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Ust-Ilimsk”
(PSRN 1033800001168);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Volgodonsk (PSRN 1026100030208);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Tsentralniy Khazan” (PSRN 1033800005535);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Shushenskoye
(PSRN 1032400002447);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Zelenogorsk (PSRN 1032400004009);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Artem
(PSRN 1032500002754);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Taishet”
(PSRN 1033800002950);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Zarinsk”
(PSRN 1022200527436);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Padun district of Bratsk (PSRN 1023800007076);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Zheleznogorsk-Ilimsky (PSRN 1023800007109);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Vikhorevka”
(PSRN 1033800005799);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Cheremkhovo
(PSRN 1033800003918);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the village Priyutovo, Belebeyevsky district of the
Republic of Bashkortostan (PSRN 1050200020420);
Annex 503
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Dalnerechensk (PSRN 1062500013146);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Zverevo
(PSRN 1026100027117);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Lysva
(PSRN 1035900003523);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Solikamsk
(PSRN 1025900008089);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Tsentralnaya,
Rostov-on-Don” (PSRN 1026100019220);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Salsk
(PSRN 1026100023840);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Ozersk
(PSRN 1077400003581);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Podolsk
(PSRN 1035000016919);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Miass
(PSRN 1077400002514);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Lyubertsy
(PSRN 1035000018096);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Novoshakhtinsk” (PSRN 1026100026699);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Solnechnogorsk district (PSRN 1035000015390);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Volokolamsk (PSRN 10350009857);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Shatursky district (PSRN 1035000000342);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Khimki district (PSRN 1055000012099);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Sharypovo
(PSRN 1032400004119);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of the Voskresensky district (PSRN 1035000010143);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Buguruslan (PSRN 1025600006079);
Local Christian religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Kuibyshev” (PSRN 1035400007191);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Dudinka
(PSRN 1028400004599);
Annex 503
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district (PSRN
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Chaykovsky
(PSRN 1035900004711);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Fryazino
(PSRN 1035000007613);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Odintsovo district (PSRN 1035000030581);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Dubna
(PSRN 1035000013058);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Saratov
(PSRN 1026402487770);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Krasnoturinsk (PSRN 1036605623658);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Perm
(PSRN 1035900003105);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Ozersk district (PSRN 1035000015104);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the setllement Talmenka (PSRN 1092202000725);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Krasnogorsk district (PSRN 1035000019075);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Zhukovsky
(PSRN 1035000012343);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Chekhov
(PSRN 1035000011155);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of the Balashikha district (PSRN 1035000023464);
Local religious organisation Jehovah’s Witnesses “Saransk”
(PSRN 1031322002051);
Local Christian religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Zarechnaya, Novosibirsk” (PSRN
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Serpukhov
and Serpukhov district (PSRN 1035000030834);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of the Uspensky district (PSRN 1032335029825);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kropotkin
(PSRN 1032335030001);
Annex 503
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Nizhny Tagil” (PSRN 1026600000899);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Severouralsk” (PSRN 1036605621491);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses
art Staroshcherbinovskaya (PSRN 1032335032586);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Tikhoretsk
(PSRN 1032335030056);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Ust-Labinsk (PSRN 1032335019661);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Stanitsa Tbilisskaya (PSRN 1032335017967);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Labinsk
(PSRN 1032335028660);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses Kanevskaya station
(PSRN 1032335032553);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses Stanitsa Kalininskaya (PSRN 1032335032982);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Krymsk
(PSRN 1032335028087);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Temryuk
(PSRN 1032335034368);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Shchelkovsky district (PSRN 1035000021682);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Tsentralnaya, Yeisk” (PSRN 1032335027053);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Primorsko-Akhtarsk (PSRN 1032335016636);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Timashevsk
(PSRN 1032335005746);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Krasnodar
(PSRN 1032335006153);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Chapaevsk (PSRN 1036303399186);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Syzran
(PSRN 1036303397646);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Tolyatti”
(PSRN 1036303398867);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Krasnoselsky village (PSRN 1032335031915);
Annex 503
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of the Sergiev Posad district (PSRN 1035000021100);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Korolev
(PSRN 1035000011452);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Slavyansk-on-Kuban and Slavyansky district (PSRN
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Stanitsa Otradnaya
(PSRN 1032335029760);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Mytishchi district (PSRN 1035000019306);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Baltiyskoe”
(PSRN 1077800023322);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Stanitsa Pavlovskaya
(PSRN 1032335001962);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses
of Stanitsa Starizhestebliyevskaya, Krasnoarmeysky district (PSRN 1022300004540);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Korenovsk
(PSRN 1032335018726);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Tuapse
(PSRN 1032335029540);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the village of Kushchevskaya
(PSRN 1032335018968);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Novorossiysk (PSRN 1032335038449);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Ilsky”
(PSRN 1032335018022);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the village of Lazarevskoye (PSRN 1032335027010);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Ladozhskoe”
(PSRN 1077800020649);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses “Nevskoe”
(PSRN 1077800024433);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Stanitsa Vyselki
(PSRN 1032335024590);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Goryachy Klyuch (PSRN 1032335034380);
Annex 503
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Neryungri
(PSRN 1021400006374);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the village Chulman
(PSRN 1021400006066);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Gulkevichi
(PSRN 1032335032080);
Local religious organisation Jehovah’s Witnesses “Udachny”
(PSRN 1021400003020);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of the Klin district (PSRN 1035000018932);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of the Pushkin district (PSRN 1035000021540);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of the Leninsky district (PSRN 1035000008922);
Local religious organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Moscow
(PSRN 1157700007189);
(decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 20.04.2017, appellate decision of the Appeal
Chamber of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 17.07.2017; part 4 of Article 9 of Federal Law
No. 114-FZ of 25.07.2002 “On countering extremist activities”) (date of publication of information:
63. Naberezhnye Chelny branch of the Tatarstan Regional All-Tatar Political Public Movement
(REVTATPOD) - All-Tatar Public Center (WTC) (NCHO TOC) (decision of the Naberezhnye Chelny City
Court of the Republic of Tatarstan of 11.05.2017) (date of publication of information: 28.11.2017);
64. Interregional public Movement “Artpodgotovka” (decision of the Krasnoyarsk Territorial Court of
26.10.2017 and appellate decision of the Judicial Chamber for Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court of
the Russian Federation of 28.02.2018) (date of publication of information: 27.04.2018);
65. Public movement “Shtolz”, functioning under the name “Shtolz Khabarovsk”, “Shtolz Far East”,
“Shtolz-Yugent” (decision of the Central District Court of Khabarovsk of 01.12.2017) (date of publication of
information: 18.07.2018);
66. Orthodox religious group “In honor of the Icon of the Mother of God ‘Derzhavnaya’” (decision of the
Tula Regional Court of 25.07.2016 and appellate decision of the Judicial Chamber for Administrative Cases
of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 21.03.2017) (date of publication of information:
67. Public Association of Football Fans “Sector 16” of the Bugulma Municipal district of the Republic of
Tatarstan (other names: “S-16”, “BugulmaUltras” (decision of the Bugulma City Court of the Republic of
Tatarstan of 28.05.2018) (date of publication of information: 08.08.2018);
Annex 503
68. Regional Public Foundation for the Promotion of National Self-Determination of the peoples of the
World “Independence” (decision of the Moscow City Court of 01.12.2017) (date of publication of
information: 23.08.2018);
69. Organization of football fans “Firma” of football fans “Pokoleniye” (decision of the Proletarsky District
Court of Tula of 14.06.2018) (date of publication of information: 23.08.2018);
70. Karelian regional branch of the interregional youth public charity organization “Youth Human Rights
Group (MPG)” (decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Karelia of 18.12.2014) (date of
publication of information: 02.11.2018);
71. Public Association “Kursom Pravdy I Edineniya” (other names: Russian National Movement “Kursom
Pravdy I Edineniya”, All-Russian political Party “Kursom Pravdy I Edineniya”, Political Party “Kursom
Pravdy I Edineniya”) (decision of the Maikop District Court of the Republic of Adygea of 07.05.2018 and
appellate decision of the Judicial Chamber for Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court of the Republic of
Adygea of 16.10.2018).
In accordance with the Charter, the Political Party “Kursom Pravdy I Edineniya” has its own symbols – the
emblem and the flag:
the emblem is a circle of ultramarine color, symbolizing the eternal and infinite universe. The circle is placed
inside a golden rim, which represents Hierarchically the Highest All-Encompassing Guidance - the laws of
the Universe. In the center of the circle, a triglav is drawn in gold, denoting the trinity: matter, information,
and measure, connected together. On the perimeter inside the circle in its upper part, above the triglav
emblem words “kursom pravdy i edineniy” are written in gold:, at the bottom of the circle under the triglav
in capital gold letters word “KPE” is written;
the flag is a cloth of ultramarine color with a width to length ratio of 2:3. In the center of the cloth the
emblem of the Political Party “Kursom Pravdy I Edineniya” is placed. The emblem does not reach the upper
and lower edges of the flag by 10 centimeters (clause 1.7 of the Charter of the Political Party “Kursom
Pravdy i Edineniya”) (date of publication of information: 07.02.2019);
72. Religious association “Karakol Initiative Group” (other names “Ak-Dyan”, “JAHY ALTAY –
MOVEMENT”, “Ak Jah”, “Altay Jah Ak jah”, “Belaya Vera”, “Altay Dyan Ak Dyan”, “Altayskaya vera
Belaya vera”) (decision of the Ongudaysky District Court of the Altai Republic of 11.12.2018) (date of
publication of information: 19.02.2019);
73. Public Association of Football Fans “Autograd Cru” (other names: “Autograd Crew”, “Kamaz Ultras”,
“Blue White Crew”) (decision of the Naberezhnye Chelny City Court of the Republic of Tatarstan of
06.02.2019) (date of publication of information: 15.04.2019);
74. Interregional Public Association “Union of Slavic Forces of Russia” (other names “Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics”, “USSR”) (decision of the Supreme Court of the Komi Republic of 11.07.2019) (date of
publication of information: 03.10.2019);
75. Religious group “Allya-Ayat” (other names found depending on the translation from the Kazakh
language: “All Ayat”, “Allya Ayat”, “Elle Ayat”, “Alla Ayat”, “Elle Ayat”, “Al Ayat” and others) (decision
of the Samara Regional Court of 28.05.2019 and the appellate decision of the Judicial Chamber for
Annex 503
Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 06.12.2019) (date of publication of
information: 21.02.2020);
76. Autonomous Non-profit Organisation “Charity Boarding House ‘Ak Umut’ – ‘Bright Hope’” (decision
of the Kirovsky District Court of Kazan of the Republic of Tatarstan of 25.09.2014, decision of the Kirovsky
District Court of Kazan of the Republic of Tatarstan of 25.12.2014 and appellate decision of the Judicial
Chamber for Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan of 09.02.2015) (date of
publication of information: 19.05.2020);
77. Interregional Public Association “Russian Republic of Rus’” (decision of the Moscow City Court of
20.05.2020) (date of publication of information: 24.08.2020);
78. International public Movement “Arrestee Criminal Unity” (other names used are “Arrestee’s way of life
is one”, “Arrestee’s Urkagan unity”, AUE, A. U. E.) (decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation of 17.08.2020 and additional decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of
02.10.2020) (date of publication of information: 29.10.2020);
79. Bashkir Public Organisation “Bashkort” (decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of
Bashkortostan of 22.05.2020, decision of the Judicial Chamber for Administrative Cases of the Fourth Court
of Appeal of General Jurisdiction of 16.09.2020 and decision of the Judicial Chamber for Administrative
Cases of the Sixth Court of Cassation of General Jurisdiction of 28.01.2021) (date of publication of
information: 18.12.2020);
80. Public Association Committee “Nation and Freedom” (decision of the Krasnoyarsk Territorial Court of
28.07.2020 and decision of the Judicial Chamber for Administrative Cases of the Fifth Court of Appeal of
General Jurisdiction of 22.12.2020).
In accordance with the Charter, the symbols of the public association of the Committee “Nation and
Freedom” are a flag, a 2-color gold-black cloth, a black standard with a white or gold abbreviation
“KNS”. The Committee’s coat of arms is an image of the “Rurik falcon” on a maroon background (Section I
of the Charter) (date of publication of information: 10.02.2021);
81. Public Association “W. H. S.” (other names – “White Hooligans Capital”, “White hooligans of the
capital”, “White Hardcore Cats”, “SIBERIAN FRONT”, “Siberian Front”) (decision of the Central District
Court of Barnaul of 16.09.2020, decision of the Judicial Chamber for Administrative cases of the Altai
Territorial Court of 23.12.2020 and the decision of the Judicial Chamber for Administrative Cases of the
Altai Territorial Court of 25.12.2020) (date of publication of information: 19.02.2021);
82. Khakass Regional Public Organisation for Spiritual and Physical Self-improvement of a Person under the
Great Law of Falun “Falun Dafa” (decision of the Judicial Chamber for Administrative Cases of the Fifth
Appellate Court of General Jurisdiction of 10.11.2020) (date of publication: 24.03.2021);
83. Informal youth association of football fans “Irtysh Ultras” (“Irtysh ultras”, “Brutal Jokers”, “Fluss
Geboren”) (decision of the Central District Court of Omsk of 27.11.2020) (date of publication of
information: 07.04.2021);
Annex 503
Annex 504
Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on Kiramet
Limited Liability Company, retrieved on 18 May 2021

from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
18 May 2021 No. Yu.E9965-
date of the extract creation
This extract contains information about the legal entity
full name of the legal entity
(Primary State Registration Number)
included in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities as of
“18” May 2021
date month in
Indicator name Indicator value
1 2 3
2 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
3 Abbreviated name in Russian KIRAMET LLC
4 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
Location and address of the legal entity
5 Location of the legal entity THE REPUBLIC OF
6 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
7 Address of the legal entity 295000
1 1 4 9 1 0 2 0 5 3 9 5 7
Annex 504
8 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
Registration information
9 Method of incorporation Creation of a legal entity
10 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number) 1149102053957
11 Registration date 08.10.2014
12 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
Information about the registration authority at the location of the legal entity
13 Name of the registering authority Interdistrict Inspection of the Federal Tax
Service No.9 in the Republic of Crimea
14 Address of the registering authority 295053, the Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, 1/9
Mate Zalki st.
15 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
Information about a person who has the right to act on behalf of a legal entity without a power of
16 State registration number and the date of entering
information about this person in the Unified State
Register of Legal Entities
17 Last Name
First Name
18 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number) 910226287500
19 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
21 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
Information about the authorized capital/share capital/authorized fund/mutual fund
23 Amount (in rubles) 10000
24 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
Annex 504
Information about the participants/founders of the legal entity
25 State registration number and the date of entering
information about this person in the Unified State
Register of Legal Entities
26 Last Name
First Name
27 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number) 910226287500
28 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
29 Nominal value of the share (in rubles) 10000
30 Share size (in percent) 100
31 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
Information about accounting with the tax authority
32 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number) of the legal
33 KPP (Tax Registration Reason Code) of a legal
34 Date of registration with the tax authority 08.10.2014
35 Information about the tax authority in which the
legal entity is registered (for legal entities that have
ceased to operate, to indicate where it was
Inspection of the Federal Tax Service in
36 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
Information about registration as an insurant in the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian
37 Registration number 091001005266
38 Date of registration as an insurant 09.10.2014
39 Name of the territorial body of the Pension Fund of
the Russian Federation
State institution – Office of the Pension Fund of
the Russian Federation in Simferopol, Republic of
40 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
Information on registration as an insurant in the executive body of the Social Insurance Fund of the
Russian Federation
41 Registration number 910100140791011
42 Date of registration as an insurant 10.10.2014
Annex 504
43 Name of the executive body of the Social
Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation
Branch No.1 of the State Institution
- regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund of
the Russian Federation for the Republic of Crimea
44 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
Information on types of economic activity according to the All-Russian classifier of types of economic
Information about the main type of activity
(Russian Classification of Economic Activities ОК 029-2014 (KDES ed.2))
45 Code and name of the type of activity 71.1 Activities in the field of architecture,
engineering surveys and provision of technical
advice in these areas
46 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
Information about additional types of activities
(Russian Classification of Economic Activities ОК 029-2014 (KDES ed.2))
47 Code and name of the type of activity 01.61 Provision of services in the field of
crop production
48 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
49 Code and name of the type of activity 17.22 Production of paper products for
household and sanitary purposes
50 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
51 Code and name of the type of activity 18.11 Newspaper printing
52 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
53 Code and name of the type of activity 18.12 Other types of printing activities
54 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
55 Code and name of the type of activity 18.13 Production of printing plates and preparatory
Annex 504
56 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
57 Code and name of the type of activity 18.14 Bookbinding and decorative activities
and related services
58 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
59 Code and name of the type of activity 41.20 Construction of residential and nonresidential
60 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
61 Code and name of the type of activity 42.91 Construction of water structures
62 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
63 Code and name of the type of activity 43.11 Dismantling and demolition of buildings
64 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
65 Code and name of the type of activity 43.12.3 Earthworks
66 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
67 Code and name of the type of activity 43.13 Exploratory drilling
68 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
69 Code and name of the type of activity 43.21 Electrical installation works
70 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
Annex 504
71 Code and name of the type of activity 43.22 Undertaking sanitary and technical works,
installation of heating systems and air conditioning
72 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
73 Code and name of the type of activity 43.29 Undertaking other construction and
installation works
74 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
75 Code and name of the type of activity 43.31 Undertaking plastering works
76 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
77 Code and name of the type of activity 43.32 Carpentry and timber work
78 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
79 Code and name of the type of activity 43.33 Installation of floor coverings and
wall coverings
80 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
81 Code and name of the type of activity 43.34 Undertaking painting and glass works
82 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
83 Code and name of the type of activity 43.39 Undertaking other decoration and
finishing works
84 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
85 Code and name of the type of activity 43.91 Undertaking roofing works
86 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
Annex 504
87 Code and name of the type of activity 43.99 Other specialized construction works,
not included in other groupings
88 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
89 Code and name of the type of activity 43.99.1 Waterproofing works
90 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
91 Code and name of the type of activity 46.13 Activities of agents in the wholesale
trade of timber and construction materials
92 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
93 Code and name of the type of activity 46.15 Activities of agents in the wholesale trade of
furniture, household goods, hardware, knives and
other metal products
94 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
95 Code and name of the type of activity 46.18 Activities of agents specializing in the
wholesale trade of other specific types of goods
96 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
97 Code and name of the type of activity 46.19 Activities of agents in the wholesale
trade of a universal range of goods
98 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
99 Code and name of the type of activity 46.49 Wholesale trade in other household goods
100 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
Annex 504
101 Code and name of the type of activity 46.66 Wholesale trade of other office machinery
and equipment
102 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
103 Code and name of the type of activity 46.73 Wholesale trade in timber, construction
materials and sanitary equipment
104 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
105 Code and name of the type of activity 46.76 Wholesale trade in other intermediate
106 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
107 Code and name of the type of activity 46.90 Non-specialized wholesale trade
108 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
109 Code and name of the type of activity 47.41 Retail sale of computers, their peripherals
and software in specialized stores
110 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
111 Code and name of the type of activity 47.41.4 Retail sale of office machinery and
equipment in specialized stores
112 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
113 Code and name of the type of activity 47.52 Retail sale of hardware, paint and varnish
materials and glass in specialized stores
114 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
Annex 504
containing the specified information
115 Code and name of the type of activity 47.52.5 Retail sale of sanitary equipment in
specialized stores
116 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
117 Code and name of the type of activity 47.52.6 Retail sale of gardening
equipment and inventory in specialized
118 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
119 Code and name of the type of activity 47.52.7 Retail sale of construction materials not
included in other groupings in specialized stores
120 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
121 Code and name of the type of activity 47.52.71 Retail sale of lumber in specialized stores
122 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
123 Code and name of the type of activity 47.52.72 Retail sale of bricks in specialized stores
124 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
125 Code and name of the type of activity 47.52.73 Retail sale of metal and non-metal
structures in specialized stores
126 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
Annex 504
127 Code and name of the type of activity 47.59.1 Retail sale of furniture in specialized stores
128 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
129 Code and name of the type of activity 47.61 Retail sale of books in specialized stores
130 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
131 Code and name of the type of activity 47.78.1 Retail sale of photographic equipment,
optical devices and measuring instruments, except
for glasses, in specialized stores
132 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
133 Code and name of the type of activity 47.78.3 Retail sale of souvenirs, products of folk
art crafts
134 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
135 Code and name of the type of activity 47.78.4 Retail sale of hieratic and religious items,
funeral accessories in specialized stores
136 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
137 Code and name of the type of activity 47.78.5 Activities of commercial art galleries, retail
sale of works of art in commercial art galleries
138 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
139 Code and name of the type of activity 47.52.7 Retail sale of construction materials not
included in other groupings in specialized stores
Annex 504
140 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
141 Code and name of the type of activity 52.21 Auxiliary activities related to land transport
142 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
143 Code and name of the type of activity 52.29 Other auxiliary activities related to
144 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
145 Code and name of the type of activity 55.20 Short-term accommodation activities
146 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
147 Code and name of the type of activity 55.30 Activities for the provision of
temporary accommodation in campsites,
camper vans and tourist trailers
148 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
149 Code and name of the type of activity 55.90 Other temporary accommodation activities
150 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
151 Code and name of the type of activity 58.11 Books publishing
152 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
153 Code and name of the type of activity 58.13 Newspaper publishing
154 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
Annex 504
155 Code and name of the type of activity 58.14 Publication of journals and periodicals
156 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
157 Code and name of the type of activity 58.19 Other types of publishing activities
158 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
159 Code and name of the type of activity 62.01 Computer software development
160 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
161 Code and name of the type of activity 62.02 Advisory activities and work in the
field of computer technology
162 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
163 Code and name of the type of activity 62.09 Activities related to the use of computer
technology and information technology, other
164 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
165 Code and name of the type of activity 63.11 Data processing activities, provision of
information hosting services and related
166 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
167 Code and name of the type of activity 63.11.1 Activities related to the creation and use of
databases and information resources
168 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
Annex 504
169 Code and name of the type of activity 63.91 Activities of news agencies
170 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
171 Code and name of the type of activity 68.10 Purchase and sale of own real estate
172 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
173 Code and name of the type of activity 68.10.1 Preparation for the sale of own real estate
174 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
175 Code and name of the type of activity 68.20 Lease and management of own or leased real
176 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
177 Code and name of the type of activity 68.31 Activities of real estate agencies for
remuneration or on a contractual basis
178 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
179 Code and name of the type of activity 68.32 Management of real estate for
remuneration or on a contractual basis
180 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
181 Code and name of the type of activity 69.10 Legal activities
182 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
Annex 504
183 Code and name of the type of activity 69.20 Activities in the provision of services in
the field of accounting, financial audit, tax
184 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
185 Code and name of the type of activity 70.10.1 Financial and industrial group
management activities
186 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
187 Code and name of the type of activity 70.10.2 Management activities of holding
188 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
189 Code and name of the type of activity 70.22 Business and management consulting
190 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
191 Code and name of the type of activity 71.12.5 Activities in the field of hydrometeorology
and related fields, monitoring of the state of the
environment, its pollution
192 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
193 Code and name of the type of activity 71.12.6 Activities in the field of technical
regulation, standardization, metrology,
accreditation, product cataloging
194 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
195 Code and name of the type of activity 72.19 Scientific research and development in the
field of natural and technical sciences, other
196 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
Annex 504
197 Code and name of the type of activity 72.20 Research and development in the social
sciences and humanities
198 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
199 Code and name of the type of activity 73.11 Activities of advertising agencies
200 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
201 Code and name of the type of activity 73.20 Market research and public opinion research
202 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
203 Code and name of the type of activity 74.20 Photography activities
204 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
205 Code and name of the type of activity 74.30 Translation and interpretation
206 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
207 Code and name of the type of activity 77.11 Rental and leasing of passenger cars and
light vehicles
208 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
209 Code and name of the type of activity 77.29 Rental and leasing of other personal and
household items
210 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
Annex 504
211 Code and name of the type of activity 77.32 Rental and leasing of construction
machinery and equipment
212 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
213 Code and name of the type of activity 77.33 Rental and leasing of office machinery
and equipment, including computer equipment
214 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
215 Code and name of the type of activity 77.34 Rental and leasing of water vehicles
and equipment
216 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
217 Code and name of the type of activity 77.39.11 Rental and leasing of other
motor vehicles and equipment
218 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
219 Code and name of the type of activity 77.39.2 Rental and leasing of other machinery
and equipment not included in other groupings
220 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
221 Code and name of the type of activity 79.11 Activities of travel agencies
222 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
223 Code and name of the type of activity 82.19 Photocopying and document preparation
activities and other specialized support activities
for the office
224 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
Annex 504
225 Code and name of the type of activity 82.92 Packaging activities
226 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
227 Code and name of the type of activity 82.99 Activities related to the provision of
other business support services, not included
in other groupings
228 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
229 Code and name of the type of activity 85.42.9 Other additional professional education
activities, not included in other groupings
230 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
231 Code and name of the type of activity 90.0 Creative activities, arts and entertainment
232 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
233 Code and name of the type of activity 91.01 Activities of libraries and archives
234 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
235 Code and name of the type of activity 91.02 Museum activities
236 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
237 Code and name of the type of activity 91.03 Activities for the protection of historical sites
and buildings, cultural monuments
238 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
Annex 504
239 Code and name of the type of activity 91.04 Activities of botanical gardens, zoos,
state nature reserves and national parks
240 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
241 Code and name of the type of activity 92.1 Activities related to the organization and
conduct of gambling and betting
242 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
243 Code and name of the type of activity 93.29.9 Other entertainment activities, not
included in other groupings
244 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
245 Code and name of the type of activity 95.11 Repair of computers and peripheral
computer equipment
246 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
247 Code and name of the type of activity 96.04 Sports and recreation activities
248 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
249 Code and name of the type of activity 96.09 Provision of other personal services
not included in other groupings
250 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
License Information
251 License series and number MCRF 04081
252 License date 01.03.2017
253 License start date 01.03.2017
Annex 504
254 Name of the licensed activity for which the license
was issued
Activities for the preservation of cultural heritage
sites (historical and cultural monuments) of the
peoples of the Russian Federation
255 Name of the licensing authority Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
256 State registration number and the date of making an
entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
containing the specified information
Information about entries entered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
257 State Registration Number and date of entry in the
Unified State Register of Legal Entities
258 Reason for making an entry in the Unified State
Register of Legal Entities
Creation of a legal entity
259 Name of the registration authority that made
the entry in the Unified State Register of Legal
Inspection of the Federal Tax Service in
Information about the documents submitted when making an entry in the Unified State Register of
Legal Entities
261 Document date 02.10.2014
262 Document name LEGAL ENTITY CHARTER
263 Document date 01.10.2014
265 Document number 1
266 Document date 01.10.2014
267 Document name LETTER OF GUARANTEE
Information about the certificate confirming the fact of making an entry in the Unified State Register of
Legal Entities
268 Series, number and date of issue of the certificate 23 008832937
269 State Registration Number and date of entry in the
Unified State Register of Legal Entities
270 Reason for making an entry in the Unified State
Register of Legal Entities
Submission of information about the
registration of a legal entity with the tax
271 Name of the registration authority that made
the entry in the Unified State Register of Legal
Inspection of the Federal Tax Service in
272 State Registration Number and date of entry in the
Unified State Register of Legal Entities
Annex 504
273 Reason for making an entry in the Unified State
Register of Legal Entities
Information about registration of a legal entity as
an insurant in the territorial body of the Pension
Fund of the Russian Federation
274 Name of the registration authority that made
the entry in the Unified State Register of Legal
Inspection of the Federal Tax Service in
275 State Registration Number and date of entry in the
Unified State Register of Legal Entities
276 Reason for making an entry in the Unified State
Register of Legal Entities
Changing the information about a legal entity
contained in the Unified State Register of Legal
277 Name of the registration authority that made
the entry in the Unified State Register of Legal
Inspection of the Federal Tax Service in
Information about the documents submitted when making an entry in the Unified State Register of
Legal Entities
278 Document name P14001 STATEMENT ON CHANGE OF
DOCUMENTS (Item 2.1)
279 State Registration Number and date of entry in the
Unified State Register of Legal Entities
280 Reason for making an entry in the Unified State
Register of Legal Entities
State registration of changes made to the
constituent documents of a legal entity related to
making changes to the information about the legal
entity contained in the Unified State Register of
Legal Entities, on the basis of an application
281 Name of the registration authority that made
the entry in the Unified State Register of Legal
Inspection of the Federal Tax Service in the
Information about the documents submitted when making an entry in the Unified State Register of
Legal Entities
282 Document name P13001 STATEMENT OF CHANGES TO THE
284 Document date 23.07.2015
286 Document number 3
287 Document date 23.07.2015
Annex 504
289 Document number 41
290 Document date 22.07.2015
291 State Registration Number and date of entry in the
Unified State Register of Legal Entities
292 Reason for making an entry in the Unified State
Register of Legal Entities
Submission of information on the registration of a
legal entity as an insurant to the executive body of
the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian
293 Name of the registration authority that made
the entry in the Unified State Register of Legal
Inspection of the Federal Tax Service in
294 State Registration Number and date of entry in the
Unified State Register of Legal Entities
295 Reason for making an entry in the Unified State
Register of Legal Entities
Changing the information about a legal entity
contained in the Unified State Register of Legal
296 Name of the registration authority that made
the entry in the Unified State Register of Legal
Interdistrict Inspection of the Federal Tax
Service No.9 in the Republic of Crimea
Information about the documents submitted when making an entry in the Unified State Register of
Legal Entities
297 Document name APPLICATION UNDER FORM P14001
298 State Registration Number and date of entry in the
Unified State Register of Legal Entities
299 Reason for making an entry in the Unified State
Register of Legal Entities
Submission by the licensing authority of
information on the granting of a license
300 Name of the registration authority that made
the entry in the Unified State Register of Legal
Interdistrict Inspection of the Federal Tax
Service No.9 in the Republic of Crimea
The extract was created using the service “Provision of information from the Unified State Register of
Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Private Entrepreneurs”, available on the official website of the
Federal Tax Service of Russia on the Internet at: https://egrul.nalog.ru
Certificate No.: 64148231595612336249930080530882194349
Owner: Interdistrict Inspection of the Federal Tax Service of
Russia for data storage and processing center
Valid from 21.01.2021 to 21.01.2022
Annex 504

Annex 505
Roskomnadzor official website, Information on mass media
registration, retrieved on 19 May 2021

Roskomnadzor - Mass Media Registration
Front page > Mass Communications
Mass Media Registration
Editorial production and release of mass media requires state registration. Mass media
registration is carried out in the manner prescribed by the Russian Law No. 2124-1 of
December 27, 1991, On Mass Media. The mass media registration certificate is granted to
the applicant upon the decision on mass media registration.
A citizen, an association of citizens, an organization, or a public agency may become a
mass media founder (co-founder).
The following can not act as a founder:
- A citizen who has not attained the age of eighteen, or is serving a sentence in places of
imprisonment by court order, or is mentally disabled, or lacks dispositive legal capacity as
per judicial decision.
- Any association of citizens, an enterprise, an institution, or an organization, involved in
statute-prohibited activities.
- A foreign citizen or non-resident alien of the Russian Federation.
On July 15, 2012,the Order No. 362 of December 29, 2011, of the Ministry of
Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation On Approval of
the Administrative Rules for the Federal Service for Supervision of
Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media Providing the
Public Service for Mass Media Registration came into effect.
Please note that for mass media registration/re-registration, the applicant
must provide copies of constitutional documents authenticated under the
established procedure. For example, a legal entity incorporated as a limited
liability company (LLC), should provide a copy of its Charter, authenticated
by such legal entity.
On November 10, 2011, the Executive Order No. 1752-r of October 6, 2011, of the
Government of the Russian Federation On Amending the List of Documents Attached to
the Applicant's Application for Mass Media Registration/Re-registration came into effect.
Please note that pursuant to the Executive Order No. 1752-r of October 6, 2011, of the
Government of the Russian Federation, the establishment of online media requires
submission of copies of documents confirming the right to use the website's domain
name, authenticated in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and
Annex 505
containing passport details of an individual acting as the domain name administrator, or
the tax identification number and PSRN of a legal entity acting as the domain name
Application for online media registration must contain the website's domain name,
indicated in a separate field.
Please note that on January 29, 2010, the Amendments to Chapter 25.3 of the Tax Code
came into effect.
When registering mass media that will distribute its products throughout the Russian
Federation, outside the Russian Federation, or in several subjects of the Russian
Federation, a state duty shall be paid in the following amounts:
- For a printed periodical – 4,000 rubles.
- For a news agency – 4,800 rubles.
- For a radio/TV/video program, newsreel program, or other media outlet – 6,000 rubles.
When registering mass media that will distribute its products mainly within one subject of
the Russian Federation, a district, a city, other populated place, a city district, a
neighborhood, or a municipal unit (application is submitted to the Federal Service's
regional offices), a state duty shall be paid in the following amounts:
- For a printed periodical – 2,000 rubles.
- For a news agency – 2,400 rubles.
- For a radio/TV/video program, newsreel program, or other mass media – 3,000 rubles.
The state duty for issuing a duplicate mass media registration certificate is 200 rubles.
The state duty for introduction of amendments to mass media registration certificate,
except as otherwise provided by Article 11 of the Federal Law On Mass Media, is 200
The state duty is not paid by the applicant if the issued certificate is amended in order to
rectify mistakes made by the registration authority and/or the officer in charge of issuing
the document, when such authority and/or officer performed a legally significant act.
The non-cash payment of the state duty by the applicant has to be confirmed by the
payment order marked as executed by the bank or a relevant local office of the Federal
Treasury (or any other body in charge of opening and maintaining accounts), performing
money transfers in electronic form.
Documents for obtaining mass media registration/re-registration, duplicate of mass
media registration certificates, and permits to distribute foreign printed periodicals in the
Russian Federation should be submitted or mailed to Roskomnadzor at the following
address: 7, building 2, Kitaigorodskiy proezd, Moscow, 109074, Russia
Annex 505
Reception of documents is carried out on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and
Thursdays from 10:00 to 13:00, and from 14:00 to 17:00; on Fridays from 10:00 to 13:00,
and from 14:00 to 16:00.
The information on decision on mass media registration application can be obtained by
phone after application response time (one month from the date of application
submission) is over.
The inquiry phone number is +7(495)987-68-06; working hours: daily (working days),
from 15:00 to 17:00 (Moscow Standard Time).
Hours for delivery of issued mass media registration certificates in Roskomnadzor:
Tuesday from 10:00 to 12:00, and Thursday from 14:00 to 16:00.
Time of the publication: 20.08.2009 14:03
Last modified: 20.05.2014 18:12
Annex 505

Annex 506
Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea, Information on the
number and content of events held pursuant to Order No. 227-r “On
approval of the Event Plan for the implementation in the Republic of
Crimea of the set of measures for the restoration of historical justice,
political, social and spiritual revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian,
Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and German peoples, who were
illegally deported and politically repressed on ethnic and other
grounds, for 2015-2016 years”

Form No. 5. Form for the provision of information on the events held in the
Republic of Crimea to implement Order of the Council of Ministers of the
Republic of Crimea of 23.03.2015 No. 227-r
Events dedicated to the commemorative dates of the Crimean Tatar people and held in the Republic of Crimea pursuant to Order of the Council of
Ministers of the Republic of Crimea of 23.03.2015 No. 227-r “On approval of the Event Plan for the implementation in the Republic of Crimea of the set of
measures for the restoration of historical justice, political, social and spiritual revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and
German peoples, who were illegally deported and politically repressed on ethnic and other grounds, for 2015-2016”
No. Name of the event Type of Event Event Date Event Location Number of
1 Event dedicated to the 25th anniversary of
the Uchan-Su Crimean Tatar
choreographic ensemble
concert 12.04.2015 Simferopol 800
2 Republican festival-contest of the
Crimean Tatar culture “Kefe Gulleri”
Festival-contest 25-26.04.2015 Feodosia 800
3 Crimean Tatar National Holiday Hidirlez National Holiday 03.05.2015 Bakhchisaray 40 000
4 Commemorative event “Light fire in your
heart” dedicated to the Day of
Remembrance for the victims of the
deportation of the peoples from Crimea
Commemorative event 17.05.2015 Simferopol 250
5 Events dedicated to the Day of
Remembrance for the victims of the
deportation of the peoples from Crimea
Public rally, floral tribute, requiem
18.05.2015 Simferopol,
Bakhchisaray District,
Syuren rural locality
1 100
6 Events dedicated to the Day of
Remembrance for the victims of the
deportation of the peoples from Crimea
Laying flowers, requiem evening, “Light
fire in your heart” event
18.05.2015 Sudak 700
7 Eid al-Fitr Religious holiday Concert 20.07.2015 Sudak, central
8 Ceremonial rally dedicated to the
celebration of the 95th anniversary of the
Public rally, laying flowers at the
monuments of Amet-Khan Sultan in the
24.10.2015 Simferopol 150
Annex 506
birth of the honoured test pilot, twice Hero
of the Soviet Union Amet-Khan Sultan
cities of Simferopol and Alupka, scientific
and practice conference
9 Concert within the framework of the
forum of Crimean Tatar mothers “Take
Care of the Mother’s Heart”, Simferopol
Concert 05.03.2016 Simferopol 100
10 Remembrance Evening dedicated to the
Crimean Tatar social and political activist
Yuri Bekirovich Osmanov
Remembrance evening 01.04.2016 Simferopol 80
11 Republican festival-contest of the
Crimean Tatar culture “Kefe Gulleri”
Festival-contest 23-24.04.2016 Feodosia 500
12 Crimean Tatar National Holiday Hidirlez National holiday 03.05.2016 Bakhchisaray 30 000
13 Commemorative event “Light fire in your
heart” dedicated to the Day of
Remembrance for the victims of the
deportation of the peoples from Crimea
Commemorative event 18.05.2016 Sudak, city garden (park) 100
14 Eid al-Fitr Religious holiday Concert 06.07.2016 Sudak, city garden (park) 200
15 Eid al-Adha Religious holiday VII All-Crimean open tournament
“Kurban Kureshleri” among men in
national wrestling on belts “KURESH”,
festive concert of the Crimean Tatar folk
ensemble “Kyrym”
12.09.2016 Sudak, central
2 000
16 Eid al-Adha Religious holiday Religious holiday 14.09.2016 Simferopol 1 200
17 Rally dedicated to the celebration of the
95th anniversary of the birth of the
honoured test pilot, twice Hero of the
Soviet Union Amet-Khan Sultan
Laying flowers in front of the monument
of Amet-Khan Sultan in the square of
Amet-Khan Sultan in Simferopol
25.10.2016 Simferopol 250
Deputy Chairman
of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea (Signed) M. NAZAROV
Annex 506
Annex 507
State Committee on Inter-ethnic Relations of the Republic of Crimea,
Information on the events held in the Republic of Crimea in
implementation of Order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
Crimea of 22 April 2014 No. 332-r “On events dedicated to the Day of
Remembrance for the victims of the deportation from Crimea”

Annex 1
Events held in the Republic of Crimea
in implementation of Order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea of 22 April 2014 No. 332-r
“On events dedicated to the Day of Remembrance for the victims of the deportation from Crimea”
No. Event Content of event Date of event Place of event Number of
1. Event dedicated to the Day of
Remembrance for the victims of
the deportation of the peoples of
Laying flowers at the memorial sign 18 May 2014 30 Krymskaya Street, Dzhankoy (at
the memorial sign to the victims of
the deportation on the square near
the station)
2. Event dedicated to the Day of
Remembrance for the victims of
the deportation of the peoples of
Laying flowers 18 May 2014 Dzhankoy, at the memorial stone 10
3. Events dedicated to the Day of
Remembrance for the victims of
the deportation of the peoples of
- Laying flowers at the Memorial
Sign to the Victims of the
Deportation from Crimea;
- Prayer service;
- Mourning event-requiem “Light a
Fire in Your Heart”
18 May 2014 Krasnoperekopsk,
Memorial Sign to the Victims of
the Deportation from Crimea
4. Event dedicated to the Day of
Remembrance for the victims of
the deportation of the peoples of
Laying flowers at the memorial sign
on Pobeda Square of the
Nizhnegorskiy urban settlement
18 May 2014 Pobeda Square,
Nizhnegorskiy urban settlement
5. Event dedicated to the Day of
Remembrance for the victims of
the deportation of the peoples of
Laying flowers at the memorial sign,
mourning prayer service
18 May 2014 Razdolnensky District, Razdolnoye
Village, Memorial to the Victims of
Annex 507
6. Event dedicated to the Day of
Remembrance for the victims of
the deportation of the peoples of
Mourning rallies and laying flowers
at the memorial plaque near the
station square
18 May 2014 Sovetskiy village of Sovetskiy
(no exact data)
7. Events dedicated to the Day of
Remembrance for the victims of
the deportation of the peoples of
The following events were held in 16
general educational institutions of
Sovetskiy District:
1. Mourning rallies;
2. Thematic exhibitions in school
3. Thematic remembrance lessons,
classroom meetings, conversations
dedicated to the deportee peoples of
Crimea: “The lessons of history must
not be forgotten”, “Pages of history”,
“Truth about crimes of the past”,
“Time travel”, etc.
4. Exhibition of wall-newspapers and
posters “Dedicated to the
remembrance of the victims of the
18 May 2014 General educational institutions of
Sovetskiy District
Students and
academic staff of 16
8. Evening-requiem “Bitter truth” Evening-requiem “Bitter truth” was
held in remembrance of the victims
of the deportation from Crimea
18 May 2014 local-history museum of Sovetskiy
District, Sovetskiy Village
(no exact data)
9. Events dedicated to the Day of
Remembrance for the victims of
the deportation of the peoples of
Mourning rally, laying flowers 18 May 2014 Lenin Street, Sudak, at the
monument to the victims of the
deportation of 1944
Deputy Chairman /Signature/ Sh. Hublaryan
[State Committee on Inter-ethnic Relations
of the Republic of Crimea]
Annex 507
Annex 508
State Committee on Inter-ethnic Relations of the Republic of Crimea,
Information on the events held in implementation of Order of the
Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea of 29 August 2017 No.
968-r “On the Event Plan for the implementation in the Republic of
Crimea of the Set of Measures for the restoration of historical justice,
political, social and religious revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian,
Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and German Peoples, who were illegally
deported and politically repressed on ethnic and other grounds, for

Annex 2
Events dedicated to the remembrance dates of the Crimean Tatar People and held in the Republic of Crimea
in implementation of Order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea of 29 August 2017 No. 968-r
“On the Event Plan for the implementation in the Republic of Crimea of the Set of Measures for the restoration of historical justice, political, social and
religious revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and German Peoples, who were illegally deported and politically repressed on
ethnic and other grounds, for 2017-2019”
No. Name of event Content of event Date of event Place of event Number of
1. Religious holiday “Eid al-Adha” Concert 1 September 2017 Sudak, central promenade 800
2. Religious holiday “Eid al-Adha” Religious holiday 3 September 2017 Simferopol 5000
3. Holiday “Navrez-Bayram” Concert 21 March 2018 Sudak, Sudak City Cultural
4. Event dedicated to the 100th
anniversary from the birth of test
pilot E. Chalbash
Thematic event 11 April 2018 Simferopol 200
5. Republican Festival-Contest of
Crimean Tatar Culture “Kefe
gulleri”, regional rounds
Festival-Contest 27-28 October 2018
14 April 2018
11 August 2018
15 September 2018
29 September 2018
6 October 2018
Razdolnoye urban settlement
Lenino urban settlement
Sovetskiy urban settlement
6. Crimean Tatar national holiday
National holiday 5 May 2018 Bakhchisaray 36000
7. Day of Remembrance for the
victims of the deportation of the
Crimean Tatar people from Crimea
Rally, laying flowers,
remembrance event
18 May 2018 Simferopol;
Bakhchisaray District,
Suren station
8. Remembrance event “Light a Fire in
Your Heart” dedicated to the Day of
Remembrance event 18 May 2018 Sudak, city garden 150
Annex 508
Remembrance for the victims of the
deportation of the peoples of Crimea
9. Religious holiday “Eid al-Fitr” Concert 16 June 2018 Sudak, central promenade 1000
10. Religious holiday “Eid al-Adha” Religious holiday 21 August 2018 Simferopol 700
11. Holiday “Navrez-Bayram” Concert 23 March 2019 Sudak, Sudak City Cultural
12. Crimean Tatar national holiday
National holiday 4 May 2019 Bakhchisaray 27700
13. Days of Crimean Tatar culture Concert 26 June 2019 Simferopol 500
14. Republican Festival-Contest of
Crimean Tatar Culture “Kefe
Festival-Contest 21 September 2019 Feodosia 1500
15. Day of Remembrance for the
victims of the deportation of the
peoples of Crimea
Rally, laying flowers,
remembrance event
18 May 2019 Simferopol;
Bakhchisaray District,
Suren station
16. Events dedicated to the Day of
Remembrance for the victims of the
deportation of the peoples of Crimea
Laying flowers, evening-requiem,
Event “Light a Fire in Your
18 May 2019 Sudak 700
17. Religious holiday “Eid al-Fitr” Concert 7 June 2019 Sudak, central promenade 1000
18. Religious holiday “Eid al-Adha” Religious holiday 12 August 2019 Simferopol 1800
Deputy Chairman /Signature/ Sh. Hublaryan
[State Committee on Inter-ethnic Relations
of the Republic of Crimea]
Annex 508
Annex 509
Federal Target Program, budgetary allocations on measures aimed at
national, cultural and spiritual revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian,
Italian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and German peoples and on social
infrastructure development of the territories of the Republic of Crimea
and the City of Sevastopol, June 2021

