3 September 1999
The HonorableEduardo Valencia?.Ospina
InternationalCourt ofJustice
251 7W The Hague
Dear Sir:
Thavethehonorto refer tothe observationsfiledwith theCowt on 36 August 1999by the
FederalRepublic ofN~geriaand the RepublicofCameroonconcerningtheApplication of theRepublic
ofEquatorialGuinea to intervenein the CaseConcerningthe Land and MantimeBoundan between
CameroonandNigeria(Cameroon v. Ni~eria).
EquatorialGuinea takesnote that neitherStatehas objectedin principltotheinterventionof
EquatorialGuinea. In these circumstances,EquatorialGuineahasnowish toburdenthe Courtwith
unnecessary oralargument. Accordmgly,if theP~es andthe Court wereto sharethe viewthat
EquatorialGuineashouldbe allowedto interveneas anon-party tothe caseforthesolepurpose of
tnformiag the Courtof EquatorialGuinea'sinterests,asset forthinitsApplicationof 30 June 1999,
andthatoralhearings to decidethisare notnecessary,Equatorial Guineawould behappytoconcur.
Butifthe Court wouldlike to bemoreinformedaboutEquatorial Guinea's position in ligofthe
observations ofthe Parties, orif, theexercise ofitsdiscretion, thCourt feelthat thereare
questionswhichsuggest thatEquatorial Guineashodd not interveneasrequested,thenEquatorial
Guineais of theview thatoralargument should beheld sotha hese questionscanbe addressed by the
Partiesand by Equatorial Guineabefore the Courtrules on itsApplication.
Please accept, Sir,the assuranceof my highest consideration.
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R~cardo Mangue ObamaN'Fube
Mnisterof State
InChargeof Labor and SocialSecurity
Agent for theRepublicofEquatorialGuinea
Letter from the Republic of Equatorial Guinea