Response to
"Scientific review of issues raised by the Memorial of
Australia including its two Appendices" by
Professer Lars Wal10e [9 Apri12013]
University of California
Santa Cruz
·31 May 20131. INTRODUCTION
1.1. In preparing this analysis responding to the statement of Professor Lars Wall0e
dated 9 April 2013, with limited exceptions I will not repeat material that is in my
Original Expert Opinion or Supplementary Expert Opinion.
1.2. I do not respond to all the views expressed by Professor Wal10eand the absence
of a comment from me should not be talŒn as agreement. I concentrate on the
e Professor Wall0e's assertions that: i) the criteria in the Original Expert
Opinion are not applicable in the Southern Ocean; and ii) that general or ·
vague hypotheses are sufficient;
• The two specifie examples (the worlc of Gregor Mendel and the e:ffects of
acid rain in lalŒs and streams in Norway) that Professor Wall0e o:ffers as
identifying research undertaken without hypotheses;
e Professor Wall0e's views regarding data mining and exploratory data
analysis in the context of science; and
• Professor Wal10e'sviews regarding determination of sample size.
1.3. When I quote from Professor Wall0e's Report I do so by reference to the 'LW'
page number and to the relevant paragraph on that page (my numbering of paragraphs
includes part paragraphs at the beginning of a page).
2.1. Professer Wal10e states that the description of science in my Original Expert
Opinion is "too restrictive" (LW pg 5, para 2). He suggests that the description is
"perhaps ... adequate" for "research in a fairly advanced biological field in which
there are generally accepted hypotheses about the main functional connections in the
system under investigation" (LW pg 5, para 3). However, in his view, the description
is not appropriate where "[e]xisting knowledge ... is very limited" (LW pg 5, para 4)
such as for work in the Southem Ocean. In such a situation, according to Professer
Wall0e, scientific research can be carried out on the basis of hypotheses that are
general and often vague (LW pg 5, para 5). However, Professer Wal10eprovides no
authorities for these propositions.
2.2. I disagree with Professer Wall0e that the criteria outlined in my Original Expert
Opinion are inapplicable if there is a limited existing lmowledge of the biological
field being studied. In such fields, it is perhaps even more important for scientific
research to proceed on the basis of clear and testable hypotheses, which have been
carefully articulated and can be evaluated. Professor Wall0e's assertion that general
or vague hypotheses will suffice is not consistent with accepted scientific method.
2.3. Merely collecting datais not research for scientific purposes. As I noted in my
Original Expert Opinion, "[d]escription is not tantamount to understanding:
descriptive data cannat by themselves fumish an explanation of the mechanisms
behind the observations, nor can they easily identify the processes that brought about
the situation described. Complicated descriptions can become goals in themselves
and may delude us into thinking progress has been made" (Valiela 2001, pg 11). The
notion that we can simply go out and collect data or 'observe' is not scientific; doing
so is meaningless from a scientific perspective since it is impossible to observe
without having first reflected or thought about the purpose for which the observation
is required. Science is not a buclcetof data.
2.4. Professer Wal10e o:ffers no alternative definition of science or the scientific
process to the one I have put forward, and does not explain which of the components
referred to by me he would drop. In a program for 'purposes of scientific research', a
conceptual :framework,the correct empirical and statistical tools to answer a question
3and peer-review - the very foundationof the modem and consensualnature of science
- are all required.
2.5. The conceptual framework brought to a particular problem depends upon the
current understanding of the biological system being studied. Simply studying
something because we do not lmow about it with the hope that sorne insight or
understanding might emerge is not su:fficientto characterize the activity as science.
I cannat imagine a journal or funding panel would publish a paper or recommend a
project for which there was no conceptualframework.
2.6. Professor Wall0e does aclmowledgethat "there are always general hypotheses
behind any collection ofprimary data ... [h]owever, these underlying hypotheses are
often vague and not easy to formulate in scientific language" (LW page 5, para 5).