12.06.2021 Detailed information about the object
Budgetary Allocations per Year (thousand roubles)
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total
10 360.00 788 861.00 2 169 324.00 2 497 156.70 1 355 762.70 685 575.10 2 220 140.00 3 473 754.00 1 440 680.00 14 641 613.50
Measures aimed at national, cultural and spiritual revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and German peoples, as well as at social development of the
territories of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol
Accountable item code: 150190765 Location: Republic of Crimea
Faster Payments
Code of
chief budget
classification of
budget expenditures
section code
classification of
Program (sub-program) code Budget
State capital
68 139 08 04 9970000 522 10 360.00 thousand
Sphere Commissioning
Measures aimed at national, cultural and spiritual revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and German peoples, as well as at social development of the
territories of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol
Location: Russian Federation (not distributed by territory)
System code
Code of
chief budget
classification of
budget expenditures
section code
classification of
Program (sub-program) code Budget
State capital
Annex 509
68 139 08 04 4520000000 522 788 861.00
thousand roubles
Sphere Commissioning
Technical result Implementation of event implies construction and
reconstruction of 75 facilities. Under the grant agreement
37 facilities are to be financed in 2016
Financed (agency
741 528.50
thousand roubles
Measures aimed at national, cultural and spiritual revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and German peoples, as well as at social development of the
territories of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol
Location: Russian Federation (not distributed by territory)
Code of
chief budget
classification of
budget expenditures
section code
classification of
Program (sub-program) code Budget
classification code
State capital
68 139 14 03 4520000000 522 2 169 324.00
thousand roubles
Sphere Commissioning
Financed (agency
720 155.50
thousand roubles
Measures aimed at national, cultural and spiritual revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Italian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and German peoples, as well as at social development
of the territories of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol (including design and survey works)
Accountable item code: 180560747 Location: Russian Federation (not distributed by territory)
System code
Code of
classification of
budget expenditures
section code
classification of
Program (sub-program) code Budget
classification code
State capital
Annex 509
68 139 14 03 4520000000 522 2 497 156.70
thousand roubles
Sphere Commissioning
Technical result As for facilities in Sevastopol, construction and assembly
works at facility 1 (VI residential neighbourhood, II
stage of Kamyshevaya Creek. Building 25) are underway
in 2018. Non-disbursement of subsidy funds is caused by
delay in the performance of the works due to slow pace
of contractor entities. Within the framework of
adjustment of the schedule of the Federal Target
Program proposals were made to postpone the
commissioning of the facility from December 2018 until
August 2019. As for the facilities in the Republic of
Crimea, 4 facilities have been commissioned.
Construction and assembly works at 28 facilities are
being carried out. Design and survey works are being
carried out at 2 facilities. Design documents in relation to
4 facilities have been received, the construction is to
commence in 2019.
Financed (agency
1 686 617.60
thousand roubles
Measures aimed at national, cultural and spiritual revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Italian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and German peoples, as well as at social development
of the territories of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol (including design and survey works)
Location: Republic of Crimea
System code
Code of
classification of
budget expenditures
section code
classification of
Program (sub-program) code Budget
classification code
State capital
68 139 14 03 4520000000 522 1 355 762.70
thousand roubles
Sphere Commissioning
Annex 509
Technical result Republic of Crimea: under the 2019 agreement and 2018
additional agreement (return for the same targets), the
funding of 52 facilities is envisaged for 2019. Under the
2019 agreement, the funding of 40 facilities, including 2
institutions of general education (1 kindergarten,
Crimean Engineering Pedagogical University), 14
apartment buildings, 24 engineering networks, including:
funding of design and survey works in relation to 25
facilities; funding of design and survey works and
construction and assembly works in relation to 5
facilities; funding of construction and assembly works in
relation to 10 facilities [is envisaged]. Moreover, the
2018 additional agreements provide for return for the
same purposes in relation to 21 facilities in 2019,
however, 2019 agreements do not provide for funding of
construction and assembly works in 2019 in relation to
12 out of the above facilities (Preschool educational
institution Hoshkeldy neighbourhood, preschool
educational institution Molodezhnoye village, preschool
educational institution in 7th residential neighbourhood in
Bakhchisaray, secondary school on Mira St. in
Bakhchisaray; electric power supply networks in
Aykavan village, N.Oreshniki village, Beloye-6 village,
gas supply networks in Suuk-Su residential
neighbourhood; Kerch, Sudak, Primorsky Railway). Out
of 22 facilities that are to undergo construction and
assembly works in 2019: - Declarations of readiness for
operation have been received in relation to 4 facilities
(Kerch Town railway, electric power supply on Bespalov
St., Beloye 4 village and Lugovoye-2 neighbourhood);
construction and assembly works are carried out at 13
facilities (Crimean Engineering Pedagogical University,
preschool educational institution in Hoshkeldy
neighbourhood, preschool educational institution in 7th
neighbourhood in Bakhchisaray, preschool educational
institution in Molodezhnoye village, secondary school on
Mira St. in Bakhchisaray, two 160 apartment buildings
in Gvardeyskoye village, a 162 apartment building in
Fontany neighbourhood, a 72 apartment building on
Proezzhaya St., a 108 apartment building in Evpatoriya,
electric power supply networks in Aykavan village,
Financed (agency
589 342.40
thousand roubles
Annex 509
N.Oreshniki village, Beloye-6 village, gas supply
networks in Suuk-Su residential neighbourhood;
Kamenka canalization); - works at 3 facilities have been
suspended due to contract rescission (Primorsky, Sudak
railway, preschool educational institution in Yany-
Maale); - works at one facility have been suspended due
to amendment of design documents (railway on Mira st.
in Bakhchisaray); - 1 facility is at the stage of contract
making for construction and assembly works – railway in
Kerch. Out of 5 facilities, in relation to which design and
survey and construction and assembly works are
envisaged for 2019: - following design and survey,
purchase of construction and assembly works was made
and works are being carried out in relation to 1 facility, a
36 apartment building in Novonikolayevsky residential
neighbourhood; - following design and survey, contracts
for construction and assembly works were not made in
relation to 2 facilities (a 72 apartment building in
Orekhovo village); - contracts for design and survey
were rescinded in relation to 2 facilities (a 48 apartment
building in Stary Krym town, a 72 apartment building in
Krasnoperekopsk). Out of 25 facilities in relation to
which funding of design and survey was envisaged for
2019: - contracts for design and survey were made in
relation to 21 facilities, works are underway; - works at 4
facilities have been suspended due to rescission of design
and survey contract. In the current year, in accordance
with the effective version of the Program, a Declaration
of readiness for operation was obtained in relation to
electric power network facility in Lugovoye-2 village.”
“Sevastopol: within the framework of an extended event
in 2019, construction and assembly works at 1 facility
(VI residential neighbourhood II stage of Kamyshovaya
creek. Building 25) were envisaged. The works are
carried out with delay.
Measures aimed at national, cultural and spiritual revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Italian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and German peoples, as well as at social development
of the territories of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol (including design and survey works)
Location: Republic of Crimea
Annex 509
Code of
classification of budget
expenditures section
classification of
sub-section code
Program (sub-program) code Budget
classification code
State capital
139 14 03 4520000000 522 685 575.10
thousand roubles
Technical result Republic of Crimea: The agreements provide for funding
of 40 facilities in 2020. Construction and assembly works
are envisaged in relation to 23 facilities and design and
survey works are envisaged in relation to 19, moreover,
construction and assembly works at 2 facilities are to be
done in 2020. State contracts have been concluded; the
works at facilities are being carried out. Sevastopol:
Facility: VI residential neighbourhood II stage of
Kamyshovaya creek. Building 25. Completion of
construction of VI residential neighbourhood, II stage of
Kamyshovaya creek, building 25 (unfinished construction)
Commissioning permit of 30.12.2020 No.
RU-91-94102000-330-2020/1 has been obtained.
Financed (agency
664 464.20
thousand roubles
Measures aimed at national, cultural and spiritual revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Italian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and German peoples, as well as at social development
of the territories of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol (including design and survey works)
Accountable item code: 210100620 Location: Republic of Crimea
Code of
classification of budget
expenditures section
classification of
sub-section code
Program (sub-program) code Budget
classification code
State capital
139 14 03 4520000000 522 2 220 140.00
thousand roubles
Technical result Republic of Crimea: Within the framework of
implementation of the measure in 2021, the creation of
(agency data)
208 492.90
thousand roubles
Annex 509
45 social infrastructure facilities for individuals is
envisaged, including 6 roads (Ismail-bey, Evpatoriya;
Kamenka, Hoshkeldy, Maryino, Molodezhnoye,
Rodnikovoye – Simferopol and Simferopol District).
Measures aimed at national, cultural and spiritual revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Italian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and German peoples, as well as at social development
of the territories of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol (including design and survey works)
Location: Republic of Crimea
Code of
classification of budget
expenditures section
classification of
sub-section code
Program (sub-program) code Budget
classification code
State capital
139 14 03 4520000000 522 3 473 754.00
thousand roubles
Measures aimed at national, cultural and spiritual revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Italian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and German peoples, as well as at social development
of the territories of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol (including design and survey works)
Location: Republic of Crimea
Code of
classification of budget
expenditures section
classification of
sub-section code
Program (sub-program) code Budget
classification code
State capital
139 14 03 4520000000 522 1 440 680.00
thousand roubles
Annex 509

Annex 510
Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, Federal register of noncommercial
organisations, List of national and cultural autonomies of
Crimean Tatars, as at 3 June 2021

Normative legal acts
Provision of information on
registered organisations to
individuals and legal entities
APPLICATION for the provision
of information
Notifications of the all-Russian
public associations of the
Decision-making on state
registration of NGOs
Inclusion of Cossack Societies
into the State Register of
Cossack Societies in the Russian
Countering the financing of
Prevention of violations of
mandatory requirements
Information on national and cultural autonomies (NCA)
Se􀁄􀁕c􀁋 f􀁌l􀁗e􀁕􀁖 􀁄ll􀁒w 􀁗􀁒 􀁕e􀁖􀁗􀁕􀁌c􀁗 􀁗􀁋e d􀁌􀁖􀁓l􀁄yed e􀁑􀁗􀁕􀁌e􀁖 􀁗􀁒 􀁒􀁑ly 􀁗􀁋􀁒􀁖e 􀁗􀁋􀁄􀁗 􀁐􀁄􀁗c􀁋 􀁗􀁋e f􀁌l􀁗e􀁕 v􀁄l􀁘e􀁖. S􀁓ec􀁌fy 􀁗􀁋e f􀁌l􀁗e􀁕 v􀁄l􀁘e􀁖 􀁄􀁑d cl􀁌ck 􀁗􀁋e “􀀱ew Se􀁄􀁕c􀁋” b􀁘􀁗􀁗􀁒􀁑
Name of NCA: 􀁒f Crimean Tatars
Territorial status: 􀁄􀁑y Status:
Type in code or name of a municipal settlement Region: selected: 2
Registry №:
Found entries: 6 [1 - 6] Show by: 10 20 50 100 500
Terr. status Reg. № Name PSRN Date PSRN Address Form Region Status
Local 9212100008 L􀁒c􀁄l 􀀱GO
"􀀱􀁄􀁗􀁌􀁒􀁑􀁄l 􀁄􀁑d
􀁄􀁘􀁗􀁒􀁑􀁒􀁐y 􀁒f
C􀁕􀁌􀁐e􀁄􀁑 T􀁄􀁗􀁄􀁕􀁖
􀁒f 􀁗􀁋e 􀀮􀁄c􀁋􀁌􀁑􀁖k􀁌y
􀁐􀁘􀁑􀁌c􀁌􀁓􀁄l d􀁌􀁖􀁗􀁕􀁌c􀁗
􀁒f 􀁗􀁋e c􀁌􀁗y 􀁒f
28 Reshilova Street,
Polyushko village,
Sevastopol, 299814
1189204003680 01.06.2018 National and
Sevastopol Registered
Local 9212100009 L􀁒c􀁄l 􀀱GO
"􀀱􀁄􀁗􀁌􀁒􀁑􀁄l 􀁄􀁑d
􀁄􀁘􀁗􀁒􀁑􀁒􀁐y 􀁒f
C􀁕􀁌􀁐e􀁄􀁑 T􀁄􀁗􀁄􀁕􀁖
􀁒f 􀁗􀁋e O􀁕l􀁌􀁑􀁒v􀁖k􀁌y
􀁐􀁘􀁑􀁌c􀁌􀁓􀁄l d􀁌􀁖􀁗􀁕􀁌c􀁗
􀁒f 􀁗􀁋e c􀁌􀁗y 􀁒f
38 Vladimira
Tyukova Street,
Orlinoe village,
1189204003691 09.06.2018 National and
Sevastopol Registered
Local 9112100048 􀀱GO "L􀁒c􀁄l
􀁑􀁄􀁗􀁌􀁒􀁑􀁄l 􀁄􀁑d
c􀁘l􀁗􀁘􀁕􀁄l 􀁄􀁘􀁗􀁒􀁑􀁒􀁐y
􀁒f C􀁕􀁌􀁐e􀁄􀁑 T􀁄􀁗􀁄􀁕􀁖
􀁒f 􀁗􀁋e 􀁘􀁕b􀁄􀁑
d􀁌􀁖􀁗􀁕􀁌c􀁗 􀁒f Y􀁄l􀁗􀁄"
1159102031725 20.01.2015 12-􀀤 Fadeevoy
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1169102051030 15.01.2016 56 􀀤l􀁘􀁖􀁋􀁗􀁌􀁑􀁖k􀁄y􀁄
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1169102066957 19.04.2016 388/2 Pobedy
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city, 295000,
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Annex 510

Annex 511
Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, Excerpts from the
Federal list of extremist materials in accordance with Federal Law of
25 July 2002 No. 114-FZ “On countering extremist activities”
(List as at 8 June 2021)

Excerpts from the Federal list of extremist materials1
(as at 8 June 2021)
No.: 1
Material: Music album “Music of the White”, author - Music band “Order”, the decision was issued by the
Pervomaisky District Court of Omsk on 23.11.2006;
No.: 35
Material: The book “The Islamic State” by Taqiuddin al-Nabhani (the decision of the Tuimazinsky District
Court of the Republic of Bashkortostan of 05.09.2007).
No.: 36
Material: The book “Democracy is a System of Kufr” by Taqiuddin al-Nabhani (the decision of the
Tuimazinsky District Court of the Republic of Bashkortostan of 05.09.2007).
No.: 37
Material: The book “The Political Concept of Hizb ut-Tahrir” by Taqiuddin al-Nabhani (the decision of the
Tuimazinsky District Court of the Republic of Bashkortostan of 05.09.2007).
No.: 78
Material: The book “Fundamentals of Islam” (the decision of the Buguruslansky City Court of the Orenburg
Region of 06.08.2007 and the decision of the Buguruslansky City Court of the Orenburg Region of
No.: 98
Material: Leaflet with the title “Dear Fellow countrymen!” ending with the text “Join the Slavic Union!” (the
decision of the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk City Court of 14.12.2007).
No.: 99
Material: Leaflet “Slavic Union” with three images and a statement “Say “no” to foreign bastards!!! Join the
SU” (the decision of the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk City Court of 25.10.2007).
1 According to Art. 13 of Federal Law of 25 July 2002 No. 114-FZ “On countering extremist activities”, para. 7 of the
Statute of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian
Federation of 13 October 2004 No. 1313, the functions of maintaining, publishing and placing on the Internet of the
federal list of extremist materials are assigned to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.
Annex 511
No.: 296
Material: Information materials published in the book “Zhuan Falun” (author Li Hongzhi, publishing house
“Cameron”, Moscow, 2006, printed by PPP (Polygraphic and Manufacture Enterprise) “Nauka (Science)
Printing House) (the decision of the Pervomaisky District Court of the city of Krasnodar of 27.10.2011 and
the decision of the Judicial Chamber for Civil Cases of the Krasnodar Territorial Court of 22.12.2011);
No.: 297
Material: Information materials published in the brochure “Report into Allegations of Organ Harvesting from
Falun Gong Practitioners in China” (authors David Matas and David Kilgour, St. Petersburg, 2007, printed by
printing house “Printing Plant “Deviz” (“Motto”) LLC) (the decision of the Pervomaisky District Court of
Krasnodar of 27.10.2011 and the decision of the Judicial Chamber for Civil Cases of the Krasnodar Territorial
Court of 22.12.2011);
No.: 298
Material: Information materials published in the information sheet “Falun Dafa in the World” (the decision of
the Pervomaisky District Court of the city of Krasnodar of 27.10.2011 and the Cassation decision of the
Judicial Chamber for Civil Cases of the Krasnodar Territorial Court of 22.12.2011);
No.: 374
Material: The book by K.A. Zalessky, P. Hausser “Hitler’s Black Guard. Waffen-SS.” published by the
Publisher Bystrov Moscow publishing house in 2007 (the decision of the Kuzminsky District Court of the city
of Moscow of 06.11.2008).
No.: 389
Material: Article “Russia with a Knife in the Back. Jewish Fascism and the Genocide of the Russian People”
published in the journal “Orthodox Rus’. Special issue for the 10th anniversary of the blessed death of
Metropolitan Ioann (Snychev)”, author Konstantin Yurevich Dushenov (the decision of the Oktyabrsky
District Court of the city of St. Petersburg of 20.03.2009).
No.: 430
Material: Brochure “Values of Tablighi” by the authors Shaikhul Hadith Maulana and Muhamad Zakaria
Kaandhlawi (Rahmatullah Alayhe) (the decision of the Abakan City Court of the Republic of Khakassia of
No.: 431
Material: The book by Muhammad Ali Al-Hashimi “The True Islamic Personality of the Muslim as Defined
in the Quran and Sunnah”. 2nd edition (the decision of the Uspensky District Court of the Krasnodar Territory
of 04.08.2009).
Annex 511
No.: 437
Material: Brochure “Hizb-ut-Tahrir’s Program” (the decision of the Kalininsky District Court of Ufa, the
Republic of Bashkortostan, of 29.07.2009).
No.: 457
Material: The book “NDPR – the Russian People’s Party”, M.: “National Newspaper”, 2005 (the decision of
the Soviet District Court of the city of Ivanovo of 13.11.2008 and the decision of the Soviet District Court of
the city of Ivanovo of 22.09.2009).
No.: 516
Material: The book “Draw Close to Jehovah” ed. Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, 2002
(the decision of the Rostov Regional Court of 11.09.2009 and the decision of the Judicial Chamber for Civil
Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 08.12.2009)
No.: 537
Material: Magazine “The Watchtower Proclaims Jehovah’s Kingdom” “Who Really Believes the Bible?” of
15.10.1998 ed. Watchtower Bible und Traktat - Gesellschaft Deutscher Zwelg, V., Selters/Taunus (the decision
of the Rostov Regional Court of 11.09.2009 and the decision of the Judicial Chamber for Civil Cases of the
Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 08.12.2009).
No.: 538
Material: Magazine “The Watchtower Proclaims Jehovah’s Kingdom” “Why is Christmas Celebrated Even in
Asia?” of 15.12.99 ed. Wachtturm Bibel-und-Traktat-Gesellschaft Deutscher Zwelg, V., Selters/Taunus (the
decision of the Rostov Regional Court of 11.09.2009 and the decision of the Judicial Chamber for Civil Cases
of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 08.12.2009).
No.: 539
Material: Magazine “The Watchtower Proclaims Jehovah’s Kingdom” “How to Find True Happiness?” of
01.03.2001 ed. Wachtturm Bibel-und-Traktat-Gesellschaft der Zeugen Jehovas, Selters/Taunus (the decision
of the Rostov Regional Court of 11.09.2009 and the decision of the Judicial Chamber for Civil Cases of the
Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 08.12.2009).
No.: 540
Material: Magazine “The Watchtower Proclaims Jehovah’s Kingdom” of 15.01.2007, ed. Wachtturm Bibelund
Traktat-Gesellschaft der Zeugen Jehovas, Selters/Taunus (the decision of the Rostov Regional Court of
11.09.2009 and the decision of the Judicial Chamber for Civil Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation of 08.12.2009).
No.: 541
Material: Magazine “The Watchtower Proclaims Jehovah’s Kingdom” of 01.03.2007, ed. Wachtturm Bibelund
Traktat-Gesellschaft der Zeugen Jehovas, Selters/Taunusl (the decision of the Rostov Regional Court of
11.09.2009 and the decision of the Judicial Chamber for Civil Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation of 08.12.2009).
No.: 542
Annex 511
Material: Magazine “The Watchtower Proclaims Jehovah’s Kingdom” of 15.03.2007, ed. Wachtturm Bibelund
Traktat-Gesellschaft der Zeugen Jehovas, Selters/Taunus (the decision of the Rostov Regional Court of
11.09.2009 and the decision of the Judicial Chamber for Civil Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation of 08.12.2009).
No.: 543
Material: Magazine “The Watchtower Proclaims Jehovah’s Kingdom” of 01.04.2007, ed. Wachtturm Bibelund
Traktat-Gesellschaft der Zeugen Jehovas, Selters/Taunus (the decision of the Rostov Regional Court of
11.09.2009 and the decision of the Judicial Chamber for Civil Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation of 08.12.2009).
No.: 604
Material: The book by A. Hitler “Mein Kampf” (“My Struggle”) (the decision of the Kirovsky District Court
of the city of Ufa of 24.03.2010).
No.: 608
Material: Appendices to the magazine “The Great Rus’ Host” No. 8 “The Doctrine of Fascism” by Benito
Mussolini translated from the Italian by V.N. Novikov (ex parte decision of the Butyrsky District Court of the
city of Moscow of 07.10.2009).
No.: 631
Material: Part of the book “Fazail-E-Amaal” (450 pages) by Shaikhul Hadith Maulana and Muhamad Zakaria
Kaandhlawi (Rahmatullah Alayhe), The Religious Enlightenment publishing house. Kazan 2007 - The Values
of Namaz (pages 79-155) (the decision of the Sol-Iletsky District Court of the Orenburg Region of 20.04.2010).
No.: 668
Material: The book by B. Mussolini “The Doctrine of Fascism” (the decision of the Kirovsky District Court
of the city of Ufa of the Republic of Bashkortostan of 26.05.2010).
No.: 743
Material: Information material “The Concept of Hizb-Ut-Tahrir”, author Takiyuddin Nabhani, the Sixth
edition (approved edition), 1421 AH - 2001 (the decision of the Moscow District Court of Kazan of
No.: 744
Material: Information material “Islamic Personality”, Part 1, by Takiyuddin Nabhani (the decision of the
Moscow District Court of Kazan of 17.09.2010).
Annex 511
No.: 747
Material: Leaflet “Call of Hizb-ut-Tahrir to the Islamic Ummah and Especially to Those Who Have Power in
It” (the decision of the Moscow District Court of Kazan of 17.09.2010).
No.: 750
Material: The book by Sheikh Ali Al-Tantawi “General Idea of Islam” (the decision of the Maykop City Court
of the Republic of Adygea of 24.11.2010).
No.: 797
Material: The text of the song “For the Russian Nation” by the musical band “Tsiklon-B” (“Cyclone-B)” on
an audio-cassette (the decision of the Solnechnogorsk City Court of the Moscow Region of 18.10.2010).
No.: 947
Material: Image of a figure of a man whose right arm is extended in a traditional Nazi salute, with an image
similar to Nazi symbols to the point of confusion (kolovrat) and a Celtic cross (the decision of the
Krasnoarmeysky District Court of the city of Volgograd of 02.11.2010).
No.: 973
Material: The book by Yu. Graf “The Myth of the Holocaust. The Truth about the Fate of the Jews in the
Second World War” (Moscow, Vityaz Publishing House, 2001) (the decision of the Meshchansky District
Court of the city of Moscow of 03.12.2008).
No.: 1098
Material: The book by Kurt Meyer translated by A. Utkin. “K. Meyer. SS Tanks in Battle. Hitler’s Tank Guard”
of publishing house Yauza-Press LLC, 2008 (ex parte decision of the Kuzminsky District Court of the city of
Moscow of 19.09.2011).
No.: 1171
Annex 511
Material: The book “What is Scientology?” (the decision of the Shchelkovsky City Court of the Moscow
Region of 29.06.2011 and the decision of the Judicial Chamber for Civil Cases of the Moscow Regional Court
of 20.03.2012);
No.: 1172
Material: The book “Theory of Scientology Organizations. A Model Hat for an Executive” (the decision of the
Shchelkovsky City Court of the Moscow Region of 29.06.2011 and the decision of the Judicial Chamber for
Civil Cases of the Moscow Regional Court of 20.03.2012);
No.: 1173
Material: The book “Theory of Scientology Organizations. The Basics of Organizing Course” (the decision of
the Shchelkovsky City Court of the Moscow Region of 29.06.2011 and the decision of the Judicial Chamber
for Civil Cases of the Moscow Regional Court of 20.03.2012);
No.: 1179
Material: Leaflet with the text “I am Russian. Immigrant from the Caucasus, You are Next!” (the decision of
the Ustinovsky District Court of the city of Izhevsk of the Udmurt Republic of 29.02.2012);
No.: 1203
Material: Brochure “Russian National Liberation Movement” STRATEGY 2020 (the decision of the Velsky
District Court of the Arkhangelsk Region of 28.03.2012);
No.: 1205
Material: All-Russian magazine “Russkaya Pravda” (Russian Truth) No. 10A (the decision of the Velsky
District Court of the Arkhangelsk Region of 28.03.2012);
No.: 1365
Material: Video material “Test for the Temptation of Christianity. PRAVDOZOR vs Pseudo-Christianity.
(Video already banned)” (the decision of the Kurgan City Court of the Kurgan Region of 10.05.2012);
No.: 1366
Material: Video material “Talmud about Non-Jews” (the decision of the Kurgan City Court of the Kurgan
Region of 10.05.2012);
No.: 1367
Material: Video “Russian March of the 2010s... (It's Time to Act)” (the decision of the Kurgan City Court of
the Kurgan Region of 10.05.2012);
No.: 1379
Material: Musical composition and lyrics of the song “Russia for Blockheads [derogatory term for
immigrants]” (the decision of the Kromskoy District Court of the Orel Region of 13.06.2012);
Annex 511
No.: 1537
Material: The book “Program of the Patriotic Movement of Russia”, author V.V. Obrezha, M., 2006, 115 pages
(the decision of the Norilsk City Court of the Kayerkan District of the city of Norilsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory,
of 04.07.2012);
No.: 1601
Material: Brochure “Paganism as Magic” author Dobroslav (Dobrovolsky Aleksei Aleksandrovich), second
edition, revised, Printing House – VYATKA publishing house OJSC, 2004, Kirov, 32 p. (the decision of the
Norilsk City Court of Krasnoyarsk Territory of 13.08.2012);
No.: 1636
“Russian Host No. 4” Magazine “Russians and the Russian State” (the decision of the Maikop District Court
of the Republic of Adygea of 03.10.2012);
No.: 2166
Material: Lyrics of the song “You are White” of the musical band “Seitar” (the decision of the Yakutsk City
Court of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) of 27.06.2013);
No.: 2615
Materials: Books: 1) “Fortress of the Muslim. Invocations from the Quran & the Sunnah”, collected and
prepared for publication by Said Bin Ali Bin Vahf Al-Qahtani (on 254 pages); 2) “Fortress of the Muslim.
Invocations from the Qur'an & the Sunnah” (in Russian), collected and prepared for publication by Said Bin
Ali Bin Vahf Al-Qahtani (on 191 pages); 3) “The Call”, Badr publishing house; 4) “Three Foundations” by
Mukhamilad Soleh; 5) “Islam is a Reality” by A.R. Khaibulilov; 6) “Muhammad in the Bible” by Abdul Ahad,
Dawud; 7) “Pearl of the Faith” of the Light of the Quran Charity Foundation; 8) “Principles of Correct
Understanding in Islam” by Tauba, Naberezhnye Chelny (the decision of the Ussuriysky District Court of
Primorsky Territory of 31.07.2014);
No.: 2647
Material: The book by Ali Mohammed al-Salabi “Abu Bakr al-Siddiq. The First Righteous Caliph” (translated
from Arabic by E. Sorokoumova, 2nd edition, publishing house M.: Umma, 2012) (the decision of the
Petukhovo District Court of the Kurgan Region of 16.12.2014);
Annex 511
Book “Fundamentals of Islamic Nafsiya” (First edition 2004 - 1425, Dar ul-Umma Publishing house, 308
pages) (decision of the Tuimaziyskiy District Court of the Republic of Bashkortostan of 16.12.2014);
No.: 2686
Material: Brochure “The Values of Ramadan” by Shaikhul Hadith Maulana Muhamad Zakaria Kaandhlawi,
“The Religious Enlightenment”, Kazan, 2004 (the decision of the Norilsk City Court of the Krasnoyarsk
Territory of 29.12.2014);
No.: 2808
Materials: The following printed publications: 1. The book by Salih al-Suheymi “Foundations of Faith in the
Light of the Quran and the Sunnah” [Salih al-Suheymi, Abd al-Razzaq al-Badar, and Ibrahim al-Ruheyli ];
translated from Arabic by E.R. Kuliev; [edited by A.N. Faqihi, A. al-Ghamidi]. - 2nd ed. - Moscow: Publishing
House “Umma”, 2006. - 288 p. 2. The book by Said bin ali bin Wahf al-Qahtani “Fortress of a Muslim; Appeals
to Allah with Prayers; Treatment with the Help of Conspiracies Found in the Quran and the Sunnah” /
Translated from Arabic by A. Nirsha; edited by K. Kuznetsov - 3rd ed., stereotype. – M.: Umma, 2009 - 416
p. 3. The book by Said bin ali bin Wahf al-Qahtani “Fortress of a Muslim: Appeals to Allah with Supplications;
Treatment with the Help of Conspiracies Found in the Quran and Sunnah” / Translated from Arabic by A.
Nirsha; ed. By K.Kuznetsov - 3rd ed., stereotype. - M.: Umma. 2010 - 416 p. 4. The book by Said bin Ali bin
Wahf al-Qahtani “Fortress of a Muslim; Appeals to Allah with Supplications; Treatment with the Help of
Conspiracies Found in the Quran and Sunnah” / Translated from Arabic by Abdulla Nirsha. - M.: Publisher
Ezhaev. 2006. - 256 p. (the decision of the Kurgan City Court of 16.02.2015)
No.: 2812
Material: The book by the author Shaikhul Hadith Maulana Muhamad Zakaria Kaandhlawi (Rahmatullah
Alayhe) “The Values of Dhikr” on 182 pages, printed by PF GART LLC, Kazan (the decision of the
Pervouralsky City Court of the Sverdlovsk Region of 09.02.2015);
No.: 2852
Material: The book by Said bin ali bin Wahf al-Qahtani “Fortress of the Muslim. Invocations from the Quran
& the Sunnah” (translated into Russian by Vladimir Abdulla Nirsha, Nalchik, 2004 - 241 p.) (the decision of
the Kurgan City Court of 06.04.2015 and the decision of the Kurgan City Court of 24.06.2015).
Annex 511
No.: 2858
Materials: Printed publications: - The book by Dr. Abdulhamid ibn Abdurrahman al-Suhaibani “Portraits from
the Lives of the Companions of the Prophet” (translated from Arabic by S. (K.) Filimonov. - Ekaterinburg:
Mir Publishing House, 2009. - 192 p.); - M.H. Al-Qahtani’s book “The Limit of the Willing. Summary of the
Book “The Right Way to Understand Monotheism” by Sheikh Salih ibn Abd al-Aziz Al-Sheikh” (translated
from Arabic by A.Yu. Isaev. - Kazan: Revival of Islamic Heritage Society, 2009. - 282 p.); - The book by Sa'id
ibn'Ali ibn Wahf al-Qahtani “Interpretation of the Beautiful Names of Allah in the Light of the Quran and the
Sunnah” (translated from Arabic, commentary by E.R. Kuliev. - 2nd (revised) edition. - M.: Umma, 2011. -
288 p.) (the decision of the Kotelnichsky District Court of the Kirov Region of 16.04.2015);
No.: 3821
Material: Material (book) “The Four Imams and Their Schools. Lost Currents and Sects in Islam” by
Muhammad bin Abdurrahman al-Humayyis, including “The Four Imams and Their Schools: Abu Hanifa,
Malik, al-Shafi’i and Ahmad”, “Lost Sects and Currents in Islam” (the decision of the Kiev District Court of
the city of Simferopol, the Republic of Crimea, of 09.02.2016);
No.: 4152
Material: The book “Selected Hadiths” / Sheikh Muhammad Yusuf Kandehlavi, Sheikh Muhammad Said
Kandehlavi / translated from Arabic. - Kazan: Center of Innovative Technologies, 2003 – 640 p. (the decision
of the Kirovsky District Court of the city of Ufa, the Republic of Bashkortostan, of 01.02.2017 and the decision
of the Kirovsky District Court of the city of Ufa, the Republic of Bashkortostan, of 12.04.2017); Date of
inclusion [in the list] (records made from 01.01.2017): 07.06.2017
Annex 511

Annex 512
Letter No. 14/3-48vykh-15 of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine to the
Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, 20 November 2015

To the Prosecutor General’s Office of the
Russian Federation
Received on 30.11.2015
Signature /Signature/
Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine
13/15 Reznitskaya Street, Kiev, 01011
Fax: 280-26-03
20 November 2015 No. 14/3-48vykh-15
To your Ref. No. _______ of __________
To the Prosecutor General of
the Russian Federation
Yu.Ya. Chaika
15a B. Dmitrovka Street, Moscow, Russia,
GSP-3, 125993
Department for Investigation of High-Priority Cases
/Signature/ T.A. Rakityansky
18 February 2016
Dear Yury Yakovlevich,
The Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine presents its compliments to the Prosecutor
General’s Office of the Russian Federation and hereby informs it as follows.
In its letter of 1 October 2014 No. 14/2/2-65iskh-14 addressed to you, the Prosecutor
General’s Office of Ukraine took a clear stance on the matter of unfounded requests for legal
assistance filed by illegitimate law enforcement authorities operating in the temporarily occupied
territory of Ukraine (the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol).
Despite the fact that such actions are in flagrant breach of international law and encroach upon
the sovereignty of the state of Ukraine, the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation
continues filing or insisting on the execution of earlier requests of such authorities.
In particular, now the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation applies for the
following requests to be reviewed:
- that of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation
for the Republic of Crimea of 29 April 2014 regarding criminal case No. 2014417008;
- that of the Crime Investigation Unit (located in Dzhankoy) of the Investigative Division of
the Simferopol Linear Division of the Transport Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the
Russian Federation of 7 July 2014 regarding criminal case No. 149018;
Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation
Date: 27 November 2015 Time: 1:26 p.m.
Annex 512
- that of the Department for Investigation of High-Priority Cases of the Main Investigative
Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Crimea of
11 February 2015 regarding case No. 2014417059, of 4 March 2015 regarding case No. 2014537067
/137-15/, of 16 March 2015 regarding case No. 2014417060;
- that of Linear Police Division No. 1 in Simferopol airport of the Simferopol Linear Division
of the Transport Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of 1 April 2015
regarding case No. 149236, of 21 April 2015 regarding case No. 149143;
- that of Linear Police Division No. 4 in the Kerch station of the Simferopol Linear Division
of the Transport Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of 4 April 2015
regarding cases No. 149058 and No. 149059;
- that of the Investigative Division of the Division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the
Russian Federation for Feodosia of 10 June 2015 regarding case No. 12014137129;
- that of the Investigative Division for Feodosia of the Main Investigative Directorate of the
Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Crimea of 24 August 2015
regarding case No. 2015577028; /1106-15/
- that of the 532nd Military Investigative Division of the Main Military Investigative
Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Black Sea Fleet of 15
July 2015 regarding case No. 22/04/0007-15.
According to Ukrainian law, all authorities, their officers and officials in the temporarily
occupied territory as well as their activity are deemed to be illegal if such authorities are established,
elected or appointed contrary to Ukrainian law and any certificate (decision, document) issued by
such authorities or persons is invalid and entails no legal consequences.
Moreover, we hereby inform you that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine had sent
declarations of interpretation to the depositaries of legal assistance agreements to the effect that
documents and requests issued and filed by the occupation authorities of the Russian Federation, their
officers and officials in the sovereign territory of Ukraine – the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and
Sevastopol – and by the self-proclaimed “government authorities” of certain areas of the Donetsk and
Lugansk regions of Ukraine, which are temporarily not controlled by Ukraine, are illegal, invalid and
entail no legal consequences, irrespective of whether they are provided directly or indirectly or
through the government authorities of the Russian Federation.
In light of this, the said requests cannot be executed as set forth by Article 19 of the
Convention on Legal Assistance and Legal Relations in Civil, Family and Criminal Matters of 1993
since, if such assistance is provided, this may undermine the sovereignty of our state and stands in
direct conflict with Ukrainian law.
In view of the aforesaid, please take action to prevent the sending of documents issued by
illegitimate government authorities from the said territories to Ukraine in order to maintain productive
cooperation in respect of requests filed by investigation and prosecution authorities operating in the
internationally recognised territory of the Russian Federation.
Yours sincerely,
Prosecutor General of Ukraine
/Signature/ V. Shokin
Department for Investigation of High-Priority Cases
/Signature/ T.A. Rakityansky
18 February 2016
Annex 512
Annex 513
Note Verbale No. 5787-n/dgpch of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
the Russian Federation to the Embassy of Ukraine in Moscow,
27 May 2016

