Written Replies of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to Questions put by Judges at the Hearing of 26 August 1993

Document Number
Document Type
Incidental Proceedings
Date of the Document
Document File


Answers on the quest~ons put on 26 August 1993 by

Judges Bola Ajibola and 2. Lauterpacht.

To the President and mernbers of the Court ,

I have the honour to submitt the following answers;

a) In reply to Judge 3ola ~jibola's question

The Government of the F ~ of ~u~osl~via has not di-
~ected or supported ~ny ~ilit~ry ,paramilit~ry or irre~ular

~rmed units to commit ~ny acts of çenocide, of conspiracy

~o commit genocide,of direct ~nd ?Ublic incit~ent ~o commit
~enocide,or of complicity in genocide,1~hether directed ngoinst

the )~slim population of Josnia and ~erzegovinn or agninst

any ether national, ethnical , racial or reli~ious group.
Th~re ?>:"l' no org.:lnizations or persans ,,·hich o.re subject

to the control , direction, or i~fluence of the ~1 of Yugo-

slavia to commit ~entioned acts.
The general policy of the ~ ~ of Yugoslavia has olways

been the finding of a peoceful ,:;olution occent;:Jble to all three

parties of the Former Yugoslav ~epublic of Bosnia and rierze­
govina • ~ollowin~ its general policy the Government of the F R

of Yugoslavio has taken the following steps.

'I'he Yug:oslav Governrnent :w s tnken the r.10st restrictive

r~easures in relation ta the regime ~nd control of tr~nsport of
the passen!!ers and goods nc::2ss the frontiers b1~t't~ee tne F ;:.

of Yugoslavia and -~e-puiJ •"boutc~ 400 .oo o kreaugess have
round refuge in the f rt of Yugoslavia , from the former Yugoslvv

'"e-pu b1i c of Ba sni a a nd :::erz ego v ina , af ,.,hom 100. 000 ~a ~er sons

of non-Serb origin, omong them 3i.COO muslirns. On all the Yugoslvv
military airports üN monitors are posted, on the proposal of the

Government of the F R of Yugoslavia. The Government of the F R

of Yugoslavia provides secure passage to the ü~~TIOFOR units and
to the trucks with humanitarian aid of the United Nations High

Commissioner for Refugees , the International Red Cross , and

other international organizations , \o;hich are directed to the

areas under the control of the authorities of the so-ca11ed
Republic of Bosnia nad Herzegovina , and has made available all

facilities for transportation , receipt and storage of the L

- 2 -

correspon d~ng goods. The Federal -·epubl~c of Yugoslavia

actively participates in ~eacefun le~o~iatio n s the Geneva

Conference on Former Yugoslovia. Ln the invitation of the

Co-r:residen"ts of the Conference on the i'ormer "iu.t;oslavia,
the rresident of the !-;epublic of 3eroia :-:r. s. :-iilo.Sevié

and the President of the ...:.:epublic nf ~-iontenegr~ o--f~ r-.1 lula­

tovié are contributing in findin~ peaceful solu~ion accentohle

to oll three par~ies.

7he ?resident of the ? ~ of Yu~oslavia ,the Presiden~

of the ~1:.euubl oifc Serbia and the rresidenl: of the -~epublic

of :-!ontenegro ta .t;e"".:':l;'lith the Greek ; rime .:·ü.:1ister personally
addressed the ..:O..ssenbly or' the J.enublic Srpska on the !r th

and 5 th of :-lay ia i.'ale , su.g:::;esl:in.g t:he Vnnce -C,..-en plon oe

accepted in arder tc stop inter-ethnie and interreligious


b) In reply to Judge Lauterpacht's quest:ion:

The reply is cont~ined in the Observations of F ~l

of Yugoslavia d~ted ~3 -~ugust 1993 ~~ pages 13 ~o 16 in

paragraphs 2C to 2~.

The î~ague, 27 Au~ust 1993

_\gent of the 2ederal H.epublic of Yugoslavia

Document Long Title

Written Replies of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to Questions put by Judges at the Hearing of 26 August 1993