Professor Wal10e then proceeds to state that "[t]he research carried out linder the
JARPA and JARPA II programmes includes both data collection to test specifie
hypotheses and collection of data to provide background primary data ... which may
be valuable in the future." However, Professor Wall0e does not indicate what sorne
of the supposed general or specifiehypotheses in JARPA or JARPA II are- either in
scientific language or even vaguely formulated in non-scientific language. Nor does
he provide any assistance as to what data are considered to be of hypothetical future
value; we are left to speculate on all these matters.
2.. The collection of data without a guiding hypothesis or conceptual framework
has at least three problems, eachf which reveals why it does not amountto scientific
research. First, even data that are collected speculatively need to be justified as to
why sorne particular data items were to be included, and others excluded. Without
something to guide the decisions on what data to collect, the outcome will be
arbitrary. Second, using previously collected data for a new purpose often proves to
be problematic. The experience of many scientists when trying to use collections of
existing data is that sorne piece of information critical for the evaluation of apost hoc
hypothesis is missing. Third, post hoc hypotheses do not represent new knowledge
without corroboration by new observations and new data. This is because a post hoc
hypothesis is itself formed based on the data set already collected and therefore by
definition is supported by that data. It therefore cannat be tested properly by the data
4from whlch it was formed, but rather must be tested against new observations and
new data.
3.1. Professor Wall0e offers two examples that he daims support the proposition
that collecting data absent a conceptual framework can be considered science.
However, doser reading of each example offered by Professor Wall0e shows that
they are both, in fact,dear examples of data being collected within a conceptual
3.2. Gregor Mendel is considered to be a scientific gemus and the founder of
genetics. It is true that Mendel collected a considerable amount of data but he did so
·within a dear conceptual frameworkand with a specifie objective in mind. A variety
of theories of inheritance (i.e. hypotheses) were prevalent in the lateh19 century and
Mendel set out to test thesehypotheses (Allen 2004, pg 65ff; Deichmann 2010, pg 98;
Gliboff 1999, pg 225).
3.3. Orel (1996) noted that "Mendel may have found inspiration in the physics
textbooks of his teachers at Vienna University ... The model of discrete pairs of traits
was his initial theoretical frameworlè' (pg 162, italics in the original). That is,
Mendel began with a conceptual framework, which he modified as he collected data
(as a program for 'purposes of scientific research' does): he did not begin with
process of data collection absent any conceptual framework, and did not proceed to
formulate hypotheses only after the collection of data. Mendel developed up to nine
hypotheses, with experiments (not random data collection) to test each of them as he
worked (Orel, Figure 5.13,pg 162).
3.4. Mendel's approachis the very antithesis of the approach of"data collected
without any specifie hypothesesin mind" (LW pg 6, carryoverpara) that Professor
Wall0e ascribes to Mendel'swork.
3.5. Mason (1990a) provides an excellent overvtew of the Surface Waters
Acidification Programme (SWAP) to which Professor Wall0erefers, andthe papers in
the Mason (1990a) publication offer detailed insights of the program. To further
understand the effectsof acidprecipitation on forests and fish, SWAPwas undertaken
6through a collaboration of three national academies of science (whose members
comprised a steering committee), for a five-year duration, with completely
independent publication of results, and based on a set of four focused questions
(Mason, 1990b).
3.6. Professor Wall0e indicates that SWAP consisted of random collection of data
until the culprits (in particularaluminum)that caused the death of fish in streams were
discovered; and that scientistswere searching for a possible unknown factor which
could explain the death of the fish" (LW pg 6, para 2). However, Morris and Reader
(1990) in their contribution to Mason (1990a) noted that the lethal effects of
aluminum on fish had been known for at least a decade and the measurement of
inorganic aluminum concentrations was included in the SWAP integrated research
program from its inception (Mason 1990). Thus scientists bad a clear hypothesis -
that inorganic aluminum might be having a lethal effect on the fish; what they did not
know was the precise mode of action by which aluminum bad its effects. This is far
from mere data collection.
3.7. At the end of the program,when the mode of action was understood, Muniz and
Wall0e (1990, pg 337) stated "[a]s far as pH and inorganic aluminiumare concemed,
the results are not surprising and corroborate earlier results both from the field and
laboratory". This is entirely different from the random search of data that
Professor Wall0e described (LW,pg 6-7, last line, carryoverpara).