No. 5787-n/dgpch
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation presents its compliments to the
Embassy of Ukraine in Moscow and, referring to the earlier notes No. 14279/2dsng of 16 October
2014; No. 15642/2dsng of 27 November 2014, No. 17004/2dsng of 8 December 2014, No. 2697-
n/dgpch of 11 March 2015, No. 4192-n/dgpch of 6 April 2015, No. 8761-n/dgpch of 9 July
2015, No. 11812-n/dgpch of 28 September 2015 and No. 4413-n/dgpch of 25 April 2016 as well
as the consultations held in Minsk, Republic of Belarus, on 8 April 2015, has the honour to draw
attention to a number of facts related to the fulfilment by Ukraine of its obligations under the 1965
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.
In accordance with Article 1 of the Convention and the fundamental obligations provided
for by Articles 2 and 5 of the Convention, State Parties undertake to prohibit and to eliminate
racial discrimination in all its forms and to guarantee the right of everyone, without distinction as
to race, colour, or national or ethnic origin, to equality before the law, notably in the enjoyment
of the following rights:
- The right to security of person and protection by the State against violence or bodily harm,
whether inflicted by government officials or by any individual, group or institution (Article 5b);
- The right to freedom of movement and residence within the border of the State
(Article 5d);
- The right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion (Article 5d);
- The right to freedom of opinion and expression (Article 5d);
- The right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association (Article 5d);
- The right of access to any place or service intended for use by the general public (Article
In this respect, the Russian Party wishes to draw attention to the following facts and
information related to the acts or actions towards representatives of Russian-speaking or Russian
mass media who reside and carry out their professional activities in the territory of Ukraine,
• On 23.01.2014, Mr A.Kiselev, a representative of the Russian news resource “Lenta.ru”,
was detained in Kiev by law enforcement officers and transported to Obolonsky Police
Department where he was beaten that resulted in numerous wounds and bruises.
• On 31.01.2014, Mr N.Perfiliev and Mr A.Zakharov, correspondents of the news
resource “KazanFirst”, were kidnapped in Kiev and beaten with cruelty by law
enforcement officers of Ukraine;
Annex 513
• On 20.02.2014, Ms D.Anisimova, Mr A.Yaroshevsky and Ms. E.Piskunova,
correspondents of the TV channel “Russia Today”, were caught under fire in Kiev city
• On 14.03.2014, Mr P.Nikulin, a journalist of the “Russkaya Planeta”, was beaten by
units of the so called self-defence. The assaulters took away his passport and threatened
him with a gun;
• On 14.03.2014, Mr V.Kozhemyakin, a correspondent of “The Arguments and Facts”
newspaper was detained by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) officers for 3 days
and interrogated “with predilection”. The journalist was banned to enter Ukraine for
three years;
• On 15.03.2014, Mr I.Petrov, a journalist of the “RBK” newspaper, was taken off the
train “Moscow-Sevastopol” by Ukrainian frontier guard and detained for 6 hours. He
was prohibited to enter the territory of Ukraine;
• On 19.03.2014, a videographer of the NTV channel was denied to enter the territory of
Ukraine in the airport of Kharkov;
• On 19.03.2014, Mr A.Khudyakov, a correspondent of “Segodnya.ru”, was kidnapped by
persons who introduced themselves as employees of the Security Service of Ukraine
(SBU). The journalist was forced under threats to sign documents on his consent to
cooperate with the SBU. His SIM cards and memory cards were seized and his video
and photo materials were deleted. Mr A.Khudyakov was deported from the country;
• On 20.03.2014, A.Buzaladze, S.Eliseeva, S.Zavidova and M.Isakova, correspondents of
the Russian TV channel “Russia 1”, were detained in Donetsk and brought out to
“Vasilyevka” checkpoint where they were kept without any explanations for several
hours before they were deported;
• On 29.03.2014, I.Ielkov, K.Zavrazhin and Yu.Tyunev, journalists of the “Rossiyskaya
Gazeta” and the TV channel “Ren-TV”, were detained by the SBU over a night and,
then, deported from Ukraine. All of them are forbidden to enter the territory of Ukraine;
• On 02.04.2014, R.Super, a journalist of the TV channel “Ren-TV”, was detained in the
airport of Odessa and deported afterwards;
• On 08.04.2014, a correspondent of the news agency “RIA Novosti” was not permitted
by officers of the Kharkov Regional State Administration to join an excursion for
journalists in the building of the Administration. It was motivated by the fact that the
correspondent represented a Russian news agency;
• On 08.04.2014, A.Mayorov and S.Gurianov, correspondents of the “5th Channel”, were
detained in the airport of Kharkov where their passports were temporarily taken away.
They were denied to enter the territory of Ukraine;
• On 09.04.2014, A.Kolesnikov and D.Azarov, correspondents of the “Kommersant”
newspaper, were taken off the train “Moscow-Donetsk” in Kharkov and sent to
Belgorod (Russia);
• On 14.04.2014, R.Zhuravlev, a representative of the “Ura.ru” information resource, was
detained in Borispol airport. He was prohibited to enter the territory of the country for 5
• On 16.04.2014, E.Reshetneva, S.Truskov and V.Klivanov, correspondents of the
“VGTRK” TV channel, were detained until 17.04.2014 in the area of the town of Izyum,
Kharkov region;
Annex 513
• On 17.04.2014, K.Babayeva and M.Povalyaeva, reporters of the “Life News” TV
channel, were detained by local police in the city of Mariupol for more than 24 hours;
• On 18.04.2014, a correspondent of the “Gazeta.ru” outlet was taken off the train
• On 23.04.2014, S.Chirich (national of the Republic of Belarus), a reporter of the NTV
channel, was detained near Pervomaysk, Dnepropetrovsk region. He was placed under
house arrest until the end of May;
• On 25.04.2014, A.Rogatkin, a reporter of the “VGTRK” TV company, was denied to
enter the territory of Ukraine;
• On 06.05.2014, a camera crew of the “TV Center” channel led by V.Kuzmina, which
was heading to Kiev for the coverage of forthcoming presidential elections, was not
allowed to enter the territory of the country. They were detained at passport control in
the Borispol airport of Kiev;
• On 06.05.2014, A.Kazannikova and A.Matveev, reporters of the “Life News” TV
channel, caught under mortar shelling near the city of Slavyansk;
• On 09.05.2014, F.I.Zavaleykov, a reporter of the “RT” “RUPTLY” video information
agency, was severely wounded in the stomach while carrying out his professional duties
at the centre of Mariupol by an unidentified persons who were members of military or
law enforcement officers;
• On 11.05.2014, P.Kanygin, a correspondent of “Novaya Gazeta”, was detained
somewhere between Artemovsk and Slavyansk and brought to Kiev. Subsequently, he
was released, but the reasons of the detention have not been explained.
• On 13.05.2014, a group of journalists of “Life News” – O.Sydyakin, M.Saychenko,
M.Abulkhatin – was shot at near Kramatorsk;
• On 15.05.2014, a camera crew of the “TV Center” channel (N.Vasiliev, I.Kozhukhov,
N.Medvediev) which was heading to Kiev for news coverage of forthcoming
presidential elections, was detained while undergoing passport control in Borispol
• On 15.05.2014, an automobile with the reporters of the Russian “5th Channel” and
“RUPTLY” video agency which was heading from Kramatorsk to Dmytrivka, was fired
• On 16.05.2014, a camera crew of the “Zvezda” TV channel led by the A.Nikolaev,
which was heading to Kiev for the coverage of forthcoming presidential elections, was
denied to enter the territory of Ukraine. Members of the crew were detained while
undergoing passport control in Borispol airport in Kiev.
• On 18.05.2014, O.Sydyakin and M.Saychenko, Russian journalists from the “Life
News” news agency, were kidnapped in the area of Kramatorsk. They were released
only on 25 May;
• On 19.05.2014, K.Kibkalo, a reporter of the “VGTRK”, who worked together with a
camera crew in Zakarpatye, was forced to leave the territory of Ukraine within a day
because law enforcement authorities threatened to deport her and initiate a criminal case
against her;
• On 20.05.2014, a camera crew of the “RT” TV channel led by A.Knishenko, which was
heading to Kiev for the coverage of forthcoming presidential elections, was denied to
enter the territory of Ukraine;
Annex 513
• On 21.05.2014, a camera crew of the “5th Channel” led by K.Rozhkov, which was
heading to Kiev for coverage of forthcoming presidential elections, was not permitted to
enter the territory of Ukraine;
• On 21.05.2014, A.Chukanova and D.Vishkevich, correspondents of the “VGTRK” TV
channel, who were heading to Kiev for the coverage of forthcoming presidential
elections, were not permitted to enter the territory of the country. They were detained in
the Borispol airport of Kiev during passport control;
• On 22.05.2014, an automobile of the “Life News” camera crew consisting of A.Repin
and A.Melnikov was fired upon near Lisichansk;
• On 23.05.2014, A.Serichenko and A.Peleshok, reporters of the “RT” TV channel who
were heading to Kiev for the coverage of forthcoming presidential elections, were not
permitted to enter the territory of Ukraine;
• On 23.05.2014, I.Azar, a journalist of the “Echo Moskvy” radio station, was denied
entry to the territory of Ukraine;
• On 24.05.2014, a camera crew of the “VGTRK” led by special reporter A.Rogatkin,
which intended to cover the presidential elections in Ukraine, was taken off the train in
Konotop, Sumy region. The journalists were detained despite the fact that they were
accredited by the Central Election Commission of Ukraine;
• On 24.05.2014, as a result of a mortar shelling of Andreevka, Slavyansk district of
Donetsk region, organised by the military forces of Ukraine, a national of Italian
Republic A.Rocchelli, a photographer, and his Russian companion N.A.Mironov, a
human rights activist, were killed;
• On 27.05.2014, a camera crew of the “MIR 24”, led by M.Krasotkin, was fired upon by
snipers in Donetsk;
• On 29.05.2014, a camera crew of the “Russia 24” TV channel was fired upon in
Donetsk while filming in the airport;
• On 29.05.2014, P.Parkhomenko, a reporter of the “Kommersant FM” radio station, who
headed to Chernobyl, not to the southeast of the country, was not allowed to enter the
territory of Ukraine and was forced to take a return flight;
• On 30.05.2014, A.Kots, a correspondent of the “Komsomolskaya Pravda” newspaper,
was prohibited to enter the territory of Ukraine until 15 May 2019;
• On 05.06.2014, Oleg Lyashko, the People’s Deputy and leader of the Radical Party of
Ukraine, forced the camera crew of the “VGTRK” TV channel headed by A.Balitskiy
out of the building of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine;
• On 06.06.2014, A.Sushenkov and A.Malyshev, correspondents of the “Zvezda” TV
channel, were detained at a checkpoint near Slavyansk. The journalists were
ubsequently transmitted to the SBU. They were released after midnight on 9 July;
• On 11.06.2014, A.Evstigneev and D.Kiyanovskiy, reporters of the “Pervyi Kanal”, were
fired upon in the settlement of Semenovka near Slavyansk, which was under the control
of the military forces of Ukraine;
• On 14.06.2014, E.Davidov and N.Konashenkov, reporters of the “Zvezda” TV channel,
were detained by SBU officers at the checkpoint of the Donetsk-Dnepropetrovsk route.
Their money and valuables were taken away. During interrogations, they were beaten.
On 16 June they were released;
• On 16.06.2014, A.Stenin and A.Krasnoshchekov, reporters of the “RIA Novosti” news
Annex 513
agency and the “RT” “RUPTLY” video news agency as well as A.Kots and D.Steshin,
correspondents of the “Komsomolskaya Pravda” newspaper, were fired upon near
• On 17.06.2014, A.Voloshin, a soundman, and I.Kornelyuk, a reporter of the “VGTRK”,
came under mortar shelling near settlement of Metalist on the outskirt of Lugansk.
A.Voloshin was killed at the place of the shelling and I.Korneliuk died at the Lugansk
• On 24.06.2014, a camera crew of the “Pervyi Kanal” was shelled by mortars near
• Over the night from 29.06.2014 to 30.06.2014, A.Klyan, a videographer of the “Pervyi
Kanal” was fired upon near the military base on the outskirt of Donetsk. A.Klian was
mortally injured in stomach and died on the way to the hospital;
• On 01.07.2014, D.Kulaga and V.Yudin, reporters of the “Ren TV” channel were fired
by mortars at the checkpoint of Izvarino, Lugansk region. As a result of the fire, both of
them were shell-shocked;
• On 03.07.2014, a camera crew of the “Pervyi Kanal” was fired upon in Lugansk;
• On 11.07.2014, Y. Snegirev, a correspondent of the “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”, was fired by
mortars in Lugansk;
• On 11.07.2014, V.Moroz, a reporter of the “Life News” was fired by mortars in
Lugansk. As a result of the fire his arm was wounded;
• On 14.07.2014, Y.Rozhkov, a reporter of the “Russia 1” TV channel, was denied to
enter the territory of Ukraine without any explanations;
• On 01.08.2014, A.Eprimyan, a reporter of the “RT” “RUPTLY” video news agency,
was detained by Ukraine’s law enforcement officers. After interrogations, she was
ordered to leave the territory of the country within the next two days;
• On 06.08.2014, as a result of Ukrainian military’s fire upon the convoy of refugees near
Snezhnoe, Donetsk region, A.Stenin, the reporter of the “Rossiya Segodnya”
international news agency who covered the movement of the convoy, was killed;
• On 14.08.2014, the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine
obliged providers to switch off the Russian-language version of the “Euronews” TV
• On 22.08.2014, journalists of “Russia Today”, “ITAR-TASS”, “NTV” and “Pervyi
Kanal” were fired upon by mortars while performing their professional duties in
• On 28.08.2014, the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine
announced the list of 49 journalists and Russian TV channel managers who were
prohibited to enter the territory of Ukraine. The list included the following persons:
Konstantin Ernst, Ivan Okhlobystin, Dmitry Kiselev, Julia Chumakova, Irada
Zeynalova, Ivan Prozorov, Mikhail Leontyev, Ekaterina Andreeva, Alexander
Evstigneev, Vitaliy Eliseev, Peter Tolstoy, Petr Fedorov, Oleg Dobrodeev, Alexey
Balitskiy, Julia Bystritskaya, Evgeny Popov, Andrey Kondrashov, Zarif Salima, Boris
Korchevnikov, Evgeny Bekasov, Evelina Zakamskaya, Vladimir Kulistikov, Kirill
Pozdnyakov, Anastasia Litvinova, Irina Varlamova, Andrey Dobrov, Alexey Pushkov,
Ashot Gabrelyanov, Ermina Katondzhyan Anatoly Suleymanov, Ekaterina Agafonova,
Stanislav Grigoriev, Sergey Dorenko, Alexey Efimov, Maxim Kiselev, Sergey
Annex 513
Skripnikov, Anton Zlatopolskiy, Vitaly Arutyunyan, Andrey Kunitsyn, Maxim Berezik,
Alexey Brodsky, Margarita Simonyan, Vera Kuzmina, Anna Prokhorova, Semen Pegov
Alexey Pimanov, Ilya Doronov, Vladimir Soloviev, Arkady Mamontov;
• On 01.09.2014, a journalist of the “Echo Moskvy” radio station T.Olevskiy and
”Forbes” correspondent O.Dzhemal were detained by soldiers of the “Azov” nationalist
• On 09.09.2014, upon the claim of the National Council of Television and Radio
Broadcasting of Ukraine, the Kiev District Administrative Court banned broadcasting of
15 Russian channels in the ethereal and cable networks of the country, including “Pervyi
Kanal. Vsemirnaya Set”, “RTR-Planeta”, “NTV-Mir”, “Russia 24”, "TVCI”, "Russia
1”, “NTV”, “TNT”, “Petersburg 52” “Zvezda”, “REN TV”, “RBK-TV”, “Life News”,
“RT” and “Istoriya”;
• On 01.10.2014, M.Musin, a Russian scholar and head of the “ANNA-News” project,
and his colleagues were captured by Ukrainian security forces;
• On 10.10.2014, V.Donskoy, an independent journalist, died on the Russian-Ukrainian
border while returning from Ukrainian security forces captivity;
• On 15.10.2014, A.Dotsenko, a journalist of “Channel 7" (Ukraine) was fired for the
assistance to Russian journalists to prepare a reportage about the monument to the city
• On 16.10.2014, the State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine
together with the law enforcement authorities of the country, State Registration Service
and Post of Ukraine revoked licences of several print mass media which contained the
word “Russian” in their names. According to the State Committee for Television and
Radio Broadcasting, such measures were taken within the framework of the programme
of “purification of the domestic information space from the separatist press”;
• On 22.10.2014, an attempt to pressurise E.Anokhin, chief editor of the “Information
Centre” website registered in Ukraine, was made by detaining him in Odessa without
any explanations;
• On 22.10.2014, a Russian-speaking freelance correspondent of the “Ridus” agency of
citizen journalism (Ukraine) was beaten near the office of the “Parnas” party, where the
film devoted to N.Savchenko was demonstrated;
• On 24.10.2014, searches were carried out in the Kiev offices of the organisations
engaged in the broadcasting of Russian TV channels. The reasons for the searches were
not specified;
• On 04.11.2014, Zh.Karpenko, a journalist of the “Life News” TV channel, was detained
and transported to a police unit after she was asked questions by Ukrainian journalists
who surrounded her in the Maidan;
• On 14.11.2014, a camera crew of the “NTV” channel headed by K.Reshetnev was fired
upon by unit of the Ukrainian armed forces near Lugansk while filming a reportage
about the events around Stanitsa Luganskaya located about 15 km to the north-east of
the administrative centre where severe fights where taking place. Ukrainian security
forces fired upon exactly the place where was the “NTV” camera crew.
• On 19.11.2014, D.Tarkhov, a correspondent of the “REN TV”, and A.Oy, a cameraman
of the channel, were deported from the territory of Ukraine from the Borispol airport of
Annex 513
• On 26.11.2014, members of the “Right Seсtor" in Kiev, through threats of violence,
forced E.Kozlovskaya (she uses nickname Zmanovskaya for professional activities), a
journalist of “LifeNews” TV channel, to promise to stop the spread of “false
• On 27.11.2014, Markiyan Lubkivskiy, an adviser to the Head of the Security Service of
Ukraine, wrote on his Facebook page that “for the period of the Russian aggression
against Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine has issued a ban to enter the territory of
Ukraine for 83 Russian journalists who represented the following Russian mass media:
“Zvezda”, “VGTRK”, “Life News” and others (10 were deported forcefully, 73 – were
denied to enter the territory);
• On 01.01.2015, Zh.Karpenko, a journalist of the “Life News” TV channel, was assaulted
while filming a reportage about the torchlight procession dedicated to the birthday of
Stepan Bandera;
• On 10.01.2015, a group of unidentified persons in balaclavas bombarded the editorial
office of the “Slavyanka” newspaper (Ukraine) with Molotov cocktails;
• On 16.01.2015, at the public action for the resignation of the Prosecutor General of
Ukraine V.Yarema, about 20 people assaulted Zh.Karpenko, a ”Life News”
correspondent, and A.Uliyanov, a videographer, took away and broke down their
expensive filming equipment;
• On 20.01.2015, the leaders of the “Right Sector” and so-called “force units of Maidan”
stated that they had started to pursue Russian journalists with the purpose to obstruct
their professional activities. According to a report of the “Life News” TV channel,
which has in its possession the records of conversations between the activists of radical
organisations, men under the nicknames of “Roman Kiev”, “Zhaket”, “Zlukabober” and
others have planned provocations and discussed the most successful ways of the “hunt”;
• On 20.01.2015, a camera crew of the “Russia 24” TV channel was fired upon while
shooting a reportage about the bus stricken by a mortar shell in the Kiev district of
• On 23.01.2015 a camera crew of the independent journalist A.Kochkina was fired upon
in the village of Gorlovka where a children hospital was shelled earlier that day;
• On 27.01.2015, the Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine initiated a criminal case against the
Lugansk branch office of the Ukrainian Broadcasting, Radiocommunication and
Television Concern for broadcasting Russian TV channels;
• On 30.01.2015, E.Khramtseva, a journalist of the “Life News”, and N.Kalysheva, a
camerawoman, were detained by the Security Service of Ukraine and, subsequently,
deported from the territory of Ukraine. Their residence permits were terminated. In
addition, they were prohibited to enter the territory of Ukraine for 5 years;
• On 11.02.2015 and 12.02.2015, the security officers of the President of Ukraine
P.Poroshenko obstructed the work of P.Zarubin and O.Skabeeva, journalists and
political commentators of the “VGTRK”, during the meeting of the “Normandy Four” in
Minsk. Mr P.Zarubin was taken away and locked for a while in a separate room for his
clear but loud question when President Poroshenko appeared. Ms O.Skabeeva was not
allowed to ask a question – a security officer of the President of Ukraine literally shut
her mouth up with a rough movement pressing her down to his body;
• On 12.02.2015, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted Resolution No. 185-VIII “On
Annex 513
the temporary termination of the accreditation granted by the state authorities of Ukraine
to journalists and representatives of certain mass media of the Russian Federation”;
• On 12.02.2015, the officers of the Security Service of Ukraine arrested A.Zaharchuk, a
reporter holding Ukrainian citizenship, who was collaborating with “Nevskie Novosti”,
a Russian information agency. They initiated a criminal case on the fact of treason by
the journalist;
• On 25.02.2015, the Security Service of Ukraine detained and subsequently deported
from Ukraine A.Grigoriev, a journalist of the “NTV” channel, and E.Makarov, a
journalist of the “Pervyi Kanal”, who were covering the march of nationalist movements
in Kiev;
• On 25.02.2015, I.Osipova, a journalist of the “NTV” channel, was denied to enter the
territory of Ukraine;
• On 26.02.2015 Zh.Karpenko, a journalist of the “Life News” TV channel, and
A.Uliyanova, a camerawoman, were denied to enter the territory of Ukraine. The
journalists were banned to enter the territory of Ukraine despite the fact that the Kiev
court was considering the case on the assault against them during the torchlight
procession in Kiev on 01.01.2015;
• On 26.02.2015, M.Lubkivskiy, an adviser to the Head of the Security Service of
Ukraine, informed all Ukrainian journalists collaborating with or assisting to their
Russian colleagues about a criminal liability for “assistance to the aggressor, in
particular, for carrying out subversive information activities against Ukraine”;
• On 05.03.2015, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine terminated accreditation of
Russian mass media for the events organised by the Ministry;
• On 13.03.2015 a cameraman of the “Novorossiya-TV” channel was arrested by the
Security Service of Ukraine;
• On 15.03.2015, O.Moroz, chief editor of the “Neteshinskiy Vestnik”, was found dead in
her apartment with the signs of violence;
• On 24.03.2015, a group of the Russian journalists of the “REN TV” channel was fired
upon near the settlement of Shirokino from the positions of the Armed Forced of
Ukraine while following the convoy of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission that was
observing cease-fire regime implementation. The driver of the group was wounded;
• On 13.04.2015, S.Sukhobok, a journalist of the “ProUA” and “Obkom” Internet portals,
was killed in Kiev;
• On 16.04.2015, O.Buzina, a TV journalist and a writer, was shot dead near his home in
• On 02.05.2015, D.Kataev, a journalist of the “Dozhd” Russian TV channel, was denied
entry to Ukraine in Odessa airport. He was detained and expelled from Ukraine. The
journalist was handed the decision on the denial to enter Ukraine;
• On 23.05.2015, the Security Service of Ukraine did not allow A.Shalimova, a journalist
of the German-language TV channel “RT Deutsch”, a national of Germany, to enter the
territory of Ukraine. At the airport, she was handed in the order on the prohibition to
enter the territory of Ukraine for next three years. Less than 3 weeks before that,
A.Shalimova visited Odessa with the purpose to shoot a film about the tragedy in the
Trade Unions Building that took place on 2 May 2014;
• On 01.07.2015, A.Cherepnina, a journalist of the “Pervyi Kanal”, was kidnapped and
Annex 513
deported from the territory of Ukraine with the prohibition to enter the territory of
Ukraine for the next three years. Then she was interrogated and was not allowed to
contact her family members and colleagues for several days;
• On 20.07.2015, a camera crew of the “REN TV” channel was fired upon near the village
of Gorlovka, Donetsk region;
• On 23.07.2015, the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine
prohibited broadcasting of the following Russian TV channels in Ukraine: “Dom Kino”,
“Oruzhie” and “Illyuzion”;
• On 12.08.2015, a camera crew of the “REN TV” channel was fired upon in the area of
Donetsk airport;
• On 03.09.2015 a discriminatory Law No.1831 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative
Acts of Ukraine on Ensuring Transparency of Media Ownership as well as
Implementation of the Principles of State Policy in the field of Television and Radio
Broadcasting” was adopted. According to the Law, individuals and legal entities
registered in the offshore jurisdictions, stateless persons, individuals and legal entities of
a state recognised by the Verkhovna Rada as a ‘state-aggressor’ or ‘state-occupant’,
were prohibited to found or participate in television organisations or providers of the
programme services;
• On 16.09.2015, President of Ukraine P.Poroshenko signed a decree bringing into force
the decision of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine “On Imposition of
Special Individual Economic and Other Measures (Sanctions)” of 2 September 2015
which contains approximately 400 individuals and more than 100 legal entities from the
Russian Federation and other countries, including Russian journalists and mass media
• On 22.01.2016, the Russian channel “Comediya TV” was removed from the list of the
channels authorised for being rebroadcasted in Ukraine’s cable networks based upon a
decision of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine. The
reason for such prohibition was that the channel broadcasted films with the actors
holding Russian citizenship who were deemed “to be a threat to the national security of
the state” (G.Depardieu, M.Porechenkov, O.Tabakov, F.Bondarchuk, V.Gaft,
• On 18.02.2016, upon a decision of National Council of Television and Radio
Broadcasting of Ukraine, the following channels were excluded from the list of the
channels authorised for being rebroadcasted in Ukraine’s cable networks: “Telecafe”,
“Muzyka Pervogo”, “Vremya: Dalekoe i Blizkoe”, “Dom Kino”, “Dom Kino
PREMIUM”, “Bober”, “Moya Planeta”, “Nauka 2.0.”, “Zhyvaya Planeta”, “Strana”, “24
DOC”, “T24”, “MULT”, “IQ HD”, “MAMA”, “Russkiy Roman”, “Russkiy Detective”,
“Russkaya Comediya”, “Russkiy Bestseller”, “Bestseller +”, “RiT”, “Park
Razvlecheniy”, “Rossiya Segodnya”, “SPUTNIK”, “Russkaya Sluzhba Novostey”,
“VOENNAYA TAYNA”, “NTV-PLUS SPORT”, “Kinosoyuz”, “Kinoklub”, “Nashe
Novoe Kino”, “Moskva 24”, “Telekanal Soveta Federatsii”, “Obschestvennoe
Televidenie Rossii”, “Kino Est Kino”, “Mir Seriala”, “Zvezda”, “Sovershenno
Sekretno”, “Shanson-TV”, “Avto Plus”, “Kuhnya TV”, “KHL”, “Boets”,
“Nastoyashchee Strashnoe Televidenie”, “Sarafan”;
• On 24.02.2016, a Russian journalist M.Stolyarova, editor-in-chief of the “Podrobnosti
Nedeli” TV programme and creative production director of the “Inter” TV channel, was
Annex 513
deported from Ukraine because of her professional activities;
• On 14.03.2016, at the line of contact in Donbass, Ukrainian military forces performed a
massive shelling of the settlement of Zaytsevo near Gorlovka where camera crews of the
“Pervyi Kanal” and “Zvezda” channels came under fire;
• On 17.03.2016, according to a decision of National Council of Television and Radio
Broadcasting of Ukraine, the following Russian channels were excluded from the list of
the channels authorised for being rebroadcasted in Ukraine’s cable networks: “Radost
Moya”, “Ocean-TV”, “TDK”, “Detskiy”, “India TV”, “Zdorovoe Televidenie”, “Laminor
TV”, “Mat i Ditya”, “Evrokino”, “HD LIVE”, “DRIVE”, “STV”;
• On 26.03.2016 near the town of Yasinovataya, Donetsk region, a camera crew of the
Russian “Life News” channel came under the fire of Ukrainian military forces while
shooting a reportage on the situation with the rebel’s checkpoint in Yasinovataya;
• On 20.04 2016, in order to promote “the improvement of the national security level of
Ukraine in the area of information”, P.Poroshenko signed the Law of Ukraine No. 1046-
VIII of 29 March 2016 amending the Law of Ukraine “On Cinematography” which
prohibits the demonstration of the movies “produced by individuals and legal entities of
an aggressor-state”. The prohibition covers films shot after 1 January 2014. Taking into
account the general nature of statements, including the statements of the Ukrainian
officials, the prohibition is aimed against individuals and legal entities of Russia.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation strongly requests Ukraine to
provide information regarding the measures taken in respect of the facts mentioned above, as well
as information about bringing those responsible to justice.
The Ministry avails itself of the opportunity to renew to the Embassy of Ukraine in
Moscow the assurances of its high consideration.
Moscow, 27 May 2016
Annex 513
Annex 514
Intentionally omitted

Annex 515
Note Verbale No.13091-n/dgpch of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
the Russian Federation to the Embassy of Ukraine in Moscow,
28 November 2016

No. 13091-n/dgpch
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation presents its compliments to the
Embassy of Ukraine in Moscow and, referring to previous notes No. 14279/2dsng of 16 October
2014, No. 15642/2dsng of 27 November 2014, No. 17004/2dsng of 8 December 2014, No. 2697-
n/dgpch of 11 March 2015, No. 4192-n/dgpch of 6 April 2015, No. 8761-n/dgpch of 9 July 2015, No.
11812-n/dgpch of 28 September 2015, No. 4413-n/dgpch of 25 April 2016, No. 5774-n/dgpch of 27
May 2016, No. 5787-n/dgpch of 27 May 2016 and to the consultations held on 8 April 2015 and 30
May 2016 in Minsk, Republic of Belarus, has the honour to draw the attention to a series of facts
which could be relevant to the fulfilment by Ukraine of its obligations under the 1965 International
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.
In accordance with Article 1 of the Convention and pursuant to the principal obligations
provided for in Articles 2 and 5 of the Convention, States Parties undertake to prohibit and to
eliminate racial discrimination in all its forms and to guarantee the right of everyone, without
distinction as to race, colour, or national or ethnic origin, to equality before the law, notably in the
enjoyment of the following rights:
- The right to security of person and protection by the State against violence or bodily harm,
whether inflicted by government officials or by any individual group or institution (paragraph b of
Article 5);
- The right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion (paragraph d of Article 5);
- The right to freedom of opinion and expression (paragraph d of Article 5);
- The right of access to any place or service intended for use by the general public (paragraph f
of Article 5).
In this regard, the Russian Party would like to draw attention to the following facts and
information relevant to the situation around believers and clergymen as well as property belonging to
the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (hereinafter – the UOC).
On 25 September 2015, the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine “recommended” the leadership of
the UOC to transfer the four southeast Dioceses of Donetsk, Lugansk, Gorlovka and Rovno regions
to the territory controlled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to the representative of the
Ministry of Culture of Ukraine A.Yurash, such a step would demonstrate the Ukrainian society that
the UOC “remains committed to national interests and is not an agent of someone's influence”.
Annex 515
In 2016, the National Institute for Strategic Studies of Ukraine (state “basic scientific research
organisation which provides analytical and prognostic support for the President of Ukraine activity”)
published another “analytical” report “On Internal and External Situation of Ukraine in 2016” to the
Presidential Address to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine which states that the legal and structural and
organisational subordination of the UOC to the Moscow Patriarchate allegedly generates “a particular
threat to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Ukrainian state” and calls the UOC a
“conductor of the political ideology of the Kremlin in the Ukrainian lands” (page 234 of the “report”).
Pursuant to the instructions of the Ukraine’s Ministry of Culture, a brochure was published
called “The right of believers to change religious affiliation (jurisdiction): a practical guidance”. This
brochure is designed to motivate and guide the believers of the UOC to change religious affiliation
and parishes.
On 7 December 2014, men wearing uniform of militants of the nationalist “Aidar” battalion
robbed a church shop of the Pokrovsky Church in the village of Trekhizbenka, Lugansk region (under
the pretext of “auditing”, the church's cash safe, a video camera and mobile phones of believers were
On 18 December 2014, persons wearing the uniform of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU)
robbed the Iversky Women’s Monastery in the village of Peski, Donetsk region, taking away all
valuable property, including even mobile phones of nuns.
On 30 December 2014, unidentified persons knocked down two bow crosses standing by the
road near the villages of Migeya and Semenovka.
On 14 January 2015, radical nationalists from the Ukrainian National Self Defence
Organisation (UNSO) captured the Pokrovsky Church in the city of Malin, Zhitomir region.
On the night of 26 January 2015, bottles with incendiary mixture were thrown at the church
in honour of the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” located on the premises of the
Babiy Yar Preserve in Kiev. The building of the church was damaged.
On the night of 27 January 2015, the church of the Holy Martyr Trifon in Troeshchina, Kiev,
was set on fire (the outer wall, dome, cross and some of the icons were damaged, the fact of arson
was established).
On 28 January 2015, the Kiev City Council deprived the UOC of available land tax benefits.
This decision was voted for by 74 deputies when adopting a budget plan of Kiev for 2015. The Church
was excluded from the list of religious denominations with land tax benefits.
On 30 January 2015, during a meeting of the Chernyatin Village Council, Zhmerinka district
of the Vinnitsa region, a group of nationalists, threatening with violence, exerted pressure on deputies,
demanding to transfer St. Stefan Protomartyr Church under construction to the religious organisation
“Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev Patriarchate” (hereinafter – the “Kiev Patriarchate”).
On 7 February 2015, the followers of the “Kiev Patriarchate” supported by local authorities
and radicals from the so-called “Zdolbunovskaya Sotnya of Self-Defence” captured the Chudo-
Mikhailovsky church in the Novoselki village, Zdolbunov district of Rovno region.
On 9 February 2015, unidentified persons broke the fence and windows of the Ioanno-
Bogoslovsky Church in the village of Demidovka, Rovno region.
On 12 February 2015, vandals broke down the door of the Voskresensky Cathedral in the city
of Kovel, Volyn region.
On 12 February 2015, Krestovozdvizhensky Сhurch in the village of Bolshaya Sevastyanovka
of the Khristinovka district of the Cherkassy region was violently captured with the support of the
militant organisation “Right Sector”. According to available information, radicals wearing
camouflage uniforms blocked the entrance to the church for parishioners and pushed archpriest Vasily
Mikhanchuk out of the church. It was noted that people who gathered by the church threatened the
priest and urged him to come over to the Kiev Patriarchate. The press service of the UOC states,
“These illegal actions preceded the ‘veche’ where people who are not residents of the village and
have nothing to do with the rural parish, have resorted to outright insults of the believers.”
Representatives of the local village council “have withdrawn from the prevention of unlawful acts of
radical visitants and, thereby, allowed the incitement of another outbreak of inter-confessional strife”.
Annex 515
In February 2015, in the village of Khotov, Kiev region, there was pressure exerted on and a
smear media campaign waged against the priest of the community of the Alexander Nevsky Church,
leaflets inciting inter-religious hatred were issued.
On 1 March 2015, a radical group of around 20 people wearing masks and camouflage
uniforms attempted to disrupt the Sunday service at the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral of the UOC
in the city of Sumy. During this campaign, a member of the All-Ukrainian Union “Svoboda” V.
Ganzina first got into a verbal skirmish and then attacked a guard on duty of the cathedral, causing
him bodily harm. The attackers blocked the entrance to the cathedral and chanted death threats against
the Sumy and Akhtyrka archbishop Yevlogy who was present at the service, the clergy and the
On 1 March 2015, representatives of the “Kiev Patriarchate” captured the rural Church of The
Holy Martyr Paraskeva in the village of Chudnitsa, Goshchansky district of Rovno region, belonging
to the UOC community. Men from the neighbouring districts and villages instructed by clerics of the
“Kiev Patriarchate” came to the village, rudely interrupted the service, insulted Orthodox parishioners
and used force against women who defended the church. The attackers cut the church locks off and
established their control over the church.
On 3 March 2015, members of Ukrainian paramilitary groups kidnapped priest Feofan of the
Uspensky Nikolo-Vasilyevsky Orthodox Monastery of the UOC, located in the Volnovakha district
on the territory controlled by the UAF. Men wearing military uniforms and masks lured the priest out
of the monastery and took him away in an unknown direction. Besides his church duties, priest Feofan
was engaged in searches for the remains of soldiers killed during the Great Patriotic War.
On 7 March 2015, two bow crosses were cut down and burned in the Pervomayskiy and
Arbuzinskiy districts, Nikolaev region. Leaflets of extremist content were found at the scene of the
On 9 March 2015, a group of persons kidnapped UOC priest Alexander Levchenko in the city
of Borispol, Kiev region. Three unknown persons wearing balaclavas kidnapped the priest using
physical force and then let him off in the Baryshevsky district of Kiev region.
On 18 March 2015, representatives of the “Kiev Patriarchate” beat the Father of the Church
of the Feast of the Cross, archpriest Rostislav Sapozhnik in the village of Ugrinov, Gorokhovsky
district of Volyn region. In the autumn of 2014, the said church was captured by supporters of the
“Kiev Patriarchate” who started the repairs in there without a proper permission. R.Sapozhnik
together with representatives of the local administration came to the church on 18 March 2015 where
he was hit with a stick on the head several times, while the representatives of the district
administration were not allowed into the church.
On 18 March 2015, representatives of the “Kiev Patriarchate” with the support of local
authorities occupied the Church of Nativity of the Blessed Virgin belonging to the UOC in the village
of Milcha, Dubenki district, Rovno region.
On 22 March 2015, representatives of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC),
supported by armed militants in masks, tried to break into the territory of the Church of Nativity of
Blessed Virgin in the village of Stenka, Buchach district, Ternopol region, under the pretext of
In mid-March 2015, militants from the “Right Sector” organisation spread false information
about the alleged removal of the miraculous Pochaev icon from the Pochaev Lavra and called for the
capture of the monastery.
In mid-March 2015, the “Right Sector” organisation spread the information on the Internet
about the alleged placing of ammunition in the Nikolaevsky Cathedral in the city of Stakhanov,
Lugansk region. (On 28 March, this “information” was officially refuted by the OSCE representatives
who visited the cathedral).
On 4 April 2015, the Orthodox Preobrazhensky Church in the village of Gusintsy, Borispol
district of Kiev region, was desecrated. Armed men wearing masks who introduced themselves as
officers of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) desecrated the altar and ransacked the church.
Annex 515
On 8 April 2015, there was another attempt to capture the Uspensky Church in the village of
Ptichya, Rovno region.
On 9 April 2015, SBU officers detained Father of the Preobrazhensky Church, archpriest
Georgy Dorosh in the village of Mayaki (Belyaevskiy district, Odessa region). The SBU officers
raided the house of the priest, he himself was taken to Odessa where he was placed in a detention
On 26 April 2015, the followers of the “Kiev Patriarchate” supported by militant nationalists
attempted to seize the Churches of the Holy Archangel Mikhail in the Bashuki village and of St. Ioann
the Theologian in the Kolosovaya village of the Ternopol region.
In May and June 2015, there were numerous acts of vandalism in the Cathedral in honour of
Pechersk Saint Antony and Feodosy and in the Church in honour of St. Nikolay the Wonderworker
in the city Vasilkov, Kiev region (doors and windows were broken).
On 5 and 10 May 2015, the followers of the “Kiev Patriarchate” made new attempts to capture
the Church of the Holy Archangel Mikhail in the Bashuki village, Ternopol region. On 14 May, the
temple was eventually captured with the support of militant nationalists.
On 20 May 2015, vandals desecrated the fence around the perimeter of the St. George
Cathedral of the UOC in Lvov and left an inscription on its base saying “Putin's Satanists”.
On 21 June 2015, the followers of the “Kiev Patriarchate” supported by militants wearing
masks attempted to capture the Church of the Holy Great Martyr Georgy the Victory-Bearer in the
village of Katerinovka, Ternopol region. During the clashes, a cross was ripped off from the priest,
one of the parishioner suffered beatings, militants threatened parishioners with cold weapons and
fighting dogs. The police officers who witnessed the incident did not arrest the perpetrators.
On 28 June 2015, ministers of the “Kiev Patriarchate” seized the Church of the Holy Mother
of God with the support of the militant organisation “Right Sector" in the village of Kulikov, Ternopol
On 26 July 2015, unidentified persons fired a gun at the head of the Father of the Church of
Holy Martyr Tatiana, priest of the Obolon deanery Roman Nikolaev twice at 43 Geroyev Stalingrada
Prospect in Kiev. The priest was taken to hospital in serious condition. He died in hospital on 29 July
2015, not coming to consciousness.
On 29 July 2015, nun of the Voznesensky Florovsky Monastery in Kiev Alevtina was found
murdered in her apartment with her hands tied and showing signs of torture.
On 12 August 2015, two priests and a nun of the UOC were detained at “Bugas” checkpoint
near the line of contact in Donbass on suspicion of “aiding a terrorist organisation”. The detainees
turned out to be clerics of the Diocese of Donetsk Father Leonid, Father Nikon and nun Varvara who
accompanied them. The detained clergymen were representatives of the humanitarian mission
“Charity without frontiers” (Leader – archpriest Zakhariya) and were transporting humanitarian aid
along the line of contact.
On 23 August 2015, in the village of Malyye Dmitrovichi of the Obukhov district, Kiev
region, representatives of the “Kiev Patriarchate” supported by the “local self-defence” broke into the
Vladimirsky Church, disrupted the service and forced the Father of the church and the believers out
of the premises. The police, which arrived at the scene, refused to intervene in the conflict.
On 31 August 2015, representatives of the “Kiev Patriarchate” together with the radicals of
the all-Ukrainian Union “Svoboda” and militants of the “Right Sector” organisation destroyed the
bow cross in the Mariinsky park in Kiev established by the representatives of the UOC.
On 6 September 2015, a group of radicals and representatives of the “Kiev Patriarchate”
received the support of the Ternopol Regional State Administration and broke the fence of the Church
of St. Ioann the Theologian in the village of Kolosovaya, Kremenets district, Ternopol region, and
tried to disrupt the Sunday service of the UOC community.
On 20 September 2015 the followers of the “Kiev Patriarchate” supported by radicals made
an attempt to capture the Pokrovsky Church in the village of Gribovitsa, Ivanichi district of Volyn
Annex 515
On 21 September 2015, a conflict escalated around the Church of Saint Georgy the Victory-
Bearer in the village of Katerinovka, Kremenets district, Ternopol region, claimed by the followers
of the “Kiev Patriarchate” in June 2015. The clergy and parishioners of the UOC were not allowed in
the church pursuant to the “schedule of worship” that was introduced by order of the head of the civil
administration of the village. In the morning of 21 September, the Father of the church, priest Sergiy
Gladun together with the UOC community prayed during the service held on the territory near the
church to avoid a conflict with the supporters of the “Kiev Patriarchate”. Right after the service when
the believers separated, militants from the “Right Sector” organisation entered the village of
Katerinovka. They broke bars on the windows, got into the church and opened it to representatives
of the “Kiev Patriarchate” who held their “service” in the church. When the UOC believers learnt
about the capture of the holy place, they went back to the church and demanded to vacate the building
legally owned by their community. Gunmen blocked the access to the territory of the church and law
enforcement officials, who arrived at the scene, blocked the entrance to the building. In the evening,
the UOC believers gathered near the church to hold a procession. The activists of the “Right Sector”
organization as well as soldiers of the “National Guard of Ukraine” and the Ternopol battalion who
came to the aid attacked worshipers using gas cartridges and force. As a result, one of the believers
had his head hurt, another one – a broken arm, dozens of believers received serious injuries, many
sought medical help. Representatives of law enforcement agencies did not intervene in the onslaught
and, according to eyewitnesses, even supported the attackers.
On 23 and 27 September 2015, there were provocations attempting to retransfer the religious
community to the jurisdiction of the “Kiev Patriarchate” and an attempt to capture the church in the
village of Pilipets, Mezhgorye district, Zakarpatye region (Diocese of Khust).
On 28 September 2015, the followers of the “Kiev Patriarchate” with the support of several
dozen extremists from the “Right Sector” organisation attempted a violent seizure of the Church in
honour of St. Ioann the Theologian in the village of Kolosovaya, Kremenets district, Ternopol region.
On 4 October 2015, head of the Duliby village administration L.Mironchuk together with
representatives of the “Kiev Patriarchate with the support of the radicals from the “Right Sector”
organisation sealed off the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin. The UOC believers were
prevented from worshiping. According to the press service of the Diocese of Rovno of the UOC,
L.Mironchuk illegally took possession of the documents of title to the said church in July 2015. On 6
October 2015, unknown men threatening to use violence demanded the churchwarden to give them
the keys to the church.
On 5 October 2015, the UOC parishioners in the village of Chudnitsa, Goshchansky district
of Rovno region, had to resist the attempts of the supporters of the “Kiev Patriarchate” to forcibly
establish the control over the parish house of the religious community of the UOC. The UOC believers
conducted services there after the Church of the Holy Martyr Paraskeva belonging to the community
was seized by the adherents of the “Kiev Patriarchate” on 1 March 2015.
On 14 October 2015, representatives of the “Kiev Patriarchate” with the support of the
militants of the nationalist battalion “Donbass” occupied a newly built Sretensky Church in the city
of Konstantinovka, Donetsk region.
On 22 October 2015, an attempt was made to occupy the Nikolsky Church in the village of
Raygorodka, Lugansk region, with the support of paramilitary groups.
On the night of 22 October 2015, head of the security service of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky
Cathedral A.Borisenko was severely beaten in the city of Sumy. According to the press service of the
Diocese of Sumy of the UOC, A.Borisenko was attacked by a serviceman of military unit A3057 of
the UAF who demanded to open the Cathedral at night, took a fire extinguisher and beat A.Borisenko,
who managed to call the police.
On 22 October 2015, a cache of Molotov cocktails was discovered in the city of Kharkov near
the Pokrovsky Monastery. According to the Diocese of Kharkov of the UOC, the find could had been
intended for setting the monastery on fire.
On the night of 23 October 2015, citizen S.Skorobogatskiy who actively supported the UOC
was beaten in the city of Sumy. He was taken to the intensive care unit with serious injuries.
Annex 515
On 26 October 2015, Archpriest Father Dmitry Plotnikov was stabbed in the Nikolsky Church
in the Darnytsa district of the city of Kiev.
On 1 November 2015, the Sunday school and the chapel of the Church of St. Sergiy of
Radonezh burnt down in the city of Sumy. The cause of fire has not been established.
On 2 and 7 November 2015, another attempts were made to capture the Uspensky Church in
the village of Ptichya, Dubenki district, Rovno region. The followers of the “Kiev Patriarchate” tore
off the door seals and locks of the church; old women, the parishioners of the church, were beaten.
On 14 November 2015, representatives of the “Kiev Patriarchate” supported by militants of
the “Right Sector” organisation tried to capture the Church of St. Mikhail the Archangel in the village
of Zalukhov, Ratnov district of Volyn region.
On 15 November 2015, the followers of the “Kiev Patriarchate” once again broke into the
Uspensky Church in the village of Ptichya, Dubenki district, Rovno region, and refused to voluntarily
leave the premises.
On 17 November 2015, the extraordinary session of the Ptichya Village Council made a
decision to introduce the so-called “rotating worship” in the Uspensky Church belonging to the UOC
community and “the joint use” of the church by the UOC believers and the followers of the “Kiev
Patriarchate”. The argument of the UOC believers on the inadmissibility of intervention of the village
council in the life of the religious community was ignored by local authorities.
On 19 November 2015, unidentified persons desecrated the Trinity Church in the city of
Rokitnoe, Rovno region. According to the press service of the Diocese of Sarny of the UOC, vandals
broke into the altar, burned the altar gospel, tore and burned katapetasma, the floor and priestly
vestments and stole the donations kept in the church.
On 30 November 2015, unidentified persons attacked the Church of the Iverskaya Icon of the
Holy Mother of God in the city of Rokitnoe, Rovno region. According to the press service of the
Diocese of Sarny, vandals desecrated the altar, set the chancel table on fire, burnt down the
sacraments, the antimension with the relics and the altar gospel and stole all the donations.
On 6 December 2015, the followers of the “Kiev Patriarchate” once again entered the
Pokrovsky Church in the village of Gribovitsa, Ivanichi district of the Diocese of Volyn, tore off its
seals and locks and seized the building.
On 18 December 2015, the situation around the Uspensky Church in the village of Ptichya,
Dubenki district, Rovno region, aggravated. The followers of the “Kiev Patriarchate” supported by
radicals from the “Right Sector” organisation attacked the believers of UOC while the latter tried to
enter the territory of their church. Pepper sprays, batons, sticks and fire extinguishers were used
against parishioners. According to media reports, law enforcement officers, who arrived at the scene,
did not intervene in the incident. Later, representatives of the UOC community managed to get into
the church where they held morning and evening worship. After the service. some of the parishioners
stayed in the church as a sign of protest against the aggressive actions of representatives of the “Kiev
Patriarchate” and radical nationalists who ignored the decision of the Kiev Court of Appeal of 2
December 2015 which confirmed the title of ownership of the believers of the UOC to the church and
their right to hold worship there.
On 18 December 2015, representatives of the “Kiev Patriarchate” tried to capture the Nikolsky
Church in the village of Kolodyanka, Novograd-Volyn district of Zhitomir region.
On 21 December 2015, unidentified persons who introduced themselves as “activists” from
the “Right Sector” organisation attacked the homes of believers of the UOC in the village of Ptichya,
Dubenki district, Rovno region. Windows were broken in those houses, Molotov cocktails were
thrown into some of the houses. According to media reports, the attackers fired air guns and punctured
the tyres of the cars of the parishioners of the UOC.
On 27 December 2015, militants from the “Right Sector” organisation captured the Nikolsky
Church in the village of Kolodyanka, Novograd-Volyn district of Zhitomir region.
On 3 January 2016, representatives of the “Kiev Patriarchate” blocked the entrance to the
territory of the Church of the Holy Righteous Anna in the Kuty village, Ternopol region, preventing
the UOC community from holding a service in the church.
Annex 515
On 5 January 2016, unidentified persons committed an arson of the wooden Church in honour
of St. Peter and the Tomb of the Mother of God “Softener of evil hearts” in the Shevchenko district
of Kiev.
On 9 January 2016, the followers of the “Kiev Patriarchate” attacked and beat the UOC
pilgrims in the village of Ptichya, Dubenki district, Rovno region.
On 10 January 2016, unidentified persons threw stones at the house of archpriest Ioann
Savchuk, Father of the Pokrovsky Church, in the village of Podluzye, Dubenki district, Rovno region.
On 10 January 2016, supporters of the “Kiev Patriarchate” demanded to be paid 2.5 million
grivnas as a “compensation” for the “construction” of the Church of the Holy Righteous Anna in the
Kuty village, Ternopol region, and blocked the entrance to its territory four times.
On 17 January 2016, the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of
Krasnoselye, Goshchansky district of Rovno region, was captured. Supporters of the “Kiev
Patriarchate" disrupted the service, kicked the Father and believers out of the church and broke a
reporter’s camera.
On 19 January 2016, the Rovno City Court delivered a decision to arrest the building of the
Uspensky Church in the village of Ptichya, Dubenki district, Rovno region, by imposing a ban on the
UOC religious community to use and dispose of its property. On 26 January 2015 the Superior
Commercial Court of Ukraine annulled this decision. On 20 February 2016, the Rovno City Court
issued another decision on seizure. According to human rights activists, these court decisions may be
accounted for a specially designed legal scheme aimed at blocking the building and the creation of
conditions for its subsequent take-away from the UOC community.
On 31 January 2016, the Father of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral, archpriest Georgy
Shcherbatyuk was attacked in the city of Chernigov. One of the attackers was Deputy of the
Desnyansky District Council of the city of Chernigov Yu.Askerov. The attackers hit the priest on his
head and began to break into his car parked near the church. In the hospital the priest had his wounds
sutured and was diagnosed with a concussion.
On 31 January 2016, unknown persons robbed the Church in honour of St. Ksenia of
Petersburg in the Darnitsky district of Kiev,. The perpetrators broke into the church through a
window, scattered altar supplies that were on the chance table and the altar, scattered the sacraments
on the floor and stole church donations and other things.
On the night of 21-22 February 2016, the Church in honour of the Mother of God's Icon
“Soothe My Sorrows” in Nikolaev, Lvov region, was set on fire.
On 24 February 2016, in the city of Odessa, unidentified persons set on fire the car used by
head of the social division of the Diocese of Odessa archpriest Pavel Poleshchuk who was leading
the Coordination Centre for the provision of humanitarian assistance to internally displaced people
from the eastern regions of Ukraine and destitute citizens of Odessa. The car was doused with gasoline
in several places and set on fire.
On 22 March 2016, after the hearing of the Ternopol Region Court of Appeal in the case of
seizure of the Church in honour of St. Mikhail the Archangel by the followers of the “Kiev
Patriarchate” in the city of Ternopol, lawyer of the Diocese of Ternopol of the UOC A.Zakharchuk
was attacked in the village of Butin of Zbarazh district, Ternopol region. An unknown person wearing
a balaclava approached A.Zakharchuk from behind and poured the brilliant green liquid (“zelenka”)
on his head. Due to direct contact with eyes, the man received retina burns as evidenced by the health
In March 2016, supporters of the “Kiev Patriarchate” impeded the construction of a new
church of the UOC community in the village of Kibaki, Vizhnitsa district, Chernovtsy region. In
particular, with the support of the minister of the “Kiev Patriarchate” A.Fushtey they filled in the
trenches prepared for the construction of the church.
In April 2016, the Diocese of Sarny of the UOC made a statement that more than 20 incidents
of vandalism and burglary in respect of the objects of the UOC had taken place over the past year
only in the territory of the Diocese.
Annex 515
On 24 April 2016, an attempt was made to set the Church of St. Agapit Pechersky in the
Pushkin Park in Kiev on fire.
On the night of 26 April 2016, cleric of the Diocese of Dnepropetrovsk and Pavlograd, Father
of the Andreyevsky Church in the city of Dnepropetrovsk archpriest A.Lysenko was attacked in the
Kirovskoe settlement of the Dnepropetrovsk district, Dnepropetrovsk region. Criminals broke into
the house of the priest, beat him and his father, severely tortured his wife Irina causing her death.
On 4 May 2016, supporters of the “Kiev Patriarchate” prevented Father of the Pokrovsky
Church in the Podluzhye village archpriest Ioann Savchuk from holding a funeral service at the local
cemetery in the village of Kamenitsa, Dubenki district, Rovno Region and also tried to dump the car
he came in, at the invitation of the locals, into the river with a tow truck. As a result of the actions of
the followers of the “Kiev Patriarchate”, the funeral service was held on the road, two kilometres
from the cemetery.
On the night of 4 May 2016, three RGD-5 grenades were thrown at the Church of All Saints
in the village of Georgievka, Marinka district, Donetsk region, the territory controlled by the UAF.
The explosions damaged the roof of the church and the building adjacent to the church, inside which
was a novice at that time.
On 23 May 2016, the followers of the “Kiev Patriarchate” supported by radicals from the
“Cossack Strazha” and the head of the Village Council A.Krivichun, threatening and provoking the
conflict, demanded that the priest and the believers of the UOC should stop the construction of a
church and cease any service in the Chapel in honour of the Great Martyr Varvara in the village of
Rachin, Dubenki district, Rovno Region.
On 24 May 2016, unknown persons set on fire the Church of Transfiguration in the Obolonsky
district of Kiev. Perpetrators broke down the doors and set a fire inside the church.
The Russian Party urges the Ukrainian Party to provide information on the measures taken in
connection with the above facts and to report about bringing the perpetrators to responsibility.
The Ministry avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of Ukraine in Moscow
the assurances of its consideration.
Moscow, 28 November 2016
Annex 515
Annex 516
Intentionally omitted

