Answers on the quest~ons put on 26 August 1993 by
Judges Bola Ajibola and 2. Lauterpacht.
To the President and mernbers of the Court ,
I have the honour to submitt the following answers;
a) In reply to Judge 3ola ~jibola's question
The Government of the F ~ of ~u~osl~via has not di-
~ected or supported ~ny ~ilit~ry ,paramilit~ry or irre~ular
~rmed units to commit ~ny acts of çenocide, of conspiracy
~o commit genocide,of direct ~nd ?Ublic incit~ent ~o commit
~enocide,or of complicity in genocide,1~hether directed ngoinst
the )~slim population of Josnia and ~erzegovinn or agninst
any ether national, ethnical , racial or reli~ious group.
Th~re ?>:"l' no org.:lnizations or persans ,,·hich o.re subject
to the control , direction, or i~fluence of the ~1 of Yugo-
slavia to commit ~entioned acts.
The general policy of the ~ ~ of Yugoslavia has olways
been the finding of a peoceful ,:;olution occent;:Jble to all three
parties of the Former Yugoslav ~epublic of Bosnia and rierze
govina • ~ollowin~ its general policy the Government of the F R
of Yugoslavio has taken the following steps.
'I'he Yug:oslav Governrnent :w s tnken the r.10st restrictive
r~easures in relation ta the regime ~nd control of tr~nsport of
the passen!!ers and goods nc::2ss the frontiers b1~t't~ee tne F ;:.
of Yugoslavia and -~e-puiJ •"boutc~ 400 .oo o kreaugess have
round refuge in the f rt of Yugoslavia , from the former Yugoslvv
'"e-pu b1i c of Ba sni a a nd :::erz ego v ina , af ,.,hom 100. 000 ~a ~er sons
of non-Serb origin, omong them 3i.COO muslirns. On all the Yugoslvv
military airports üN monitors are posted, on the proposal of the
Government of the F R of Yugoslavia. The Government of the F R
of Yugoslavia provides secure passage to the ü~~TIOFOR units and
to the trucks with humanitarian aid of the United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees , the International Red Cross , and
other international organizations , \o;hich are directed to the
areas under the control of the authorities of the so-ca11ed
Republic of Bosnia nad Herzegovina , and has made available all
facilities for transportation , receipt and storage of the L
- 2 -
correspon d~ng goods. The Federal -·epubl~c of Yugoslavia
actively participates in ~eacefun le~o~iatio n s the Geneva
Conference on Former Yugoslovia. Ln the invitation of the
Co-r:residen"ts of the Conference on the i'ormer "iu.t;oslavia,
the rresident of the !-;epublic of 3eroia :-:r. s. :-iilo.Sevié
and the President of the ...:.:epublic nf ~-iontenegr~ o--f~ r-.1 lula
tovié are contributing in findin~ peaceful solu~ion accentohle
to oll three par~ies.
7he ?resident of the ? ~ of Yu~oslavia ,the Presiden~
of the ~1:.euubl oifc Serbia and the rresidenl: of the -~epublic
of :-!ontenegro ta .t;e"".:':l;'lith the Greek ; rime .:·ü.:1ister personally
addressed the ..:O..ssenbly or' the J.enublic Srpska on the !r th
and 5 th of :-lay ia i.'ale , su.g:::;esl:in.g t:he Vnnce -C,..-en plon oe
accepted in arder tc stop inter-ethnie and interreligious
b) In reply to Judge Lauterpacht's quest:ion:
The reply is cont~ined in the Observations of F ~l
of Yugoslavia d~ted ~3 -~ugust 1993 ~~ pages 13 ~o 16 in
paragraphs 2C to 2~.
The î~ague, 27 Au~ust 1993
_\gent of the 2ederal H.epublic of Yugoslavia
Written Replies of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to Questions put by Judges at the Hearing of 26 August 1993