3.8. With this example, Professor Wall0e bas described an excellent model for
environmental research. This model includes hypotheses that are clearly stated,
comprehensive and focusedresearchprograms of fmite duration,andinvolving several
disciplines and many different institutions.It is indeed the antithesis of JARPA and
3.9. In sUIIJlliary,a closer look at the work of Gregor Mendel fully refutes
Professor Wal10e's suggestion that Mendel worked in the absence of a conceptual
framework. Similarly, in the example of acid rain, Professor Wal10edescribed a
program of research that differs from JARPA II in almost every important
characteristic.t is true that in science we sometimes collect large amounts of data to
7investigate hypotheses. However, this is properly undertaken within a conceptual
framework and it does not mean that collecting large amounts of data in itself- that
is, without the conceptualframework is science.
4.1. Professor Wal10e writes that "[t]oday powerful computer programs exist that
can be used for such 'exploratory data analysis', or 'data mining', as it is sometimes
called" (LW pg 7, para 1) and implies that this tums mere data collection into a
program for 'purposes of scientific research'.
4.2. Data mining has developed in recent years because of the advances in
computing technology and uses computer programs to seek patterns and relationships
in large volumes of data (Clifton 2010). The basic idea is that the computer programs
will scan large volumes of data, and thereby discover relationships within the data.
4.3. However 'data mining' can quicldy tum into 'data dredging', in which the
computer programs 'discover' misleading relationships in the data. The error occurs
because researchers do not form a hypothesis beforehand and thus search for
combinations of variables that might show sorne relationship. When many such
combinations are tested by statistical methods, sorne combinations will tum out to
show a relationship or trend purely by chance and researchers are mislead into
believing they have discovered a relevant hypothesis post hoc when none in fact
exists (Davey Smith and Ebrahim 2002). That is, a pattern rnight appear from the
data that does not actually reflect any real phenomenon. Exploratory data analyses
are·often called 'fishing trips' - i.e. one is fishing through the data hoping to fmd
something interesting.
4.4. Davey Smith and Ebrahim (2002, pg 1438) discuss data mining in human
epidemiology and note that after the fact it is generally easy to fmd a plausible
explanation for the observed relationship or trend in the data, even if it is not real.
Further, they note that standard statistical techniques are not very good at correcting
errors arrived at in this way. This shows the inherent risks in data mining and why it
is no way to run a program for 'purposes of scientific research'.
4.5. The foundational goals of statistics have not changed due to modem
computation. Rather, our ability to implement them has. Most exploratory data
analyses do not lead anywhere meaningful, and do not contribute to scientific
lmowledge or understanding. Since there is a tradition in science not to publish
non-results, it is diffi.cult to estimate the :frequency with which exploratory data
9analyses are successful. In my own experience, very few (if any) exploratory
analyses have yielded important insights. If scientists do not know how the data will
be analyzed, they are not ready to collect it.
4.6. Simon et al (1987, pg 47) in a volume on scientific discovery put it simply:
"[s]cientific discoveries seldom, if ever, emerge from random, trial-and-error search".
In the case of JARPA and JARPA ll one may also asie: at what point should the
exploration component of exploratory data analysis stop? JARPA II is indefmite in
duration; its exploratory data collection could go on for many more decades. I am not
aware of any scientific research bodies that would support the approach of exploration
lacking a conceptual fi:ameworkgoing on for decades.
Statistical Basis
5.1. With respect to setting sample size, Professor Wall0e writes that I am asking for
"an exact answer to the wrong question" (LW pg 8, para 2). However, he has not
identified either the right questionr how to obtain an answer to it - whether it be
approximate or exact. Increasing sample sizes in medical clinical trials, in which the
objective is to save lives, is fundamentally different than increasing sample size for
what Professor Wall0e describes as "precautionary" reasons in JARPA or JARPA TI.
5.2. Professor Wall0e appears to suggest that since criteria for setting sample size
are difficult to apply in practice, one can simply forego using them. I disagree - a
program for 'purposes of scientific research' requires transparency and clarity in
setting sample sizes. In this respect, Professor Wall0e appears to agree when he
writes "it must be admitted that the Japanese scientists have not always given
completely transparent and clear explanations of how sample sizes were calculated or
determined" (LW pg 10, para 2). I concur.