Annex 517
Note Verbale No. 14453-n/dgpch of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
the Russian Federation to the Embassy of Ukraine in Moscow,
29 December 2016

No. 14453-n/dgpch
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation presents its compliments to the
Embassy of Ukraine in Moscow and with reference to the previous Notes No. 14279/2dsng of 16
October 2014, No. 15642/2dsng of 27 November 2014, No. 17004/2dsng of 8 December 2014,
No. 2697-n/dgpch of 11 March 2015, No. 3962-n/dgpch of 1 April 2015, No. 4192-n/dgpch of 6
April 2015, No. 8761-n/dgpch of 9 July 2015, No. 11812-n/dgpch of 28 September 2015,
No. 4413-n/dgpch of 25 April 2016, No. 5774-n/dgpch of 27 May 2016, No. 5787-n/dgpch of
27 May 2016, No. 11042-n/dgpch of 10 October 2016, No. 12772-n/dgpch of 22 November 2016
and No. 13091-n/dgpch of 28 November 2016 as well as to the consultations that took place on
1 December 2016, in Minsk, Republic of Belarus, has the honour to draw attention to a number of
facts which are allegedly related to the fulfillment by Ukraine of its obligation under the 1965
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (hereinafter
referred to as “the Convention”).
According to Article 1 of the Convention, as well as in compliance with the fundamental
obligations laid down in Articles 2, 4 and 5 of the Convention, States Parties undertake to prohibit
and to eliminate racial discrimination in all its forms and to guarantee the equality of right for
everyone, without distinction as to race, colour, or national or ethnic origin. This is notably relevant
to the enjoyment of the following rights and guaranties:
- The States Parties to the Convention shall declare an offence punishable by law all
dissemination of ideas based on racial superiority or hatred, incitement to racial discrimination, as
well as all acts of violence or incitement to such acts against any race or group of persons of another
colour or ethnic origin, and also the provision of any assistance to racist activities, including the
financing thereof (Article 4a);
- The States Parties to the Convention shall not permit public authorities or public
institutions, national or local, to promote or incite racial discrimination (Article 4c).
Annex 517
In compliance with the fundamental obligations under the Convention, States Parties
undertake to guarantee the right of everyone, without distinction of any kind, to equality before the
law, in the enjoyment of the following rights:
- The right to security of person and protection by the State against violence or bodily harm,
whether inflicted by government officials or by any individual group or institution (Article 5b);
- The right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, the right to freedom of opinion
and expression, the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association as well as the right to
own property alone as well as in association with others (Article 5d).
In this regard, the Russian Party would like to draw attention to the following facts and
information related to the situation around believers and priests of the canonical Ukrainian
Orthodox Church (hereinafter – the UOC), as well as to the property owned by the Church.
From 2014 to November 2016, about 40 churches owned by the UOC were seized. These
seizures took place in the Volyn, Rovno, Ternopol, Ivano-Frankovsk, Lvov, Chernovtsy,
Khmelnitskiy, Zhitomir, Cherkassy, Kherson and Lugansk regions. For such seizures, the so-called
raiding scheme is still used that involves a so-called veche of the residents of a settlement, which is
said to have taken place, and the following “reregistration” of the community’s documents.
The conflict over the Uspensky Cathedral located in the village of Ptichya, Rovno region, has
been in place since 2015. Over this period, the representatives of the religious organisation
“Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev Patriarchate” (hereinafter – the “Kiev Patriarchate") has
repeatedly attempted to seize the church despite the court rulings of four instances; there were cases
of physical abuse of the UOC priesthood and followers using “non-lethal” weapons, blocking the
UOC followers in their church with no access to food, water and medicines. In April 2016, the
“Kiev Patriarchate” and representatives of law enforcement bodies blocked the believers in the
church again, depriving them of food and water for several days. As of today, the authorities have
sealed off the church according to the local court ruling; no church service is being carried out.
What stands out is the efforts of the Ternopol Regional Council to achieve the transfer of all
buildings owned by the Holy Uspensko-Pochaevskaya Lavra (located in the town of Pochaev,
Ternopol region) to the State Reserve and to eliminate the religious life in the abode. On 12 May
2016, the Council appealed to the President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
demanding to alienate the complex of the Lavra buildings from the UOC and to cancel all laws and
regulations granting the UOC the right to use the religious objects located on the premises of the
Since 2014, the Department of Religions and Nationalities of the Ministry of Culture of
Ukraine has avoided to register dioceses, monasteries and parishes of the canonical UOC under
various pretexts. In this regard, the Holy Synod of the UOC addressed Prime Minister of Ukraine
Vladimir Groysman regarding “a biased and prejudiced attitude of the Ministry of Culture of
Ukraine towards the Ukrainian Orthodox Church”. The Ministry of Culture of Ukraine continues to
put pressure on all registered organisations, unofficially demanding to make amendments to their
charters which could simplify the so-called raiding captures in the future.
Annex 517
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine with the participation of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine
is working on passing a number of corresponding draft laws, namely:
- draft law No. 4128, of 23 February 2016, “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine ‘On
Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organisations’ (regarding the change of subordination by
religious organisations)” introduces the term “membership of a person in a religious community”
into the Ukrainian religious law, however, it contains no specific definition of this term. The draft
law proposes to grant persons “belonging to a religious community” the right to amend the charter
of the community by a simple majority vote. Therefore, the draft law intends to legalise the holding
of the so-called “veches” and people’s assemblies with participation of “all” settlement residents as
well as non-residents claiming to “belong to a religious community”. In practice, any stranger not
residing at the settlement may identify herself or himself as a parishioner of some religious
community and participate in the “voting process”" regarding its change of subordination. On
1 November 2016, the draft law was put on the agenda to be considered at the fifth session of the
Verkhovna Rada of 8th convocation.
Before the draft law was introduced, some churches of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church had
been seized using such a scheme. On 29 January 2016, Metropolitan Onufriy noted in his speech at
the UOC Bishops’ Council that such “voting processes” of common assemblies to change the
subordination of parishes result in “substitution of concepts, where a territorial community is
identified with a religious community”.
- draft law No. 4511 of 22 April 2016, “On the Special Status of Religious Organisations
with Headquarters in a State Recognized by the Verkhovna Rada as an Aggressor State” envisages
procedure of a special “registration” of such religious organisations through “conclusion of an
agreement (contract) with the state”, obliging them “to respect sovereignty, territorial integrity and
laws of Ukraine”. However, it is intended to “register” or “reregister” religious organisations, which
concluded the abovementioned agreement, “after relevant expert assessment of registration
documents”. In fact, this draft law is aimed at legitimizing the State bodies’ interference in the
appointment of church hierarchs by way of “coordinating the nomination of candidates for posts of
central and regional leadership of religious organisations with the central executive authority of
Ukraine that pursues the state policy in the field of religion”. According to the draft law, the
Ministry of Culture of Ukraine acts as such an authority. The draft law also empowers this
executive authority to liquidate special status communities once their cooperation with an aggressor
country, members of military or terrorist groups is revealed. On 1 November 2016, draft law
No 4511 was included in the agenda for it to be considered at the fifth session of the Verkhovna
Rada of 8th convocation. The draft law has been passed in its first reading.
On 14 November 2016, the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church requested
President of Ukraine Petr Poroshenko to make all necessary efforts to prevent the public authorities
from attempting to use religious issues and Ukrainian citizens’ religious choice for political
manipulations and score-settling between political opponents. The request states: “Most regrettably,
insults, threats and incitement to discrimination against millions of followers of our Church have
now become common in Ukraine. Public authorities have never made any legal evaluation of such
Annex 517
facts viewed as shameful in a democratic society. So far, current politicians have never been held
accountable for multiple cases of inciting to religious strife. The actual state of affairs brings about
a discussion on the alarming trends that have emerged in the relations between the Church and the
State”. The document also highlights that some Ukrainian actors, including the highest-ranking
public officials, seek to use the UOC as a tool in their political struggle.
The Russian Party would also like to draw attention to the following situations and incidents
relating to the UOC followers and priests and to the UOC-owned property.
In May 2016, in the village of Kamenitsa, Dubno district of Rovno region, where the UOC
church had been seized, the “Kiev Patriarchate” community did not let the archpriest of the UOC
Holy Intercession Church in the village of Podluzhye enter the cemetery, although he had been
invited by the local population to perform a funeral service. The people tried to shove the
archpriest’s car into the river using a drive truck.
In May 2016, in the village of Rachin, Dubno district of Rovno region, the “Kiev
Patriarchate” followers, who had illegally seized the UOC Church of Our Lady of Kazan in 2014,
impeded the construction of a new UOC community church and demanded that the community
vacate the UOC Chapel of the Great Martyress Varvara at the local rural cemetery.
Backed by the Right Sector activists and not paying any attention to the UOC followers'
protests, the “Kiev Patriarchate” community once again seized the church of St. John the Apostle in
the village of Kolosovaya, Kremenets district of Ternopol region on 10 June 2016. In the evening
the same day the “Kiev Patriarchate” community members brutally beat Y.Ramskoy, a parishioner
belonging to the local UOC community. The victim was taken to the intensive treatment unit (he
had many injuries and was diagnosed with fractured ribs and a hypertensive crisis).
Backed by activists of radical nationalist organisations, the “Kiev Patriarchate” followers
attempted to seize the UOC community–owned Church of the Navity of the Most Holy Mother of
God during a church service in the village of Duliby, Goshcha district of Rovno region, on 26 June
2016. The parishioners present in the church were injured.
A three-meter cross at the entrance to the city of Vinnitsa installed there by the UOC
followers was dismantled in July 2016.
Shouting “Death to enemies!”, members of the Right Sector, the Organisation of Ukrainian
Nationalists (OUN) and the Azov Civil Corps radical nationalist organisations blocked the way for
the participants in the All-Ukrainian Religious Procession for Peace held by the UOC followers in
the vicinity of the village of Chutovo near the administrative border between the Kharkov and
Poltava regions on 12 July 2016.
On 13 July 2016, the Borispol City Council of the Kiev region issued an appeal to the
participants of the All-Ukrainian Religious Procession for Peace held by the UOC followers
demanding that they stay away from the city of Borispol.
Leaving the Mgar Monastery of the Transfiguration of the Saviour, the participants of the All-
Ukrainian Religious Procession for Peace held by the UOC followers were blocked by a group of
people in camouflage uniform in the village of Mgar, Lubny district of Poltava region, on 18 July
Annex 517
On 18 July 2016, in the city of Zhitomir, a group of activists from the Right Sector, the
Automaidan-Zhitomir and the OUN associations and other radical nationalist organisations blocked
the movement of the All-Ukrainian Religious Procession for Peace held by the UOC followers to
the Zhitomir Church of the Transfiguration of the Saviour. The OUC followers had intended to
march in the procession along Chudnovskogo Street across the centre of the city. Shouting slogans
“Death to enemies!”, the radical activists made the people change their route and walk to the church
through the city cemetery.
On 22 July 2016, there was an attempt to seize Sts. Vladimir and Olga’s Chapel on the
premises of a Railway Hospital in the city of Uzhhorod. As a result, the chapel was damaged and its
door locks broken.
The church of the Nativity of the Mother of God was desecrated in the village of Nova
Moshchanitsa, Zdolbunov district of Rovno region, on 19 August 2016, the holiday of the
Transfiguration of the Saviour. The parishioners’ donations were stolen.
The church of the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross was robbed in the village of
Kopytkovo, Zdolbunov district of Rovno region, on the night of 22-23 August 2016. The donations
for children suffering from cancer were stolen from the church.
St. Michael’s Church was robbed and desecrated in the village of Zdovbitsa, in Zdolbunov
district of Rovno region, on 24 August 2016. The church utensils were scattered all over the place
and the parishioners' donations for the church were stolen.
The Church of the Presentation in the Temple of the Most Holy Mother of God, belonging to
the OUC Diocese of Alexandriya and situated in 13 Egorova Street was desecrated in the city of
Svetlovodsk, Kirovograd region, on 31 August 2016. The church walls were covered with painted
On 9 September 2016, in the village of Borovaya, Fastov district of Kiev region, radicals
destroyed the Church of the Dormition of the Mother of God being constructed by the OUC
On 14 September 2016, after a long period of confrontation, the “Kiev Patriarchate” members
finally seized the Church of the Righteous Anna in the village of Kuty, Shumsk district of Ternopol
Sts. Konstantin and Elena Church owned by the UOC community was attacked in the town of
Reni, Odessa region, on the night of 23-24 September 2016. Unknown people desecrated the church
and scattered the church utensils all over the place. The attackers took the most valuable objects and
the donations stored in the church.
In the village of Kamenka, Berezno district of Rovno region, St. Michael’s Church belonging
to the UOC Diocese of Sarny was robbed for the second time in a year on the night of 10-
11 October 2016. Unknown people broke down the side doors, desecrated the church and stole the
donations. The same night another church was robbed. It was Archangel Michael’s Church in the
village of Schekichin, Korets district of Rovno region, also belonging to the UOC Diocese of Sarny.
Due to the incidents, Metropolitan of Sarny and Polesye Anatoly, running the Diocese of Sarny,
Annex 517
requested President of Ukraine Petr Poroshenko to protect the believers’ religious feelings and the
UOC churches against attacks.
Two churches belonging to the Ostrog deanery of the OUC Diocese of Rovno were attacked
in the Rovno region on the night of 21-22 October 2016. Unidentified people broke down the doors
of St. Nicholas’ Church in the village of Tesov, Ostrog district, and stole the parishioners’
donations, including the money collected for children suffering from cancer. The doors of St.
George’s Church in the village of Seyantsy, Ostrog district, were also forced open and the donations
were stolen.
In the Rovno region, two churches belonging to the OUC Diocese of Rovno were attacked on
the night of 28-29 October 2016. In particular, unknown people broke down the doors of
St. Nicholas’ Church in the village of Gilcha Pervaya, Zdolbunov district. In the village of
Velbivno, Ostog district, attackers broke down the doors of the Holy Intercession Church,
desecrated it, disordered and scattered church utensils.
The UOC Church of Sts. Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius was attacked in the city
of Pavlograd on 7 November 2016. Unknown people pelted the church building with Molotov
firebombs setting it on fire: the choir gallery with liturgical books was burnt, icons, windows,
church utensils, the heating system and mural decorations were damaged.
On 10 November 2016, at 9 Bazhana Prospekt in Kiev, unidentified people entered the
building of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord by breaking down its entrance doors, tore
the lattice off the church stand and stole the church utensils, jewellery and parishioners' donations
totalling about 100,000 grivnas.
The Russian Party insists that the Ukrainian Party provide information on the measures taken
in connection with the above facts.
The Ministry avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of Ukraine in Moscow
the assurances of its consideration.
Moscow, 29 December 2016
Annex 517
Annex 518
Note Verbale No. 14500-n/dgpch of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
the Russian Federation to the Embassy of Ukraine in Moscow,
30 December 2016

No. 14500-n/dgpch
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation presents its compliments to the
Embassy of Ukraine in Moscow and recalling previous notes No. 14279/2dsng of 16 October 2014;
No. 15642/2dsng of 27 November 2014; No. 17004/2dsng of 8 December 2014; No. 2697-n/dgpch
of [11] March 2015; No. 3962-n/dgpch of 1 April 2015; No. 4192-n/dgpch of 6 April 2015;
No. 8761-n/dgpch of 9 July 2015; No. 11812-n/dgpch of 28 September 2015; No. 4413-n/dgpch of
25 April 2016; No. 5774 n/dgpch of 27 May 2016; No. 11042-n/dgpch of 10 October 2016; and
No. 12772-n/dgpch of 22 November 2016; No. 13091-n/dgpch of 28 November 2016;
No. 14453-n/dgpch of 29 December 2016 as well as the consultations held on 1 December 2016 in
Minsk, Republic of Belarus, has the honour to draw attention to a number of facts that are
supposedly related to Ukraine’s fulfillment of its obligations under the 1965 International
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (hereinafter referred to as
“the Convention”).
In accordance with Article 1 of the Convention and in compliance with the fundamental
obligations laid down in its Articles 2, 4 and 5, States Parties undertake to prohibit and to eliminate
racial discrimination in all its forms and to guarantee the right of everyone, without distinction as to
race, colour, or national or ethnic origin, to equality before the law, notably in the enjoyment of the
following rights and guarantees:
- States Parties shall declare an offence punishable by law all dissemination of ideas based
on racial superiority or hatred, incitement to racial discrimination as well as all acts of violence or
incitement to such acts against any race or group of persons of another colour or ethnic origin, and
also the provision of any assistance to racist activities, including the financing thereof (Article 4 a);
- Under the Convention, States Parties shall declare illegal and prohibit organisations, and
also organised and all other propaganda activities, which promote and incite racial discrimination,
and shall recognise participation in such organisations or activities as an offence punishable by law
(Article 4 b);
- Shall not permit public authorities or public institutions, national or local, to promote or
incite racial discrimination (Article 4 c).
Annex 518
In compliance with the fundamental obligations laid down in the Convention, States Parties
undertake to guarantee the right of everyone, without any distinction, to equality before the law,
notably in the enjoyment of the following rights:
- The right to security of person and protection by the State against violence or bodily
harm, whether inflicted by government officials or by any individual group or institution
(Article 5 b);
- Political rights, in particular the right to participate in elections on the basis of universal
and equal suffrage, to take part in the Government (Article 5 c);
- The right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, the right to freedom of opinion
and expression and the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association (Article 5 d);
In this regard, the Russian Party would like to draw attention to the following situations and
information about the acts or actions against some political parties of Ukraine having widespread
electoral support of ethnic groups of non-Ukrainian origin residing in Ukraine, first of all, of the
Russian-speaking population; parties proclaiming that their goal is to build good neighbourly
relations with Russia; parties upholding internationalism ideas, social movements and their
representatives, namely:
- On 30 April 2014, the Kiev City District Administrative Court prohibited the all-
Ukrainian Russian Unity party from operating on the Ukrainian territory;
- On 13 May 2014, the Kiev City District Administrative Court prohibited the operation in
Ukraine of the Russian Bloc party, that, in accordance with its policy documents, advocated for
“civil peace, mutual understanding and rejection of nationalist ideology in State-building”;
- On 20 June 2014, the Zaporozhye District Court granted the application of the
Prosecutor’s Office of the Zaporozhye region and prohibited activities of the non-governmental
youth organisation Slavyanskaya Gvardiya because its activities allegedly “threatened security and
territorial integrity of Ukraine”;
- On 9 April 2015, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a package of laws No. 317-
VIII “On Condemnation of Communist and National Socialist (Nazi) Totalitarian Regimes in
Ukraine and Prohibition of Propaganda of their Symbols”, No. 314-VIII “On the Legal Status and
Commemoration of Fighters for Ukraine’s Independence in the 20th Century”; No. 315-VIII “On
Perpetuating the Victory over Nazism in the World War II of 1939-1945”. These laws are in fact
aimed at creating conditions that limit the freedom of conscience, opinion, thought and expression
of a certain part of the Ukrainian society. The practice reflects the initial one-sidedness of the
above-mentioned legislative acts which in fact prove to be ineffective for actual condemnation and
prohibition of propaganda of Nazism and neo-Nazism and are used to suppress the activities of
political and public associations undesirable to Ukraine's current administration that express the
interests of the Russian-language population of Ukraine and uphold the ideas of internationalism as
well as to prosecute their representatives.
- Competent authorities of Ukraine apply the legal regime prohibiting the use of symbols
very selectively. Public use of Soviet symbols deemed equivalent to the Nazi ones is punished and
the remaining elements of Soviet symbols in architecture are subject to elimination. However,
Annex 518
similar prohibition does not hinder free and unimpeded use of signs related to Nazi symbols or
copied from them, as well as Nazi symbols proper, by some members of the so-called volunteer
battalions, Nazi associations and radical football fans and their public demonstration or duplication
usually remains uncondemned and unpunished. Ukraine’s competent authorities do not properly
analyse and assess the above-mentioned Nazi symbols to see if they may be used in order to incite
interethnic hostility.
Meanwhile, on 12 April 2016, Ukraine’s Minister of Justice Pavel Petrenko signed order
No. 1097/5 affirming the legal conclusion of the group of ten experts on the results of the analysis of
symbols, activities and the name of the Socialist Party of Ukraine. According to the expert assessment, the
symbols of the Socialist Party containing an image of a hammer together with a composition of elements
similar to a sickle are recognized as failing to comply with the law “On Condemnation of Communist
and National Socialist (Nazi) Totalitarian Regimes in Ukraine and Prohibition of Propaganda of
their Symbols”.
On 17 April 2015, the Ivano-Frankovsky Regional Council prohibited the Party of Regions, the
Communist Party of Ukraine, the Opposition Bloc and the Party of Development of Ukraine from
operating on the territory of the Region because “their activities contradict national interests and
violate the rights and freedoms of the citizens of Ukraine”. The Regional Council also decided to
submit to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine a proposal to de-register local organisations of these
- On 13 June 2015, in Odessa, activists of the Right Sector, Automaidan, Public Security
Council and other movements attempted an illegal takeover of the building where the office of the
local branch of the Communist Party of Ukraine is situated. Referring to the agreement allegedly
reached with the first secretary of the regional party committee E. Tsarkov regarding the building’s
security, representatives of radical movements searched the premises and burnt the available
documents and symbols. The law enforcement authorities of Ukraine took no measures in response
to those actions.
- On 23 July 2015, Minister of Justice of Ukraine Pavel Petrenko signed orders Nos.
1312/5, 1313/5 and 1314/5 banning the Communist Party of Ukraine, the Communist Party of
Ukraine (renewed) and the Communist Party of Workers and Peasants from taking part in the
election processes in Ukraine on all levels. On 29 July 2015, a letter demanding non-admission of
the communist parties to the elections was sent to the Central Election Commission of Ukraine. Due
to those actions, the abovementioned parties were suspended from participating in the local
elections in October 2015;
- On September 30, 2015, the ruling of Kiev City District Administrative Court banned the
activities of the Communist Party of Ukraine (renewed) and the Communist Party of Workers and
- On 16 December 2015, the ruling of the Kiev City District Administrative Court banned
the activity of the Communist Party of Ukraine (CPU), which, according to its charter, is “against
any form of nationalist extremism and chauvinism”. Earlier, on 24 July 2014, the CPU
parliamentary faction of the Verkhovna Rada was dissolved pursuant to the modified and legislated
Annex 518
rules of procedure of the Verkhovna Rada, adopted by the latter on 22 July 2014 and signed by
President of Ukraine Petr Poroshenko that same day. On 24 July 2014, the Chairman of the
Verkhovna Rada Alexander Turchinov stated that he would request the Minister of Justice of
Ukraine to check the Communist Party of Ukraine’s involvement in “organizing separatism” and, if
required, ban its activity by judicial means. On 1 April 2015, spokesperson for the Security Service
of Ukraine (SBU) Elena Gitlyanskaya voiced at a briefing the intention of the SBU to open criminal
proceedings against leader of the CPU Petr Simonenko. The abovementioned steps followed after,
in early May of 2014, Petr Simonenko publicly opposed the military operation in south-eastern
Apart from the persecution by the Ukrainian authorities of the Communist Party of Ukraine
and its allied movements that advocate internationalism and represent the interests of the Russianspeaking
population the parties’ members, with the indulgence of the authorities and law
enforcement agencies, are being attacked by radical nationalists. Indicative of that are a number of
incidents, inter alia:
- The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine made public the information that in 2014 over 300
criminal proceedings were initiated against the members of the CPU, in particular, on charges of
propaganda of war and corruption.
- According to representatives of the international Komsomol movement MSKO-VLKSM,
around 1500 communists and Komsomol members nationwide left Ukraine in 2014 for fear of
reprisals. According to them, in 2014 alone 48 communists were assassinated, 152 communists and
Komsomol members went missing, around 300 were arrested, around 1000 communists and
Komsomol members were put under investigation on criminal charges in Ukraine.
- On 23 July 2014, the body with signs of torture of Vyacheslav Kovshun, the elected
official of the local council of Kumachovo of Starobeshevo district, was found in the Glinka village.
According to media reports, prior to his death he was subjected to torture at the checkpoint of the
National Guard of Ukraine by the Luzhki village, Starobeshevo district, and earlier he had also
received repeated threats from the Ukrainian nationalists.
- On 17 March 2016, radical nationalists, armed with clubs and pieces of reinforcing bars,
attacked a rally of socialists and communists by the Museum of History in Vladimirskaya Street in
Kiev. Although the rally had been coordinated with the local authorities, there were no law
enforcement agents at the site. Radicals were beating the participants up with clubs, including the
elderly and women; they also poured kefir and white paint over them. As a result of the injuries
received, two men were hospitalised. The attackers claimed to be activists of the so-called Azov
Civil Corps and “other kind of patriots”.
- On 28 June 2016, in Kharkov, at the entrance hall of her apartment block, the leader of
the movement Slobozhanshchyna Alla Aleksandrovskaya was detained by the officials of the SBU.
After a lengthy search, Alla Aleksandrovskaya was sent to the SBU Department for the Kharkov
region. She was accused of attempted bribery of the heads and elected members of the local
councils so that during their sessions they would adopt appeals to the Parliament and the President
of Ukraine to make amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine regarding the decentralisation of
Annex 518
power. It was triggered by the fact that the Yuzhny City Council, Kharkov region, adopted an
appeal to the central authorities of Ukraine for granting wider powers to the local authorities.
At the same time, in Ukraine, with no restriction to their activity, parties, units as well as the
so-called voluntary battalions promote the ideas of racial and national exceptionalism, radical
nationalism, xenophobia and interethnic hostility and use the Nazi and neo-Nazi symbols, in
- Since 22 March 2014, the Right Sector radical nationalist movement operates as a
registered political party. During extraordinary elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on 26
October 2014, Dmitry Yarosh, a well-known radical and former leader of the nationalist
paramilitary organisation Trizub of Stepan Bandera, together with his active supporters has openly
advocated the ideology of integrated Ukrainian nationalism and Ukrainian national exceptionalism.
- On 14 October 2016, an ultra-right nationalist party National Corps was created, with its
backbone made up of the supporters of the Azov Civil Corps organisation as well as former
participants of the so-called Azov Voluntary Battalion and members of radical nationalist groups.
For the purpose of self-identification, the party uses symbols related to the Nazi ones and styled
accordingly. The party´s platform stipulates the use of a discriminatory approach regarding the
issues of granting Ukrainian citizenship, the introduction of censorship, immediate restriction of
dissidence. Party’s leader Andrey Biletsky is also a parliamentarian of the Verkhovna Rada of
Ukraine of the 8th convocation.
- Since 14 February 2004 and up to date, the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda party, which
has become the successor of the Social-Nationalist Party of Ukraine, has been operating in Ukraine.
Since 2010, the party has had representation in various local councils of western Ukraine and
between 2012 and 2014 formed a parliamentary faction in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the
7th convocation. Since 2014, members of the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda have been forming the
backbone of the Sich paramilitary organisation that participates in the military operation in southeastern
Ukraine. The Party’s leaders (Oleg Tyagnibok, Irina Farion, Andrey Ilienko, Igor
Miroshnichenko, Yury Mikhalchishin) allow public statements basing on the ideas of racial and
national intolerance, including those of anti-Semitic nature. The party members claim cultural and
mental superiority of ethnic Ukrainians, call for discrimination on the grounds of national origin
and language and actively advocate the glorification of a number of Ukrainians who collaborated
with the Nazis during World War II, including members of the Galichina SS Division and the
Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists-the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (OUN-UPA).
Hardline rhetoric of Parties’ activists as well as of officials and public figures that could be
considered as inciting xenophobia and ethnic enmity receives no competent legal assessment from
Ukrainian law enforcement agencies. The following examples of such rhetoric can be cited:
- On 11 June 2014, in his interview with the TSN news service (the 1+1 TV channel)
Minister of Defence of Ukraine Mikhail Koval said in relation to Donbass residents: “There will be
overall filtration. I mean actual filtration measures. In order to have no one linked to separatism
among our people, including women.”
Annex 518
- On 14 November 2014, in his address at the 2020 Strategy Forum in Odessa, President of
Ukraine Petr Poroshenko said the following regarding the situation in Donbass: “Because we will
have jobs, and they will have none. We will have pensions and they will have none. We will have
child care and elderly care and they will have none. Our children will attend schools and
kindergartens and their children will sit in basements! Because they cannot do anything. And this is
how, this is precisely how we will win this war.”
- On 28 May 2015, in his interview to the LigaBusinessInform media outlet, Minister of
Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov said: “This is my position: the line of contact must be completely
closed. For everything. This is my radical point of view – the junta way, our way. The line must be
closed. You can cross it on feet, or in a civilian passenger vehicle, but no goods can cross it. Let
them receive goods from Russia. I have also proposed to impose a 100% duty on our goods for
occupied territories.”
- On 29 May 2015, Ilya Kiva, Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of
Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Donetsk region, posted the following message on his Facebook
page: “I call for all civil societies and activists of Kiev to block the movement of buses of the
Sheriff-Tour company on routes Kiev-Donetsk and Donetsk-Kiev, which encourage the spread of
terrorist plague and filth in Ukraine. Р.S. If I could, I would shoot those travellers to the “DPR”, the
lovers of referendums and parades of Ukrainian prisoners of war... The only thing that can sober up
Donbass is a tough stance of the society!!!! There are no nuances! There are only US and OUR
ENEMIES!!! This is the only way to stop this plague!!!!!" (with original spelling and punctuation);
- On 1 February 2016, in her interview to the ZIK TV channel, member of the Political
Board of the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda, deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of the 7th convocation
Irina Farion said: “The East of Ukraine is guilty of the lack of adequate politicians in the Ukrainian
society who would explain to the East that it is part of Ukraine and that the Ukrainian language
must be the dominant one in Donetsk and Lugansk. As for those who do not like it – the borders are
open, you can hop into a car and leave.” Earlier, on 3 June 2010, in her interview to the UTZapad
TV channel, Irina Farion said: “14% of Ukrainians indicated Russian as their mother tongue, the
language of the occupants. It reveals a terrible mutation in their minds. These are 5 million of
imbecile Ukrainians.” In February 2010, at an open lesson in the kindergarten No.67 of Lvov,
deputy of the Lvovsky Regional Council Irina Farion told the children: “Never be Alyonka.
Because if you become Alyona, little one, you will have to pack your bags and leave for Muscovia.
<...> While Marichka is ours, Masha is not our name: let her go to where these Mashas live. <...> If
somebody calls a boy Petya instead of Petrik, he is not a Ukrainian, either he should leave or learn
his proper name in the Ukrainian language.”
- On 1 June 2016, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Andrey Parubiy said the following
about renaming Dnepropetrovsk and an initiative by some of the deputies to hold a referendum
among the locals on the renaming: “Occupants from Moscow have killed millions of Ukrainians in
the East of Ukraine. They exterminated our grandfathers by the million in the territories that they
later populated with settlers from across another country. And today you suggest that we appeal to
the opinion of the local population? Today – to appeal to the opinion of people who live there?”
Annex 518
- On 23 November 2016, in the Svoboda Slova programme on the ICTV TV channel,
Minister of Culture of Ukraine Evgeny Nishchuk gave the following reply to a question concerning
Ukrainian culture in the south-east of Ukraine: “The situation in the east and in the south reveals a
mental confusion. What is more, when we talk about genetic heredity in Zaporozhye, in Donbass –
the population of all these towns was brought from outside. There is no genetic heredity there.
Those people were relocated on purpose. Cherkassy is a glorious land of hetmans and Shevchenko.
But half of the population of Cherkasy was brought from outside. Why? Because they were scared
of that Shevchenko's spirit”.
Besides, there have been situations and actions by radical nationalists in Ukraine that may
also be relevant to Ukraine's fulfilment of its obligations under the Convention, in particular:
- On 25 February 2016, a group of radical nationalists from the so-called Azov Civil Corps
attacked a building hosting the Ukrainian Inter TV channel in Kiev. The reason for discontent was
the company’s editorial policy as well as employment of Russian citizens by the channel. About
50 activists of the corps blocked the main entrance to the channel’s office, attempted to storm and
invade it. The Ukrainian law enforcement agencies took no action in this connection. On 4
September 2016, a group of radicals set fire to car tires next to the Inter building and threw smoke
bombs at it. A fire broke out and the journalists had to evacuate urgently. In the aftermath, an
anti-personnel mine was found near the entry to the Inter office.
- On 2 August 2015, several dozens of radicals dressed in camouflage, led by Mark
Gordienko and Evgeny Rezvushkin, attacked participants in a rally to honour victims of the tragedy
of 2 May in Odessa. A group of radicals attacked activists with traditional black balloons that are
sent into the sky every month to honour the victims. The Ukrainian law enforcement officers did
not undertake any visible efforts to stop these actions.
- On 30 September 2015, militants and activists of the Right Sector attempted to curtail the
freedom of a group of Greek citizens by blocking the entrance to the Duke hotel at Chaikovskogo
Street in Odessa. Radicals tried to enter the hotel and prevent the Greek delegation from
participating in the round table “Prospects of European Integration in the Odessa Region. Human
Rights, Freedom of Speech and Core European Values”. Greek deputies and prominent public
figures were to participate in the event. Radicals and nationalists were holding banners that read
“Foreign Russophiles are not welcome in Ukraine”. The law enforcement agencies did not suppress
the action.
- On 10 March 2016, a group of radicals attacked activists of the Odessa Antimaidan
movement who were brought to a hearing of the Malinovsky District Court on charges of
organising riots during the events of 2 May 2014 near the Odessa Trade Unions Building. There
were clashes near the court during the long break in the court hearing. Radicals chased the accused
who had left the court. As a result, several of the accused received injuries: two Antimaidan
activists were sprayed pepper gas into the eyes, one was hit on the head, one more suffered a
concussion and could not continue participating in the hearing. An elderly woman was among the
victims of the beating. The Ukrainian police did not suppress these actions by the radicals.
Annex 518
- On 2 April 2016, during the commemorative events that took place at the Kulikovo Field
in Odessa and were organised by a small number of relatives of the victims of the tragedy that had
happened in the Odessa Trade Unions Building on 2 May 2014, a group of radicals committed an
act of vandalism against candles, vigil lamps and flowers brought to the building by the activists
after their leaving. When the relatives of the victims returned to place the vigil lamps and flowers
back, a small explosion occurred. One man received arm injuries.
- On 9 May 2016, in a number of Ukrainian cities members of radical organisations
attempted to disrupt or sabotage the solemn events commemorating the Victory Day – a holiday of
particular significance for the victory over Nazism that based itself on theories of racial and ethnic
supremacy. But the law enforcement agencies did not suppress these actions. Such cases include:
Unidentified persons tried to take away a copy of the Victory Banner from an elderly man,
which he had spread during the Victory Day celebrations in Zaporozhye on 9 May. Law
enforcement officers intervened in the conflict. Alexander Soloshenko, representative of the press
service of the national police of the Zaporozhye region, commenting that incident at the
112 Ukraine TV channel, said that police representatives had communicated with the holder of the
flag and had persuaded him to fold the flag, upon which the “incident had been closed”.
Nationalists committed attacks on people wearing St. George Ribbons near the Memorial of
Glory in Kharkov.
Ukrainian radicals of the Azov Battalion attacked the veterans of the Great Patriotic War
participating in the parade in Nikolaev.
A group of aggressive nationalists attacked a 10-year-old girl and her mother participating in
the Immortal Regiment march in Kiev. The reason for the attack was the St. George’s Ribbons on
their clothes. The radicals took away the Ribbons and burnt them at once. Moreover, a group of
aggressive young people attempted to organise clashes with participants of the Immortal Regiment
march near the Eternal Glory Monument in the Victory Park in Kiev.
- On 10 May 2016, Kiev radical nationalists demolished the monument to Tatyana Markus,
Kiev underground fighter who had fought against Nazi troops and was shot in 1942.
Moreover, there are “military patriotic” educational camps and “recreation centres” for
children and young people in Ukraine, where ideas that could be classified as xenophobic and
radical extremist are fostered in them. Combatants that had fought in Donbass and supporters of
radical nationalist associations are engaged as teachers and group leaders in these camps. The
training courses on weapons handling and searching for spies as well as on weight training are
organised for children during camp sessions.
A number of such “recreation centres” for children were organised in 2015-2016 in Ukraine:
the Azovets Camp was operating in Pushcha-Vodytsa Park in Kiev; the Slobozhanin Camp – at the
training base of the Azov Battalion in the town of Valky of the Kharkov region; the Northern Corps
Camp – in the village of Klochkov of the Chernigov region; the Zaporozhye Camp – in the village
of Lunacharskoe of the Zaporozhye region; the Kuznya Unezh Camp – in the Dniester Canyon of
the Kirovohrad region; the Gaydamatske Kolo Camp – in the city of Cherkassy, and the Right
Sector Tent Camp – near the town of Trakhtemirov of the Cherkassy region.
Annex 518
The Russian Federation has consistently opposed xenophobia, radical nationalism as well as
any attempts of glorification of Nazism or any form of the Nazi movement, neo-Nazism and former
members of the Waffen SS, including through creating monuments and memorials and conducting
demonstrations in order to glorify the Nazi past, Nazi movement and neo-Nazism as well as through
declaring or trying to declare such members and those who struggled against the anti-Hitler
coalition and cooperated with the Nazi movement as members of national liberation movements.
These provisions are enshrined, in particular, in the text of annual United Nations General
Assembly resolutions entitled “Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices
that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and
related intolerance.” The last time the corresponding resolution No. 71/179 was adopted on 19
December 2016.
In this regard, the Russian side would like to draw attention of the Ukrainian side to the
following situations and events supposedly related to the implementation of Ukraine’s obligations
under the Convention:
- On 14 October 2014, President of Ukraine Petr Poroshenko cancelled the celebration of
the Defender of the Fatherland Day on 23 February by his Decree No. 806/2014 and by Law
No. 238-VIII “On Amendments to Article 73 of the Labour Code of Ukraine” adopted by the
Verkhovna Rada on 5 March, 2015, a new holiday was created – the Defender of Ukraine Day that
is to be celebrated on 14 October “to facilitate further reinforcement of patriotic spirits in society.”
For the record, 14 October is the date when the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, which cooperated with
the Nazis during Second World War, was created.
- On 12 October 2007, Roman Shukhevich, one of the leaders of the nationalist movement,
was posthumously awarded Hero of Ukraine title by Decree of President of Ukraine Viktor
Yushchenko. Roman Shukhevich was awarded the honourary citizen title in the western Ukrainian
cities of Khust, Ternopol, Ivano-Frankovsk and Lvov in 2010.
- On 22 January 2010, Stepan Bandera, leader of the Organisation of Ukrainian
Nationalists, was awarded the Hero of Ukraine title by Decree of President of Ukraine Viktor
Yushchenko. Stepan Bandera was also awarded the Honorary Citizen title in the western Ukrainian
cities of Lvov, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankovsk and Khust in 2010.
- On 17 April 2015, representatives of the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda Party and
Euromaidan movement (about 300 persons) marched in the centre of Odessa. The declared aim of
the march was to honour the memory of Maxim Chaika, football fan and one of the activists of the
nationalist movement. The participants of this procession marched through the city centre crying
out the following Nazi-like slogans: “Moscovites to be knifed”, “White Man – Great Ukraine” and
“Glory to Ukraine –to Heroes Glory”. The marchers were aggressive and used pyrotechnical
devices, but the law enforcement agencies did not intervene.
- On 1 January 2016, torchlight processions commemorating the 107th anniversary of the
birth of Stepan Bandera took place in Kiev, Lvov, Sumy, Kherson, Dnepropetrovsk and Odessa.
- On 7 July 2016, the Kiev City Council made a decision to rename the Moskovsky
Prospekt to the Prespekt of Stepan Bandera. Moreover, the streets of many towns of western
Annex 518
Ukraine are named after Stepan Bandera and Roman Shukhevich and their birthdays are widely
celebrated with the organisational support of local executive authorities.
- On 8 September 2016, the Rovensky Regional Council requested Petr Poroshenko to
award Stepan Bandera Hero of Ukraine title once again.
- On 14 October 2016, a torchlight procession commemorating the establishment of the
Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) as well as the Defender Day took place in Kiev. About
5000 representatives of the Azov Civil Corps, Right Sector as well as the Sich nationalist
association (the so-called March of the Nations) crying out xenophobic slogans took part in the
procession. The Svoboda Party organised a similar march earlier the same day.
The Russian side urgently demands that the Ukrainian side provide information on measures
taken by the Ukrainian authorities with regard to the abovementioned events and also provide
information on holding those guilty of the above-mentioned actions and acts accountable.
The Ministry avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of Ukraine in Moscow
the assurances of its consideration.
Moscow, 30 December 2016
Annex 518
Annex 519
Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the
Russian Federation for the Republic of Crimea, Request for legal
assistance No. 201-04-2017/23765 addressed to the competent
authorities of Ukraine, 15 December 2017

To the competent authorities
of Ukraine
/15 December 2017 201-07-2017/23765
for legal assistance
The First Investigative Division of the Department for Investigation of High-Priority Cases of
the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the
Republic of Crimea investigates a criminal case No. 2014417004, initiated on 4 April 2014 for an
offence under paragraph 1 of Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
On 15 March 2014, the corpse of Reshat Midatovich Ametov, date of birth: 24.01. 1975, with
signs of violent death, was found in the village of Zemlyanichnoe of the Belogorye district of the
Republic of Crimea.
The preliminary investigation established that on 3 March 2014, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m, R.M.
Ametov was in Lenina Square in Simferopol near the building of the Council of Ministers of the
Autonomous Republic of Crimea, where at around 11 a.m. that same day he was approached by A.S.
Rudenko, A.N. Baglyuk and E.V. Skripnik who suggested that he should leave the square. After R.M.
Ametov refused to do so, A.S. Rudenko and A.N. Baglyuk led him away from the square and made
him get in a car, Chevrolet Lacetti. After that, A.N. Baglyuk stayed in the square, while A.S. Rudenko,
E.V. Skripnik and other unidentified persons took R.M. Ametov to the premises at the address: 11
Karla Liebknechta- Dolgorukovskaya Street, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea.
The investigation failed to establish the circumstances and whereabouts of R.M. Ametov in
the period from 3 March 2014 to 15 March 2014. No perpetrator of the crime was identified.
According to Russian law, the statutory limitation for criminal prosecution for the crime has
not expired.
The investigation established that R.M. Ametov had a mobile phone with a subscriber number
+38-050-259-61-03. In view of this, to identify the persons with whom R.M. Ametov talked on the
phone between 1 January 2014 and 15 March 2014 and to establish his whereabouts during such
connections between 3 March 2014 and 15 March 2014, it is necessary to obtain information
concerning his subscriber connections and to identify subscribers who were in the vicinity of the
village of Zemlyanichnoe of the Belogorye district of the Republic of Crimea between 14 March 2014
and 15 March 2014, where the corpse of R.M. Ametov was found.
It is necessary to carry out a number of procedural actions in Ukraine to ensure impartiality,
comprehensiveness and completeness of the criminal investigation.
In view of the aforesaid, based on the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal
Matters of 20 April 1959, the Convention on Legal Assistance and Legal Relations in Civil, Family
and Criminal Matters of 22 January 1993 and Articles 453 and 454 of the Criminal Procedural Code
of the Russian Federation,
1. To obtain from VF Ukraine, PrJSC information concerning the subscriber connections
and location during such connections of the subscriber number +38-050-259-61-03 used by the
subscriber Reshat Midatovich Ametov between 1 January 2014 and 15 March 2014.
2. To obtain from the following Ukrainian cellular operators providing cellular services
in the territory of the village of Zemlyanichnoe of the Belogorye district of the Republic of Crimea,
Annex 519
- Kievstar, JSC (53 Degtyarevskaya Street, Kiev, 03113, Ukraine);
- Lifecell, LLC (11 “a” Solomenskaya Street, Kiev, 03110, Ukraine);
- VF Ukraine, PrJSC (15 Leyptsigskaya Street, Kiev, 01601, Ukraine),
information concerning the subscriber connections in the vicinity of the village of
Zemlyanichnoe of the Republic of Crimea from 12 a.m. on 14 March 2014 to 6 p.m. on 15 March
2014 (the court’s decisions are attached).
Information contained herein is confidential and for official use only since it constitutes
investigatory privilege. For our part, we guarantee that data obtained as part of the request execution
will not be transferred to third parties, will be used only for the purposes of the criminal investigation
and will not prejudice the sovereignty, security, and public order of Ukraine.
Should you have any questions concerning this request, please contact Savr Fedorovich
Mandzhiev, Senior Investigator of the First Investigative Division of the Department for Investigation
of High-Priority Cases of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the
Russian Federation for the Republic of Crimea by telephone number +7-918-094-75-28.
You are kindly asked to send materials obtained as part of the request to the Directorate of
International Cooperation of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation at the address: 2
Tekhnicheskiy Pereulok, Moscow, 105005, Russian Federation.
Attachment: Extract from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on one page, a copy
of the court judgement on one page.
Senior Investigator of the First Investigative
Division of the Department for Investigation of
High-Priority Cases of the Main Investigative
Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the
Russian Federation for the Republic of Crimea
Senior Lieutenant of Justice
/Signature/ S.F. Mandzhiev
Savr Fedorovich Mandzhiev
Tel. +7-918-094-75-28
Annex 519
Annex 520
Letter No. 14/1/1-24294-18 of the Department of International Legal
Cooperation of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine to the
Directorate for International Cooperation of the Investigative
Committee of the Russian Federation, 3 March 2018

/To D.M. Soldatov
Signature, 22 March 2018/
/408-17 Soldatov/
Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine
13/15 Reznitskaya Street, Kiev, 01011 Fax: 280-26-03
3 March 2018 No. 14/1/1-24294-18
To your Ref. No. 220/1-408-17 of
1 February 2018
To the Investigative Committee of the
Russian Federation
Directorate for International Cooperation
2 Tekhnicheskiy Pereulok,
Moscow, Russia, 105005
The Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine, in response to the request of the Investigative
Committee of the Russian Federation for legal assistance in criminal case No. 2014487098,
reports the following.
The requested assistance cannot be provided on the grounds envisaged in Article 19 of
the Convention on Legal Assistance and Legal Relations in Civil, Family and Criminal Matters
of 1993 and Article 2 of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters
of 1959.
Head of the Department of International
Legal Cooperation /Signature/ E. Pikalov
[Seal: Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine]
+38 044 596 73 92
Annex 520

Annex 521
Letter No. 14/1/1-24474-18 of the Department of International Legal
Cooperation of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine to the Main
Directorate of International Legal Cooperation of the Prosecutor
General’s Office of the Russian Federation, 23 April 2018

Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine
13/15 Reznitskaya Street, Kiev, 01011 Fax: 280-26-03
23 April 2018 No. 14/1/1-24474-18
To your Ref. No. 82/2-1235-2018 of
27 March 2018
To the Prosecutor General’s Office
of the Russian Federation
Main Directorate of International Legal
15a B. Dmitrovka Street, Moscow, Russia,
GSP-3, 125993
In reply to the request for legal assistance under criminal case No. 2014417004, the Prosecutor
General’s Office of Ukraine hereby informs you as follows:
The requested assistance cannot be provided on the grounds as set forth by Article 19 of the Convention
on Legal Assistance and Legal Relations in Civil, Family and Criminal Matters of 1993 and Article 2 of the
European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters of 1959.
Head of the Department of International
Legal Cooperation
/Signature/ E. Pikalov
[Seal: Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine]
Department of International Legal Cooperation of the
Main Directorate of International Legal Cooperation
24 May 2018
Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation
+38 044 596 73 92
Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation
Date: 23 May 2018 Time: 11:47 a.m.
No. VORG-34635-18
Annex 521

Annex 522
Acting Prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea, Warning issued to
Mr Refat Chubarov, Chairman of the Mejlis, on the impermissibility
of violating the law, 23 April 2014

on the impermissibility of violating the law
Simferopol 23 April 2014
Having examined information published online on the official website of the news agency UNIAN, it
was established that actions of R.A. Chubarov, Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, could
violate Federal Law of 25 July 2002 No. 114-FZ “On countering extremist activities” (hereinafter - Federal
Law of 25 July 2002 No. 114-FZ).
Thus, according to Article 1 of Federal Law of 25 July 2002 No. 114-FZ, extremist activities mean
instigating social, racial, ethnic strife, propaganda of exceptionality, superiority or inferiority of human based
on his or her social status, race, ethnicity, or language.
As reported by the news agency UNIAN and widely covered in the mass media, on 19 April 2014, a
state flag of Ukraine was raised on the building of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People situated at the
address: Simferopol, 2/27 Shmidta/Naberezhnaya Street for the purposes of propaganda and public
demonstration, which resulted in incitement of social and ethnic strife and propaganda of exceptionality.
The above actions provoked a conflict among residents of the Republic, as a result of which
unidentified men in camouflage gear took down the state flag of Ukraine on 21 April 2014. Harm could have
been inflicted to the health of the employees of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People. Later on (on 22 April
2014), the state flag of Ukraine was raised again on the above building at the address: Simferopol, 2/27
Shmidta/Naberezhnaya Street.
Article 280.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for liability for public calls for
any actions aimed at violating the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation.
Given the public and political situation in Crimea, such actions may provoke an inter-ethnic conflict
and violations of Federal Law of 25 July 2002 No. 114-FZ “On countering extremist activities” and concern
the interests of a large number of residents of the republic.
In light of the above, relying on para. 2 of Article 22, Article 25.1 of the Federal Law “On the
Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation”,
Head of Department 27
A.V. Alekseev
Refat Abdurakhmanovich Chubarov, Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, against any
violation of Federal Law of 25 July 2002 No. 114-FZ “On countering extremist activities” and clarify (warn)
that any violation of that federal law entails liability established by law.
Acting Prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea
Senior Counsellor of Justice
/Signature/ N.V. Poklonskaya
I have been announced the warning and understand it. I am aware of my right to appeal against it to a
higher prosecutor or in court.
(signature of the warned person)
Head of Department 27
A.V. Alekseev
Annex 522

Annex 523
Prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea, Warning issued to Mr Refat
Chubarov, Chairman of the Mejlis, on the impermissibility of carrying
out extremist activities, 3 May 2014

on the impermissibility of carrying out extremist activities
Simferopol 3 May 2014
On 3 May 2014, R.A. Chubarov, Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, in
breach of Articles 4–5 of Federal Law of 19 June 2014 No. 54-FZ “On assemblies, rallies,
demonstrations, marches and picketing”, planned, prepared, and organised a public event in the
territory of Armyansk of the Republic of Crimea and led some 1,500 people representing the interests
of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People whom he invited to attend the above event.
Thus, at around 10 a.m. on 3 May 2014, a column of 100 cars, two buses, and two minibuses
carrying some 1,500 people of Crimean Tatar ethnicity entered the territory of Armyansk.
As instructed by R.A. Chubarov, these people blocked the “Kherson-Kerch” highway in the
vicinity of the road sign “115th km” and then took part in a meeting organised by R.A. Chubarov,
with the latter voicing his support for M. Dzhemilev, an unofficial leader of the Crimean Tatar people
and people’s deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
The authorised bodies banned M. Dzhemilev from entering the territory of Russia.
R.A. Chubarov formed a column out of the protesters, and they started moving toward the
Turetsky Val border checkpoint waving Crimean Tatar national flags, where, in breach of federal
legislation on crossing the state border of the Russian Federation, R.A. Chubarov and some protesters
(500 people) crossed the Russian-Ukrainian state border in the area of the above border checkpoint
and went on foot to a Ukrainian border post to meet M. Dzhemilev.
Besides, R.A. Chubarov and the above people led by him – acting in an organised manner and
using physical force despite verbal protests of authorised officials on duty at the “Turetsky Val”
border checkpoint – drove out police officers and border guards of the Russian Federation from the
border post, basically captured the Turetsky Val border checkpoint and held it for some five hours
(between 12 p.m. and 5 p.m. on 3 May 2014) until law enforcement officers arrived.
After negotiating with the law enforcement officers, R.A. Chubarov, M. Dzhemilev, and the
protesters refused to vacate the Turetsky Val border checkpoint and to stop their unlawful activities,
thereby impeding the government bodies’ lawful activities.
In light of this, the actions of R.A. Chubarov, M. Dzhemilev, and the unidentified people
representing the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar are regarded as violating Federal Law of 19 June 2004
No. 54-FZ “On assemblies, rallies, demonstrations, marches and picketing”, Federal Law of 25 July
2002 No. 114-FZ “On countering extremist activities”.
The above actions of R.A. Chubarov, M. Dzhemilev, and the unidentified people involved in
that public event practically led to mass civil disorders in the territory of Armyansk, impeded the
government bodies’ lawful activities, and are fraught with violence and threatened violence.
Further, R.A. Chubarov organised and prepared the above unlawful actions on behalf of the
Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People and publicly called the people who had arrived in Armyansk to
take such actions.
Annex 523
Moreover, in breach of Articles 4–5 of Federal Law of 19 June 2014 No. 54-FZ “On
assemblies, rallies, demonstrations, marches and picketing”, R.A. Chubarov organised other unlawful
public events associated with protests in support of M. Dzhemilev: people of Crimean Tatar ethnicity
representing the interests of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People blocked motor roads in residential
settlements in the vicinity of Belogorsk, 95th km of the Simferopol–Kerch highway, Bakhchisaray,
village of Amurskoe of the Krasnogvardeysk District, Sudak, village of Strogonovka on the Alushta-
Yalta highway, and in the Lenin, Soviet, and other districts of the Republic of Crimea.
Unlawful public events organised on behalf of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar are still taking
place in the territory of the Republic of Crimea.
In view of the above, relying on Article 7 of Federal Law of 25 July 2002 No. 114-FZ “On
countering extremist activities”,
Refat Abdurakhmanovich Chubarov, Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People,
against any extremist activities.
I demand that the extremist activities be immediately stopped.
I clarify that if the breaches of federal law set forth in the warning are not remedied, the Mejlis
of the Crimean Tatar People will be liquidated and its activities will be prohibited in the territory of
the Russian Federation as provided for by Federal Law of 25 July 2002 No. 114-FZ “On countering
extremist activities”.
The warning may be challenged in court.
Prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea
Senior Counsellor of Justice
/Signature/ N.V. Poklonskaya
I have been announced the warning, its contents and my right to appeal against it are clear to
(signature of the warned person)
Annex 523
Annex 524
Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea, Warning No. 27-271-14
to Mr Lenur Islyamov, 16 May 2014

Sevastopolskaya st., 21,
16 May 2014 No. 27-271-14
To the founder
of the “Television Company “Atlant-SV”
LLC (ATR TV channel, ATR T TV channel)
Lenur Edemovich Islyamov
on the impermissibility of violation of the legislation
on countering extremist activities
and mass media legislation
On 3 May 2014, an unauthorised rally was held at the checkpoint across the State Border of
the Russian Federation “Armyansk” (Turetsky Val) and the adjacent territory so that some 1,500
Crimean Tatars could meet the People’s Deputy of Ukraine M.A. Dzhemilev; the rally was fraught
with violence against government officials, the state border of the Russian Federation was crossed,
and other illegal actions were taken.
At the same time, representatives of the “Television Company “Atlant-SV” LLC (ATR TV
channel, ATR T TV channel) performed video recording at the place where these illegal actions
(which could incite mass disturbances) were carried out. As a result, the TV channel aired a video of
the unauthorised rally, during which some of its participants made statements calling for the
commission of illegal acts, including those extremist in nature. Such actions of a media outlet that
publicly airs statements inciting ethnic and other hatred to a wide audience, in accordance with Art.
1 of the Federal Law “On countering extremist activities”, may be extremist in nature. The specified
Federal Law prohibits the dissemination of extremist materials through media outlets and the
implementation of extremist activities by them.
/Seal: ATLANT-SV (illegible)/
/Stamp: Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea, (illegible)/
No. AB 003347
Moreover, according to Part 1 of Art. 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On mass
media”, it is not allowed to use the mass media for the purpose of committing criminal offenses, as
well as for the dissemination of extremist and other materials.
When preparing and then releasing materials, media outlets do not take into account and do
not consider repeated extremist statements of M.A. Dzhemilev and other persons concerning the need
– having no alternative - to free Crimea from representatives of Russian ethnicity, the Mejlis support
of persons expressing anti-occupation slogans at public events, and aggression against the flag of the
Russian Federation.
In addition, in accordance with Order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea
of 22 April 2014 No. 332-r “On events dedicated to the Day of Remembrance for the victims of the
Annex 524
deportation from Crimea” (with appendices), L.E. Islyamov is not only a member of the Organising
Committee on the preparation and holding of these events and its deputy chairman, but also is the
only person entrusted with monitoring the implementation of the order.
Despite this, entertainment and mourning events are allowed to be held simultaneously in
immediate territorial vicinity that can lead to conflicts among participants as well as other
unauthorised mass actions. Thus, with the support of the ATR channel, a concert of the Russian band
“Kipelov” is scheduled to take place from 18:00 at the Crimean Academic Ukrainian Musical Theatre
(Lenin Square, Simferopol) on 17 May of this year. At the same time, the Organising Committee on
the preparation and holding of the events dedicated to the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of
the Deportation from Crimea, involving L.E. Islyamov, is planning to hold a mourning youth event
“Light a fire in your heart” in Simferopol on Lenin Square on the same date. The mourning event of
the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People is supposed to be held involving at least 5,000-6,000 people
from 17:00 to 22:00 on 17 May 2014.
These actions, namely the organisation of the rock concert, in which a significant number of
differently minded fans (supporters) are going to take part, while at the same time holding mourning
events commemorating the 70th anniversary of the deportation from Crimea, can be provocative in
nature, lead to public disorder and manifestations of extremism, pose a threat to the life and health of
citizens, and lead to other negative consequences.
The possible aggravation of the crime situation, the further destabilisation of the inter-ethnic
situation in the Republic of Crimea, possible provocations on these days are evidenced by events in
the neighbouring regions in the south-eastern part of Ukraine, as well as by numerous statements of
the leaders of the Mejlis.
/Seal: ATLANT-SV (illegible)/
/Stamp: (illegible)/
It should be noted that the prosecutor’s office receives applications from citizens fearing the
aggravation of inter-ethnic relations that contain requests to take appropriate response measures.
Based on the above, guided by Art. 22, 25.1 of the Federal Law “On the Prosecutor’s Office
of the Russian Federation”, Art. 6 of the Federal Law “On countering extremist activities”, in order
to prevent offenses,
the founder of the “Television Company “Atlant-SV” LLC (ATR TV channel, ATR T TV
channel) Lenur Edemovich Islyamov on the impermissibility of carrying out extremist activities and
violating the Federal Law “On countering extremist activities” and the Law of the Russian Federation
“On mass media”.
If the demands set out in the warning are not complied with, the guilty person may be held
responsible in accordance with the established procedure.
Prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea
Senior Counsellor of Justice
(signed) N.V. Poklonskaya
The warning has been announced to me: ___________________________
/Seal: ATLANT-SV (illegible)/
/Stamp: TRUE COPY (illegible)/
Annex 524
Annex 525
Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea, Warning No. 27-272-14
to Ms Lilya Budzhurova, 16 May 2014

Sevastopolskaya st., 21,
Republic of Crimea
16 May 2014 No. 27-272-14
To Deputy General Director
of the “Television Company “Atlant-SV” LLC
(ATR TV channel, ATR T TV channel)
Lilya Rustemovna Budzhurova
on the impermissibility of violation of the legislation
on countering extremist activities
and mass media legislation
On 3 May 2014, an unauthorised rally was held at the checkpoint across the State Border of
the Russian Federation “Armyansk” (Turetsky Val) and the adjacent territory so that some 1,500
Crimean Tatars could meet the People’s Deputy of Ukraine M.A. Dzhemilev; the rally was fraught
with violence against government officials, the state border of the Russian Federation was crossed,
and other illegal actions were taken.
At the same time, representatives of the “Television Company “Atlant-SV” LLC (ATR TV
channel, ATR T TV channel) performed video recording at the place where these illegal actions
(which could incite mass disturbances) were carried out. As a result, the TV channel aired a video of
the unauthorised rally, during which some of its participants made statements calling for the
commission of illegal acts, including those extremist in nature. Such actions of a media outlet that
publicly airs statements inciting ethnic and other hatred to a wide audience, in accordance with Art.
1 of the Federal Law “On countering extremist activities”, may be extremist in nature. The specified
Federal Law prohibits the dissemination of extremist materials through media outlets and the
implementation of extremist activities by them.
/Seal: ATLANT-SV (illegible)/
/Stamp: (illegible)/
No. АB 003346
Moreover, according to Part 1 of Art. 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On mass
media”, it is not allowed to use the mass media for the purpose of committing criminal offenses, as
well as for the dissemination of extremist and other materials.
When preparing and then releasing materials, media outlets do not take into account and do
not consider repeated extremist statements of M.A. Dzhemilev and other persons concerning the need
– having no alternative - to free Crimea from representatives of Russian ethnicity, the Mejlis support
of persons expressing anti-occupation slogans at public events, and aggression against the flag of the
Russian Federation.
In addition, entertainment and mourning events are allowed to be held simultaneously in
immediate territorial vicinity that can lead to conflicts among participants as well as other
Annex 525
unauthorised mass actions. Thus, with the support of the ATR channel, a concert of the Russian band
“Kipelov” is scheduled to take place from 18:00 at the Crimean Academic Ukrainian Musical Theatre
(Lenin Square, Simferopol) on 17 May of this year. At the same time, the Organising Committee on
the preparation and holding of the events dedicated to the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of
the Deportation from Crimea, involving L.E. Islyamov, is planning to hold a mourning youth event
“Light a fire in your heart” in Simferopol on the Lenin Square on the same date. The mourning event
of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People is supposed to be held involving at least 5,000-6,000 people
from 17:00 to 22:00 on 17 May 2014.
These actions, namely the organisation of the rock concert, in which a significant number of
differently minded fans (supporters) are going to take part, while at the same time holding mourning
events commemorating the 70th anniversary of the deportation from Crimea, can be provocative in
nature, lead to public disorder and manifestations of extremism, pose a threat to the life and health of
citizens, and lead to other negative consequences.
The possible aggravation of the crime situation, the further destabilisation of the inter-ethnic
situation in the Republic of Crimea, possible provocations on these days are evidenced by events in
the neighbouring regions in the south-eastern part of Ukraine, as well as by numerous statements of
the leaders of the Mejlis.
It should be noted that the prosecutor’s office receives applications from citizens fearing the
aggravation of inter-ethnic relations that contain requests to take appropriate response measures.
Based on the above, guided by Art. 22, 25.1 of the Federal Law “On the Prosecutor’s Office
of the Russian Federation”, Art. 6 of the Federal Law “On countering extremist activities”, in order
to prevent offenses,
Seal: ATLANT-SV (illegible)/
/Stamp: (illegible)/
Lilya Rustemovna Budzhurova, Deputy General Director of the “Television Company
“Atlant-SV” LLC (TV channel ATR, ATR T) on the impermissibility of carrying out extremist
activities and violating the Federal Law “On countering extremist activities” and the Federal Law of
the Russian Federation “On mass media”.
If the demands set out in the warning are not complied with, the guilty person may be held
responsible in accordance with the established procedure.
Prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea
Senior Counsellor of Justice (signed) N.V. Poklonskaya
The warning has been announced to me: ___________________________
/Seal: ATLANT-SV (illegible)/
/Stamp: TRUE COPY (illegible)/
Annex 525
Annex 526
Prosecutor’s Office of Simferopol, Warning No. 01-1366v-2016 to
Ms Lilya Budzhurova, 27 May 2014

11 Sevastopolskaya St., Simferopol
Republic of Crimea
27 May 2016 No. 01-1366v -2016
To Lilya Rustemovna Budzhurova
on the impermissibility of violation of the legislation
on countering extremist activities
and mass media legislation
According to the information available to the Prosecutor’s Office of Simferopol and in the
course of monitoring the name “Lilya Budzhurova” on the Internet, Facebook and the website of
Investigative Journalism of 24 May 2016 at http://investigator.org.ua/blogs/180390/, by the name of
“Lilya Budzhurova, CrimeanTatars.club”, publications which may contain signs of extremist
statements were identified.
It is established that Lilya Rustemovna Budzhurova is the author of these publications; she is
one of the founders and Deputy General Director of Kara Deniz Production LLC which activities
include the airing (broadcasting) and distribution of television programmes and activities related to
the airing (broadcasting) and distribution of audio broadcasting programs.
Propaganda or agitation inciting social, racial, ethnic or religious hatred and strife are not
permitted in accordance with Part 2 of Article 29 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
Thus, in these publications, which are distributed to 1,822 subscribers and accessed by an
unlimited number of persons, L.R. Budzhurova says that Crimean Tatars are going to be caught in
the streets, on public transport, in markets soon, and they will be obliged to wear a yellow bandage
on their sleeves. Futher, L.R. Budzhurova encourages people to protest.
L.R. Budzhurova made similar attempts at propaganda and agitation aimed at inciting ethnic
or religious hatred and strife on the website “Centre of Investigative Journalism” on 24 May 2016.
AB No. 003583
According to Article 13 of Federal Law of 25.07.2002 No. 114-FZ “On countering extremist
activities”, it is prohibited to publish and distribute on the territory of the Russian Federation printed,
audio, audio-visual and other materials containing at least one of the signs provided for by Part 1 of
Article 1 of this Federal Law.
In accordance with Part 1 of Article 1 of Federal Law of 25 July 2002 No. 114-FZ, extremist
activities are defined as activities of organisations relating to planning, organising, preparing and
Annex 526
performing actions aimed at inciting racial, ethnic or religious hatred, as well as social hatred
associated with violence or calls for violence, humiliation of ethnic dignity, propaganda of
exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of citizens based on their attitude to religion, social, racial,
ethnic, religious or linguistic affiliation.
According to Article 11 of this Federal Law, the mass media are prohibited from disseminating
extremist materials and conducting extremist activities.
According to Article 4 of Federal Law of 27 December 1991 No. 2124-1 “On mass media”, it
is not allowed to use the mass media for disseminating extremist materials.
It should be noted that in 2014, the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea issued a
warning to L.R. Budzhurova (who at that time was Deputy General Director of the ATR Television
Company) on the impermissibility of any extremist activities and violation of the Federal Law “On
countering extremist activities” and the Law of the Russian Federation “On mass media”.
However, despite the foregoing, L.R. Budzhurova now continues to disseminate publications
to an unlimited number of persons that may provoke the incitement of ethnic or religious hatred and
strife on the territory of the Republic of Crimea.
The actions aimed at the incitement of hatred or strife, as well as at humiliating the dignity of
a person or a group of persons on the basis of their gender, race, ethnicity, language, origin, attitude
to religion, and affiliation to any particular social group, when committed in public or using the mass
media or information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, shall entail criminal
liability under Part 1 of Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
Based on the foregoing and guided by Articles 22, 25.1 of the Federal Law “On the
Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation”, Article 6 of the Federal Law “On countering extremist
activities”, in order to prevent offences
Lilya Rustemovna Budzhurova on the impermissibility of violating Articles 1, 11, 13 and 15
of Federal Law of 25 July 2002 No. 114-FZ “On countering extremist activities” and Article 4 of
Federal Law of 27 December 1991 No. 2124-1 “On mass media”.
If you do not comply with the requirements of federal laws, you may be held responsible in
accordance with the established procedure.
Deputy Prosecutor of the City
Counsellor of Justice (signed) A.F. Shkitov
Annex 526
Annex 527
Prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea, Warning (repeated) issued to
Mr Refat Chubarov, Chairman of the Mejlis, on the impermissibility
of carrying out extremist activities, 5 July 2014

on the impermissibility of carrying out extremist activities
Dzhankoy District 5 July 2014
An external (outside Crimea) meeting of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People was held for the first
time on 4 July 2014. It was dedicated to such matters as the implementation progress of the Resolution of the
Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar People of the 4th Convocation of 29 March 2014 “On the exercise of the
Crimean Tatar people’s right to self-identification in their ancestral territory – in Crimea”, the date and items
on the agenda of the regular session of the Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar People, and others.
The Resolution of the Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar People of the 4th Convocation of 29 March 2014
declared the start of political and legal procedures aimed at creating (restoring) the national and territorial
autonomy of the Crimean Tatar people in their ancestral homeland – in Crimea.
As it follows from para. 2 of the Statute of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People adopted at the 3rd
Session of the Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar People of the 4th Convocation of 12 September 2004, one of the
main objectives of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People is the exercise of the Crimean Tatar people’s right
to free national and state self-identification in their national territory. To achieve this, the Mejlis of the Crimean
Tatar People particularly seeks the determination of the status of Crimea within Ukraine on a national and
territorial basis.
According to Part 2 of Article 19, Part 2 of Article 29 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation,
the State shall guarantee the equality of civil and human rights and freedoms regardless of sex, race, ethnicity,
language, origin, property and official status, place of residence, religion, convictions, membership in public
associations, and other circumstances. All forms of limitations of human rights on social, racial, ethnic,
linguistic or religious grounds shall be prohibited. No propaganda or agitation instigating social, racial, ethnic
or religious hatred and strife shall be allowed. Propaganda of social, racial, ethnic, religious or linguistic
superiority shall be prohibited.
To protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, the fundamentals of the constitutional system,
to ensure the integrity and security of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law “On countering extremist
activities” created a legal and organisational framework for countering extremist activities and established
responsibility for engaging in such activities. For instance, according to Article 1 of the Federal Law “On
countering extremist activities”, extremist activities (extremism) mean a violent change of the fundamentals
of the constitutional system and violation of the integrity of the Russian Federation, instigation of social, racial,
ethnic, or religious strife, and public calls for the above actions.
However, as it is evident from the Resolution of the Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar People of the 4th
Convocation of 29 March 2014 “On the exercise of the Crimean Tatar people’s right to self-identification in
their ancestral territory – in Crimea” and the Declaration of National Sovereignty of the Crimean Tatar People
adopted on 26–30 June 1991 at the 1st Session of the Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar People of the 2nd
Convocation, other materials and actions, attempts are still made to create a sovereign national entity, which
contradicts both the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law “On the national and cultural
The pursuance of this objective not only entails grave problems in the territory of the Republic of
Crimea but also runs counter to the interests of people of other ethnicities and may have an adverse impact in
the Russian Federation by triggering ethic nationalism and extremism across the entire federal state.
Annex 527
Besides, it should be noted that a meeting of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People held in the Kherson
Region of Ukraine was attended not only by R.A. Chubarov, Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar
People, and other heads of regional Mejlises, but also by M.A. Dzhemilev, People’s Deputy of Ukraine, who
is denied entry into the territory of the Russian Federation in view of his unlawful actions.
Additionally, on 17 June 2014, M.A. Dzhemilev, the leader of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People,
and I.V. Kolomoysky, Chairman of the Dnepropetrovsk Regional State Administration (Ukraine), signed a
memorandum wherein, among other, the Crimean Tatar people is promised to receive support for their struggle
for the return of Crimea into a sovereign and independent state of Ukraine.
The above circumstances indicate that the pre-conditions are being created not only for the repetition
of unlawful actions by the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People that took place on 3 May 2014 in the vicinity
of the Armyansk (Turetsky Val) border checkpoint at the Russian border and other places in the republic, but
also for other extremist actions.
The tendency toward the provocation of conflicts and the desire to exacerbate the situation in the
republic are also evidenced by the fact that, following the meeting of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People
headed by R.A. Chubarov that took place on 12 June 2014, Decision No. 16 “On the Upcoming Election of
Deputies to the State Council and Representative Bodies of Municipalities in the Republic of Crimea” was
made not to nominate any candidates whom the Crimean Tatar local self-governance bodies recommended to
be elected as deputies to the State Council of Crimea and to call all Crimean residents not to participate in the
election of deputies scheduled for 14 September 2014.
In pursuance of his intention, on 26 June 2014, in the course of celebrations of the Day of the Crimean
Tatar Flag in the “Fontany” micro-district of Simferopol, R.A. Chubarov, Chairman of the Mejlis of the
Crimean Tatar People, publicly called to boycott the election to the State Council of the Republic of Crimea.
Thus, despite the fact that R.A. Chubarov, Chairman (representative) of the Mejlis of the Crimean
Tatar People, was warned against the impermissibility of extremist activities on 4 May 2014, such activities
were not stopped, and unlawful public events organised on behalf of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar are still
taking place in the territory of the Republic of Crimea.
In view of the above, relying on Article 7 of Federal Law of 25 July 2002 No. 114-FZ “On countering
extremist activities”,
once again Refat Abdurakhmanovich Chubarov, Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People,
on the impermissibility of any extremist activities.
I demand that the extremist activities be immediately stopped.
I clarify that if the breaches of federal law set forth in the warning are not remedied, the Mejlis of the
Crimean Tatar People will be liquidated and its activities will be prohibited in the territory of the Russian
Federation as provided for by the Federal Law “On countering extremist activities”.
The warning may be challenged in court.
Prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea
Senior Counsellor of Justice
/Signature/ N.V. Poklonskaya
I have been announced the warning and understand it. I am aware of my right to appeal against it in
court. ______________________________
(signature of the warned person)
Annex 527
Annex 528
Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation, Letter to the
Investigative Directorate of the Federal Security Service of the Russian
Federation No. Ms-2/6-6602gr, 18 July 2014

(FMS of Russia)
To Head of the Investigative Directorate
of the Federal Security Service of Russia
V.M. Terekhov
Directorate of Citizenship
4 Boyarsky Lane, 107078 Moscow
tel. 636-98-32; tel./fax 636-95-25
email: [email protected]
18 July 2014 No. Ms-2/6-6602 gr
your ref. No. 6-3-7974 of 9 July 2014
Regarding O.G. Sentsov
To Mr M.A. Savitsky
<Signed> 18 July 2014
To A.A. Burdin
To be included in the case file
Dear Vyacheslav Mikhailovich,
We have reviewed your request for the verification of facts with a view of confirming or
denying Russian citizenship of Oleg Gennadyevich Sentsov, born on 13 July 1976, in the Republic
of Crimea.
According to Article 4 of Federal Constitutional Law of 21 March 2014 No. 6-FKZ “On the
admission of the Republic of Crimea into the Russian Federation and the formation of new constituent
entities within the Russian Federation - the Republic of Crimea and the Federal City of Sevastopol”,
Ukrainian nationals and stateless persons permanently residing on the territory of the Republic of
Crimea or the federal city of Sevastopol as at that date, shall be recognised as citizens of the Russian
Federation, save for those individuals who within one month from the said date express their desire
to preserve their current citizenship and (or) that of their minor children or to remain stateless.
Since as of the date of signing of the Agreement “On the admission of the Republic of Crimea
into the Russian Federation and the formation of new constituent entities within the Russian
Federation”, O.G. Sentsov was registered in the Republic of Crimea as at 18 March 2014 and did not
submit an application for retaining his Ukrainian citizenship, he is a citizen of the Russian Federation.
O.G. Sentsov has not been issued a Russian passport.
According to Article 19 of Federal Law of 31 May 2002 No. 65-FZ “On citizenship of the
Russian Federation”, O.G. Sentsov has the right to submit an application for the renouncement of
Russian citizenship.
Yours sincerely, <Signed> [Enclosure to your ref. No. 6053
of 21.07.2014]
Colonel of Internal Service <Signed> V.L. Kazakova
/Seal: Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Investigative Department, (illegible)/
Annex 528

Annex 529
Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Crimea, Letter to
General Director of the ATR television channel, Ms Islyamova,
No. 33/2012, 24 September 2014

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
(Ministry of Internal Affairs for the
Republic of Crimea)
Centre for Countering Extremist Activities
19 B. Dekabristov Street, Simferopol, 295034,
Tel/Fax (0652) 50-70-30
E-mail: [email protected]
24 September 2014 No. 33/2012
To your Ref. No. _________of __________
To General Director of the ATR
television channel
E.R. Islyamova
Simferopol, 14 Mamedi Emir-Useina
[On the provision of information]
The Centre for Countering Extremist Activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the
Republic of Crimea received a letter from the Directorate of Roskomnadzor for the Republic of
Crimea and Sevastopol to the effect that the ATR television channel has changed the information
content of the mass media outlet and is persistently advancing an idea of potential repressions based
on ethnicity and religion, promoting anti-Russian public opinion, deliberately instigating mistrust in
the government and its actions among Crimean Tatars, which indirectly poses risks of extremist
In view of the above, based on para. 16 of Part 1 of Article 12, para. 2, para. 4 of Article 10,
Article 13 of the Federal Law “On the police”, the Federal Law “On countering extremist activities”,
I kindly request you to provide us with copies of certified registration and authorisation documents
(including licence ones) that allow the ATR television channel to operate.
Besides, I kindly request you to provide lease agreements for occupied premises, the television
channel’s staffing list and officially employed staff, job descriptions of the editor-in-chief and people
responsible for publishing materials in the mass media.
Head of the Centre /Signature/ O.B. Utkin
Annex 529

Annex 530
Application to Roskomnadzor for registration of Avdet as a mass media
outlet, 26 November 2014

for registration as a mass media outlet (re-registration of a mass media outlet, amendments to
the mass media outlet registration certificate)
Registration number __________________
“____” ___________________ 20___
(to be filled in by the registering authority)
1. Founder (co-founders) of the mass media outlet
for legal entities, indicate the organisational and legal form, full name, location address with postal code, Primary State
Registration Number, Taxpayer Identification Number, telephone, fax;
for individuals, indicate full name, passport data, residence address with postal code, telephone
Shevket Enverovich Kaibullaev, passport […], issued by […], date of issue […], code […],
[…], tel. […]
2. Name (title) of the mass media outlet “Avdet”
If the mass media outlet’s name is registered in foreign languages or languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation,
the translation of the name into the state language of the Russian Federation is indicated separately; if an online outlet is
registered, the address of the website, on which the mass media outlet is located, is indicated separately.
Translated from Crimean Tatar as “Return”
3. Form of periodic distribution
(news agency; TV channel; radio channel; TV programme, radio programme, audio programme, newsreel programme,
video programme; periodical printed outlet indicating the type: almanac; bulletin, newspaper, magazine, compilation;
online outlet)
Periodical printed outlet: weekly newspaper
4. Editorial office address, telephone
(actual location address of the editorial office indicating the postal code)
Simferopol district, village of Rodnikovoe, Sumskaya Street, 38, Republic of Crimea, 97540
5. Language(s) Russian, Crimean Tatar
6. Approximate topics and (or) specialisation
Political, social, sociocultural.
7. Estimated periodicity, maximum volume
maximum volume of periodicals includes: number of pages, format and circulation;
maximum volume of a TV programme, radio programme, audio programme, newsreel programme, video programme,
TV channel, radio channel is indicated in time units;
maximum volume of online outlets is indicated in appropriate information units (for example, in bytes).
Number of pages: 12; format: A3 – newspaper; circulation: more than 2,000 copies.
8. Intended area of distribution: Republic of Crimea
9. Sources of funding subscription fee
Annex 530
10. Information about other mass media outlets where the applicant is the founder, owner, editor-inchief
(editorial office), publisher or distributor
11. Only for re-registration purposes:
(indicate which body registered the mass media outlet, the number and date of issue of the mass media outlet registration
certificate, the reason for re-registration)
Only for making changes to the mass media outlet registration certificate
(indicate which body registered the mass media outlet, the number and date of issue of the mass media outlet registration
certificate, the reason for making changes)
Contact information (to notify about the readiness of the mass media outlet registration certificate
and mailing)
Address […]
Telephone […]
I agree that the mass media outlet registration certificate will be sent by mail*
(signature, printed name)
I intend to receive the registration certificate in person Shevket Enverovich Kaibullaev [signature]
(signature, printed name)
* If there is no information about the applicant’s intention to receive the media outlet registration
certificate in person or by mail, the mass media outlet registration certificate is sent to the founder
by mail to his address.
The submitted application is accompanied by the documents specified in the administrative
regulations for the provision of the state service for the registration of mass media outlets by the
Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media.
I am familiarised with the requirements of the Law of the Russian Federation “On mass media”
Founder (co-founders) of the mass media outlet Corporate seal Signature
Shevket Enverovich Kaibullaev [signature]
For a legal entity – full name and the position of the head of the organisation
For an individual – full name
26 November 2014
Annex 530
Annex 531
Committee for the Protection of the Rights of the Crimean Tatar
People, Notification No. 001/11 on holding events on 10 December
2014, 28 November 2014

Committee for the Protection of the Rights of the
Crimean Tatar People
+7 978 055 99 69 +7 978 055 99 79 +7 978 055 99 89
Ref. No. 001/11 of 28 November 2014
To the Mayor of Simferopol
V.N. Ageev
Dear Viktor Nikolaevich,
Please be notified that the Committee for the Protection of the Rights of the Crimean Tatar
People is planning to hold events dedicated to the International Human Rights Day on 10 December
2014. As intended by the Committee, the events are going to include an asphalt drawing
competition themed on: “Crimea is my Motherland”, from 12 am to 2 pm; a photo exhibition
themed on: “Human Rights Activities of the Crimean Tatar National Movement”, from 12 am to 3
pm on Sergeeva-Tsenskogo street opposite the Trade Union’s building; a conference themed on:
“Human Rights in Crimea, Problem and Perspective”, from 3 pm to 6 pm in the assembly hall of
the Trade Union.
According to Federal Law of 19 June 2004 No. 54-FZ “On assemblies, rallies,
demonstrations, marches and picketing”, we request you to ensure the exercise of the right to
peaceful assembly, without weapons, to hold assemblies, rallies, demonstrations, marches and
picketing to which citizens are entitled under the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
Coordinator (Signed) E. Bariev
Coordinator (Signed) S. Kadyrov
Coordinator (Signed) A. Suleymanov
28 November 2014
9818 / 24 / 01-66
(illegible) A.V.N.
Annex 531

Annex 532
Administration of the City of Simferopol, Response No. 24/01-66/12 to
the notification of the Committee on the Protection of Rights of the
Crimean Tatar People of 5 December 2014, 8 December 2014

15 Gorkogo Str., Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, 295000, tel.: (0652) 27-32-36, fax: (0652) 25-80-32
of 8 December 2014 No. 24/01-66/12
to No. _________________________
Committee for the Protection of
the Rights of the Crimean Tatar
Head of the Directorate of the
Ministry of Internal Affairs of
Russia for Simferopol
S.V. Nikolaev
Having considered your notification of 5 December 2014 No. 001/12 concerning a
picket on the Central Lenina Square on 10 December 2014 from 12 pm to 1 pm, involving
150 individuals, aimed at protesting against the violation of human rights in Crimea, the
Administration of the City of Simferopol does not approve the picket on the Lenin Square at
the specified time since, according to Order of 25 November 2014 No. 217-r of the Head of
the Administration of the City of Simferopol “On the celebration of the New Year 2015 and
Christmas”, festivities and related organisational activities are scheduled to take place in the
specified territory from 1 December 2014 to 7 January 2015.
At the same time, we would like to draw your attention to the fact you misconstrued
the substance of the issue in response to notification of 28 November 2014 No. 001/11 that
was sent to you since it is not your event that poses a “real threat”, but the venue in terms of
“obstruction to the passage of transport and access of citizens to urban infrastructure”.
Given the above, we suggest that you hold the planned picket in the Gagarin Park
(near the sculpture “Three Graces”), and to this effect, it is necessary to submit an appropriate
At the same time, we inform you that no later than three days before the date of
the public event, the organiser of the public event is obliged to inform the local selfgovernment
body in writing about whether the latter’s proposal to change the venue of
the public event as had been specified in the notification of the public event has been
accepted or denied (Article 5, Part 4, Para. 2 of Federal Law of 19 June 2004 No. 54-FZ
of the Russian Federation).
Chief of Staff (Signed)
9 December 2014 Received (Signed) (S.Kadyrov)
G.V. Aleksandrova
Annex 532

Annex 533
Roskomnadzor, Response No. 936-05/91 to application for registration
of Avdet as a mass media outlet of 26 November 2014,
25 December 2014

(Roskomnadzor Directorate for the Republic of
Crimea and Sevastopol)
Simferopol, Vilar st., 4, Republic of Crimea,
295000 E-mail: [email protected]
To the founder of the periodical printed mass
media outlet the newspaper “Avdet”
Sh. E. Kaibullayev
Address: […]
25 December 2014 No. 936-05/91
To No. of 2 December 2014
Documents returned without consideration
Dear Shevket Enverovich,
Roskomnadzor Directorate for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol in
accordance with Article 13 of Law of the Russian Federation of 27 December 1991 No. 2124-1 “On
mass media” (hereinafter – the Law), returns without consideration the documents received from you
for registration of the printed mass media outlet – the newspaper “Avdet”, based on the following:
The application was submitted in violation of the requirements of Part 1 of Article 10 of the
Law, according to which the application must contain information about the founder, the name of the
mass media outlet, the form of periodic distribution, the domain name of the website in the
information and telecommunications network (Internet), the address of the editorial office, the
language (languages), approximate topics and (or) the specialisation, the estimated periodicity, the
maximum volume, the estimated territory of distribution, sources of funding, as well as information
about other mass media outlets where the applicant is the founder, owner, editor-in-chief (editorial
office), publisher or distributor.
Appendix: on 8 sheets in 1 copy (Incoming No. 1681/91-smi of 2 December 2014)
Deputy Head V.G. Garkavenko
The document is signed with
an electronic signature in the electronic
document management system
of Roskomnadzor
Serial No.: 522902819916310273615410
Issued by: СА RTK
Validity: 17 October 2014 to 17 October 2015
Prepared by A.N. Medushevsky
Tel.: (652) 534082
Annex 533

Annex 534
Application to Roskomnadzor for registration of Avdet as a mass media
outlet, 14 January 2015

for Registration as a Mass Media Outlet (Re-Registration of a Mass Media Outlet,
Amendments to the Mass Media Outlet Registration Certificate)
Registration number __________________
“____” ___________________ 20___
(to be filled in by the registering authority)
1. Founder (co-founders) of the mass media outlet
for legal entities, indicate the organisational and legal form, full name, location address with postal code, Primary State
Registration Number, Taxpayer Identification Number, telephone, fax;
for individuals, indicate full name, passport data, residence address with postal code, telephone
Shevket Enverovich Kaibullaev, passport […], issued by […], date of issue […], code […]
[…], tel. […]
2. Name (title) of the mass media outlet “Avdet”
If the mass media outlet’s name is registered in foreign languages or languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation,
the translation of the name into the state language of the Russian Federation is indicated separately; if an online outlet is
registered, the address of the website, on which the mass media outlet is located, is indicated separately.
Translated from Crimean Tatar as “Return”
3. Form of periodic distribution
(news agency; TV channel; radio channel; TV programme, radio programme, audio programme, newsreel programme,
video programme; periodical printed outlet indicating the type: almanac; bulletin, newspaper, magazine, compilation;
online outlet)
Periodical printed outlet: weekly newspaper
4. Editorial office address, telephone
(actual location address of the editorial office indicating the postal code)
Simferopol district, village of Rodnikovoe, Sumskaya Street, 38, Republic of Crimea, 297540
5. Language(s) Russian, Crimean Tatar
6. Approximate topics and (or) specialisation
Political, social, sociocultural.
7. Estimated periodicity, maximum volume
maximum volume of periodicals includes: number of pages, format and circulation;
maximum volume of a TV programme, radio programme, audio programme, newsreel programme, video programme,
TV channel, radio channel is indicated in time units;
maximum volume of online outlets is indicated in appropriate information units (for example, in bytes).
Periodicity: one issue per week; number of pages: 12; format: A3 – newspaper; circulation:
more than 2,000 copies.
8. Intended area of distribution: Republic of Crimea
9. Sources of funding subscription fee
Annex 534
10. Information about other mass media outlets where the applicant is the founder, owner, editor-inchief
(editorial office), publisher or distributor
11. Only for re-registration purposes:
(indicate which body registered the mass media outlet, the number and date of issue of the mass media outlet registration
certificate, the reason for re-registration)
Only for making changes to the mass media outlet registration certificate
(indicate which body registered the mass media outlet, the number and date of issue of the mass media outlet registration
certificate, the reason for making changes)
Contact information (to notify about the readiness of the mass media outlet registration certificate and mailing)
Address […]
Telephone […]
I agree that the mass media outlet registration certificate will be sent by mail___________________
(signature, printed name)
I intend to receive the registration certificate in person x Shevket Enverovich Kaibullaev [signature]
(signature, printed name)
* If there is no information about the applicant’s intention to receive the media outlet registration
certificate in person or by mail, the mass media outlet registration certificate is sent to the founder
by mail to his address.
The submitted application is accompanied by the documents specified in the Administrative
Regulations for the provision of the state service for the registration of mass media outlets by the
Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media.
I am familiarised with the requirements of the Law of the Russian Federation “On mass media”
Founder (co-founders) of the mass media outlet Corporate seal Signature
Shevket Enverovich Kaibullaev [signature]
For a legal entity – full name and the position of the head of the organisation
For an individual – full name
14 January 2015
Annex 534
Annex 535
Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea, Letter No. Isorg-27-
396-2015 to Roskomnadzor, 28 January 2015

Prosecutor’s Office
of the Russian Federation
Prosecutor’s Office
of the Republic of Crimea
Sevastopolskaya st., 21
Simferopol, 295015
28 January 2015 No. Isorg-27-396-2015
To No._________________________
To the Head of the Federal Service
for Supervision of Communications,
Information Technology, and Mass Media
A.A. Zharov
109074, Moscow, 7 Kitaygorodsky Avenue,
Bld. 2
Dear Aleksander Aleksandrovich,
The Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea, on the basis of the information received
from the Plenipotentiary of the President in the Crimean Federal District, is checking the activities of
the ATR TV channel (“Television Company ‘Atlant-SV’” LLC), including in terms of compliance
with the requirements of the legislation on countering extremist activities and on the mass media.
It follows from the information that, within the framework of Decree of the President of the
Russian Federation of 21 April 2014 No. 268 “On measures aimed at rehabilitation of Armenian,
Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and German peoples and state support of their revival and
development ”, the Advisory Board for the implementation of the programme has been established
under the Plenipotentiary of the President in the Crimean Federal District.
At meetings of this Advisory Board, representatives of public organisations and state
authorities repeatedly addressed the activities of the ATR TV channel that airs television programmes
in which it is possible to trace anti-Russian public opinion and that some Crimean peoples are set
against each other and the state, which can destabilise the situation in the Republic of Crimea on the
basis of inter-ethnic and inter-denominational relations.
In view of the above, guided by Art. 6, 22 of the Federal Law “On the Prosecutor’s Office of
the Russian Federation”, I kindly ask you to suspend the registration (as a mass media outlet and the
issuance of a license) of the ATR TV channel (“Television Company ‘Atlant-SV’” LLC, “ATR”)
until the prosecutor’s review is over.
Prosecutor of the Republic
Senior Counsellor of Justice /signature/ N.V. Poklonskaya
AB No. 043505
/Stamp: TRUE COPY/
/Seal: Ministry of Communication and Mass Media
of the Russian Federation, Federal Service for
Supervision of Communications, Information
Technology, and Mass Media, (illegible)/
Head of Roskomnadzor for the Republic of Crimea
and Sevastopol (signature) (illegible)
/Stamp: Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of
Crimea, (illegible)/
Annex 535

Annex 536
Regional Public Organization for the Promotion and Prosperity of the
Republic of Crimea “Crimea-New Life”, Notification No. 11/02 on
holding a rally to celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day and the first
anniversary of the establishment of the People’s Militia on 23 February
2015, 5 February 2015

Regional public organization for the promotion and prosperity of the Republic of Crimea
11/2 Dolgorukovskaya St., Simferopol, Republic of Crimea
A/C 40703810740120000464 at RNKB LLC, Simferopol
Bank Identification Code 044525607, Taxpayer Identification Number 9102021422
Primary State Registration Number 1149102033299
Tel. +7 978 812 97 05
Ref. No. 11/02 of 5 February 2015
To the Head of Administration
of Simferopol
G.S. Bakharev
Dear Gennady Sergeevich,
The Regional Public Organization for the Promotion and Prosperity of the Republic of Crimea
“Crimea - New Life” appeals to you with a request to provide the territory of the square in front of
the State Council of the Republic of Crimea, the Pobeda Square in Simferopol, for organising and
holding festive events on 23 February 2015 dedicated to the celebration of the Defender of the
Fatherland Day and the first anniversary of the establishment of the People’s Militia of Crimea, which
will take the format of a rally–march.
Chairman of the Regional Public Organization
for the Promotion and Prosperity of the
Republic of Crimea “Crimea – New Life” /signed/ A.V. Pedos
/Seal: illegible/
Signed under the power of attorney of 21 January 2015
Annex 536