5.3. Professor Wal10eand I also agree about the selection of the ultimate sample size
when analysis suggests a variety of possible choices - "[t]he final decision about
sample size would then have to be the largest of the different sample sizes determined
for each hypothesis" (LW pg 9, para 2; Supplementary Expert Opinion
paras 3.15-3.18).
5.4. Professor Wal10ewrites that "Japan has chosen to cover part of the costs of its
whale research programmes by selling whale products on the commercial market. To
obtain sufficient income in this way, the yearly catch has to be of a certain magnitude"
(LW pg 9-10, carryover para). Professor Wall0e further states "on reading the
research proposais for JARPA and JARPA II submitted to the IWC Scientific
Committee, I often had the impression that sample sizes were also influenced by
funding considerations" (LW pg 10, para 2).
5.5. He in effect confirms that the setting ofsample sizes in JARPA and JARPA II is
driven by non-scientific considerations. Whether there is sufficient funding for a
11research program is not a scientific question but a matter of national priorities for the
country engaged inthe activity.
5.6. To my lmowledge, almost all of the other large-scale marine research programs
in the Southem Ocean are conducted without any income derived from the research.
These generally involve one ship (as in the US Antarctic program in which I am
involved) and on occasions two to three ships (e.g. IDCR/SOWER). There 'areno
programs that I am aware of that operate annually with as many vessels as JARPA or
JARPA II. The major reason for the scale of this fleet appears to be.that it is a lethal
program and requires a.factory ship and a major re-fuelling vessel. A non-lethal
program could operate at a significantly smaller scale. Thus, Professer Wall0e's
assertion that it would be impossible to carry out a major research program in the
Southem Ocean without income derived from ldlling animais is contradicted by other
research programs undertalŒnthere.
6.1. Professor Wall0e concludes: "As long as an activity is genuinely motivated by
an intent to conduct scientific research, other additional motivations, e.g. obtaining
sorne of the funding by selling products, may even be regarded as an advantage and
not as a counterargument" (LW pg 10, para 4). However, to follow Professor
Wall0e's own logic, one must reason that if a program lacks a conceptual framework,
clarity inhow sample sizes are collected, and bona fide peer-review, it is di:fficultto
conclude that it"is genuinely motivated by an intent to conduct scientific research".
Once more, the conclusion reached in both of my earlier reports remains unchanged
- although JARPA II is a program of data collection, it is not for 'purposes of
scientific research'.
Allen, G.E. 2003. 'Mendel and Modem Genetics: The Legacy for Today'.
Endeavour 27:63-68.
Clifton, C. 201O.EncyclopŒdiaBritannica: Definition of Data Mining
( 056150/data-mining).
Davey Smith, D., and Ebrahim. S. 2002. 'Data Dredging, Bias, Or Confounding'.
British Medical Journa/325:1437-1438.
Deichmann, U. 2010. 'Gemmules and Elements: On Darwin's and Mendel's
Concepts and Methods in Heredity'. Journal of General Philosophy of Science
Gliboff, S. 1999. 'Gregor Mendel and the Laws of Evolution'. History of Science
Mason, J. (ed) 1990a. Surface Water Acidification Programme. Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, UK.
Mason, J. 1990b. The rationale, design and management ofthe Surface Waters
Acidification Programme. In Mason (1990a) pp1-8.
Morris, R., and Reader, J. P. 1990. The effects of controlled chemical episodes on the
survival, sodium balance and respiration ofbrown trout. In Mason (1990a) pp357-68.
Muniz, I. P., and Wall0e, L. 1990. The influence ofwater quality and catchment
characteristicsn the survival offishpopulations.In Mason (1990a) pp327-39.
Orel, V. 1996. Gregor Mendel. The First Geneticist. Oxford University Press,
Oxford and New York.
Simon, H.A., Bradshaw, G.L., and lM. Zytkow. 1987. Scientific Discovery. The
MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
Valiela, I. 2001. Doing Science. Design, analysis, and communication of scientific
research. Oxford University Press, New York.
Statement of Mr. Marc Mangel (expert called by Australia) in response to the statement submitted by Mr. Lars Walløe (expert called by Japan)