Annex 537
Administration of the City of Simferopol, Response No. 1100/24/01-66
to the notification of the Regional Public Organization for the
Promotion and Prosperity of the Republic of Crimea “Crimea-New
Life” of 5 February 2015 No. 11/02, 9 February 2015

(Coat of Arms of Crimea)
15 Gorky St., Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, 295000, tel.: (0652) 27-32-36, fax: (0652) 25-80-32
Of 9 February 2015 No. 1100/24/01-66
to Ref. No. ___
To the Chairman of the Board
of the Regional Public
Organization for the Promotion
and Prosperity of the
Republic of Crimea “CRIMEA - NEW
A.V. Pedos
Having considered your notification of 5 February 2015 No. 11/02 “... to provide the
territory of the square in front of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea, the Pobeda
Square in Simferopol, for organising and holding festive events on 23 February 2015 dedicated
to the celebration of the Defender of the Fatherland Day and the first anniversary of the
establishment of the People’s Militia of Crimea, which will take the format of a rally–march”,
the City Administration informs you as follows.
In accordance with Part 3 of Article 7 of Federal Law of 19 June 2004 No. 54-FZ “On
assemblies, rallies, demonstrations, marches and picketing”, you need to specify the following
additional information in your notification so that the organisation and holding of the public event in
the form of a rally-march can be approved:
- Place(s) of the public event, the routes of movement of participants, and if the public event is held
involving vehicles, information on the use of the vehicles;
- Start and end time of the public event;
- Estimated number of participants of the public event;
- Forms and methods of ensuring public order by the organiser of the public event, the organisation
of medical care, the intention to use sound-amplifying technical equipment (if applicable) when
holding the public event.
- Full name or the name of the organiser of the public event, information about his/her place of
residence or stay, or about his/her location and telephone number;
- Full names of persons authorised by the organiser of the public event to carry out administrative
functions for the organisation and holding of the public event.
Annex 537
Besides, in accordance with Para. 2.5 of Chapter 2 of Resolution of the Administration of the
City of Simferopol of 28 January 2015 No. 29 “On the approval of the regulation on the procedure
for holding public events in the municipality of the city district of Simferopol of the Republic of
Crimea”, the following documents should be attached to the notification:
- Copy of a document certifying that the individual who is the organiser of the public event has
reached the age provided for by federal law (depending on the form of public event) and that he/she
has Russian citizenship;
- Copy of the document certifying the state registration of the legal entity – the organiser of the public
event if it has the status of legal entity if the organiser of the public event is a legal entity;
- Document confirming the rights of a representative of the organiser of the public event if the
notification is submitted by an authorised representative.
When submitting the notification, the organiser of the public event or the authorized
representative should produce the identity document, a copy of which shall be attached to the
After providing the above information and documents, no earlier than 15 days and no later
than 10 days before the public event, the City Administration will return to the consideration of the
issue of organising and holding your festive events dedicated to the celebration of the Defender of
the Fatherland Day and the first anniversary of the creation of the People’s Militia of Crimea in the
format of a rally-march.
Chief of Staff of the Administration
of the City of Simferopol (Signed) G.V. Aleksandrova
Annex 537
Annex 538
Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation, Letter No.
Isorg-27/3-1804-15/33170 to Roskomnadzor, 18 February 2015

Prosecutor General’s Office
of the Russian Federation
B. Dmitrovka st., 15a
Moscow, Russia, GSP-3, 125993
18 February 2015 No. Isorg-27/3-1804-15/33170
To No._________________________________
To the Federal Service for
Supervision of Communications,
Information Technology, and Mass
The Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation received an appeal from the
Prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea, N.V. Poklonskaya on the issue of violations of law committed
by the ATR TV channel (“Television Company ‘Atlant-SV’” LLC, hereinafter – the ATR TV
channel, the TV company).
On the basis of the information from the Plenipotentiary of the President in the Crimean
Federal District, the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea is currently checking the activities
of the “ATR” TV channel, including in terms of compliance with the requirements of the legislation
on countering extremist activities and on the mass media.
It follows from the above appeal that, within the framework of Decree of the President of the
Russian Federation of 21 April 2014 No. 268 “On measures aimed at rehabilitation of Armenian,
Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and German peoples and state support of their revival and
development”, the Advisory Board for the implementation of the programme has been established
under the Plenipotentiary of the President in the Crimean Federal District. At its meetings,
representatives of public organisations and state authorities repeatedly addressed the activities of the
ATR TV channel that airs television programmes in which it is possible to trace anti-Russian public
opinion and that some Crimean peoples are set against each other and the state, which can destabilise
the situation in the Republic of Crimea on the basis of inter-ethnic and inter-denominational relations.
Similar information was repeatedly voiced at press conferences by D.A. Polonsky, Deputy
Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea – Minister of Internal Policy,
Information and Communications.
Besides, in view of the violations of law identified before, the activities of the TV company
are monitored by the prosecution bodies.
Thus, on 3 May 2014, there was an incident in the area of the checkpoint across the state
border of the Russian Federation “Armyansk” (Turetsky Val) with the participation of a group of
Crimean Tatars (overall, about 1,500 people), where M. Dzhemilev, People’s Deputy of Ukraine,
illegally arrived on the Russian territory from the Ukrainian territory. According to the decision taken,
he is barred from entering Russia for 5 years.
At the same time, journalists of the ATR TV channel were filming these illegal actions at the
incident site and subsequently broadcast the video recording of the unauthorised rally, during which
its participants made extremist statements.
Publicly broadcasting appeals of such content, leading to incitement of social, racial, ethnic
and religious hatred, is prohibited by Article 1 of Federal Law of 25 July 2002 No. 114-FZ “On
countering extremist activities”.
On 16 May 2014, the Prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea issued a warning to L.E. Islyamov,
who is the founder of the TV company, and to the deputy director general of the TV company, L.R.
Annex 538
Budzhurova, on the impermissibility of carrying out extremist activities and violating the Federal
Law “On countering extremist activities” and the Law of the Russian Federation “On mass media”.
In addition, during the prosecutor’s inspection, other facts of violations of law were revealed.
According to the available information, the ATR TV channel, bypassing the Roskomnadzor
Directorate for the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, sent documents for registering as a mass
media outlet and obtaining a license for television broadcasting to the Federal Service for Supervision
of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media.
On the basis of Art. 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Mass Media”, in order to
prevent the use of a media outlet for committing criminal acts or distributing materials containing
public calls for terrorist activities or publicly justifying terrorism and other extremist materials, please
take into account the facts given in this letter, when considering the issue of the registration of the
ATR TV channel by Roskomnadzor as a mass media outlet and providing a public service for
licensing television broadcasting.
We ask you to inform the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation about the
decision taken.
Head of the Directorate for Supervision
over the Execution of Laws on Federal
Security, Inter-ethnic Relations,
Countering Extremism and Terrorism /signed/ Yu.P. Khokhlov
Annex 538
Annex 539
Internal Policy Department of Sevastopol, Response to the notification
of Mr Mamutdinov with a proposal to hold the event in the Khan’s
Palace in Bakhchisaray, 19 February 2015

No. 58-15
19 February 2015
to the Chairman of the Sevastopol
Regional Mejlis
T.T. Mamutdinov
In response to your notification of 12 February 2015 of holding a rally on 23 February 2015 from 11
a.m. to 12 p.m. on the Vosstavshikh Square (on the territory of the shopping and office complex “Noviy
Bulvar” [“New Boulevard”]), please be informed that according to the arrangement between the
Governments of the city of Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea and the representatives of the Crimean
Tatar people and in connection with mass city-wide events in the city of Sevastopol dedicated to public
holiday of Defender of the Fatherland Day and also on the basis of Article 12 of Federal Law of 19 June
2004 No. 54-FZ “On assemblies, rallies, demonstrations, marches and picketing”, the Government of the city
of Sevastopol proposes that you hold a mourning rally on 22 February 2015 in Bakhchisaray, on the territory
of the Khan’s Palace.
Director of the Internal Policy
Department (Signed) E.G. Dubovik
Annex 539

Annex 540
Notification of Mr Kuzmin and Ms Popova on holding a rally dedicated
to the celebration of Taras Shevchenko’s 201st anniversary on 9 March
2015, 26 February 2015

to the Head of the Simferopol City Administration
G.S. Bakharev,
from: the citizen of the Russian Federation, L.A. Kuzmin,
Address: […]
on holding a public event
In accordance with Federal Law of 19 June 2004 No. 54-FZ “On assemblies, rallies, demonstrations,
marches and picketing”, we notify you of holding a public event in the form of a rally.
Rally place – the city of Simferopol, Zheleznodorozhniy District, Yu. Gagarin Park, near the “Three
Graces” sculptural composition.
Public event date and time: 9 March 2015 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:20 p.m.
Public event purpose – celebration of the 201st anniversary of the birth of T. G. Shevchenko.
The expected number of the public event participants – 100 persons.
We ask you to ensure public order during this public event.
[stamp (illegible)]
Surnames, names, patronymics of the public event organizers, information about their places of
residence and telephone numbers:
1. Leonid Aleksandrovich Kuzmin, date of birth: […], passport: […], residing at […], mobile
telephone: […];
2. Elena Albertovna Popova, date of birth: […], passport: […], residing at […], mobile
telephone: […].
Surnames, names, patronymics of the persons authorized by the public event organizers to exercise
regulatory functions on arrangement and holding of the public event:
3. person in charge of public order: Leonid Aleksandrovich Kuzmin, date of birth: […],
passport: […], residing at […], mobile telephone: […];
4. person in charge of medical aid: Elena Albertovna Popova, date of birth: […], passport:
[…], residing at […], mobile telephone: […].
26 February 2015
Organizer (Signed) L.A. Kuzmin
Organizer (Signed) E.A. Popova
Person in charge of public order (Signed) L.A. Kuzmin
Person in charge of medical aid (Signed) E.A. Popova
True Copy (Signed) Secretary, M. Veronyuk
[Seal: Zheleznodorozhny District Court of Simferopol, For
[illegible handwriting: 16:45 27.03…]
Annex 540

Annex 541
Administration of the City of Simferopol, Response to the notification
of Mr Kuzmin and Ms Popova on approval of the rally scheduled for 9
March 2015, 27 February 2015

(Coat of Arms)
[Title in Ukrainian, Russian and Crimean Tatar]
15 Gorkogo Street, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, 295000, tel.: (0652) 27-32-36, fax: (0652) 25-80-32
of 27 February 2015 No. KA-109/2191
to No. _____________________
to L. A. Kuzmin
Address: […]
Your notification of 27 February 2015 on holding a public event in the form of a rally:
“…Place of holding the rally – Simferopol, Zheleznodorozhniy District, Yu. Gagarin Park,
near the “Three Graces” sculptural composition.
Public event date and time: 9 March 2015 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:20 p.m.
Public event purpose – celebration of the 201st anniversary of the birth of T. G.
The expected number of public event participants – 100 persons…”, has been
considered and approved by the Administration of the City of Simferopol.
During the public event, the organizers must adhere to the requirements provided for by
Federal Law of 19 June 2004 No. 54-FZ “On assemblies, rallies, demonstrations, marches and
picketing” (as amended and supplemented), Law of the Republic of Crimea of 21 August 2014 No.
56-ZRK “On providing conditions for the Russian citizens to exercise their right to hold assemblies,
rallies, demonstrations, and picketing in the Republic of Crimea”, Regulations on the procedure for
holding public events in the Simferopol Urban District Municipality of the Republic of Crimea
approved by Resolution of the Simferopol City Administration of the Republic of Crimea of 28
January 2015 No. 29.
We also inform you that, for violation of the established procedure for organization or
holding of a rally, the public event organizer and participants shall be responsible in accordance
with the applicable laws.
Chief of Staff
of the Administration of the City Simferopol (Signed) G. V. Aleksandrova
True Copy (Signed) Secretary, M. Veronyuk
[Seal: Zheleznodorozhny District Court of Simferopol, For
Annex 541

Annex 542
Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the
Presidential Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human
Rights, Letter No. AU-9-545 to Mr Zharov, Head of Roskomnadzor,
25 March 2015

(Сoat of Arms of the Russian Federation)
Presidential Council
for the Development
of Civil Society
and Human Rights
4 Staraya Square, Moscow 103132,
tel.: (495) 606-41-84, fax (495) 606-48-55
E-mail: [email protected]
25 March 2015
No. AU-9-545
To the Head
of the Federal Service for Supervision of
Communications, Information Technology,
and Mass Media
Dear Aleksandr Aleksandrovich,
Starting from 1 April 2015, when the registration of Crimean media expires in accordance
with the Russian law, the world’s first and only Crimean Tatar TV channel ATR, and also the
Crimean Tatar children’s TV channel “Lyale” and the Crimean Tatar radio operating within the
same media holding, might stop broadcasting.
This situation has arisen due to the reason that the Federal Service for Supervision of
Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media (the “Roskomnadzor”) has already
three times returned without consideration the documents to these media, each time finding new
“errors” in them without having noticed the errors in previous registration documents (please find
attached the statement of the dates of submission of documents and Roskomnadzor’s refusals).
A situation where two Crimean Tatar TV channels and radio operating in Crimea for a long
time will find themselves outside the Russian legal framework and have to suspend their
broadcasting causes counterproductive sentiments in society. Many representatives of the Crimean
Tatar people consider these media their national treasure, believe them to be a hope for the revival
and development of the language, culture, and distinctive traditions of the people.
Therefore, I apply to you, dear Aleksander Aleksandrovich, to give instructions to provide
immediate assistance to the Crimean Tatar television channel mass media outlets in terms of their
integration into the Russian legal space.
The Council would be very grateful for information on the results of the consideration of this
Attachment: on 2 sheets, 1 copy
Sincerely, (Handwritten: Truly yours)
to the President of the Russian
Chairman of the Council
(Signed) M. Fedotov
Annex 542

Annex 543
Application to Roskomnadzor for registration of Radio Meydan as a
mass media outlet, 2 April 2015

for registration of a mass media outlet
Registration No. __________________
“____” ___________________ 20___
(to be filled in by the registering authority)
1. Founder (co-founders) of the mass media outlet
for legal entities, indicate the organizational and legal form, full name, location address with postal code, Primary State
Registration Number (OGRN), personal tax reference number (INN), telephone, fax;
for individuals, indicate full name, passport data, residence address with postal code, telephone
Limited liability company “Television company ‘Atlant-SV’”
Location address: 14 Mamedi Emir-Useina Street, 295049, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, Russian
Postal address: 14 Mamedi Emir-Useina Street, 295049, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, Russian Federation
OGRN 1149102062317
INN 9102034975
Registration reason code (KPP) 910201001
Bank details:
Operating account: 40702810000010001119
Correspondent account: 30101810600000000342
Bank: “Just Bank” LLC in the city of Moscow
Russian Central Bank Identification Code (BIK) 044583342
Tel./fax (365) 255-13-01
2. Name (title) of the mass media outlet
In case of registration of a mass media outlet with a name in foreign languages or languages of the peoples of the Russian
Federation, the translation of the name into the state language of the Russian Federation shall be indicated separately; in
case of registration of an online outlet, the address of the website, on which the media outlet is located, is indicated
Radio Meydan
3. Form of periodic distribution
(news agency; TV channel; radio channel; TV program, radio program, audio program, newsreel program, video program;
periodical printed outlet indicating the type: almanac; bulletin, newspaper, magazine, compilation;
online outlet)
Radio channel
4. Editorial office address, telephone
(the actual location address of the editorial office with postal code)
14 Mamedi Emir-Useina Street, 295049, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, Russian Federation
Tel.: (365) 255-13-01
Annex 543
5. Language(s)
Russian, Crimean Tatar, Ukrainian
6. Approximate topics and (or) specialization
Information (news), entertainment, music, advertising in accordance with the legislation of the Russian
Federation on advertising
7. Estimated periodicity, maximum volume
the maximum volume of periodicals includes: number of pages, format and circulation;
the maximum volume of a TV program, radio program, audio program, newsreel program, video program, TV channel,
radio channel is indicated in time units;
the maximum volume of online outlets is indicated in appropriate information units (for example, in bytes).
Daily, 24 hours a day
8. Intended area of distribution Republic of Crimea
9. Sources of funding Founder’s funds and attracted funds
10. Information about in respect of which other mass media outlets the applicant is the founder, owner, editorin-
chief (editorial office), publisher or distributor
Limited liability company “Television company ‘Atlant-SV’”
is not the founder, owner, editor-in-chief (editorial office), publisher or distributor of any other mass media
11. Only for re-registration:
(indicate which body registered the mass media outlet, the number and date of issue of the media outlet registration
certificate, the reason for re-registration)
Only for making changes to the mass media outlet registration certificate
(indicate which body registered the mass media outlet, the number and date of issue of the media outlet registration
certificate, the reason for making changes)
Contact information (to notify that the mass media outlet registration certificate is ready and for the mailing)
Address: 14 Mamedi Emir-Useina Street, 295049, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea
Telephone: (365) 255-13-01
I agree with sending the mass media outlet registration certificate by mail V E.R. Islyamova (signed)
(signature, signature transcript)
I intend to receive the registration certificate in person V E.R. Islyamova (signed)
(signature, signature transcript)
* If there is no information about the applicant’s intention to receive a media outlet registration certificate
in person or by mail, the mass media outlet registration certificate is sent to the founder by mail on his
Annex 543
The submitted application shall be accompanied by the documents specified in the Administrative
Regulations for the provision of the state service for registration of mass media outlets by the Federal Service
for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Media.
I am familiarized with the requirements of the Law of the Russian Federation “On mass media”
Founder (co-founders) of the mass media
Director General of “TC “Atlant-SV”
Islyamova Elzara Rustemovna
For a legal entity – full name and the position
of the head of the organization
For an individual – full name
[seal: Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, Limited
liability company “Television company
“’Atlant-SV’”, TIN 9102034975, PSRN
2 April 2015
Annex 543

Annex 544
Roskomnadzor, Response No. 04-37090 to application for registration
of “15 minutes” No. 83 of 24 March 2015, 24 April 2015

(Coat of Arms)
to the General Director
of “ТC “Atlant-SV” LLC
E.R. Islyamova
14 Mamedi Emir-Useina Street, 295049,
Simferopol, Republic of Crimea
Kitaygorodsky proezd, 7, bldg. 2, Moscow, 109074
tel./fax: (495) 987-67-00; http://rkn.gov.ru/
24 April 2015 No. 04-37090
In reply to No. 83 of 24 March 2015
On application for registration
of the online outlet “15 minutes”
Dear Elzara Rustemovna,
In connection with the received application for registration of the online outlet “15 minutes”,
the Directorate of Permission, Control and Supervision of Mass Media of the Federal Service for
Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media proposes to confirm the
founder’s compliance with the requirements of part 2 of Art. 7 of the Law of the Russian Federation
of 27 December 1991 No. 2124-1 “On mass media”.
M.V. Vinogradov
Appendix: in 1 copy (Incoming No. 33248-smi of 27 March 2015)
Deputy Head of the Directorate
of Permission, Control and Supervision
of Mass Media Communications
The document is signed with an
electronic signature in the electronic
document management system
of Roskomnadzor
Information about the ES certificate
Issued to: Roskomnadzor
Serial No.: 382777087023561104751268
Issued by: Rus-Telecom LLC (VC RT1)
Validity: 06.04.2015 – 06.04.2016
Prepared by: E.V. Petrova
Tel.: 8-(495)-987-68-99 (ext. 3101)
Annex 544

Annex 545
Roskomnadzor, Response No. 04-39171 to application for registration
of Radio Meydan No. 93 of 2 April 2015, 30 April 2015

(Coat of Arms)
to the General Director
of “ТC “Atlant-SV” LLC
E.R. Islyamova
14 Mamedi Emir-Useina Street, 295049,
Simferopol, Republic of Crimea
Kitaygorodsky proezd, 7, bldg. 2, Moscow, 109074
tel./fax: (495) 987-67-00; http://rkn.gov.ru/
30 April 2015 No. 04-39171
In reply to No. 93 of 2 April 2015
Return without consideration of documents for
registration of the radio channel “Radio Meydan”
Dear Elzara Rustemovna,
Directorate of Permission, Control and Supervision of Mass Media of the Federal Service for
Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media in accordance with
Article 13 of the Law of the Russian Federation of 27 December 1991 No. 2124-1 “On mass media”
(hereinafter – the Law) returns without consideration the documents received from you for
registration of the radio channel “Radio Meydan” on the basis of the following.
The application was submitted in violation of the requirements of Part 2 of Art. 8 of the Law,
according to which an application for registration of a mass media outlet, the products of which are
intended for distribution mainly on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or
the territory of a municipal formation, shall be submitted by the founder to the appropriate territorial
body of Roskomnadzor (Roskomnadzor Directorate for the Republic of Crimea and the city of
Sevastopol, located at: 4 Vilar Street, 295000, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea).
Appendix: in 1 copy (Incoming No. 37536-smi of 7 April 2015)
Deputy Head of Directorate –
the Head of the Department for maintaining
registers in the sphere of mass media of the
Directorate of permission, control
and supervision of mass media E.S. Korsakova
The document is signed with an
electronic signature in the electronic
document management system
of Roskomnadzor
Information about the ES certificate
Issued to: Roskomnadzor
Serial No.: 382795391622771575421607
Issued by: Rus-Telecom LLC (VC RT1)
Validity: 06.04.2015 – 06.04.2016
Prepared by: E.V. Petrova
Tel.: 8-(495)-987-68-99 (ext. 3101)
Annex 545

Annex 546
Interregional Public Movement of the Crimean Tatar people “Qirim”,
Notification No. 03 to the Administration of the City of Simferopol on
holding a rally on 18 May 2015 in Simferopol, 5 May 2015

86 Krasnoznamennaya Str., Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, 295000
of 5 May 2015 No. 03
to Head of the City Administration of
Simferopol, the Republic of Crimea
G.S Bakharev
from the Interregional public organization
“Interregional Public Movement of the
Crimean Tatar People ‘Qirim”
86 Krasnoznamennaya Street
Please be notified of the fact that for the purpose of holding the memorial events associated with the
71st anniversary of the deportation of the Crimean Tatars, a public event will be held in the form of a rally.
Date of the public event 18 May 2015
Time of the public event from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Place of the public event: Simferopol, the Lenin Square.
The estimated number of participants is 7,000 individuals.
Date of the public event 18 May 2015
Time of the public event from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Place of the public event: Simferopol, from the territory of the Crimean Republican Trade Unions Palace
of Culture at the pedestrian zone along the Kievskaya Street, to the Salgir river.
The estimated number of participants is 50 individuals.
Date of the public event 18 May 2015
Time of the public event from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m..
Place of the public event: Simferopol. The area in front of the culture and business center “Konsol”
The estimated number of participants is 30 individuals.
Date of the public event 18 May 2015
Time of the public event from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Place of the public event: Simferopol, the Gagarin Park (from sculptural composition “Three Graces” on
the pedestrian zone located along the ponds).
[stamp: Administration of Simferopol, the Republic
of Crimea
Ref. No. 5646/24/01-66
5 May 2015]
[Handwritten: 1045/01/04/ 5 May 2015
Accepted on 5 May 2015 at 9:15 am (signed)]
Annex 546
The estimated number of participants is 30 individuals.
Date of the public event 18 May 2015
Time of the public event from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Place of the public event: Simferopol, the area in front of the Crimean Republican Trade Unions Palace of
The forms and methods used by the organizer of the public event to ensure:
public order - the police of Simferopol is involved;
organization of medical care - the Simferopol ambulance is involved;
use of sound-amplifying equipment - sound amplification will be installed.
Estimated number of vehicles - 5.
There are no restrictions under Para. 2 of Article 5 of Federal Law of 19 June 2004 No. 54-FZ “On
assemblies, rallies, demonstrations, marches and picketing”.
Organizers of the public event Remzi Ilyasovich Ilyasov, Simferopol.
(surname, name, patronymic, home address, contact telephone numbers, signature, seal)
Individuals authorized by the organizer of the public event to perform administrative functions to organize
and hold the public event (if appointed)
- Murat Yazydzhiev […]
- Timur Battalovich Chelebiev […]
The notification submitted on 5 May 2015
Annex 546
Annex 547
N.E. Dzhelyalov, Notification to the Administration of the City of
Simferopol on holding a rally on 18 May 2015 in Simferopol,
5 May 2015

To Head of the City Administration of
G.S. Bakharev
Nariman Enverovich Dzhelyalov
Address: […]
Telephone: […]
of holding a public event (a rally)
In accordance with Article 31 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of 19 June 2004
No. 54-FZ “On assemblies, rallies, demonstrations, marches and picketing”, Law of the Republic of Crimea
of 21 August 2014 No. 56-ZRK “On providing conditions for the Russian citizens to exercise their right to
hold assemblies, rallies, demonstrations, and picketing in the Republic of Crimea”,
please be informed of our plan to hold a public event on 18 May 2015, namely a mourning rally
dedicated to the 71st anniversary of the deportation of the Crimean Tatar people from their historical
We ask you to approve the holding of this public mass event.
The name of the mass event is the Rally dedicated to the 71st anniversary of the deportation of the
Crimean Tatar people.
The form of the mass event: a rally. -
The purpose of the mass event is to honor the memory of those who perished during the deportation
of the Crimean Tatar people on 18 May 1944, and also during the first years of stay in a foreign
land; to express a public position on the issue of the current situation of the Crimean Tatar people
in the Republic of Crimea.
The place of the mass event is Simferopol, the area from the territory of the Crimean Republican
Palace of Culture of Trade Unions at the pedestrian zone along the Kievskaya Street, to the Salgir
river. If due to objective reasons it is impossible to hold the event in the said place, we will consider a
justified proposal to change the venue of the event we have planned.
Date of the mass event: 18 May 2015
Starting and ending time of the mass event:
- Start at 1 p.m.
- End at 3 p.m.
The estimated number of the mass event participants: up to 5 000 individuals.
The public event is scheduled to involve the use of sound-amplifying technical means. The event will
be decorated with Crimean Tatar national symbols.
The organizer’s forms and methods to ensure:
- public and sanitary order - in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation,
- fire safety - in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation,
- organization of medical care - in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation.
Individuals authorized to perform administrative functions to organize and hold the event: I.R. Umerov,
A.A. Adzhimambetov, Sh.E. Kaiballaev, E.A. Kurtiev, B.A. Mamutov, M.T. Maushev, D.A. Seitgazieva,
E.R. Avamileva, G.Z. Yuksel, D.Z. Akiev, A.U. Khamzin, Z.F. Yakubov, S.A. Yagyaev, L.A. Yunusov.
Accepted on 5 May 2015, 2:39 p.m. (Signed)
[Stamp: (illegible)
D 2176597
5 May 2015]
Annex 547
Individuals authorized to perform
administrative functions to organize
and hold the mourning events:
Surname, name, patronymic Telephone, address Signature
Ilmi Rustemovich Umerov Address: […]
Telephone: […] (Signed)
Aider Ametovich Adzhimambetov Address: […]
Telephone:[…] (Signed)
Shevket Enverovich Kaiballaev Address: […]
Telephone: […] (Signed)
Enver Ametovich Kurtiev Address: […]
Telephone: […] (Signed)
Bekir Ablayevich Mamutov Address: […]
Telephone: […] (Signed)
Mustafa Tairovich Maushev Address: […]
Telephone: […] (Signed)
Dinara Arifovna Seitgazieva Address: […]
Telephone:[…] (Signed)
Emine Rodionovna Avamileva Address: […]
Telephone: […] (Signed)
Gayana Zairovna Yuksel Address: […]
Telephone: […] (Signed)
Dilyaver Zekeryaevich Akiev Address: […]
Telephone: […] (Signed)
Ali Umarovich Khamzin Address: […]
Telephone: […] (Signed)
Zeinur Fevzievich Yakubov Address: […]
Telephone: […] (Signed)
Seidamet Ametovich Yagyaev Address: […]
Telephone: […] (Signed)
Lemmar Ablyazovich Yunusov Address: […]
Telephone: […] (Signed)
Attachments on 1 sheet.
N.E. Dzhelyalov (Signed)
5 May 2015
Time when the notification was
Annex 547
Annex 548
Administration of the City of Simferopol, Response No. 5646/24/01-66
to the notification of Interregional Public Movement of the Crimean
Tatar people “Qirim” on approval of the rally, 7 May 2015

(Coat of Arms)
[Title in Ukrainian, Russian and Crimean Tatar]
15 Gorkogo Street, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, 295000, tel.: (0652) 27-32-36, fax: (0652) 25-80-32
of 7 May 2015 No. 5646/24/01-66
to No._____
Interregional public organization “Interregional Public
Movement of the Crimean Tatar People ‘Qirim’”
86 Krasnoznamennaya Str., Bld. V,
Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, 295011
to the Head of the Directorate of the Ministry of
Internal Affairs of Russia for Simferopol
S.V. Nikolaev
to the Acting Head of the Department of the State
Inspection for Road Traffic Safety at the Directorate of
the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for
S.V. Urbanovich
To the Head of the City Service Department of the City
O.V. Saltsin
Your notice of 5 May 2015 No. 3 of holding the public events in the form of rallies “...in connection
with the 71st anniversary of the deportation of the Crimean Tatars...
Date of the public event 18 May 2015
Time of the public event from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Place of the public event: Simferopol, the Lenin Square.
The estimated number of participants: 7,000 individuals.
Date of the public event 18 May 2015
Time of the public event from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Place of the public event: Simferopol, the area from the territory of the Crimean Republican Palace of
Culture of Trade Unions on the pedestrian zone along Kievskaya Street, to the Salgir river.
The estimated number of participants: 50 individuals.
Date of the public event 18 May 2015
Time of the public event from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Place of the public event: Simferopol, the area in front of the culture and business center “Konsol”
Annex 548
The estimated number of participants: 30 individuals.
Date of the public event 18 May 2015
Time of the public event from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Place of the public event: Simferopol, the Gagarin Park (from sculptural composition “Three Graces”
by the pedestrian zone located along the ponds)
The estimated number of participants: 30 individuals.
Date of the public event 18 May 2015
Time of the public event from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Place of the public event: Simferopol, the territory in front of the Crimean Republican Palace of
Culture of Trade Unions ...”,
with the use of sound-amplifying technical means and 5 vehicles, has been considered by the Administration
of the City of Simferopol and approved.
During the organization of the public event it is necessary to comply with the requirements provided
for in Federal Law of 19 June 2004 No. 54-FZ “On assemblies, rallies, demonstrations, marches and
picketing” (as amended and supplemented), Law of the Republic of Crimea of 21 August 2014 No. 56-ZRK
“On providing conditions for the citizens of the Russian Federation to exercise their right to hold assemblies,
rallies, demonstrations and picketing in the Republic of Crimea”, Regulations on the procedure for holding
public events in the Simferopol Urban District Municipality of the Republic of Crimea, approved by
Resolution of the Administration of the city of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea of 28 January 2015 No.
We also inform you that, for violation of the established procedure for organization or holding of an
assembly, rally, demonstration, march or picketing the public event organizer and participants shall be
responsible in accordance with the applicable laws.
Chief of Staff
of the Administration of the City Simferopol (Signed) G.V. Aleksandrova
Annex 548
Annex 549
Administration of the City of Simferopol, Response No. D-217/6597 to
the notification of Mr Dzhelyalov, 7 May 2015

(Coat of Arms)
[Title in Ukrainian, Russian and Crimean Tatar]
15 Gorkogo Street, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, 295000, tel.: (0652) 27-32-36, fax: (0652) 25-80-32
of 7 May 2015 No. D-217/6597 to Dzhelyalov N.E.
to No.___________________ Address: […]
[Handwritten: received in hand (signed)]
Having considered your notice of 5 May 2015 of holding “... on 18 May 2015 a public event, - a
mourning rally dedicated to the 71st anniversary of the deportation of the Crimean Tatar people from
their historical homeland ...” with the purpose “... to honor the memory of those who died during the
deportation of the Crimean Tatar people on 18 May 1944, and also during the first years of stay in a
foreign land; to express a public position on the issue of the current situation of the Crimean Tatar
people in the Republic of Crimea.
The place of the mass event is Simferopol, the area from the territory of the Crimean
Republican Palace of Culture of Trade Unions on the pedestrian zone along Kievskaya Street, to the
Salgir river...
Starting and ending time of the mass event:
- Start at 1 p.m.
- End at 3 p.m.
The estimated number of the mass event participants: up to 5,000 individuals...” the City
Administration informs of the following.
It is not possible to hold a public event at the abovementioned place and in other places approved
for public events in Simferopol on 18 May 2015 due to the fact that another Crimean Tatar organization has
submitted an earlier notice of the events planned on the same date and time, which has been approved
according to the established procedure.
Since no free places are available for public events on the territory of the Simferopol Urban
District Municipality of the Republic of Crimea as approved by the Resolution of 12 November 2014 No.
452 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea “On the approval of the list of places for holding
public events in the territory of the Republic of Crimea”, the city administration is not able to offer you
another place for holding your event.
Chief of Staff
of the Administration of the City
of Simferopol
(Signed) G.V. Aleksandrova
Annex 549

Annex 550
Interregional Public Movement of the Crimean Tatar people “Qirim”,
Notification No. 10 on holding cultural events to celebrate Crimean
Tatar Flag Day on 26-28 June 2015, 25 May 2015

86 Krasnozamennaya Street, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, 295000
of 25 May 2015 No. 10
to the Head of the Simferopol City
Administration of the Republic of Crimea
G.S. Bakharev
to the Interregional Public Organization
“Interregional Public Movement of the Crimean
Tatar People ‘Qirim’”
86 Krasnozamennaya Street.
With the purpose of celebrating Crimean Tatar Flag Day, please confirm the holding of public
cultural events on the territory of Simferopol from 26 to 28 June 2015 from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Location of the public event: Simferopol, Lenin Square. Estimated number of participants: 2,000
Location of the public event: Simferopol, on the adjacent territory between the building of the State
Council of the Republic of Crimea and the Pobedy public garden [Victory public garden]. Estimated number
of participants: 60 individuals.
Location of the public event: Simferopol, the public garden near the Railway station. Estimated
number of participants: 1,000 individuals.
Location of the public event: Simferopol, from the territory of the Crimean Republican Palace of
Culture of Trade Unions in the pedestrian zone along the Kievskaya Street to the Salgir river.
Estimated number of participants: 500 individuals.
Location of the public event: Simferopol. The area in front of the culture and business center
“Konsol”. Estimated number of participants: 300 individuals.
Location of the public event: Simferopol, Vorovskogo Street, at the monument to Ismail Gasprinsky.
Estimated number of participants: 300 individuals.
Location of the public event: Simferopol, the Gagarin Park (from the sculptural composition, “Three
Graces” in the pedestrian zone along the ponds). Estimated number of participants: 1,000 individuals.
Location of the public event: 26 Gurzufskaya Street, Simferopol, a field in the Salgirka park.
Estimated number of participants: 300 individuals.
Location of the public event: 60 Gurzufskaya Street, Simferopol, a field in the Salgirka park.
Estimated number of participants: 300 individuals.
[Handwritten: 6651/24/01-4
25 05]
Simferopol, territory in front of the Crimean Republican Palace of Culture of Trade Unions.
Estimated number of participants: 200 individuals
Simferopol, “Fontany” microdistrict, territory in front of the school under construction, also covering Selim-
Gereya, Kantar, Borchokrak streets.
Estimated number of participants: 2,000 individuals.
Annex 550
The form and methods to be used by the organizers of the public event to ensure:
public order - public order will be ensured by the police officers and the organizer of the event:
organization of medical care - ambulance, if necessary, will be requested by telephone;
the use of sound amplifying equipment with a capacity of up to 3 kW;
Estimated number of vehicles - 5 cars.
The use of pyrotechnic devices (if any) is not planned.
The organizer of the public event - Remzi Ilyasovich Ilyasov, city of Simferopol.
Address […], Phone […] (Signed)
Individuals whom the organizer of the public event authorized to perform administrative functions for
organizing and holding a public event (if such individuals are appointed): Murat Yazydzhiev, Tel. […]
Application filed on: 25 May 2015
Script of public cultural events in the territory of Simferopol dedicated to Crimean Tatar Flag Day.
Crimea.No. Event Location
1. Laying flowers Vorovskogo Str., at the
monument to I. Gasprinsky
2. Concert dedicated to Crimean Tatar Flag Day “Fontany” microdistrict,
territory in front of the
school under construction,
also covering Selim-Gereya,
Kantar, Borchokrak streets.
3. Competition for children “Drawing on the Pavement” Between the building of the
State Council of the Republic
of Crimea and the Pobedy
[Victory] public garden
4. Exhibition and sale of folk art products Gagarin Park (from the Three
Graces sculptural
composition in the pedestrian
zone along the ponds)
5. Themed game “I am Proud of You, my Crimea” Territory in front of the
Crimean Republican Palace
of Culture of Trade Unions.
6. Master class and lecture on the history of Crimea Public garden near the
Railway station.
7. Quiz “Trip around Crimea” Territory in front of the
culture and business center
25.05.2015 (Signed) R.I. Ilyasov
Annex 550
Annex 551
Administration of the City of Simferopol, Response No. 6651/24/01-48
to the notification of Interregional Public Movement of the Crimean
Tatar people “Qirim” No. 10 of 25 May 2015, 27 May 2015

(Coat of Arms)
[Title in Ukrainian, Russian and Crimean Tatar]
15 Gorkogo Street, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, 295000, tel.: (0652) 27-32-36, fax: (0652) 25-80-32
of 27 May 2015 No. 6651/24/01-48
to No.
86 Krasnozamennaya Str.
Republic of Crimea,
to the Head of the Directorate of the
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
for Simferopol
S.V. Nikolaev
To the Head of the City Service
Department of the City
O.V. Saltsin
To the Head of the Directorate for
Culture and Cultural Heritage of the
City Administration
E.G. Litvinenko
Having considered your notification of 25 May 2015 No. 10 on the holding of cultural and public
events with “... the purpose of celebrating the Day of the Crimean Tatar Flag ... on the territory of the
city of Simferopol from 26 to 28 June 2015, from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Location … of the event: Simferopol, Lenin Square. Estimated number of participants: 2,000
Location … of the event: Simferopol, on the adjacent territory between the building of the State
Council of the Republic of Crimea and the Pobedy [Victory] public garden. Estimated number of
participants: 60 individuals.
Location … of the event: Simferopol, the public garden near the Railway station. Estimated number of
participants: 1,000 individuals.
Location … of the event: Simferopol, from the territory of the Crimean Republican Palace of Culture
Annex 551
of Trade Unions in the pedestrian zone along the Kievskaya Street to the Salgir river.
Estimated number of participants: 500 individuals.
Location … of the event: Simferopol. Territory in front of the culture and business center “Konsol”
The estimated number of participants: 300 individuals.
Location … of the event: Simferopol, Vorovskogo Str., at the monument to Ismail Gasprinsky.
Estimated number of participants: 300 individuals.
Location … of the event: Simferopol, the Gagarin park (from the sculptural composition “Three
Graces”, in the pedestrian zone along the ponds). The estimated number of participants: 1,000
Location … of the event: 26 Gurzufskaya Str., Simferopol, a field in the Salgirka park. Estimated
number of participants: 300 individuals.
Location … of the event: 26 Gurzufskaya Str., Simferopol, field in the Salgirka park. Estimated
number of participants: 300 individuals.
Simferopol, territory in front of the Crimean Republican Palace of Culture of Trade Unions.
Estimated number of participants: 200 individuals
Simferopol, Fontany microdistrict, territory in front of the school under construction, also covering
Selim-Gereya, Kantar, Borchokrak streets.
Estimated number of participants: 2,000 individuals ...” using five vehicles and sound-amplifying
equipment, the city administration informs of the following.
In accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for organizing and holding public events in the
territory of the Simferopol Urban District Municipality of Republic of Crimea, approved by Resolution of 23
March 2015 No. 128 of the Simferopol Administration of Republic of Crimea, (the “Regulations”), prior to
holding the event, the organizers are required to have the following issues approved in advance:
- Ensuring public order, safety of participants of the event and other citizens, compliance with the antiterrorism
legislation, prevention of riots, protection of public health, protection of the rights and freedoms of
other people in the venue - by the Simferopol Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
(headed by Sergey Vasilyevich Nikolaev, contact telephone 556-214);
- Execution of over-routine cleaning works in the venue of the event and adjacent territories - by the
Department for City Service of the City Administration (headed by Oleg Viktorovich Saltsin, contact
telephone 600-342);
- Organization and performance of the concert program - by the Directorate for Culture and Cultural
Heritage of the City Administration (headed by Evgeny Grigorievich Litvinenko, contact telephone 600-
Due to the above, the Simferopol Administration does not refuse the organizers to hold the
intended event, provided that the above approvals are submitted within the time frame established by
the Regulations.
Attachments: Approval checklist on 1 sheet, 1 copy, to the first address
Chief of Staff
of the Administration of the City of Simferopol (Signed) G.V. Aleksandrova
Annex 551
Attachment 2
to the Regulations on the Procedure for
Organizing and Holding Public Events
on the Territory of the Simferopol
Urban District Municipality of the
Republic of Crimea
to hold public events from 26 to 28 June 2015, from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m., on the territory of the Simferopol urban
district municipality of the Republic of Crimea
No. Names of the sectoral (functional)
bodies of the city administration,
organizations, institutions *
Date Approval Surname, name,
Signature of the
1. Department for City Service of
the City Administration
2. Directorate for Culture and
Cultural Heritage of the City
3. Directorate for Youth, Sports and
Tourism of the City Administration
4. Directorate for Outdoor Advertising
and Information of the City
5. Directorate for Trade and
Consumer Services of the City
6. Directorate for Education of the
City Administration
7. Directorate for Architecture and
Urban Planning of the City
8. Directorate of the Ministry of the
Russian Federation for Civil
Defence, Emergencies and
Elimination of Consequences of
Natural Disasters for the Republic
of Crimea
9. Directorate of the Ministry of
Internal Affairs of Russia for
Annex 551

Annex 552
Application of Mr Medzhitov and Ms Kefileva on holding cultural
events to celebrate Crimean Tatar Flag Day on 26 June 2015,
27 May 2015

To the Head of the
Simferopol City Administration
G.S. Bakharev
From Akhtem Marlenovich Medzhitov
Address: […]
Telephone: […]
To Aliya Rustemovna Kefileva
Address: […]
Telephone: […]
With the purpose of celebrating the Day of the Crimean Tatar National Flag, please approve a public
event to be held in a cultural and entertaining way.
Location: Simferopol, Fontany microdistrict, free territory in front of the school under construction,
between the Emel, Borchokrak, Kara Deniz, Yesil Ada, Selim Gereya streets (on the area where the Day of
the Crimean Tatar Flag was celebrated on 26 June 2014, the map is attached). If some objective reasons
prevent holding of the event in the said place, we will consider any other justified offer to change the
Date, time (start, end): On 26 June 2015, from 3 p.m to 10 p.m.;
Estimated number of participants: up to 3,000 (Three Thousand) individuals;
The forms and methods to be used by the organizer of the event to ensure:
- public and sanitary order - the organizer guarantees maintenance of public and sanitary order subject
to the provisions of the applicable legislation.
- fire safety - the organizer guarantees maintenance of the fire safety subject to the provisions of the
applicable legislation.
organization of medical care - the organizer guarantees the organization of medical care subject to the
provisions of the applicable legislation;
Whether sound-amplifying technical means would be used - it is planned to use sound-amplifying
equipment of up to 3 kW.
Estimated number of vehicles - not planned.
Use of pyrotechnic products - not planned.
Organizers of the public event:
Akhtem Marlenovich Medzhitov, residential address: […] Telephone: […] (signed)
Alie Rustemovna Kefileva, residential address: […], Simferopol. Telephone: […] (signed)
Attachment on 5 sheets.
Date 27 May 2015
Application submitted at 11:30 a.m.
[Handwritten: Accepted on 27.05.2015 at [illegible]:30 p.m.]
Annex 552

Annex 553
Administration of the City of Simferopol, Response No. M-487/8040 to
the application of Mr Medzhitov and Ms Kefileva of 27 May 2015,
29 May 2015

(Coat of Arms)
[Title in Ukrainian, Russian and Crimean Tatar]
15 Gorkogo Street, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, 295000, tel.: (0652) 27-32-36, fax: (0652) 25-80-32
of 29 May 2015 No. M-487/8040
to No.
to A.M. Medzhitov
Address: […]
to A.R. Kefileva,
Address: […]
Having considered your application of 27 May 2015 on the holding of a public event with “...
the purpose of celebrating the Day of the Crimean Tatar National Flag ... in a cultural and
entertaining way.
Location of the event: Simferopol, Fontany microdistrict, free territory in front of the
school under construction, between the Emel, Borchokrak, Kara Deniz, Yesil Ada, Selim
Gereya streets... On 26 June 2015, from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m.;
Estimated number of participants: up to 3,000 (Three Thousand) individuals...”, the city
administration informs of the following.
There is no opportunity to hold a public event on 26 June 2015 at the above and other
locations of the Simferopol Urban District Municipality of the Republic of Crimea, with the
maximum occupancy rate of up to 3,000 individuals, since another Crimean Tatar organization filed
a notification of the events scheduled for the same date and time, which was approved in the
prescribed manner.
Due to the above, the city administration is not able to offer you another venue for your event.
Chief of Staff
of the Simferopol Administration (Signed) G.V. Aleksandrova
Annex 553

Annex 554
Administration of the City of Simferopol, Response No. 6651/24/01-48
to the notification of Interregional Public Movement of the Crimean
Tatar people “Qirim” No. 10 of 25 May 2015, 3 June 2015

(Coat of Arms)
[Title in Ukrainian, Russian and Crimean Tatar]
15 Gorkogo Street, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, 295000, tel.: (0652) 27-32-36, fax: (0652) 25-80-32
of 3 June 2015 No. 6651/24/01-48
to No.
86 Krasnozamennaya Str.
Republic of Crimea,
to the Head of the Directorate of the
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
for Simferopol
S.V. Nikolaev
To the Head of the City Service
Department of the City
O.V. Saltsin
To the Head of the Directorate for
Culture and Cultural Heritage of the
City Administration
E.G. Litvinenko
Considering the approvals you submitted, the City Administration informs that the holding of cultural
public events with “... the purpose of celebrating the Day of the Crimean Tatar Flag ... on the territory
of Simferopol from 26 to 28 June 2015, from 1 p.m to 9 p.m.
Location … of the event: Simferopol, Lenin Square.
Estimated number of participants: 2,000 individuals.
Location … of the event: Simferopol, on the adjacent territory between the building of the State
Council of the Republic of Crimea and the Pobedy [Victory] public garden. Estimated number of
participants: 60 individuals.
Location … of the event: Simferopol, the public garden near the Railway station. Estimated number of
participants: 100 individuals.
Location … of the event: Simferopol, from the territory of the Crimean Republican Palace of Culture
of Trade Unions in the pedestrian zone along the Kievskaya Street to the Salgir river.
Estimated number of participants: 500 individuals.
Annex 554
Location … of the event: Simferopol. Territory in front of the culture and business center “Konsol”.
The estimated number of participants: 300 individuals.
Location … of the event: Simferopol, Vorovskogo Street, at the monument to Ismail Gasprinsky.
Estimated number of participants: 300 individuals.
Location … of the event: Simferopol, the Gagarin park (from the sculptural composition “Three
Graces”, in the pedestrian zone along the ponds). The estimated number of participants: 1,000
Location … of the event: 26 Gurzufskaya Street, Simferopol, field in the Salgirka park. Estimated
number of participants: 300 individuals.
Location … of the event: 26 Gurzufskaya Street, Simferopol, field in the Salgirka park. Estimated
number of participants: 300 individuals.
Simferopol, territory in front of the Crimean Republican Palace of Culture of Trade Unions.
Estimated number of participants: 200 individuals
Simferopol, Fontany microdistrict, territory in front of the school under construction, also covering
Selim-Gereya, Kantar, Borchokrak streets.
Estimated number of participants: 2,000 individuals ...” with the use of five vehicles and soundamplifying
equipment, is approved.
Please note that the organizers of public events must take measures to ensure the safety of
participants and spectators in the course of holding thereof, to prevent violation of the rights of other citizens,
to maintain sanitary and public order in the venue of the events.
Chief of Staff
of the Administration of the City of Simferopol
(Signed) G.V. Aleksandrova
Annex 554
Attachment 2
to the Regulations on the Procedure for
Organizing and Holding Public Events
on the Territory of the Simferopol
Urban District Municipality of the
Republic of Crimea
to hold public events from 26 to 28 June 2015, from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m., on the territory of
the Simferopol urban district municipality of the Republic of Crimea
No. Names of the sectoral (functional)
bodies of the city administration,
organizations, institutions *
Date Approval Surname, name,
Signature of the
1. Department for City Service of
the City Administration
Approved (Signed)
2. Directorate for Culture and
Cultural Heritage of the City
Approved (Signed)
3. Directorate for Youth, Sports and
Tourism of the City Administration
- - -
4. Directorate for Outdoor Advertising
and Information of the City
- - -
5. Directorate for Trade and
Consumer Services of the City
- - -
6. Directorate for Education of the
City Administration
- - -
7. Directorate for Architecture and
Urban Planning of the City
- - -
8. Directorate of the Ministry of the
Russian Federation for Civil
Defence, Emergencies and
Elimination of Consequences of
Natural Disasters for the Republic
of Crimea
- - -
9. Directorate of the Ministry of
Internal Affairs of Russia for
Approved (Signed)
Annex 554

Annex 555
Roskomnadzor, Letter No. 1404-05/91 to Ms Islyamova, General
Director of Atlant-SV, 23 June 2015

(Coat of Arms)
To the General Director of “Television company
“Atlant-SV” LLC
E.R. Islyamova
14 Mamedi Emir-Usein Street,
Simferopol, 295049
(Roskomnadzor Directorate for the Republic of
Crimea and the city of Sevastopol)
4 Vilar Street, Simferopol,
Republic of Crimea, 295000
E-mail: [email protected]
23 June 2015 No. 1404-05/91
In reply to No. 125 of 22 May 2015
On providing information
Dear Elzara Rustemovna,
The Directorate of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information
Technology, and Mass Media for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, having
considered your appeal about the violation of the procedure for the provision of a state service for
registration of the media outlet “Radio Meydan” radio channel (incoming No. 2464/91 of 25 May
2015), informs of the following.
Based on paras. 5.4, 5.4.1 of the Statute on the Federal Service for Supervision of
Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media, approved by Resolution of the
Government of the Russian Federation of 16 March 2009 No. 228, Roskomnadzor registers media
Part 1 of Article 7 of the Law of the Russian Federation of 27 December 1991 No. 2124-1
“On mass media” (hereinafter – the Mass Media Law) imposes restrictions regarding the status of the
founder of a media outlet. Thus, the founder cannot be:
- a citizen who has not reached the age of 18, a citizen serving a sentence in places of detention
by a court decision, a mentally ill person recognized by the court as legally incapable;
- an association of citizens, an enterprise, an institution, or an organization whose activities
are prohibited by law;
- a citizen of another state or a stateless person not permanently residing in the Russian
At the same time, there is currently no normative legal act that defines the procedure for the
implementation of this article.
Annex 555
At the same time, the Roskomnadzor Directorate for the Republic of Crimea and the city of
Sevastopol has the right to invite the founder of a media outlet to provide information confirming the
fact that he meets the requirements of Art. 7 of the Mass Media Law.
It should be noted that the proposal to provide information confirming compliance with the
requirements of Article 7 of the Mass Media Law does not constitute the refusal to register a media
outlet (hereinafter – the media outlet) or the return of an application without consideration and does
not deprive the founder of the right to re-apply for registration of a media outlet.
In connection with the above, we believe that the Roskomnadzor Directorate for the Republic
of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol acted within the framework of the current legislation and within
its competence.
Deputy Head V.G. Garkavenko
The document is signed with an electronic
signature in the electronic document
management system of Roskomnadzor
Information about the ES certificate
Serial No.: 522902819916310273615410
Issued by: СА RTK
Validity: 17.10.2014 - 17.10.2015
Prepared by: V.I. Belkin
Tel.: (3652) 669293 ext. 321
Annex 555
Annex 556
Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea, Letter No. Isorg 15/3-
7209-2015 to Mr Fedotov, Adviser to the President of the Russian
Federation, Chairman of the Presidential Council for Civil Society and
Human Rights, 28 August 2015

To Adviser to the President
of the Russian Federation,
Chairman of the Presidential Council
for Civil Society and Human Rights
M.A. Fedotov
28 August 2015 No. Isorg 15/3-7209-2015
to No. А4-9-1202 of 25 June 2015
Dear Mikhail Aleksandrovich,
The Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea has considered your request to inform
the Council whether the operational-strategic exercise “Zaslon-2015” was legal given the
application on violation of the rights of citizens received from S.V. Krivenko, the member of the
Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights.
It has been established that the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Republic of
Crimea and the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia held the operationalstrategic
exercise “Zaslon-2015” on the basis of Order of 27 February 2015 No. 1/96с of the
Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation “On the preparation and holding of the
operational-strategic exercise of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
The purpose of the events was to further master the plans for the operational use of
interagency groupings simultaneously in multiple constituent entities of the Russian Federation with
a view of isolating and suppressing large-scale antisocial manifestations by the internal troops of the
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia together with other internal affairs bodies and in cooperation
with other enforcement structures of the federal executive authorities concerned.
During the said exercise human rights were respected regardless of the age and nationality
of citizens, the conditions of their places of residence.
No complaints have been received from the public in relation to the actions of officials of
the internal affairs bodies.
There are no grounds established for taking measures of the prosecutor’s response.
The Prosecutor of the Republic N.V. Poklonskaya
The Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea
No. Isorg -15/3-7209-2015/333
Annex 556

Annex 557
Liberal Democratic Party of the Russian Federation, Notification No.
165-PSH on holding a rally to celebrate Unity Day on 4 November
2015, 21 October 2015

LDPR Political Party
The Liberal Democratic Party of Russia
Crimean Regional Branch
295000, 6 Frunze St., Simferopol, tel. 8 (978) 792 80 19, Email: [email protected]
Ref No. 165-PSH of 21 October 2015
To the Head of Administration of
G.S. Bakharev
Dear Gennadiy Sergeevich,
We hereby notify you that the Crimean regional branch of the LDPR Political Party - The Liberal
Democratic Party of Russia, on 4 November 2015 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. will hold a public event in a form
of a rally to congratulate residents of the city of Simferopol with Unity Day and to express its opinion and
bring it to the attention of the general public. The rally will be held under the slogans: “Russians of all
countries - unite!”, “We are united so we are invincible!”, “All hail the Great Russian House!”, “LDPR is the
people’s party!”, “LDPR is the people’s will”, “Russia is the hope for the world!”, “Don’t give up,
Novoross..”, “Russia’s enemies - out you go!”, “USA’s place is the dust heap of history”, “It is time of the
great Russian Union!”, “LDPR is the soul of Russia”, “In unity there is a strength”, “LDPR is the nation’s
consciousness”, “The Russians live - the Russia lives”.
Venue for the rally: the city of Simferopol, Sovetskaya Square (next to the Simferopol Cinema).
Estimated number of participants: 400 persons.
Sound amplifying equipment will be used.
Content of the event: handing out campaign literature and LDPR Party merchandise, speeches of
LDPR activists, LDPR fraction deputies in the State Council of the Republic of Crimea and Simferopol City
Public order, venue cleanliness, as well as providing necessary medical aid will be ensured by own
means, with the involvement of the relevant services, if necessary.
Organizer: Assistant of the Coordinator of the Crimean regional LDPR branch for youth affairs,
Evgeny Aleksandrovich Smolin, Address: […], Phone number: […]
Responsible: Pavel Valentinovich Shperov, Address: […], Phone number: […]
Please send your response to the following address: 6 Frunze St., Simferopol, Republic of Crimea,
295017, and send a copy to the E-mail [email protected].
Handwriting: Restrictions under Para. 2 of Article 5 of Federal Law of 19 June 2004 No. 54 FZ “On
assemblies, rallies, demonstrations, marches and picketing”…. E.A. Smolin (Signed)
Coordinator of LDPR
Crimean regional branch (Signed) P.V. Shper…
Organizer (Signed) E.A. Smol…
21 October 2015
14:23 (Signed) (Seal) LDPR, details illegible
Annex 557

Annex 558
Administration of the City of Simferopol, Response No. 16189/24/01-
48 to the notification of the Liberal Democratic Party of the Russian
Federation No. 165-PSH of 21 October 2015, 23 October 2015

(Coat of Arms of Crimea)
15 Gorky St., Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, 295000, tel.: (0652) 27-32-36, fax: (0652) 25-80-32
of 23 October 2015 No. 16189/24/01-48
to Ref. No._________________________
Received in person
26 October 2015
To the Coordinator
of the LDPR (Liberal Democratic
Party of Russia) Crimean regional
P.V. Shperov,
6 Frunze St., Simferopol, Republic of
Crimea, 295017
Having considered your notification dated 21 October 2015 No. 165-PSH on holding the
public event “...on 4 November 2015 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. … in the form of a rally to
congratulate residents of the city of Simferopol with the Unity Day. The rally will be held
under the slogans: “Russian of all countries - unite!”, “We are united so we are
invincible!”, “All hail the Great Russian House!”, “LDPR is the people’s party!”, “LDPR
is the people’s will”, “Russia is the hope for the world!”, “Don’t give up, Novorossia”,
“Russia’s enemies - out you go!”, “USA’s place is the dust heap of history”, “It is time of
the great Russian Union!”, “LDPR is the soul of Russia”, “In unity there is a strength”,
“LDPR is the nation’s consciousness”, “The Russians live - the Russia lives”.
Place of the event: Simferopol, Sovetskaya Square (next to the Simferopol Cinema).
Planned number of participants: 400 persons.
Sound amplifying equipment will be used.
Content of the event: handing out campaign literature and LDPR Party
merchandise, speeches of LDPR activists, LDPR fraction deputies in the State Council of
the Republic of Crimea and Simferopol City Council...”, the Simferopol City Administration
informs you as follows.
Holding the public event on 4 November 2015 at the specified place at the specified time
is not possible as the notification of another organization on holding a public event on the same
date, at the same place and at the same time had been submitted earlier, which was approved in
accordance with the established procedure.
In view of the above, in accordance with Subparagraph 2 of Paragraph 1 of Article 12 of
Federal Law of 19 June 2004 No. 54-FZ “On assemblies, rallies, demonstrations, marches and
picketing” (as amended and supplemented) (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 54-FZ),
Annex 558
in accordance with the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea of 12
November 2014 No. 452 “On approval of the list of venues for public events on the territory of
the Republic of Crimea” (as amended), the City Administration recommends you to hold your
public event (rally) in a specially designated location: Park named after Yu. Gagarin (staring
from the “Three Graces” sculptural complex through the pedestrian zone along the ponds).
In accordance with the Subparagraph 2, Paragraph 4 of Article 5 of Federal Law No. 54-
FZ the public event organizer shall inform the local self-government authority in writing with
respect to the acceptance (rejection) of the latter’s proposal to change the public event venue
specified in the public event notification at least 3 days prior to holding the public event.
We also inform you that, for violation of the established procedure for organization or
holding of an assembly, rally, demonstration, march or picketing the public event organizer and
participants shall be responsible in accordance with the applicable laws.
Head of the Department for Internal
Policy and Organizational Support of the (Signed) M.N. Chernova
City Administration
Annex 558
Annex 559
Kiramet LLC, Notification to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian
Federation concerning the implementation of the types of activities
specified in Part 1 of Article 12 of the Federal Law “On the licensing
of certain types of activity” the implementation of which is allowed in
the territories of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol with effect
from 1 June 2015 without obtaining a license, 30 November 2015

(Stamp): true copy
(Stamp): The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation,
Department of State Protection of Cultural Heritage
Ref. No 1608-L, 1 December 2015
to the Rules for submitting notifications
on the implementation of the types of activities
specified in Part 1 of Article 12
of the Federal Law “On the licensing of certain types of activity”,
the implementation of which is allowed
in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol
from 1 June 2015 without obtaining a license
(note on the notification registration within the authorized body)
To Department of State Protection of Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
(specify the name of the federal executive authority (or its territorial body) where the notification is submitted)
Notification on the implementation of the types of activities specified in Part 1 of Article 12 of the Federal
Law “On the licensing of certain types of activity”, the implementation of which is allowed in the territories
of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol from 1 June 2015 without obtaining a license
Date: 30 November 2015
KIRAMET Limited Liability Company, KIRAMET LLC
(specify the full and abbreviated name, including the company name (if available), surname, first name and (if available) patronymic
of the individual entrepreneur)
INN (Taxpayer Identification Number) 9102031269, OGRN (Primary State Registration Number)
taxpayer identification number (INN) (if available), the primary state registration number of a legal entity or the primary state
registration number of the record of the state registration of an individual entrepreneur (OGRN) (if available)
Suvorovsky Spusk str., 4/11, Simferopol, the Republic of Crimea, 295000
postal address of the location of the legal entity, including its branches and representative offices, places of actual implementation of
the declared type(s) of activity of the legal entity or individual entrepreneur)
notifies about the implementation of activities for preservation of cultural heritage sites (historical and
cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation
development of project documentation for conservation, repair, restoration, adjustment and
reconstruction of cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the
Russian Federation;
Annex 559
development of project documentation for engineering strengthening of cultural heritage sites
(historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation.
(Stamp): true copy
(specify the type (s) of activity from among those specified in Part 1 of Article 12 of the Federal Law “On the licensing of certain
types of activity”, the implementation of which is notified, and works and (or) services performed in its composition works and (or)
services specified in accordance with the lists of performed works and services provided for the corresponding type(s) of activity in
accordance with Part 2 of Article 12 of the Federal Law “On the licensing of certain types of activity”)
and confirms the compliance of territories, buildings, premises, structures, equipment, other similar sites,
vehicles intended for use in the course of carrying out the declared activities, personnel and other conditions
for carrying out activities with temporary mandatory requirements.
General Director
(name of the position of the head of the
legal entity)
(signature of the head of the legal entity,
the person representing the interests of
the legal entity, the individual
Yu. A. Ivanishkina
(initials, surname of the head of a legal
entity, a person representing the interests
of a legal entity, an individual
(Seal): Kiramet Limited Liability Company INN 9102031269, OGRN (Primary State Registration Number)
1149102053957 * the Republic of Crimea, Simferopol * RUSSIAN FEDERATION
Annex 559
Annex 560
Administration of the City of Simferopol, Letter No. U-160/20140 to
Mr Ilmi Umerov, 3 December 2015

(Coat of Arms of Crimea)
15 Gorky St., Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, 295000, tel.: (0652) 27-32-36, fax: (0652) 25-80-32
of 3 December 2015 No. U-160/20140
To No.
/Handwritten text: Received personally/
I.R. Umerov
Head of the Directorate of the Ministry of
Internal Affairs of Russia for Simferopol
S.V. Nikolaev
44 Franko Blvd.,
Republic of Crimea,
Having considered your notification of 3 December 2015 about holding “...a public event on
10 December 2015 in the form of a picket without using the sound amplifying equipment,
dedicated to the International Human Rights Day ...” to inform “... the public about the violation
of human rights in the territory of the Republic Crimea; appeal to the law enforcement bodies
to eliminate human rights violations.
Venue... – 21a Sevastopolskaya St., Simferopol (near the main gate of the Prosecutor’s
Office of the Republic of Crimea)...
Start and end time...:
- start at 11 a.m.
- end at 12 p.m.
Expected number of participants... - up to 50 persons...”, using Crimean Tatar national
symbols, information signs, the Administration of Simferopol informs you of the following.
Holding of mass, public, cultural, entertainment and other events is temporarily suspended from
22 November 2015 until further notice in accordance with Order of the Head of the Republic of
Crimea of 22 November 2015 No. 454-rg “Оn imposing the man-made emergency situation regime”,
Resolutions of the City Administration of Simferopol of 22 November 2015 No. 1348 “On imposing
emergency situation regime for the forces of the municipal unit of the territorial subsystem of the
unified state system of prevention and elimination of emergency situations (RSChS) in the
municipality - the urban district of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea”, No. 1347 “On restriction
of mass, public, cultural, entertainment and other events in the territory of the municipality - the urban
district of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea”, on the basis of the minutes of the Operational
Headquarters of the City Administration of Simferopol for the elimination of emergency situations
of 22 November 2015 No. 4.
Annex 560
According to Part 8 of Article 55 of the Charter of the municipality - the urban district of
Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea, municipal regulatory acts adopted by local self-government
bodies and officials are mandatory in the whole territory of the urban district.
Information on the lifting of restrictions on holding the mass, public, cultural, entertainment
and other events in the municipality - the urban district of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea, will
be published on the official website of the administration of Simferopol (simadm.ru).
Deputy Head of the Administration
Chief of Staff of the Administration of Simferopol /Signature/ G.V. Aleksandrova
Annex 560
Annex 561
Liberal Democratic Party of the Russian Federation, Notification No. 3
on holding a rally dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day on 23
February 2016, 11 February 2016

LDPR Political Party
The Liberal Democratic Party of Russia
Ref. No. 3
Of 11 February 2016
To the Head of Administration
of Simferopol
G.S. Bakharev
Dear Gennadiy Sergeevich,
We hereby notify you that the Simferopol City Local Branch of the LDPR Political Party - the Liberal
Democratic Party of Russia on 23 February 2016, from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm, will hold a public event dedicated
to the Defender of the Fatherland Day in the format of a rally to express its opinion and bring it to the attention
of the general public. The rally will be held under the slogans: “LDPR for a strong Russia!”, “Patriotism,
strength, LDPR!”, “LDPR - peace and order in the country!”, “LDPR - 30 years on the defense of the
Fatherland!”, “LDPR: save the army - protect Russia”, “LDPR: enemies will be defeated!”, “Stop humiliating
Russians!”, “LDPR - our counterstrike will be crushing and merciless!”, “LDPR will return peace and order
to Russia!”, “LDPR: the strength of the army is in the people’s patriotism”, “For the Russian peace, for the
Russian army!”
Venue for the rally: Simferopol, Sovetskaya Square (next to the Simferopol cinema).
Estimated number of participants: 250 people.
With the use of sound amplifying equipment and party symbols.
Content of the event: handing out LDPR campaign products, speeches of LDPR activists, deputies of
the LDPR faction in the State Council of the Republic of Crimea and the Simferopol City Council.
Public order, venue cleanliness, as well as providing necessary medical care will be ensured by own
means, with the involvement of the relevant services, if necessary.
There are no restrictions provided for in Para. 2 of Article 5 of Federal Law of 19 June 2014 No. 54-
FZ “On assemblies, rallies, demonstrations, marches and picketing”.
Organizer: coordinator of the Simferopol City Branch of the LDPR, Gennady Anatolyevich
Veretelnikov, Address: […], Phone number: […]
Responsible Person: Evgeny Nikolaevich Kurensky, Address: […], Phone number:
[…] Please send your answer to e-mail [email protected].
Coordinator of the Simferopol
Сity Branch of the LDPR (Signed) G.A. Veretelnikov
Responsible Person (Signed) G. N. Kurensky
Of 11 February 2016
11 February 2016 2:15 pm
Annex 561

Annex 562
Administration of the City of Simferopol, Response No. 2571/24/01-28
to the notification of the Liberal Democratic Party of the Russian
Federation No. 3 of 11 February 2016, 12 February 2016

(Coat of Arms of Crimea)
15 Gorky St., Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, 295000, tel.: (0652) 27-32-36, fax: (0652) 25-80-32
Of 12 February 2016 No. 2571/24/01-28
to Ref. No. __________________________
To the Coordinator of the Simferopol
City Local Unit
of the Crimean Regional
Branch of the LDPR Political Party -
Liberal Democratic
Party of Russia
G.A. Veretelnikov
To the Head of the Directorate
of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
for Simferopol
S.V. Nikolaev
44 Franko Blvd.,
Republic of Crimea,
Having considered your notification of 11 February 2016 No. 3 on holding a public event,
with the aim to “... express your opinion and bringing it to the attention of the general public,
on 23 February 2016 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., a public event dedicated to Defender of the
Fatherland Day will be held in the format of a rally. The rally will be held under the slogans:
“LDPR for a strong Russia!”, “Patriotism, strength, LDPR!”, “LDPR - peace and order in the
country!”, “LDPR - 30 years on the defense of the Fatherland!”, “LDPR: save the army -
protect Russia”, “LDPR: enemies will be defeated!”, “Stop humiliating Russians!”, “LDPR -
our counterstrike will be crushing and merciless!”, “LDPR will return peace and order to
Russia!”, “LDPR: the strength of the army is in the people’s patriotism”, “For the Russian
peace, for the Russian army!”
Venue for the rally: Simferopol, Sovetskaya Square (next to the Simferopol cinema).
Estimated number of participants: 250 people.
With the use of sound amplifying equipment and party symbols...” the Administration of
the Simferopol informs of the following.
Holding of mass, public, cultural, entertainment and other events is temporarily
suspended from 22 November 2015 until further notice in accordance with Order of the Head
Annex 562
of the Republic of Crimea of 22 November 2015 No. 454-rg “Оn imposing the man-made
emergency situation regime”, Resolutions of the City Administration of Simferopol of 22
November 2015 No. 1348 “On imposing emergency situation regime for the forces of the municipal
unit of the territorial subsystem of the unified state system of prevention and elimination of
emergency situations (RSChS) in the municipality - the urban district of Simferopol of the Republic
of Crimea”, No. 1347 “On restriction of mass, public, cultural, entertainment and other events in the
territory of the municipality - the urban district of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea”, on the basis
of the minutes of the Operational Headquarters of the City Administration of Simferopol for the
elimination of emergency situations of 22 November 2015 No. 4.
According to Part 8 of Article 55 of the Charter of the Simferopol Urban District Municipality
of the Republic of Crimea, municipal regulatory acts adopted by local self-government bodies and
officials are mandatory in the whole territory of the urban district.
Information on the lifting of restrictions on holding mass, public, cultural, entertainment and
other events on the territory of the Simferopol City District Municipal Unit, the Republic of Crimea,
will be published on the official website of the Administration of Simferopol (simadm.ru).
Deputy Head of Administration -
Chief of Staff
of the Administration of the City of Simferopol (Signed) G.V. Aleksandrova
Annex 562
Annex 563
Notification of Ms Ametova to the Voinka Village Administration on
holding a rally in the park of the Voinka village on 18 May 2016 from
3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., 4 May 2016

To the Head of the Administration of
the Voinka Rural Settlement of the
Krasnoperekopsky District of the
Republic of Crimea
E.V. Maximova
54 Lenina Street, Voinka village,
Krasnoperekopsky District, Republic of
Crimea, 296033
from citizen Ametova
Saniye Isaevna
residing at Address: […]
Tel. […]
on holding a public event
According to Article 31 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 54-FZ
“On assemblies, rallies, demonstrations, marches and picketing”, Law of the Republic of Crimea No.
56-ZRK “On providing conditions for the citizens of the Russian Federation to exercise their right to
hold assemblies, rallies, demonstrations and picketing in the Republic of Crimea ”,
Please be informed that I intend to hold a public event on 18 May 2016.
The purpose of the public event is to commemorate victims of the Crimean Tatar people
ethnocide that resulted from their deportation on 18 May 1944 from their historical homeland.
The form of the mass event: a rally.
The place of the mass event: the center of the Voinka village (the memorial complex). The date
of the mass event: 18 May 2016.
Starting and ending time of the mass event (local time):
- Starting time: 3 p.m., ending time: 5 p.m.
The estimated number of the mass event participants: 110 individuals.
The public event will be held using the sound amplifying equipment. The event will be
decorated with Crimean Tatar national symbols.
The organizer will apply the following forms and methods in order to ensure:
- Public order - in accordance with the provisions of applicable law,
- Organization of medical care - in accordance with the provisions of applicable law. There are
no restrictions provided for by Part 2 of Article 5 of Federal Law “On assemblies, rallies,
demonstrations, marches and picketing”. I take over the administrative functions of organizing and
holding the public event!
/Signature/ S.I. Ametova
4 May 2016 /Stamp:
Ref. No. 03-38/574 of 04 May 2016/
Annex 563

Annex 564
Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation, Letter No. Ms-
2/6-3374gr to Penal Correction and Special Records Directorate of the
Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, 6 May 2016

/handwritten: 6/
/handwritten: illegible
[Signed] 14 June 2016
A.M. Makiyev
[Signed] 14.06.16/
(FMS of Russia)
Acting Head of the Penal
Correction and Special Records
Directorate of the
Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia
Colonel of Internal Service
I.V. Vedinyapin
Citizenship and Residence Permit Directorate
4 Boyarsky Lane, 107078 Moscow
tel. 8(495) 636-98-32; tel./fax 8(495) 621-31-57
email: [email protected]
6 May 2016 No. Ms-2/6-3374 gr
ref. No. 12-20739 of 13 April 2016
Regarding O.G. Sentsov
FMS of Russia
[Bar code] No. MS-2/6-3374GR of 6 May 2016
Dear Igor Viktorovich,
We have reviewed your request for the verification of facts with the view of confirming or
denying whether Oleg Gennadyevich Sentsov, born on 13 July 1976 in the Republic of Crimea, is a
citizen of the Russian Federation.
O.G. Sentsov is a citizen of the Russian Federation in accordance with the procedure of
recognition under Paragraph 1 of Article 4 of the Federal Constitutional Law of 21 March 2014 No.
6-FKZ “On the admission of the Republic of Crimea into the Russian Federation and the formation
of new constituent entities within the Russian Federation - the Republic of Crimea and the Federal
City of Sevastopol”, since as at 18 March 2014 – the date of the admission of the Republic of Crimea
into the Russian Federation and formation of new constituent entities within the Russian Federation
– he was registered at the place of his residence (from 11 July 2003 until present) at: 37 1st Konnoy
Armii St., Apt. 18, Simferopol.
According to the information provided by the Directorate of the Federal Migration Service of
Russia for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, O.G. Sentsov has not been issued a
passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
He has not filed any applications with the Directorate of the Federal Migration Service of
Russia for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol for preserving his Ukrainian citizenship.
The records of the Federal Migration Service of Russia contain no information regarding O.G.
Sentsov’s renouncement of citizenship of the Russian Federation.
Yours sincerely,
Deputy Head <Signed> L.D. Arestova
/STAMP: Office of the Federal State Institution Correctional Colony-1 of the
Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the
Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Incoming ref. No. 2286
Log No. 2
14 June 2016/
Annex 564

Annex 565
Voinka Village Administration, Response to the notification of Ms
Ametova with the proposal to hold a joint event of laying flowers at the
memorial plaque in the Voinsky rural settlement on 18 May 2016 at
3:00 p.m., 10 May 2016

/Stamp: Administration of the Voinka Rural
Settlement of the Krasnoperekopsky District of the
Republic of Crimea
Primary State Registration Number (OGRN)
1149102070721, Taxpayer Identification Number
(INN) 9106001748 / Tax Registration Reason Code
(KPP) 910601001
Tel./fax: (06565) 92547
E-mail: [email protected]
54 Lenina Street, Voinka Village, Krasnoperekopsky
District, Republic of Crimea, 296033
No. 23-39/735 10 May 2016/
To Saniye Isaevna Ametova
Address: […]
Dear Saniye Isaevna,
The Administration of the Voinka Rural Settlement has reviewed your notification concerning
your intention to hold a rally in order to commemorate the victims of the Crimean Tatar people
ethnocide that resulted from the deportation on 18 May 1944 from their historical homeland.
Currently, the Administration of the Voinka Rural Settlement plans to hold an event to lay
flowers at the memorial plaque on the territory of the Voinka Rural Settlement.
In view of the above, we suggest you to hold a joint laying of flowers at the memorial plaque
on 18 May 2016 at 3 p.m.
Chair of the Voinka Village Council - Head
of the Administration of the Voinka Rural
/Signature/ E.V. Maksimova
Administration of the Voinka Rural Settlement of the Krasnoperekopsky District of the Republic of Crimea
Primary State Registration Number 1149102070721/
Received 10 May 2016
/Signature/ S.I. Ametova
Annex 565

Annex 566
Letter of Ms Ametova to the Voinka Village Administration consenting
to hold a rally on 18 May 2016 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.,
12 May 2016

To the Head of the Administration of
the Voinka Rural Settlement of the
Krasnoperekopsky District of the
Republic of Crimea
E.V. Maksimova
54 Lenina Street, Voinka village,
Krasnoperekopsky District, Republic of
Crimea, 296033
from citizen Ametova
Saniye Isaevna
residing at address […]
Tel. […]
of the time of a mass event
On 4 May 2016, I submitted a notification on holding a mass event (rally) on the Central
Square of the Voinka village intended to be held on 18 May of this year.
On 10 May 2016, the Head of the Voinka village administration proposed rescheduling our
event to another time since at 3 p.m. there is going to be an event planned by the Administration of
the Rural Settlement.
A proposal to change the place and (or) time of a mass event must be substantiated and
motivated (Paragraph 2 of Part 1 of Article 12 of Federal Law No. 54-FZ). I request you to
substantiate this proposal by providing a copy of the order issued by the Head of the Administration
of the Voinka Rural Settlement on holding the event on the Central Square of the village of Voinka
on 18 May 2016 at 3 p.m.
In this case, as the organiser of the mass event, I agree to reschedule my event to 11 a.m. (start)
– 12:30 p.m. (end).
/Signature/ S.I. Ametova
12 May 2016
Ref. No. 03-38/625 of 12 May 2016
3:42 p.m./
Annex 566

Annex 567
Voinka Village Administration, Response to the letter of Ms Ametova,
13 May 2016

/Stamp: Administration of the Voinka Rural
Settlement of the Krasnoperekopsky District of the
Republic of Crimea
Primary State Registration Number (OGRN)
1149102070721, Taxpayer Identification Number
(INN) 9106001748 / Tax Registration Reason Code
(KPP) 910601001
Tel./fax: (06565) 92547
E-mail: [email protected]
54 Lenina Street, Voinka Village, Krasnoperekopsky
District, Republic of Crimea, 296033
No. 03-39 754 10 May 2016/
Address: […]
To Saniye Isaevna Ametova
Your proposal to change the time of the mass event has been considered by the Administration
of the Voinka Rural Settlement. On 10 May 2016, during an oral conversation you were offered to
hold the event on 18 May 2016 at 9 a.m., but that day you did not agree with this proposal. At the
moment, subject to the decision of the 29th meeting of the 1st convocation of the Voinka Village
Council No. 361 of 28 April 2016, works to improve the territory of the park (fence installation,
playground installation, grass mowing, summer outdoor area repair) are underway and all activities
in this area are prohibited; an exception was made for 18 May 2016 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. to hold an
event to lay flowers at the memorial plaque to those who perished during deportation (in accordance
with the resolution of the Administration of the Voinka Rural Settlement of the Krasnoperekopsky
District of the Republic of Crimea No. 111 of 29 April 2016).
Based on the above, it is impossible to approve the holding of the rally organized by you on
18 May 2016 from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. or from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Chair of the Voinka Village Council - Head
of the Administration of the Voinka Rural
/Signature/ E.V. Maksimova
Administration of the Voinka Rural Settlement of the Krasnoperekopsky District of the Republic of Crimea
Primary State Registration Number 1149102070721/
Received 13 May 2016
/Signature/ S.I. Ametova
1:50 p.m.
Annex 567

Annex 568
Main Migration Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the
Russian Federation, Letter No. 20/5610gr to International Law and
Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian
Federation, 30 May 2016

Ministry of Justice of Russia
[Bar code]
No. 134406/16
of 29.08.2016
(MIA of Russia)
Main Migration Directorate
(MMD of the MIA of Russia)
Bld. 1, 12 Chistoprudny Lane, 101000 Moscow
tel. 8(495) 621-44-28; tel./fax 8(495) 917-82-32
_________No. 20/5610gr______
your ref. No. 06-56361/16 of 30 May 2016
Deputy Director of the
International Law and Cooperation
Department of the
Ministry of Justice of the
Russian Federation
V.I. Lysak
FMS of Russia
[Bar code]
No. 20/5610GR of 25.08.2016
Regarding O.G. Sentsov
Dear Valery Ivanovich,
We have reviewed your request regarding Oleg Gennadievich Sentsov, born on 13.07.1976 in
the Ukrainian Soviet Socialistic Republic.
According to Part 1 of Article 4 of Federal Constitutional Law of 21 March 2014 No. 6-FKZ
“On the admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and formation of new
constituent entities in the Russian Federation – the Republic of Crimea and the Federal City of
Sevastopol” as of the date of admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and
formation of new constituent entities in the Russian Federation, Ukrainian nationals and stateless
persons permanently residing on the territory of the Republic of Crimea or the federal city of
Sevastopol as at the said date shall be recognised as citizens of the Russian Federation, save for the
persons who within one month from the said date express their wish to preserve their other citizenship
and (or) that of their minor children or to remain stateless.
According to the information provided by the Migration Directorate of the Ministry of Internal
Affairs of Russia for the Republic of Crimea, O.G. Sentsov has been registered (from 11 July 2003
to date) at his place of residence: Apt. 18, 37 1st Konnoy Armii Street, Simferopol, in accordance
with Ukrainian passport series ES No. 477125, issued on 12.11.1997 by the Bakhchisaraysky District
Office of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for Crimea.
O.G. Sentsov is a Russian national pursuant to the above provision of the Federal
Constitutional Law since, as at 18 March 2014, he permanently resided in the Republic of Crimea.
O.G. Sentsov has not filed any applications for preserving his Ukrainian citizenship in
accordance with the established procedure.
As at 18 August 2016, there are no records confirming that O.G. Sentsov has been issued a
Russian passport.
Yours sincerely,
Acting Deputy Head
Colonel of Police /Signed/ V.L. Kazakova
Annex 568

Annex 569
Warning from the Prosecutor’s Office of Simferopol No. 01-1366В -
2016 of 27 May 2016 to Lilya Rustemovna Budzhurova published on
the Facebook page of Lilya Budzhurova

11 Sevastopolskaya St., Simferopol
Republic of Crimea
27 May 2016 No. 01-1366v-2016
To Lilya Rustemovna Budzhurova
on the impermissibility of violation of the legislation
on countering extremist activities
and mass media legislation
According to the information available to the Prosecutor’s Office of Simferopol and in the
course of monitoring the name “Lilya Budzhurova” on the Internet, Facebook and the website of
Investigative Journalism of 24 May 2016 at http://investigator.org.ua/blogs/180390/, by the name of
“Lilya Budzhurova, CrimeanTatars.club”, publications which may contain signs of extremist
statements were identified.
It is established that Lilya Rustemovna Budzhurova is the author of these publications; she is
one of the founders and Deputy General Director of Kara Deniz Production LLC which activities
include the airing (broadcasting) and distribution of television programmes and activities related to
the airing (broadcasting) and distribution of audio broadcasting programs.
Propaganda or agitation inciting social, racial, ethnic or religious hatred and strife are not
permitted in accordance with Part 2 of Article 29 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
Thus, in these publications, which are distributed to 1,822 subscribers and accessed by an
unlimited number of persons, L.R. Budzhurova says that Crimean Tatars are going to be caught in
the streets, on public transport, in markets soon, and they will be obliged to wear a yellow bandage
on their sleeves. Futher, L.R. Budzhurova encourages people to protest.
L.R. Budzhurova made similar attempts at propaganda and agitation aimed at inciting ethnic
or religious hatred and strife on the website “Centre of Investigative Journalism” on 24 May 2016.
AB No. 003583
According to Article 13 of Federal Law of 25 July 2002 No. 114-FZ “On countering extremist
activities”, it is prohibited to publish and distribute on the territory of the Russian Federation printed,
audio, audio-visual and other materials containing at least one of the signs provided for by Part 1 of
Article 1 of this Federal Law.
Annex 569
In accordance with Part 1 of Article 1 of Federal Law of 25 July 2002 No. 114-FZ, extremist
activities are defined as activities of organisations relating to planning, organising, preparing and
performing actions aimed at inciting racial, ethnic or religious hatred, as well as social hatred
associated with violence or calls for violence, humiliation of ethnic dignity, propaganda of
exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of citizens based on their attitude to religion, social, racial,
ethnic, religious or linguistic affiliation.
According to Article 11 of this Federal Law, the mass media are prohibited from disseminating
extremist materials and conducting extremist activities.
According to Article 4 of Federal Law of 27 December 1991 No. 2124-1 “On mass media”, it
is not allowed to use the mass media for disseminating extremist materials.
It should be noted that in 2014, the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea issued a
warning to L.R. Budzhurova (who at that time was Deputy General Director of the ATR Television
Company) on the impermissibility of any extremist activities and violation of the Federal Law “On
countering extremist activities” and the Law of the Russian Federation “On mass media”.
However, despite the foregoing, L.R. Budzhurova now continues to disseminate publications
to an unlimited number of persons that may provoke the incitement of ethnic or religious hatred and
strife on the territory of the Republic of Crimea.
The actions aimed at the incitement of hatred or strife, as well as at humiliating the dignity of
a person or a group of persons on the basis of their gender, race, ethnicity, language, origin, attitude
to religion, and affiliation to any particular social group, when committed in public or using the mass
media or information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, shall entail criminal
liability under Part 1 of Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
Based on the foregoing and guided by Articles 22, 25.1 of the Federal Law “On the
Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation”, Article 6 of the Federal Law “On countering extremist
activities”, in order to prevent offences
Lilya Rustemovna Budzhurova on the impermissibility of violating Articles 1, 11, 13 and 15
of Federal Law of 25 July 2002 No. 114-FZ “On countering extremist activities” and Article 4 of
Federal Law of 27 December 1991 No. 2124-1 “On mass media”.
If you do not comply with the requirements of federal legislation, you may be held responsible
in accordance with the established procedure.
Deputy Prosecutor of the City
Counsellor of Justice (signed) A.F. Shkitov
Annex 569
Annex 570
Russian Commune “Sobol”, Notification on holding a public event to
celebrate Russia Day on 12 June 2016, 1 June 2016

No. 0007 named after Prince Aleksandr Nevsky
Simferopol, 4/ 2A Kievskaya St.
Tel./fax: (8652) 60-23-93; Mobile: +(7978)704-67-71
e-mail: [email protected]
Our Ref. No. illegible, of 1 June 2016
G.S. Bakharev
Handwritten: on holding a public event
Public organization RUSSIAN COMMUNE “SOBOL”, guided by Federal Law of 19 June 2004
No. 54-FZ “On assemblies, rallies, demonstrations, marches and picketing” and the Constitution,
hereby informs you on holding a festive event dedicated to the Russia Day
Time of the event: 12 June 2015 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Venue: Gurzufskaya St. (the area of new cycle race track)
Number: 100 persons.
Organizer: Tatyana Sergeevna Savitskaya tel. […] address […]
Responsible for public order: Tatyana Sergeevna Savitskaya tel. […] address […], has no
criminal record
Persons authorized to perform administrative functions on managing and conducting a
meeting: Tatyana Sergeevna Savitskaya tel. […]
We guarantee the maintenance of order.
According to Part 5 of Article 2 of the Law of the Republic of Crimea of 21 August 2014 No. 56,
please confirm the fact of filing the notification with a stamp of the local self-government body of
the municipality.
Deputy Chairman of the Russian Commune “Sobol” (Signed) S.A. Berbenets
Handwritten: Norms and methods of ensuring public order – by our means. Organization of
medical care – by our means. With the use of sound amplifying equipment, without the use of
vehicles. We confirm that this additional information is true. (Signed)
(Stamp) Administration of the City of Simferopol, the Republic of Crimea
Our Ref. No. 11501/24/01 28
1 June 2016 4:20 p.m.
Annex 570

Annex 571
Administration of the City of Simferopol, Response No. 11501/24/01-
28 to the notification of the Russian Community “Sobol” of 1 June
2016, 3 June 2016

(Coat of Arms of Crimea)
15 Gorkogo St., Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, 295000, tel. (0652) 27-32-36. fax: (0652) 25-80-32
dated 3 June 2016 No. 11501/24/01-28
to Ref. No. _____________
Received in person
6 June 2016
To: Deputy Chairman of the Russian
Commune “Sobol”
S.A. Berbenets
4/2A Kievskaya St., Simferopol,
Republic of Crimea,
Head of Directorate of the Ministry of
Internal Affairs of Russia for
Simferopol, S.V. Nikolaev
44 Franko Blvd., Simferopol
Republic of Crimea,
Having considered your notification on holding a public event in the form of a rally of 1
June 2016 “... dedicated to the Russia Day
Time of the event: 12 June 2015 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Venue: Gurzufskaya St. (the area of new cycle race track)
Number: 100 persons. ...”, the Administration of the City of Simferopol informs you as
The procedure for organizing and holding public events in the forms established by federal
legislation is governed by Federal Law of 19 June 2004 No. 54-FZ “On assemblies, rallies,
demonstrations, marches and picketing” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 54-FZ), Law of the
Republic of Crimea of 21 August 2014 No. 56-ZRK “On providing conditions for the Russian
citizens to exercise their right to hold assemblies, rallies, demonstrations and picketing in the
Republic of Crimea” (hereinafter “the Law”), Regulations on the procedure for holding public
events in the municipal entity, the Simferopol urban district of the Republic of Crimea, approved by
the Resolution of the City Administration of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea of 28 January
2015 No. 29 (hereinafter “the Regulations”).
According to Para. 1 of Part 4 of Article 5 of Federal Law No. 54-FZ, organizer the public
event shall submit to the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or
local self-government body a notification on holding a public event in the manner prescribed by
Article 7 of this Federal Law.
According to Parts 3, 4 of Article 7 of Federal Law No. 54-FZ and Part 1 of Article 2 of the
Law, the public event notification shall indicate:
1) The purpose of the public event;
2) The form of the public event;
Annex 571
3) The venue for the public event, the routes of participants movement, and if the public
event involves transport vehicles — information on the use of vehicles;
4) Date, start and end time of the public event;
5) Estimated number of participants of the public event;
6) Means of ensuring public order and medical assistance by organizer of the public
event, intention to use sound amplifying equipment when holding a public event;
7) The full name of the of the organizer of the public event, information about his place of
residence, stay or location and telephone number, information on absence of the restrictions
established by Part 2 of Article 5 of Federal Law No. 54-FZ;
8) The full names of the persons authorized by the public event organizer to perform
administrative functions for organizing and holding a public event;
9) Date of filing a public event notification.
In accordance with the principles set forth in Article 3 of Federal Law No. 54-FZ, the public
event notification shall be signed by the public event organizer and persons authorized by the public
event organizer to perform the administrative functions for organizing and holding a public event.
Based on Para. 2.5. Section 2 of the Regulation, the public event organizer or his legal
representative shall submit the following documents to the City Administration of Simferopol:
- Notification on holding a public event in the form provided in Appendix 1 to the
- A copy of the document proving that an individual, i.e. organizer of a public event, has
reached the age established by the federal legislation (depending on the form of the public event)
and has a Russian citizenship;
- A copy of the document certifying the state registration of a legal entity, i.e. organizer
of a public event, if it has the status of a legal entity, in case the organizer of a public event is a
legal entity;
- a document confirming the rights of the public event organizer’s representative, if the
notification is submitted by an authorized representative.
When submitting a notification on holding a public event, a public event organizer or an
authorized representative shall present an identity document, a copy of which shall be attached to
the notification on holding a public event.
Considering the above-mentioned, you need to identify an organizer of a public event and
persons authorized by the public event organizer to perform the administrative functions for
organizing and holding a public event, indicate the purpose of the public event, clarify the date of
the event and submit a notification on holding the public event in the manner and within the time
limits provided for under the applicable law. Upon that, the Administration of Simferopol will
return to the consideration of the issue of approval of holding the event.
We also inform you that, for violation of the established procedure for organization or
holding of an assembly, rally, demonstration, march or picketing the public event organizer and
participants shall be responsible in accordance with the applicable laws.
Deputy Head of the Administration - Chief of Staff
of the Administration of the City of Simferopol (Signed) G.V. Aleksandrova
Annex 571
Annex 572
Letter of Mr Ruslan Balbek, Deputy Chairman of the Council of
Ministers of the Republic of Crimea, to the heads of municipal
administrations, No. 1133/01-04, 13 May 2016

[Original in Russian and Ukrainian/Crimean Tatar]
fax: 24-80-20
e-mail: [email protected]
13 Kirova Prospect Simferopol, 295005
Of 13 May 2016 No. 1133/01-04
to Ref. […]
To the heads of the administrations of the
municipalities of the Republic of Crimea
Hereby the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea informs about the decision of the
Supreme Court of the Republic of Crimea of 26 April 2016 No. 2a-3/2016 “Concerning the ban on
the activities of the public association ‘Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People’”.
The ban on the “Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People” is the consequence of the extremist
activities of some of its functionaries. The “Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People” ceased to be related
to Crimea and Crimean Tatars after it played a leading role in carrying out the blockade of Crimea
and its leaders organised the formation of illegal armed gangs on the territory of the Kherson region
of Ukraine with the participation of extremists from international terrorist groupings of a religious
The “Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People” carried out extremist actions aimed at a forced
change of the foundations of the constitutional order and violation of the integrity of the Russian
Federation, public justification of terrorism.
The placing of the “Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People” outside the legal framework of the
Russian Federation does not in any way affect the interests and rights of the Crimean Tatar people,
since the interests of Crimean Tatars have ceased to coincide with the goals and objectives of the
Mejlis and its leaders.
The ban on the activities of the “Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People” will in no way lead to
violation of the right of the Crimean Tatar people to political, economic, social and cultural
development for there are currently more than 30 public associations advocating for the rights and
interests of the Crimean Tatar people active in the Republic of Crimea.
According to paragraph 3 of Article 10 of the Federal Law [of 25 July 2002] No. 114-FZ [“On
countering extremist activities”], in the event of the suspension of the activities of a public or religious
association, its regional and other structural units as founders of the media, they shall be prohibited
from using state and municipal media, organising and holding assemblies, rallies, demonstrations,
marches, picketing and other mass actions or public events, taking part in elections and referendums,
using bank deposits, except for the use of them to make payments related to their economic activities,
compensation for losses (damage) caused by their actions, payment of taxes, fees or fines as well as
the payments under employment contracts.
Annex 572
In accordance with the foregoing, we request you to carry out information and awarenessraising
work among the population and in case of non-compliance with the above prohibitions by the
public association (its members, activists) concerned or the presence of prerequisites for such noncompliance,
being guided by Articles 6, 22 of the Federal Law of 17 January 1992 No. 2202-1 “On
the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation”, we request you to immediately provide
information about this and the measures taken to the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea.
Deputy Chairman of
the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea
/signature/ /Sincerely/
Annex 572
Annex 573
United Russia Political Party, Notification No. 010-1-12/95 on holding
a public event to celebrate National Flag Day of the Russian Federation
on 22 August 2016, 15 August 2016

298100, the Republic of Crimea, Feodosia, 7, Zemskaya St., tel. (06562) 21417,
email: [email protected]
Crimean regional branch
Feodosia local branch
15 August 2016 No. 010-1-12/95
to Ref. No.______ of _______
To: Head of the Feodosia City
Administration, S.N. Krysin
on holding a public event in the form of a rally-concert
According to Article 31 of the Constitution of Russian Federation, Article 11 of the Convention for
the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, pursuant to Federal Law No. 54-FZ of
19 June 2004 “On assemblies, rallies, street marches, demonstrations and picketing” the Feodosia
local branch of the Crimean regional branch of the All-Russian political party “UNITED RUSSIA”
notifies you about holding of the public event in the form of a rally-concert.
- Public event form: rally-concert
- Venue: 4 Nasypnaya St., Feodosia, the stadium “Crystal” named after V.A. Shayderov
- Date: 22 August 2016
- Time: 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
- Planned number of participants: 500 individuals
- Route of the participants: none
- Forms and methods, applied by organizers to ensure public order and provision of medical
aid: to be provided by the members of Feodosia local branch of the Crimean regional branch of the
All-Russian political party “UNITED RUSSIA”.
- Use of sound-amplifying equipment and means of transportation:
Sound-amplifying equipment, 2 pcs.
- Last name, name and patronymics or full name of the public event organizer, information
on the place of residence or stay, telephone number: Feodosia local branch of the Crimean
regional branch of the All-Russian political party “UNITED RUSSIA”, 298100, the Republic of
Crimea, Feodosia, 7 Zemskaya St., tel. […].
- Last name, name and patronymics of the person authorized by the public event organizers
to perform administrative functions for the public event management and conduct: Deputy of
the Feodosia City Council of the Republic of Crimea of the 1st convocation, a member of UNITED
RUSSIA fraction, Evgeny Vladimirovich Gordenko, address […], tel.: […].
Secretary of the Feodosia local
branch of the Crimean regional
branch of the All-Russian political
(Signed) S.N. Gevchuk
Annex 573

Annex 574
Administration of the City of Feodosia, Response No. 2-14/9242/1 to
the notification of the United Russia Political Party of 15 August 2016
No. 010-1-12/95, 17 August 2016

(Coat of Arms of Crimea) (Coat of Arms of the City of Feodosia)
4, Zemskaya St., Feodosia, the Republic of Crimea, the Russian Federation, 298100 tel. 3-17-05, fax: 3-52-14; Web:
www.feodosea.com; E-mail: [email protected]
17 August 2016 No. 2-14/9242/1
to Ref. No. 010-1-12/95 of 15 August 2016
To the Secretary of the Feodosia local
branch of the Crimean regional
branch of the All-Russian political party
S.N. Gevchuk
The Administration of the City of Feodosia of the Republic of Crimea, having considered
your notification on holding a public event in the form of a rally-concert on 22 August 2016 at the
address: central city stadium named after V.A. Shayderov Stadium, Nasypnaya St. 4, Feodosia,
informs you as follows.
In accordance with Part 1 of Article 7 of Federal Law of 19 June 2004 No. 54-FZ “On
assemblies, rallies, demonstrations, marches and picketing” (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law
No. 54-FZ), a public event notification (except for assembly and single-person picketing) shall be
submitted by its organizer in writing to the executive authority of the constituent entity of the
Russian Federation or local self-government body not earlier than 15 and not later than 10 days
prior to the date of the public event.
Pursuant to Part 5 of Article 2 of Law of the Republic of Crimea of 21 August 2014 No.
56-ZRK “On providing conditions for the Russian citizens to exercise their right to hold
assemblies, rallies, demonstrations and picketing in the Republic of Crimea”, your notification
was received and registered on 15 August 2016 with Ref. No. 2-14/9241.
Para. 2 of Part 1 of Article 12 of Federal Law No. 54-FZ envisages that the local selfgovernment
body shall within 3 days upon receiving a public event notification inform the public
event organizer about proposals to eliminate the inconsistencies with the requirements of this
Federal Law in the purposes, forms and other conditions stated in the public event notification.
According to Part 5 of Article 5 of Federal Law No. 54-FZ, the public event organizer is
not entitled to conduct such an event it if the public event notification was not submitted on time
or if the change of a venue and (or) time for conducting of the public event identified in the
motivated proposal by the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation
or the local self-government body was not agreed with them.
Therefore, due to the untimely submission of the notification on holding the public
event (8 days prior to the event date), in accordance with Part 5 of Article 2 of Law of the
Annex 574
Republic of Crimea of 21 August 2014 No. 56-ZRK “On providing conditions for the Russian
citizens to exercise their right to hold assemblies, rallies, demonstrations and picketing in the
Republic of Crimea” and accordance with Part 5 of Article 5 of Federal Law No. 54-FZ, you are
not entitled to conduct this event.
Deputy Head of the Administration of the City of Feodosia R.S. ZIYADINOV
Chief of Staff
(Electronic signature)
(Coat of Arms of Crimea)
The original of the electronic document signed by the ES,
is stored in the electronic document management system of the Republic of Crimea.
Issued to: Ruslan Selverovich Ziyadinov
Issued by: 8F1DF6DE3658E8E5A5649324564489D6D5C17442
Validity period: from 6 April 2016 to 6 April 2017
Prepared by: M.V. Tishchenko
Tel. […]
Annex 574
Annex 575
Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Letter to KIRAMET
LLC No. 6528-12-04, 30 September 2016

(Ministry of Culture of the Russian
Maly Gnezdnikovsky lane, 7/6, b. 1, 2, Moscow, GSP-3, 125993
Phone: +7 495 629 10 10
E-mail: [email protected]
30 SEPTEMBER 2016 No. 6528-12-04
on No. from «____»
KIRAMET Limited Liability Company
Suvorovsky Spusk str., 4/11, Simferopol, the
Republic of Crimea, 295000
[email protected]
The Department of State Protection of Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture of the
Russian Federation reviewed the application No. 16/12-3761 of 30 August 2016 and in accordance
with paragraph 5 of the Rules for submitting notifications on the implementation of activities among
specified in Part 1 of Article 12 of Federal Law of 4 May 2011 No. 99-FZ “On the licensing of certain
types of activity”, the implementation of which in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and
Sevastopol is allowed from 1 June 2015 without obtaining a license (hereinafter referred to as the
Notification) attached to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 207 of 9 March
2015 “On the application of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the territories of the Republic
of Crimea and Sevastopol regarding licensing of certain types of activity and legislation of the
Russian Federation on the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs during
exercise of state control (supervision), municipal control” sends you a copy of the Notification with
a note on the date of receipt (ref. No. 1608-L of 1 December 2015).
Annex: a copy of the Notification on 2 sheets, 1 counterpart
Head of the Department of State
Protection of Cultural Heritage (signed) V.A. Tsvetnov
Annex 575
(Stamp): True copy
(Stamp): Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Department of State Protection of Cultural
Heritage Ref. No 1608-L, 1 December 2015
to the Rules for submitting notifications
on the implementation of the types of activities specified in Part 1 of Article 12
of the Federal Law “On the licensing of certain types of activity”, the implementation of which is
allowed in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol from 1 June 2015 without
obtaining a license
(note on the notification registration within the authorized body)
To Department of State Protection of Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian
(specify the name of the federal executive authority (or its territorial body) where the notification is submitted)
Notification on the implementation of the types of activities specified in Part 1 of Article 12 of the
Federal Law “On the licensing of certain types of activity”, the implementation of which is allowed
in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol from 1 June 2015 without obtaining a
Date 30 November 2015
KIRAMET Limited Liability Company, KIRAMET LLC
(specify the full and abbreviated name, including the company name (if available), surname, first name and (if available) patronymic
of the individual entrepreneur)
INN (Taxpayer Identification Number) 9102031269, OGRN (Primary State Registration
Number) 1149102053957
taxpayer identification number (INN) (if available), the primary state registration number of a legal entity or the primary state
registration number of the record of the state registration of an individual entrepreneur (OGRN) (if available)
Suvorovsky Spusk str., 4/11, Simferopol, the Republic of Crimea, 295000
postal address of the location of the legal entity, including its branches and representative offices, places of actual implementation of
the declared type(s) of activity of the legal entity or individual entrepreneur)
notifies about the implementation of activities for preservation of cultural heritage sites
(historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation
development of project documentation for conservation, repair, restoration, adjustment and
reconstruction of cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of
the Russian Federation;
development of project documentation for engineering strengthening of cultural heritage sites
(historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation.
Annex 575
(Stamp): true copy
(specify the type (s) of activity from among those specified in Part 1 of Article 12 of the Federal Law “On the licensing of certain
types of activity”, the implementation of which is notified, and works and (or) services performed in its composition works and (or)
services specified in accordance with the lists of performed works and services provided for the corresponding type(s) of activity in
accordance with Part 2 of Article 12 of the Federal Law “On the licensing of certain types of activity”)
and confirms the compliance of territories, buildings, premises, structures, equipment, other similar
sites, vehicles intended for use in the course of carrying out the declared activities, personnel and
other conditions for carrying out activities with temporary mandatory requirements.
General Director
(name of the position of the head of the
legal entity)
(signature of the head of the legal entity,
the person representing the interests of
the legal entity, the individual
Yu. A. Ivanishkina
(initials, surname of the head of a legal
entity, a person representing the interests
of a legal entity, an individual
(Seal): Kiramet Limited Liability Company INN 9102031269, OGRN (Primary State Registration
Number) 1149102053957 * the Republic of Crimea, Simferopol * RUSSIAN FEDERATION
Annex 575

Annex 576
Liberal Democratic Party of the Russian Federation, Notification on
holding a public event to celebrate Unity Day on 4 November 2016,
20 October 2016

LDPR Political Party
Liberal Democratic Party of Russian Federation
Crimean Regional Branch
295000, 6 Frunze St., Simferopol, tel. […], Email: [email protected]
To: Head of the City
Administration of Simferopol
G.S. Bakharev
From: Nikolay Ivanovich
Kirichek, residing at: address
[…], tel. […].
Hereby we inform you that in order to express our opinion and bring it to the attention of the
general public, a public event will be held in the form of a rally dedicated to the Unity Day.
Date of the public event: 4 November 2016
Time of the public event: from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Venue of the public event: Simferopol, Sovetskaya Square (next to the Simferopol cinema).
Planned number of participants: 300 individuals.
The event will involve using party symbols.
Forms and methods, applied by organizers of the public event to ensure public order: public
order, venue cleanliness, as well as the provision of the required medical assistance will be ensured
by the organizers by their own means, and with the involvement of the relevant services, if
Use of sound amplifying equipment: sound amplifying equipment will be used in course of
the meeting.
Planned number of the transport vehicles: no transport vehicles.
The restrictions under Para. 2 of Article 5 of Federal Law of 19 June 2004 No. 54-FZ “On
assemblies, rallies, demonstrations, marches and picketing” do not apply.
Public event organizer: Nikolay Ivanovich Kirichek, residing at: address […], tel. […].
The person authorized by the public event organizer to perform administrative functions for
the public event management and conduct: Alexey Yurievich Bolshakov, address […], tel. […].
Organizer (Signed)
Responsible (Signed)
In handwriting: In handwriting:
20.10.16 (20 October 2016) 23123/24/01-28
9:06 20.10.16 (20 October 2016)
N.I. Kirichek
A.Yu. Bolshakov
Annex 576

Annex 577
Administration of the City of Simferopol, Response No. 23123/24/01-
28 to the notification of the Liberal Democratic Party of the Russian
Federation of 20 October 2016, 21 October 2016

(Coat of Arms of Crimea)
15 Gorkiy St., Simferopol, the Republic of Crimea, 295000, tel. (0652) 27 32 36, fax (0652) 25 80 32
Date: 21 October 2016, No. 23123/24/01-28
Re Ref. No.________________________
In handwriting: Received in person
To N.I. Kirichek
Address: […]
To Head of Directorate of the Ministry of
Internal Affairs of Russia for Simferopol
S.V. Nikolaev
Having considered your notification, received on 20 October 2016 at 09:06 am, on holding a public
event in the form of a rally “…dedicated to the Unity Day”.
Date of the public event: 4 November 2016.
Time of the public event: from 05:00 pm to 06:00 pm.
Venue of the public event: Simferopol, Sovetskaya Square (next the Simferopol cinema).
Planned number of participants: 300 individuals. ...”, involving the usage of sound amplifying
equipment and the notification, received on 20 October 2016 at 04:08 p.m., “...on changing the time of the
public event ... from 12.00 p.m. to 1.00 p.m.”, the Administration of the City of Simferopol informs you as
Holding the above public event at the indicated venue on 4 November 2016 from 12:00 p.m. to 01:00
p.m. is not possible due to the fact that another organization had previously submitted a notification about an
event planned on the same date, venue and time, and it was approved in the established order.
In accordance with Subparagraph 2 of Paragraph 1 of Article 12 of Federal Law of 19 June 2004 No.
54-FZ “On assemblies, rallies, demonstrations, marches and picketing” (hereinafter referred to as “Federal
Law No. 54-FZ”) the City Administration offers you to hold your public event (rally) on 4 November 2016
from 05:00 pm to 06:00 pm at the venue you have requested.
In accordance with Subparagraph 2 of Paragraph 4 of Article 5 of Federal Law No. 54-FZ, the public
event organizer should inform the local self-government body in writing regarding the acceptance (rejection)
of its proposal to change the public event venue specified in the public event notification at least 3 days prior
to conducting the public event.
We also inform you that, for violation of the established procedure for organization or holding of an
assembly, rally, demonstration, march and picketing the public event organizer and participants shall be
responsible in accordance with the applicable laws.
Deputy Head of the Administration -
Chief of Staff of the Administration of the City of Simferopol (signed) G.V. Aleksandrova
Annex 577

Annex 578
Letter from V.L. Martynyuk, General Director of the State Budgetary
Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Bakhchisaray Historical,
Cultural and Archaeological Museum-Reserve”, to the Minister of
Culture of the Republic of Crimea No. 74, 27 January 2017

(Coat of Arms of Crimea)
Republic of Crimea
Ministry of Culture
298405, Bakhchisaray, 133 Rechnaya Street
tel./fax (06554)5-08-05
e-mail: [email protected]
web: handvorec.ru
Ref. No. 74
Of 27 January 2017
To the Minister of Culture of the
Republic of Crimea
A.V. Novoselskaya
Dear Arina Vadimovna,
For information purposes, please be advised that under State Contract of 29 December 2015 No. 16 in the
period from 18 November 2016 until 26 January 2017 Corporation ATTA Group LLC, the contractor, performed
the following priority emergency works on the Khan’s Mosque:
- demolition of the “Tatarka tiles” and clay underlayer on the northern slope of the Khan’s
Mosque’s roof and the Eastern Gallery adjoining the Mufti House;
- demolition of ceiling wooden sheathing and beams;
- demolition and rearrangement of rafter plate ledger belt;
- installation of 7 new ceiling covering beams;
- installation of one of 7 new bearing rafters;
- lading a boardwalk and a waterproof layer on the part of the roof of the eastern gallery;
- works on disposal of water at the eastern side of the Khan’s Mosque.
According to the project design of the priority emergency works, on the southern structure of the Main
Building of Khan’s Palace, it is envisaged to construct a metal shed. Contract of 18 October 2016 No. 47/16 on
holding on-field archaeological works (excavations) in the territory of the Khan’s Palace in the area of the
proposed shed supports, was signed between Corporation ATTA Group LLC and Taurida Archeological Society
LLC. The archaeological excavations have not been performed yet.
Furthermore, in accordance with Order of the Head of the Republic of Crimea of 14 March 2016 No. 01-
62/66, in the period from 15 December 2016 to 29 December 2016 the company Crimea Flora LLC has performed
works on saw cutting of poplar trees that grew up in the floodplain of the river Churuk-Su in the immediate
vicinity of the Khan’s Mosque.
Annex: photographic materials on 8 sheets
Sincerely yours,
General Director (Signed) V. Martynyuk
Annex 578

Annex 579
Letter from V.L. Martynyuk, General Director of the State Budgetary
Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Bakhchisaray Historical,
Cultural and Archaeological Museum-Reserve”, to the Minister of
Culture of the Republic of Crimea No. 168, 17 February 2017

(Coat of Arms of Crimea)
Republic of Crimea
Ministry of Culture
Ref. No 168
of 17 February 2017
to Ref. No 01-22/560-07 of 5 May 2016
to Ref. No 01-22/1536-07 of 24 October 2016
To the Minister of Culture of the
Republic of Crimea
A.V. Novoselskaya
Dear Arina Vadimovna,
I am pleased to send you a photo report about implementation of measures aimed at preservation
of the cultural heritage site of federal significance “the Khan’s Palace” as part of the federal target
program “Social and Economic Development of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol until 2020”.
During the period from 4 February 2017 to 10 February 2017, Corporation ATTA Group LLC,
the contractor, carried out the following works:
lading of glued waterproofing carpet on the deck of the northern roof pitch of the Khan
arrangement of a ceiling lining of boards 100x20 mm on the second floor in axes V-G and
1-2 of the Khan’s Mosque.
Archaeological excavations are being carried out on the territory of a cultural heritage site of
federal significance “Gardens and Park Structures” to install supports for a temporary frame over the
southern structure of the Main Building. During the reporting period from 10 February 2017 to 17
February 2017, the following works were carried out:
square 1 (“Swimming pool garden with building ruins and a cascading fountain”) -
excavation of 7-8 layers, cleaning of the surface of the cultural layers and stratigraphic profiles,
excavation of one layer service pit filling sorting through the dump, scanning of the dump with the help
of a metal detector, stratigraphic photography, drawing works; removal of archaeological materials
(fragments of tiles, bones, etc.) for office processing;
298405, Bakhchisaray, tel./ fax (06554)5-08-05
133 Rechnaya Street e-mail:
[email protected]
web: http://handvorec.ru
Annex 579
square 2 (“Swimming pool garden with building ruins and a cascading fountain”) -
excavation of 1-3 layers, cleaning of the surface of the cultural layers and stratigraphic profiles, sorting
through the dump, scanning of the dump with the help of a metal detector, stratigraphic photography;
square 3 (“Main Palace courtyard with three fountains”) - cutting off of yew-tree branches
above the excavation, removal of 1 layer, cleaning of the surface of the cultural layers and stratigraphic
profiles, sorting through the dump, scanning of the dump with the help of a metal detector, stratigraphic
square 4 (“Harem garden with building ruins and two fountains”) - excavation of 1 layer,
sorting through the dump, cleaning of the surface of the cultural layers and stratigraphic profiles,
scanning of the dump with the help of a metal detector, stratigraphic photography;
square 5 (“Harem garden with building ruins and two fountains”) - disassembly of a part
of sidewalk stones.
Additionally, I inform you about the fact that on the territory of the cultural heritage site of federal
significance “Fortress and cave town Chufut-Kale” parts of the retaining walls (Building of the Old Town
(ruins)) fell out on 13 February 2017.
photographic materials on 7 sheets
copy of the report of 13 February 2017 on 1 sheet
Sincerely yours,
General Director
(Signed) V. Martynyuk
Annex 579
Annex 580
Administration of the City of Simferopol, Response No. K-212/2910 to
the notification of Mr Kuzmin and Ms Popova with the request to
submit a notification containing the information required by the federal
legislation on public events, 2 March 2017

(Coat of Arms of Crimea)
REPUBLIC OF CRIMEA 15 Gorkiy St., Simferopol, the Republic of Crimea, 295000, tel. (0652) 27 32 36, fax (0652) 25 80 32
of 2 March 2017 No. К-212/2910
to No.
In handwriting: Received in person
L.A. Kuzmin signed
To L.A. Kuzmin
Address: […] the Republic of Crimea
Received in person
E.A. Popova signed
To E.A. Popova
Address: […] the Republic of Crimea
To Head of Directorate
of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for
S.V. Nikolaev
Having considered your notification of 28 February 2017 “... on holding of a public event in the form
of a rally.
Venue of the rally: Simferopol, Central District, the square in front of the monument of T.G.
Date and time of the public event: 9 March 2017, from 5 p.m. to 6 p. m.
Purpose of the public event: celebration of T.G. Shevchenko’s birthday.
Estimated number of participants of the public event: 20 individuals. ...”, the City Administration of
Simferopol informs as follows.
The procedure for organizing and holding public events in the forms identified in the federal legislation
is governed by Federal Law of 19 June 2004 No. 54-FZ “On assemblies, rallies, demonstrations, marches and
picketing” (hereinafter referred to as “Federal Law No. 54-FZ”), Law of the Republic of Crimea of 21 August
2014 No. 56-ZRK “On providing conditions for the Russian citizens to exercise their right to hold assemblies,
rallies, demonstrations and picketing in the Republic of Crimea” (hereinafter referred to as “Law No. 56-ZRK”),
Regulations on the procedure for holding public events in the municipality of urban district of Simferopol of the
Republic of Crimea, approved by Resolution No. 29 of the City Administration of Simferopol of the Republic of
Crimea of 28 January 2015 (hereinafter referred to as “Regulation”).
Article 7 of Law No. 54-FZ, Article 2 of Law No. 56-ZRK, Paras. 2.1.-2.6. of the Regulation establish the
procedure for submitting notifications on public events.
Considering the above, the City Administration of Simferopol invites you to submit a notification on
holding a public event in accordance with the requirements of the applicable legislation, and after that, we shall
return to considering the question of its approval.
Deputy Head of the Administration – Chief of
Staff of the Administration of the City of
Simferopol (Signed) G.V. Aleksandrova
Annex 580

Annex 581
Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea, Warning to Mr Orlov on
the impermissibility of violating the legislation during the public event
to be held on 15 April 2017, 14 April 2017

To the President of the Regional
Sports Public Organization
“Motorclub ‘Idalgo’”
A.F. Orlov
In handwriting: 14 April 2017
WARNING on impermissibility of
violating the legislation on counteracting
extremist activities and the legislation on
assemblies, rallies, demonstrations,
marches and picketing
On 4 April 2017, the Administration of the City of Bakhchisaray received a notification
about the planned public event to be held in the form of a motor-car run and a mass event in
Bakhchisaray near-by the memorial to the inmates of the Tolee (“Seagull”) concentration camp.
The public event is planned to be held on 15 April 2017 from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., the
venue is Bakhchisaray, the estimated number of the event participants is from 70 to 100.
According to the information available, you are the organizer of the said public event.
The rights of the Russian citizens to assemble peacefully, without weapons, to hold
assemblies, rallies, demonstrations, marches and picketing are established by Federal Law of 19
June 2004 No. 54-FZ “On assemblies, rallies, demonstrations, marches and picketing” (hereinafter
referred to as “Law No. 54- FZ”).
According to Para. 1 of Article 4 of Law No. 54-FZ, the organization of a public event
envisages the submission of a notification on its holding to the relevant executive authority of a
constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a local self-government body.
According to Article 16 of Federal Law of 25 July 2002 No. 114-FZ “On counteracting
extremist activities”, the organizers of mass actions are responsible for compliance with the
requirements, established by the Russian legislation, pertaining to the procedure for holding mass
According to Para. 4 of Part 3 of Article 7 of Law No. 54-FZ, the notification on holding a
public event shall indicate the date, commencement time and end time of the public event.
According to Para. 1 of Part 3 of Article 5 of Law No. 54-FZ, the public event organizer is
entitled to conduct rallies, demonstrations, marches and pickets in the places and times specified in
the public event notification.
Participants of mass actions are prohibited from carrying weapons (with the exception of
those regions where the cold weapons are the part of the national costume), as well as items
specially made or adapted to harm the citizens’ health or property of individuals and legal entities.
In accordance with Para. 3 of Article 16 of the Federal Law “On counteracting extremist
activities” during mass actions, it is prohibited to attract extremist organizations to participate in
such actions, use their symbols or attributes, as well as distribute extremist materials. Should such
circumstances be discovered, the organizers of the mass action or other persons responsible for its
Annex 581
conduct shall immediately take measures to eliminate the indicated violations. Failure to comply
with this obligation shall entail the termination of the mass action under the internal affairs bodies’
request and liability of its organizers on the grounds and in the manner prescribed by the Russian
Article 20.2 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses establishes
the administrative liability for violation of the established procedure for organizing or conducting
an assembly, rally, demonstration, march or picketing in the form of a fine in the amount from ten
to twenty thousand rubles or compulsory work up to forty hours.
In view of the foregoing and guided by Article 6 of the Federal Law “On counteracting
extremist activities” and Articles 22, 25.1 of the Federal Law “On the Prosecutor’s Office of the
Russian Federation”
A.F. Orlov, the President of the RSOO “Motorclub ‘Idalgo’” on the impermissibility of the
mentioned violations of the Federal Law “On counteracting extremist activities”, the Federal Law
“On assemblies, rallies, demonstrations, marches and picketing”, that in case of failure to comply
with the requirements specified in this warning, you might be held responsible as established by
I hereby clarify that in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law “On the
Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation” the warning about the impermissibility of violating
the law can be challenged to the superior prosecutor or in court.
Acting District Attorney Counselor of Justice (Signed) K.A. Vavrenyuk
I have received the warning, its essence and the right for appeal in court were clarified to me.
In handwriting: 15 April 2017 (Signed)
(receipt date, signature)
A.F. Orlov
Annex 581
Annex 582
Administration of the City of Bakhchisaray, Note No. 021-22/1786
confirming the absence of notifications on holding public events
dedicated to commemoration of Sürgün in Bakhchisaray on 18 May
2017, 18 May 2017

Administration of the City of Bakhchisaray
of the Republic of Crimea
14, Simferopolskaya St., Bakhchisaray, Republic of Crimea, 298403
tel./fax 5-04-50, [email protected]
In handwriting:
18 May 2017 No. 021-22/1786
to No. 57/11216 of 16 May 2017
To the Chief of the Police –
Colonel of the Police
D.V. Grachev
On providing a response
In response to your request No. 57/11216 of 16 May 2017, the Administration of the City of
Bakhchisaray of the Republic of Crimea informs that no notifications on holding a public event
dedicated to the Day of the Deportation of the Peoples from Crimea on 18 May 2017 have been
received by the Administration of the City of Bakhchisaray of the Republic of Crimea. No permission
to hold the aforementioned public event was issued.
Head of the Administration of
A.A. Tryanov
Annex 582

Annex 583
Letter from the First Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for
Cultural Heritage Preservation of the Republic of Crimea to General
Director of State Budgetary Institution “Bakhchisaray Historical,
Cultural and Archaeological Museum-Reserve” No. 9453/01-05,
8 December 2017

(Coat of Arms of Crimea)
14 Gogol St., Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, Russian Federation, 295011
Tel./fax: 24-76-62 e-mail: [email protected]
Primary State Registration Number 1149102018493;
Individual Taxpayer Number/Tax Registration Reason Code 9102012851/910201001
In handwriting:
8 December 2017 No. 9453/01-05
To the General Director of State Budgetary
“Bakhchisaray Historical, Cultural and
Archaeological Museum-Reserve”
V.L. Martynyuk
Dear Vadim Leonidovich,
Corporation ATTA Group Limited Liability Company within the framework of the federal
target program “Social and Economic Development of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol until
2020” on the basis of the state contract for the performance of work on the preservation of the cultural
heritage site No. 16 of 29 December 2015 and additional agreements No 1, 2, 3, 8, work permit No
01-03/3265 of 14 April 2017, issued by the State Committee for Cultural Heritage Preservation of the
Republic of Crimea, performs priority emergency works at a cultural heritage site of federal
importance: Khan’s Palace (XVI-XIX centuries): Main Building (early XVI-XVIII centuries) located
at the address: 133 Rechnaya St. (letters (buildings) “E”, “Zh”, “Z”, “I”), Bakhchisaray, the Republic
of Crimea.
I ask you to close the Main Building (letters (buildings) “E”, “Zh”, “Z”, “I”) for visiting in the
period from 12 December 2017 to 31 December 2017 for the duration of the work on the arrangement
of the spatial support frame in the inner Fountain courtyard of the Main Building and the installation
of a temporary shed over the Main building, in order to ensure the safety of people staying at the
facility, in accordance with the WEP (Work Execution Plan on the arrangement of supporting frames
and fachwerk racks 21-03/17-WEP) sheet 1 of the Explication of buildings and structures
Annex: Work permit No 01-03/3265 of 14 April 2017
First Deputy Chairman (Signed) A.E. Didenko
In handwriting: Ref. No. 1117
Of 11 December 2017
Annex 583

Annex 584
Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea, Letter No. 27-239-
2017/Np10860-2017 to the Military Prosecutor’s Office of the Black
Sea Fleet, 20 December 2017

295015, the Republic of Crimea, Simferopol,
21 Sevastopolskaya Street
In handwriting: 20 December 2012
No. 27-239-2017/Np10860-2017
To your ref. No.
Military Prosecutor’s Office of the Black
Sea Fleet
Sevastopol, 41 Lenin Street
In handwriting: 2 17355-17
25 12 17
The Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea carried out an inspection under the
application filed by E.M. Kurbedinov, attorney, of 30 September 2017, which the Prosecutor’s Office
of the Republic of Crimea received on 21 November 2017 from the Military Prosecutor’s Office of
the Black Sea Fleet, that contained the information on potential unlawful actions of the officers of the
Directorate of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol
during the performance of procedural check regarding R.R. Paralamov.
The inspection revealed that the Operations Division of the Directorate of the Federal Security
Service of Russia for the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, acting in compliance with Articles 5,
6, 7, and 8 of Federal Law of 12 August 1995 No. 144-FZ “On operational and search activities” and
on the basis of relevant grounds, carried out operational and search activities on 13 and 14 September
2017, namely “an inspection of premises, buildings, structures, areas, and transport vehicles” at the
place of residence of R.R. Paralamov and questioned him after the provisions of Article 51 of the
Constitution of the Russian Federation had been clarified to him.
Following the operational and search activities carried out in accordance with requirements
of Article 15 of Federal Law of 12 August 1995 No. 144-FZ “On operational and search activities”
and Article 166 of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation, relevant records of
inspection of premises, buildings, structures, areas, and transport vehicles and records of questioning
were drawn up and provided for review to the persons present during the operational and search
The persons present, including R.R. Paralamov, made no complaints or comments during and
immediately after the above operational and search activities.
According to Article 11 of Federal Law of 12 August 1995 No. 144-FZ “On operational and
search activities”, the findings of the operational and search activities carried out by the officers of
the Directorate of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol
were sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Crimea for examination and decisionmaking
as provided for by Articles 144–145 of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian
Annex 584
There were no breaches of Federal Law of 12 August 1995 No. 144-FZ “On operational and
search activities” and the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation identified on the part
of the officers of the Directorate of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Republic of Crimea
and Sevastopol in the course of the operational and search activities, for which reason there is
currently no basis for prosecutor’s response measures.
Besides, the inspection of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea revealed that
reports of potential crimes committed by unidentified persons against R.R. Paralamov – which were
received by the Prosecutor’s Office of the Nizhnegorsk District, the Belogorsk Interdistrict
Investigation Department of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of
Russia for the Republic of Crimea, and the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
for the Nizhnegorsk District – were sent under Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Article 145 of the Criminal
Procedural Code of the Russian Federation in accordance with investigative jurisdiction to the 534th
Military Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Black Sea Fleet
for examination and taking a decision pursuant to Articles 144–145 of the Criminal Procedural Code
of the Russian Federation.
Head of the Department for the Supervision over the Execution
of Laws on Federal Security, Inter-ethnic Relations,
Countering Extremism and Terrorism of the Prosecutor’s
Office of the Republic of Crimea
Counsellor of Justice
/Signature/ A.V. Alekseev
Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea
No. 27-239-2017/Np10860-2017
AD No. 050855
Annex 584
Annex 585
Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea, Letter No. 27-239-
2017/On6074-2017 to E.M. Kurbedinov, 20 December 2017

To E.M. Kurbedinov, attorney
Address: […]
20 December 2017 27-239-2017/On6074-2017 /Signature/
We have reviewed your application of 30 September 2017, which the Prosecutor’s Office of
the Republic of Crimea received on 21 November 2017 from the Military Prosecutor’s Office of the
Black Sea Fleet, concerning potential unlawful actions committed by officers of the Directorate of
the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol during the
performance of the procedural check regarding R.R. Paralamov.
According to Articles 8 and 10 of Federal Law of 3 April 1995 No. 40-FZ “On the Federal
Security Service of the Russian Federation”, the main areas of activity of federal security service
authorities include, amongst others, combating crime, in view of which the Directorate of the Federal
Security Service of Russia for the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol carried out operational and
search activities with a view to detecting, preventing, and suppressing a potential crime by R.R.
Thus, the Operations Division of the Directorate of the Federal Security Service of Russia for
the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, acting in compliance with Articles 5, 6, 7, and 8 of Federal
Law of 12 August 1995 No. 144-FZ “On operational and search activities” and on the basis of relevant
grounds, carried out operational and search activities on 13 and 14 September 2017, namely “an
inspection of premises, buildings, structures, areas, and transport vehicles” at the place of residence
of R.R. Paralamov and questioned him after the provisions of Article 51 of the Constitution of the
Russian Federation had been clarified to him.
Following the operational and search activities carried out in accordance with requirements
of Article 15 of Federal Law of 12 August 1995 No. 144-FZ “On operational and search activities”
and Article 166 of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation, relevant records of
inspection of premises, buildings, structures, areas, and transport vehicles and records of questioning
were drawn up and provided for review to the persons present during the operational and search
Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea
No. 27-239-2017/On6074-2017
The persons present, including R.R. Paralamov, made no complaints or comments during and
immediately after the above operational and search activities.
Annex 585
According to Article 11 of Federal Law of 12 August 1995 No. 144-FZ “On operational and
search activities”, the findings of the operational and search activities carried out by the officers of
the Directorate of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol
were sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Crimea for examination and decisionmaking
as provided for by Articles 144–145 of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian
In light of this, the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea found no breaches of Federal
Law of 12 August 1995 No. 144-FZ “On operational and search activities” and the Criminal
Procedural Code of the Russian Federation on the part of the officers of the Directorate of the Federal
Security Service of Russia for the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol in the course of the operational
and search activities, for which reason there is currently no basis for prosecutor’s response measures.
Besides, the inspection of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea revealed that
reports of potential crimes committed by unidentified persons against R.R. Paralamov – which were
received by the Prosecutor’s Office of the Nizhnegorsk District, the Belogorsk Interdistrict
Investigation Department of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of
Russia for the Republic of Crimea, and the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
for the Nizhnegorsk District – were sent under para. 3 of Part 1 of Article 145 of the Criminal
Procedural Code of the Russian Federation in accordance with investigative jurisdiction to the 534th
Military Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Black Sea Fleet
for examination and taking a decision pursuant to Articles 144–145 of the Criminal Procedural Code
of the Russian Federation.
In addition to the above, I hereby inform you that the 534th Military Investigative Department
of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Black Sea Fleet carried out an inspection as provided
for by Articles 144–145 of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation into potential
criminally punishable acts (including physical and psychological coercion) committed in the course
of the operational and search activities in respect of R.R. Paralamov on the part of the officers of the
Federal Security Service of Russia, following which, on 27 October 2017, it was resolved to refuse
to initiate a criminal case in relation to the elements of a crime envisaged in Paragraph “a” of Part 3
of Article 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in accordance with Paragraph 1 of Part
1 of Article 24 of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation for the absence of a crime
The 309th Military Prosecutor’s Office of the Garrison supervises the legality and validity of
the above procedural decision.
The reply may be challenged before a higher official of prosecution bodies and (or) in court.
Additionally, I hereby return the documents enclosed to your application.
Annex: CD-RW, a copy of the order and attorney certificate on one page.
Head of Department of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic
of Crimea
/Signature/ A.V. Alekseev
Annex 585
Annex 586
Letter from the First Deputy Minister of Culture of the Republic of
Crimea to V.L. Martynyuk, General Director of the State Budgetary
Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Bakhchisaray Historical,
Cultural and Archaeological Museum-Reserve”, 26 January 2018

(Text illegible)
(Text illegible)
To the General Director of the State Budgetary
Institution of the Republic of Crimea
“Bakhchisaray Historical, Cultural and
Archaeological Museum-Reserve”
V.L. Martynyuk
Dear Vadim Leonidovich,
The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea in accordance with the Order of the Head
of the Republic of Crimea S. Aksyonov of 24 January 2018 No. 1/01-32/528 asks you to provide the
access of the elders of the Crimean Tatar community of the Bakhchisaray District to the territory of
the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Bakhchisaray Historical, Cultural and
Archaeological Museum-Reserve” in order to get acquainted with the course of reconstruction works
once a quarter.
Yours faithfully,
First Deputy Minister T. Manezhina
In handwriting: 66
26 January 2018
Annex 586

Annex 587
Letter from V.L. Martynyuk, General Director of the State Budgetary
Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Bakhchisaray Historical,
Cultural and Archaeological Museum-Reserve”, to the First Deputy
Minister of Culture of the Republic of Crimea No. 73, 30 January 2018

(Coat of Arms of Crimea)
298405, Bakhchisaray,
133 Rechnaya Street
tel. / fax (06554)5-08-05
e-mail: [email protected]
web: http://handvorec.ru
Ref. No. 73
of 30 January 2018
To the First Deputy Minister of Culture
of the Republic of Crimea
T. A. Manezhina
Dear Tatyana Anatolyevna,
I hereby inform you that the administration of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic
of Crimea “Bakhchisaray Historical, Cultural and Archeological Museum-Reserve” (SBI RC
BHCAMR) will assist in admitting the elders of the Crimean Tatar community of the Bakhchisaray
District to the territory of the federal cultural heritage site Khan’s Palace to observe the progress of
the priority emergency works at the sites ensemble - the Khan’s Mosque, Main building.
In addition, I would like to inform you that during the meeting on 13 January 2018 with
representatives of the Crimean Tatar community of the city of Bakhchisaray on the issue of carrying
out these works at the ensemble's facilities, 4 responsible persons from the community were appointed
to control the work twice a week and inform the public afterwards.
Sincerely yours,
General Director (Signed) V. Martynyuk
Annex 587

Annex 588
Regional Public Organisation “Association of Crimean Tatars of the
Sevastopol Region ‘AK-YAR’”, Notification No. 42 on holding a rally
dedicated to the anniversary of the death of Noman Çelebicihan on 24
February 2018, 12 February 2018

Regional Public Organisation
“Association of Crimean Tatars of the Sevastopol Region ‘AK-YAR’”
39 Stroitelnaya St., Apt. 16 Sevastopol, 299018, Russia, telephone: […],
e-mail: [email protected]
Our ref. No. 42 of 12.02.2018 To the Governor of Sevastopol
D.V. Ovsyannikov
“Notification on holding a
public event”
Dear Dmitriy Vladimirovich,
In accordance with the requirements of Federal Law of 19 June 2004 No. 54-FZ “On
assemblies, rallies, demonstrations, marches and picketing”, we submit a notification on holding a
public event.
Purpose of the event: to hold the event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of N.
Chelebidzhikhan’s tragic death
Form of the public event: a rally.
Venue of the rally: 21 Novyi Boulevard, Sevastopol.
Date of the rally: 24 February 2018
Time of the rally: from 12 pm to 1 pm
Approximate number of participants: 100 individuals.
Sound-amplifying technical means will be used during the rally.
Organizer of the rally: Regional Public Organisation “Association of Crimean Tatars of the
Sevastopol Region ‘AK-YAR’”, tel.: […].
Forms and methods to be used by the organizer of the public event to ensure public order,
organisation of medical care: by their own means, possibly calling the law enforcement bodies and
an ambulance in case relevant circumstances arise.
Individual authorized by the organizer of the public event to perform administrative
functions for organizing and holding of the public event: E.T. Mamutdinov, […], tel.:[…].
Chairman of the Regional Public Organisation
(Signed) E.T. Mamutdinov
(Seal) Regional Public Organization, Russia,
INN / OGRN illegible
AK-YAR Association of Crimean Tatars of the
Sevastopol Region
In handwriting: 12 February 2018 ОG-1788/p
Annex 588

Annex 589
Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Notification No. 03 on
holding a public event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the
creation of the Soviet Army and Navy on 23 February 2018,
12 February 2018

Simferopol City Branch
Ref. No. 03 95001 Simferopol, 10-A Dolgorukovskaya St.
Of 12 February 2018 tel. 54-27-64, [email protected]
To the Head of the City
Administration of
I.M. Lukashev
Dear Igor Mikhailovich,
In accordance with Article 31 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of 19 June
2004 No. 54-FZ “On assemblies, rallies, demonstrations, marches and picketing” (hereinafter referred
to as “Law No. 54-FZ”), Law of the Republic of Crimea of 21 August 2014 No. 56-ZRK “On
providing conditions for the Russian citizens to exercise their right to hold assemblies, rallies,
demonstrations and picketing in the Republic of Crimea”.
The Simferopol City Branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF) notifies on
holding of public events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the creation of the Soviet Army and
Venue for public events: Republic of Crimea, Simferopol.
Purpose of public events: celebration of the 100th anniversary of the creation of the Soviet Army
and Navy.
Date, time of start and end of the public event: 23 February 2018 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
The expected number of participants in the event is 300 people.
Gathering and formation of participants of public events will take place near the building of the
Crimean Republican Branch of the CPRF (Simferopol, 10-a Dolgorukovskaya St.) on 23 February
2018 at 9:00 a.m.
From the building of the Crimean Republican Branch of the CPRF (Simferopol, 10-a
Dolgorukovskaya St.), the participants of the event will march to Pobeda Square, where they will lay
flowers in front of the T-34 tank-monument from 9:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.
The format of a public event is a march.
Then, on 23 February 2018, from 9:45 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., from the Pobeda Square where the T-34
monument is located, the participants will march along the central streets of Simferopol (Karl Marx,
Pushkin, Gorky streets).
The format of a public event is a march. In handwriting: 2699/24/01-28
Annex 589
We also inform you about a public event in the format of a rally with the laying of flowers in front of
the monument to V.I. Lenin, Kirov Avenue, on Lenin Square, on (illegible) February 2018, from
10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
The events will be held with the use of party symbols, sound-amplifying equipment and with the
participation of a brass band.
Additionally, we notify you that there are no restrictions as provided for in Clause 2 of Article 5 of
FZ of 19 June 2004 No. 54-FZ “On assemblies, rallies, demonstrations, marches and picketing”.
Public order, cleanliness of the venue, as well as the provision of the necessary medical care will be
provided by our own means, and with the involvement of the necessary services, if needed.
Organizer from the Simferopol City District of the CPRF - Kiskin Stepan Stepanovich - the First
Secretary of the Simferopol City Branch of the CPRF, address […]; tel. […]
Kiskin Stepan Stepanovich - the First Secretary of the Simferopol City Branch of the CPRF, address
[…]; tel. […] - to perform the functions of organizing and holding a public event in Simferopol.
Date of filing a notice of a public event: 12 February 2018
Annex: A copy of the certificate of state registration of a non-profit organization Crimean Republican
Branch of the COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Political Party - 1 sheet
- A copy of the passport of S.S. Kiskin - 1 sheet, a copy of the power of attorney for the event
organizer S.S. Kiskin - 1 sheet
First Secretary of the Simferopol City Branch of the CPRF (Signed) S.S. Kiskin
In handwriting: 12 February 2018
4:54 p.m.
Annex 589

Document Long Title

Volume VIII - Annexes 503-589
